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Blood on your hands

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:24 pm

Theo: In response to the challenge, i picked up my pace a bit, staying right next to her until we hit the beach. I skidded to a stop near her, rolling in the sand happily. I wasnt merely feeling neutral, at ease but not really happy nor sad as i often did. I was feeling actually happy for the first time in a long time. It was a nice feeling.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:12 pm

Amriah sighed and looked at the wolf. "Race you to the water." She said with a laugh and sprinted towards it. She took off her jacket and shirt to reval a black tank and she threw her pants over her back. She dove in and felt the ocean's cool embrass.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:08 pm

Theo: She startled me significantly when she spontaneously removed a significant portion of clothing and dove into the water. If i'd been human, i probably would have been blushing like mad and as it was, i felt like i should be looking away. But i followed sort of hesitantly and kind of just splashed around in the shallow water at the edge. I wasnt big on water and it didnt help that i actually couldn't swim particularly well...

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:51 pm

Can I join Alice?
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:18 pm


Amriah came up and looked at him. "Come on pup. Change into your human form. I will teach you how to swim if you want." She said with a laugh.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:38 pm

Theo: I let out a small whimper and shook my head, taking a few steps back towards shore. I had no desire to go any deeper into the water...... i often had nightmares of drowning, and was not eager to make them a reality, no matter what she was saying about teaching me to swim.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:04 am

((Actually I have a charrie that no one has interacted with, Aqua. Her info is on the first page. Also my other charrie Viper is in the woods for anyone's interaction needs))

Viper changed into his golden eagle form, since the mice right now were plentiful. After several attempts at catching one, he finally catches one and eats the mouse like a wild hawk. Viper had no problems with eating like a real animal and this was no exception. After he had caught several mice, Viper switched back to his dragon form, strong and quite beautiful. He was all black except for his now red eyes and only a few specks of red. The red seemed to breathe across Viper's reptilian scales. Viper lay to rest until his time of night came.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:24 pm

(I need to put another girl in.. she can talk to Viper if you want Smile )

Amriah shugged adn got out and changed back. "Well then." she said in a sarcastic tone. She winked and sat in the sand. She looked up at the moonlight then at her pale skin. It seemed to shimmer.

Name: Endilon
Age: 16
type of person: Mermaid
Weapon: Water (she can control it)
Looks: Blood on your hands - Page 3 Girl,green,hair-3a01cf03a2895f5a4211daf7c25671ce_m )

Endilon walked through the forest. She tightened her arms around herself and she looked around as if she was going to be jumped on. She sighed and shook her green hair. She didnt understand how people could be so cruel. She sighed and said under a tree. Her headrt fell slightly when she saw that no one was there.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:35 pm

(Rain is also just wandering now, if anyone wants to talk to her.)

Theo: I was relieved that she hadn't pushed the issue and padded over, laying down next to her, not too close but not too far either. I stared up at the sky, head resting on my front paws and just let myself relax, trying to abandon my typical state of anxiety.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:39 pm

(ummm idk who to talk to)
Name: Ryder
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Dhamphyr
Bio: He never knew his father who made him half vampire. His own mother won't even mention his name. (Will think of more later)
Weapon: His strength, knife weapons, or a cross bow
Looks:. Blood on your hands - Page 3 416
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:45 pm

(You cant talk to Rain! your charrie can Smile )

Amriah looked up at him. "You can change back into your human form now. It would make converstating more tangable." She said with a smile. Her eyes swepted over the ocean and she learned backonto her forarms. She had only been here once and she didnt remeber most of it. She was in pain after all the last time.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:19 pm

( 9.9 PFFFFFT. Technicalities. ;P)

Theo: I squirmed a little, more comfortable in my wolf form, but aquiesced and shifted back into my human form. "I suppose it does....." i said quietly, sitting up and pulling my knees against my chest, chin resting on my kneecaps as i stared out across the water. Not that i typically had much to say anyways, though...

Last edited by Ravyn on Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:53 am

Viper woke up, the fire from his dragon form coming out his nostrils. Just for the fun of it, Viper roared and then shifted to his human form. He walked around, hoping to find either game or someone to talk to. Finally he came across someone under a tree, obviously alone.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:18 am

(Doesn't matter who I talk to just someone walk up to him and start talking. And Eagle I love that song. <3)

Ryder walked out of his house. His mother was fast asleep from a long day at work. He knew she tried so hardto help him with his condition but he didnt want to keep craving blood. Sure he could sustain himself off regular food that humans eat but he knew that if he wants to be strong he willl have to make blood his diet. He just wasn't ready to become a a vampire. He liked being human and didn't want to change that. He went to a store to get his mother some food to eat when she woke up.
Karma =)
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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:12 pm

(( Smile Alrightie. Could you maybe come to the club? My charrie Aqua dances there and could get off shift after he comes in...))

Aqua sighed, but kept her smiling face as she danced in front of everyone. As usual, she was with other girls and had to use the stupid pole. Pole dancing, real attractive. She wore black tank top with a short skirt, the attire for the job. Aqua really wanted to quit, but she had to earn money somehow.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:44 pm

Endilon looked up and saw a man watching her. Her eyebrow raied and she wanted to hide sligthly. She stood up casiously and tilt her head. "What?" She finally said her voice leaking with venom.

Amriah looked at him and smiled slightly. "I could draw you if you would like." She said with a smile. She loved to draw. She could see things in people that no one else could. She noticed how stright his jaw was and she wanted to draw him.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:58 pm

Viper detected her emotions vaguely and smiled slightly. "Why are you in the woods? It's a dangerous place out here." His eyes flickered a moment from the confidence to the raw and innocent boy he had been before.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:03 pm

Endilion looked at him and tilted her head the other way. "Because this is the only place were I can think. Why are you here?" She asked. She took a step back but then a step forward.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:11 pm

Viper sighed. "Because I don't like society nowadays and it's good for thinking...well now that I'm talking I broke the silence..." He turned his head toward the thicker trees, hearing with his dragon ears some animals running around. He ran a hand across the top of his black hair, some of it coming in front of his icy blue eyes.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:16 pm

Endilon looked at him and smiled slightly. She stepped up alittle closer and looked into his icy eyes. "Your eyes are nice." She said with a smile. "My eyes are like the sea. They change color from icy blue like yours to a deep sea green like my many green colored hair." She said with a small laugh.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:52 pm

Viper blinked, not used to taking compliments. "Thanks..." He noticed she wasn't scared of him and noticed the 'sea' part. "You're not human." Viper suddenly realized what she might be. He wasn't that great at figuring out others' species, but this one was obvious. "You're a mermaid...aren't you..?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:38 pm

Endilion smiled and nodded. "Yes! How did you figure it out?" She asked with a smile. She took another step closer and saw how his black hair mixed with his icy blue eyes. She found him very nice looking and she looked down and yelled at herself.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:19 pm

Theo: I blinked, sort of surprised at the offer. "Oh? Uhm... sure, if you want to.... i dont mind...." i said. I didnt think i'd make much of a good model or anything, but if she wanted to try i wouldnt stop her.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:18 pm

Amriah smiled and stood. "Be right back." She took off into the woods and didnt return for antoher 10 minutes. She sprinted to her hiding spot and grabbed her sketch pad and her pencil. She smiled and sprinted back.

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Blood on your hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:17 am

Alice wrote:Endilion smiled and nodded. "Yes! How did you figure it out?" She asked with a smile. She took another step closer and saw how his black hair mixed with his icy blue eyes. She found him very nice looking and she looked down and yelled at herself.

Viper grinned slightly. "Well for one thing, your eyes really are like the sea and the green hair goes along with that." He started to feel something he hadn't felt in...maybe he hadn't felt it before. Happiness. "I don't believe I know your name lovely."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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