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Everybody Needs a Little Love

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:46 am


Stupid, stupid boys! "Of course id take insult to it," I say. Speak slowly for those of lesser brain function... "They may suck with encouraging individualism in me and keeping their noses out of everything, but they're still my parents. And you did exactly what every other person does, as you pointed out. Lovely job."

I turn, walk away. The hell was the point of being on a dancefloor if you weren't going to dance? Just get pushed around by sweaty people? Hardly enjoyable...

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:08 am


I watched her, keeping my mouth shut as I did so. I didn’t want to say anything else that would get her even angrier and more irritated. I really did screw up big time with Alicia. I barely even danced with her and now she looks like she’s ready slap me. Another thing I guess my dad was right about was me being a big screw up.

I noticed her walking away and frowned, following behind her.

“Listen Alicia, I’m sorry. I’m one of those idiots who are blunt, honest and doesn’t have filter for their mouth. I say whatever pops into my mind. I can be rude at times and I’m a major screw up, but please forgive me. I really want to get to know you,” I said, still following her.

All I could really think about was how much of an idiot I was to even say half the things I ever said.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:44 am


"Apology is unneeded, I'm used to it." Seems a gross amount of people had the same problem. "If its such a problem, maybe you should work on fixing it instead of simply living with it and calling yourself an idiot screw up." I wasn't about to agree with him about it. I disliked being hypocritical.

I glance at my watch. Forty two minutes left. I turn, taking an even and calming breath. "I came for an hour of fun from the usual. Ive learned get over first slip ups..." I mutter. If I hadn't, you would have a red handprint on your cheek... "So instead of blabbering a stupid apology when you meant the words to be true, how about you take the chance to show you're different from my stereotype as well?"

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:15 pm


I raised an eyebrow as I listened to her to talk, having a feeling that I had probably met my match, which I kind of liked. Alicia could’ve said whatever to my apology instead of saying all of what she did, but she didn’t and I found her interesting because of that. I also found her interesting because of the way she seemed to be the complete opposite of her parents. If they were day, I could already tell that she was night.

The only thing that made me upset out of everything was the way she basically told me to get a filter for my mouth. It really wasn’t as easy as she made it seem, but rather it was something that was difficult. Anyway, I kind of liked my honesty since there weren’t many people in this world who were completely honest. Although my mouth did get me in trouble a lot...

Maybe I would listen to her and try to keep my mouth shut more often.

“Alright then, do you want to try dancing again? Because I honestly would like to show you I’m different,” I said, kind of thankful that she was giving me another chance.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:02 pm


I watch him as I speak, paying attention to his reactions. He thought about everything in depth, it seemed, keeping a good space between me ending and him saying something in return.

I bite my lip but put on a small smile. "Sure."

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:24 pm


I watched her as I waited for her response and smiled when she answered. I held out my hand, offering it to her. “I would say you have a nice smile, but I’m sure you’ve heard that before and I’m trying to prove to you that I’m not stereotypical or like anyone else. I would also say you have beautiful eyes, but it’s the same thing,” I said while waiting for her to take my hand.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:38 pm


"Compliments aren't in my stereotype," I tell him, gracefully offering my hand to walk back to the dancefloor in a move provided by the years of actual dance lessons. I wasn't going to show off though; I'd just sway like everyone else and just have fun, no mind for official things.
"Thank you. You're not half bad yourself," I tease with a sly smile, a bit of the earlier flirtatiousness coming back.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:12 pm


I smiled. "Good to know," I said, leading her to the , kind of happy the I could compliment her. Once we were on the dance floor, I started dancing and watching her. "You're welcome. So, why don't you tell me something about yourself."

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:50 pm


I dance with him, thinking of what to say. "I..." ooph, too much. "...know German and Italian. Ballet, piano, clarinet, cello...I love art; ive had three art shows of my work...and I have a cat named Puppy," I end with something...somewhat normal, trying not to sound braggy because they were just facts about me. I was neither proud nor hating of the facts...except perhaps the art shows. I very much enjoyed those.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:13 pm


“You are quite accomplished,” I said. I smiled, finding what she told me interesting. She was an artist, a dancer, a musician and knew two languages. This girl really was well accomplished and I had to admit that I liked that. At the very last part she said, my smile widened and I had to try hard not to laugh. Just the thought of a cat name puppy was interesting and kind of funny.

“I find everything you just told me interesting and I do want to talk about those things. But a cat named Puppy? Please explain that to me.”

My eyes stayed locked on her as we danced and I waited for her to tell me why she named a cat ‘puppy’.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:27 pm


I had to say...he talked sort of robotically... Yeah, he said the right things, but that was the point. It was almost too right. Like a programmed response, but with some emotion behind it. It was weird. Always 'that was interesting' and detectivly seeing into my thoughts...sort of freakishly...

"Just a place I could show my quirkiness," I tell him with a sheepish smile. Silly thoughts. I probably wasn't used to a guy acting normal compared to Rome.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:54 pm


I watched her as I waited for her reply, wondering why a girl as accomplished as her gave me a second chance. She had so many things going for her and I didn’t really have anything going for me. Really, it was stupid that I was even thinking like that, but she made me wonder why. And normally, I really did not like thinking about those things since they led to thoughts of when I was younger. When she answered, I pushed my thoughts aside and remembered that I wanted to prove to her that I was different, not to mention I wanted to have fun and not think for a while.

“Mm, I see. That is quite an interesting reason,” I said with a smile. “Please tell me more about your art and what kind of things you create.”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:41 pm


I smile more, relax as was the original goal. "I like sculpting, pottery, charcoal...anything to get my hands dirty," I say, going along dancing, perhaps getting a step or two closer. From the corner of my eye I check my watch. Half hour.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:26 pm


I noticed her start to relax and felt my smile grow a little. So far was so good on not screwing up and being a complete idiot. I was starting to relax a little more too “Cool, what type of things do you like to sculpt when you sculpt?” I asked her, continuing to dance and getting a couple steps closer to her.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:33 pm


Talking about my art always made me embarrassed. Like my words couldn't do anything justice and it would fall sort of what it really looked like. "People mostly. Faces...busts...bodies...nudes..." I get sultry again, despite myself, turning with my back against his chest. "Why is my life the only interesting one around here? What about you...?"

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:50 pm


I smiled, my eyes watching Alicia’s every move. I was slightly surprised when she told me what she sculpted. It really wasn’t the things she sculpted that surprised me, but rather the way she worded it. This girl just kept getting more and more interesting as the time passed, making me more interested in her.

“Let me see, I graduated high school when I was sixteen, even though I took two years of Spanish, I barely remember a word of it, I love words which has lead me to love reading and writing, I like drawing although I’m not very good at it and even though I’m twenty I have no idea what I want to do with my although I’ve always wanted to change the word or help someone,” I said near her ear, my hands moving to rest lightly on her waist.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:17 am


"Very noble goals," I comment at the last part. "How did you graduate at sixteen?" Not knowing what you wanted to do was alright. I didn't know, and I was just a year behind him. Nothing wrong at all.

My hands glide over his as I lean against him, my eyes closed to just enjoy the music and the company.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:04 pm


I smiled. “I suppose they are kind of noble goals, but I highly doubt I’ll do anything to actually change the world or help someone, even though I want to,” I said. Hopefully she wouldn’t ask for an explanation as to why I was doubtful of it, but if she did, I would tell her the truth instead of avoiding it like I might usually.

“I took extra classes so I could graduate early. Needless to say, I did more studying than partying when I was a teenager although I still did get in quite a bit of partying.”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:55 pm


I silently laugh, glancing back at him from the corner of my eye. "I'm sure you can. Just gotta keep your mind on task and stay determined. None of this glass-half-empty talk..." I didn't like negative people. They were always saying 'no' or 'can't' or 'impossible'. For me, the world was at my fingertips. I just needed to find my direction and go.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:12 pm


I smiled when she talked, loving the words that came out of her mouth. Alicia was the first positive person I had been around in a long, long time and I liked it, especially after having been put down so much when I was a kid. My smile widened slightly as I watched her.

“You know, it’s quite pleasant to hear such a positive thing coming from someone nowadays. I take it you’re a ‘the glass is half full’ kind of girl, Alicia?”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:48 pm


"Mhmm," I hum with a nod, and then notice my full name. "Call me Ally. Everyone else does." I lapse into silence for a moment. "Yeah. I like being positive." What else to say? My mind was blank; I was just enjoying the music.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:06 pm


“Alright, I’ll make sure to call you Ally from now on,” I said. I closed my eyes, enjoying the music and Ally’s company. “It is good to be positive, especially since not many people are positive nowadays.” My eyes opened again and I looked at Ally, watching her with a hint of a smile on my face. She was different than what I originally thought, a lot different.

“What type of music do you like listening to, Ally?”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:07 pm


I smile lightly. "Anything really, except country," I answer. "Through my music lessons I've learned to appreciate classical, jazz, instrumentals... And I like rock, pop, rap, reggae, foreign...blahblahblah on my own." I could feel him looking at me, almost. Always studying my every move, looking into my thoughts...

I open my eyes, but I look at my watch. Fifteen...And I still needed to drive home. My mind comes back to me at the reminder, and I look over my shoulder again at Elm. "Sorry. I've...gotta go stay on schedule." I smile, but I can feel its fakeness.

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:18 pm


I listened as she listed the different types of music she liked, perking up some when she said classical and rock. It was refreshing to hear that a girl actually liked classical music and jazz and not just pop. I found myself smiling over the fact that she liked those types of music plus so many others. Ally wasn’t picky when it came to music like a lot of girls were which was nice.

When she said she had to be leaving, I kept a smile on my face although I truly wanted to frown, and moved my hands off her waist. I had been having a good time with her and I kind of wanted to see her again. But I had a sneaking suspicion that I probably wouldn’t end up seeing her again.

“Is there any possible way I could see you again, Ally?”

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Everybody Needs a Little Love - Page 2 Empty Re: Everybody Needs a Little Love

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:35 pm


...Eh, why not? He was fun, a good dose of normal - which I needed badly. Parents would have a hint of being impressed that he graduated so early if they were to meet him...

My hands snake back, finding his phone in his pocket. I smile slyly before pulling it out, quickly programming my number and giving myself a call so I would have his. I turn around, offering his phone back. "Anytime. So long as I have free time," I add the last part quickly. Didn't want to get his hopes up needlessly.

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