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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:07 pm

Jarred gave a small nod. "My room is down the hall and on the left....I'd prefer if you went there...rather than leaving the house...." He said as his fingers curled around her hand and brought her close. "It...doesn't...sit well...with me when you're away from me very far..." He lead her to the kitchen where Kylia was sitting, brushing back tears.
"I know it's not much of a breakfast, James, but I doubt I could eat anything," she muttered in answer to his comment, after relaxing when he said that Jarred had come back with Lilith.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:56 am

James nodded in understanding, his eyes going to Lilith when she and Jarred entered the kitchen. She was staring at him. The look in her eye wasn't what he thought it'd be...Instead of just hatred, there was a loss that hurt even his own heart. And he was the one who put it there. He didn't say anything to her, knowing that it would only make things worse.

Lilith followed Jarred into the kitchen, but she didn't move any further than the doorway. She wanted to turn on her heel and go the other way, to get away from this man that helped cause her sister's death....But she couldn't do that to Jarred. There was no way she could. Instead, she stood there, trying her best not to leap at James with a knife again.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:32 am

Jarred looked at his mother, brow furrowing. She was leaking. Leaking was never good. He wasn't sure what to do, if it was his place to ask or not. He instinctively pulled Lilith close, wrapping his arm and wing around her as if that would some how ground him, help him understand. "Is everything ok? Did I scare you mother?"

Kylia sipped her coffee then looked to Jarred and gave a soft smile. " didn't scare me honey." She looked down at her coffee and bit her lip which was quivering now. "The angel that you killed....also tried to kill your father...and almost did....but I had James take him to the GWC so they could fix him..." Tears now streaked down her face, her head bowing. "I....I couldn't stand to watch him die..." She broke down for a moment, running a hand through her hair, trying to keep herself together for Jarred. "He most likely will never come back, Jarred...and if he does...I want you to run...with Skylur..and I want you to run as far as possible..." She sniffled and looked up at him with pained eyes. "He won't be the same man you knew..and he won't hesitate to hurt you or your sister..."

Jarred froze, listening to all this. His mind raced as he tried to sort out his feelings. Confusion, anger, sorrow, hurt. For a normal person, these would have come in waves that would have been somewhat easier to handle because they have better control. For Jarred, on the other hand, the emotions were swelling to the point of barely functioning. His grip tightened on Lilith and his body swayed just slightly.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:35 am

Lilith forgot her inner quarrels immediately upon hearing what Kylia had to say. She looked up at Jarred, worry in her eyes. When he started to sway, she wrapped one arm around his waist, and placed her other hand on his chest. She knew what it was like to lose a parent....But to have your own father try to hurt you? She couldn't fathom it. "Sit down, Jarred," she murmured, afraid he was going to fall from the shock.

James made his way over to Kylia and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. He wanted her to know that he was there for her....There was no way that he was going to leave her like Lorrick kept seeming to do. He cursed himself right when the thought crossed his mind. Every time Lorrick left, he was protecting his wasn't his fault..... But the main part was still there. James would be there for Kylia and her children for as long as they needed him.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:21 pm

Jarred sat down in a chair that was closest to him, keeping hold of Lilith as if she was his life line. His face was a mixture of all his feelings at once as he brought Lilith closer and very gently laid his head on her stomach like he was cuddling a teddy bear. It's what he would do if Skylur was there when he was over whelmed. His breathing was quick and he wasn't exactly sure what to make of it, and as he sat there, a single tear made its way from the corner of his usually dry eyes, and down his cheek.

Kylia put a hand over James' as she tried to not start crying again. But seeing her son so broken, she couldn't help the tears that fell. It was like seeing a mirror of her own pain, though she felt that perhaps hers would be on a different, almost higher scale.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:52 pm

Lilith placed her hands on either side of his face and bent slowly to kiss his head. She said nothing, for there was nothing that could be said. No "it'll be arlight" or "it will all work out" could make this disappear. Instead, she ran her fingers through Jarred's hair, letting him know that she was there.

(When sha'll Cass and Skylur get home?)

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:47 pm

(They should probably be good to go by the next morning)

Jarred held tightly to Lilith, taking care to make sure he didn't hurt her. His face was blank for the most part, only showing emotions when he talked to Lilith so as to not scare her, but even then he didn't talk much. In the hours that passed, he went through all the emotions separately so he could figure them out, keeping to his room where his mother couldn't see him.

Kylia went back outside to Rachel's head stone once she had finished her coffee. She couldn't stand to be inside. Being outside, left her more exposed, but also made her feel as though she had more room to think and was able to keep herself relatively under control.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:14 am

Lilith laid on Jarred's bed on her side, her resting on her arm. She watched as he silently and stotically tried to assess what it was he was feeling. The hours passed, leaving her more and more worried. "You should probably try and sleep," she murmured softly, not even sure if he would be able to hear her.

James followed Kylia, his face void of feeling. She didn't need his own sorrow and confusion stacked up on her own. So instead, he stood there by her side, ready to do anything that she needed or wanted.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:23 am

Kylia's frame started to shake slightly as the tears came rushing back, unable to hold them much longer. "James?" She asked through her tear filled voice. "H-hold me and tell me it's going to be ok?....Tell me there's nothing to be scared of..." She hated how her worst fear, was the thing she loved most. Her husband.

Jarred blinked, sitting on the edge of his bed with his back to Lilith. He looked at her, his face still holding a bit of pain from the last feeling he'd been working on sorting out. Sorrow. He swallowed and gave a small nod as he laid down next to her, gently pulling her into his arms without thought and covering them with his wing. He was still very confused, but he did his best to push those emotions aside and focus on only her, and the emotions she made him feel. "I'm sorry..." he said softly.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:22 am

James watched her silently for a moment, processing what she had asked of him. Giving a small nod, he sat down next to her and pulled her into his arms, placing his chin on top of her head. "You know I can't tell you that," he whispered softly. He ran his hands slowly up and down her arms, wanting to get her calm enough so that she could think straightly.

Lilith curled up into his side, her head on his shoulder. "'There's no reason for you to be sorry," she murmured, looking up at him. "No reason at all. HOnestly, if I were you, I'd be in way worse condition." She kissed his jaw bone and held him tighter. "What are you thinking?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:09 pm

"I-I know...." Kylia turned so she could bury her face in James' chest and just clung to him as she let herself come crashing down, everything seeming to hit her at the same time. She'd been prepping herself for this day, but nothing would ever have prepared her for the real thing. She cried until she'd fallen asleep, clinging to him, her body still shaking with tears.

Jarred sighed and closed his eyes when she kissed him, letting the feeling of the touch make the other feelings go away. "..I feel...confused....and hurt.... ...and fear...much fear..." He murmured as his arms tightened around her.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:47 pm

The way she broke down, the way she completely let go, destroyed James. Unable to hold back any longer, he held her tightly to him. When she fell asleep, he slowly and carefully lifted her into his arm. Snapping out his wings, he lifted into the air and went through her window, landing lightly and soundlessly on her bedroom floor. He tried not to look around too much; Kylia and Lorrick's life together was everywhere. He made his way to their bed and set her down soflty.

Lily nodded slightly and rested her arm on his chest. "I wish I could tell you things will work out...." she murmured. "I'm not so sure if they will though..."

Skylur woke up suddenly, the little bit of sunlight from the early morning shinning through the window.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:59 am

Cass was up when Skylur woke, looking a lot better than he had. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asked with a bit of a smile.

Jarred gave a small nod, pulling her up so she was laying on his chest for the convenience of seeing her face, making sure that he was being as gentle as possible so he didn't hurt her. "I...don't like the idea of hurting or even killing my father should he try to hurt us...."

Kylia clung to James, waking up as soon as he set her down. She glanced around, then shook her head. She made him take her to the guest room and refused to let him go so he had to lay with her. Her face was tear stained and hallow, but she said nothing. She just clung to him, hoping somehow he'd be her life preserver.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:49 am

Skylur shrugged, giving him a soft kiss. "Better," she murmured, stiffling a yawn. "What about you?" Even as she asked him this, she looked up at the clock. THe nurse should be coming n soon to let them leave. They said they'd be able to today. And something wasn't right at home....she could feel it, deep down in her stomach. something was terribly wrong.

Lilith nodded, understanding completely. When Mathew had turned into the monster that he is now....She couldn't bring herself to hurt him. She still loved the devoted, caring Mathew that he used to be. But now, she saw that he wasn't Mathew anymore. That guy was dead. A new one merely took his place. She tried to find the words to tell Jarred this. "Jarred...If your mother's right--and I hope to God that she's not--then your father isn't coming back....his body might, but....his soul won't." She looked up at him, hoping she didn't offend him.

James was surprised when she brought him into the bed with her. He was stiff as he laid down, too uncomfortable to really move. But as she just clung to him, seeming to never want to let go, he moved his arms around her and held her close to his chest. Again, he said nothing, finding it pointless to try and make the situation better. Nothing would make this easier for her. She was going to have to come to that point on her own.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:25 pm

Cass kissed her back and sighed. "Been better," he admitted with a small smile. "Think the old bat is going to let me out today?" He asked, talking about the nurse.

Jarred's eyes tightened, confusion filling his face. What was a soul? He didn't voice his question though, instead just cuddling her, attempting to just make everything feel better. "...if mother makes us move.....will you come with me?" He asked quietly, changing the subject.

It wasn't long until Kylia's sobs had subsided and she just clung to James. "I-I knew this was going to happen one day..." she whispered, her voice weak.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:35 pm

Skylur focused all of her attention on Cass, a smal smile playing at the edge of her lips. "Let's hope so." She made a face. "I hate seeing you hooked up to so many tubes." Just then the nurse walked in and shooed Sky off the bed. She checked a few things on Cass before writing on her tablet. "You're ready to leave today but you're going to have to come back to get those stitches out." She pointed at Sky. "You too." After taking the awful tubes out from Cass's arms and wrists, she left to allow them to get ready.

Lilith laid there for a moment, not saying anything. "I have no where else to go," she murmured. "Going with you is all I have left." She slowly start to kiss his jaw bone, trailing her lips to his. "I'll only go if you want me to though," she whispered, giving him a soft kiss before pulling back enough to look into his eyes.

James winced slightly at the pain that went through is stomach, the stitches pulling. He didn't push her away though. There was no way that he would do that to her. "Did you think of what you would do once it did happen...?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:31 pm

Jarred blinked, eyes slightly wide at the kisses. They made wild fires run across his skin, though the burn didn't hurt. He swallowed and took a deep breath, trying to understand what the sensation was while also trying to focus on what Lilith had said, which was hard as he kissed her back. His eyes searched hers as if he'd find understanding there. "I want you to be with me always," he said quietly.

Cass sat up with a groan and rubbed the now bandaged areas where the IV and things were. "Well, I guess that answered my question," he said with a bit of a chuckle, pushing back the pain that the movement caused. "How do you suppose we're going to get home?"

Kylia adjusted herself so she was on her side and facing him, trying to not hurt him. She took a deep breath before she buried her face in his chest. "I....I figured...I'd just die alone....protect my children..." Her voice was quiet, holding the sorrow of the thought. She wasn't one to deal with being alone very well. "I mean...I'm old," she gave the slightest laugh. "I'm in my thirties and I have angelic children...trying to find someone else to provide would be dangerous..."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:29 pm

Lily smiled softly as she kissed him once more on the cheek before resting her head on his shoulder again. She wanted to keep his mind off his father, to see saddness taken away from him, but she had no idea on how to go about doing that. "What was it like when you 'had no emotions?" she wondered, looking up at him.

SKylur hurried over to him when she saw the pain flash across his face. "Uhm....I could call Jarred. See if he'll pick us up?" Her hands fluttered uselessly around him. She wanted so badly to help him, but she couldn't take away pain like she could emotions.

James gave a soft laugh when she said she was old. "For one, thirty is not old." He thought for a moment. Angels didn't age like humans. Yeah, they did age, but it was a slower process. When he turned 80, he'd only look about 40. He mentally shook himself, not wanting to think about that. "I do get what you're saying, but Kylia..." He pulled away from her slightly so that he'd be able to look at her closely. "You're not alone. I will protect you and your children. From anything and everything." He didn't find the need to mention that that included Lorrick himself.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:51 pm

Jarred thought for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I was...a shell. Every thought was...based on logic. Everything was...confusing to me, I couldn't understand why people touched lips, or why Skylur would cry or giggle at me. When people were angry, it never bothered me. I'd apologize, but that was all I was able to offer in retaliation." His eyes fell from the ceiling to her, searching her face.

Kylia looked up at him, her eyes searching his face. She thought for a moment, then gave a small, grateful nod. "I'm still old," she muttered, going back to cuddling against him as best she could without hurting him, attempting to make everything to away.

Cass looked at her and gave a small smile, taking her hand in the one that wasn't holding himself up. "That would probably be a good idea," he said with a slight chuckle, again feeling the pain that made his eyes tighten, though he did his best to keep her calm.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:40 pm

Lilith nodded, unable to think of anything else to say. The guy just lost his father.....what else was there to say? "Would you mind if I borrowed a shirt or something? I need a shower..."

James held her close to him, ignoring the pain that it brought. "You are strong," he murmured into her hair. "You will make it through this."

Skylur kissed his hand before pulling out her cel phone and dialing Jarred's number. She saw the pain that Cass was trying to hold back and her stomach tightened. She hated eeing him like this. And it was her fault.

sorry for the crappy replies.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:47 pm

Kylia wasn't sure she was that strong, but she didn't argue. She gave a small nod and closed her eyes, grateful to at least have him with her. "Do you think he's alright?" she asked softly.

Jarred gave a small nod and sat up with her. "They're in the dresser, third drawer." He blinked and looked over at his phone and quickly answered. "Skylur? Is everything alright?"


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:36 am

James didn't answer for a long while. He didn't want to scare her, but he didn't want to lie to her either. Finally, he took a deep breath and answered in the best way that he could. "I think that the Lorrick you knew would be fighting his way out of there. I think that he would be trying his damnest to get here back to you, no matter what he leaves lying in his path. He would be miserable there, unable to stand all the things that he would be seeing. But the new Lorrick....the Lorrick that they've made him..." James closed his eyes, picturing all the things that he's seen in the GWC. The only reason why he wasn't changed himself was because he was the perfect killing machine as he was. Or so they thought at least. "The new Lorrick is living in the lap of luxury. He's laughing with the guards, messing around with the scientist. He's probably enjoying the things that they're showing him....THe new Lorrick is someone completely different."

Lily nodded her thanks and went to go get the shirt. When she had it, she walked across the hallway and into the bathroom. When the warm water began to cascade down her sore and broken body, she let out a long sigh. Her muscles began to relax and her wounds seemed to hurt just a tad bit less. The dirt from her hair and skin washed down the drain, turing the water black until she was finally clean enough that it was clear. She rested her head against the wall of the shower, letting the water run over her face. She wanted to erase everything like the water was erasing the dirt. Unfortunately, she knew that once she stepped out of the water, the dirt would only come back in a matter of time, just like her memories.

Skylur nodded. "Yeah we're fine. We do have a slight problem though." She walked away from the bed as she talked to her brother, her arm lying across her stomach, carful not to brush against her stitches. "There's no taxis in this town. We kinda need a ride back to the house. Would you mind coming to pick us up?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:31 am

Kylia's eyes tightened, her heart breaking at the thought. She hid her face so he wouldn't see the tears that sprang to her eyes, and swallowed hard in an attempt to steady her voice. "A-at least he's alright," she murmured, trying to comfort herself with that thought. "D-don't leave me James," she said after a long moment, her fingers wrapped tightly around his shirt. "Don't ever leave me.."

"Of course not," Jarred muttered into the phone and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll be there in a few minutes." He then hung up and went to the bathroom, knocking on the door before opening it just a crack. "Lily, I have to go get my sister. I'll be right back. Mother and James are still here if you need anything."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:17 am

Lily would have answered if she hadn't fallen asleep on the floor of the shower. She was curled up into a ball, her knees to her chest. Images of her sister flashed through her mind, angering her even in unconciousness.

James didn't say anything to this. Sooner or later he was going to have to leave them. This wasn't his family, he was merely protecting them for the time being. It might be days, months or years before he left, but it was going to have to happen sometime. Instead, he held Kylia tighter, willing her hurt away.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two - Page 4 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:29 am

Jarred shifted slightly and frowned, not liking that he didn't get a response. He opened the door just a bit and poked his head in, careful to make sure to advert his eyes, just in case. "Lily?" He asked, his eyes on the shower curtain, not seeing her form in there. His frown deepened and he opened the curtain to find her on the floor. He sighed, blushing slightly and quickly got a towel and turned off the water. He then wrapped her in it and carried her over and tucked her into his bed in the towel and left a note for her. He then left and made his way to get Skylur.

Kylia eventually cried her self to sleep again, refusing to let go of James. Even the slightest movement from him caused her to cling to him just a bit tighter. At one point in her sleep, she'd even hooked her legs around his lower leg. She was not going to let him leave.


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