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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 5 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:50 pm

Lilith didn't even stir as Jarred laid her down on his bed. Her sleep was dreamless, something that she hadn't had in such a long time. She felt safe with Jarred, safe enough to let her ever present guard down.

James held perfectly still, not wanting to wake her. She seemed to be clinging to him for her life. His wound from Lilith pulled and tugged, but he ignored it, Kylia having more importance to him.

Skylur hung up and turned to Cass with a small smile on her lips. "Jarred's on his way. He'll be here soon." She made her way back over to the bed, her eyes scanning his. "How are you feeling?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 5 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:00 pm

Kylia slept fairly sound, though she did toss and cry every once in a while, mourning Lorrick even in her dreams. She woke a few hours later, though refused to open her eyes and just hid her face in his chest.

Cass smiled. "I'll be alright," he said with a nod. It wasn't long until Jarred had arrived and gotten them out of the hospital. He took them home, going in through Skylur's window where he sat Cass on the bed. He then looked at Skylur, his brow furrowed, the sorrow he felt radiating off of him. "Skylur. .. . Father is. . ..he's been taken by the GWC.. ...we are not allowed to see him ever again...and should we see him....we must run.. . "


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