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Blood Mansion (billion.0)

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:31 pm


With my head buried deep in my pillow and my limbs tangled in my mess of blankets, I muttered curses under my breath. I'd been having a decent dream, or at least I thought I had been, when I was jolted awake by some unknown cause. After a moment of stubbornly refusing to move, I raised my head and blearily glanced around in at what little bit I could see without moving from my very comfortable position.

When I found nothing, I actually took the same to take stock of my surroundings a bit closer and smelled blood. A bit of the sleepiness fled out of my body then and I shifted so that I was laying with my back braced against my head board. A small yawn later and I had located where Thea was sat, the before mentioned item in her hands.

"Why are you here?" I muttered, blinking to make sure I hadn't imagined it.

She was never early. Never.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:37 pm

"You told me to be here when you woke up with blood.... I'm here. Sorry if I woke you, I tried to be as quiet as possible." She stood from the ground and walked over to him before placing the thermos on his bed side table. "I didn't know how long it would take for you to wake, so I grabbed a thermos. Hope that's alright with you, figured you would prefer something warm rather than something in a cup." She took a seat on the edge of his bed and stopped talking so he could say something. How could someone so horrible be so.... adorable when they wake up?


Alice woke earlier than she wanted to, and she was bored. She groaned with a soft huff and looked around her room for something she could do until her nightly blood arrived. Nothing really stood out to her, so she got herself out of bed and walked down the halls to Kanes room, letting herself in. He was unsurprisingly still asleep. She stood at the doorway for a few moments before deciding to walk across the room and crawl into the bed with him.

A few hours after Thea left, Nicholas was finally ready to face the night. He rolled out of bed, showered, changed and warmed up a glass of blood all before even daring to go visit cam. He wanted to take any precautions he could when it came to her, despite the fact that she still might be his friend. So, he showered and changed to try and minimalism his sent, and brought a fresh meal for her, something that wasnt him.
"Cami?" he knocked her door gently.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:53 pm


I yawned, casting off what sleepiness remained and focused more closely on her. Pushing away the immediately suspicious feeling that formed at how... considerate she was being, I glanced between her and the thermos for a moment. Personally, I prefer blood from the person, but at the same time if I was going to have fun with my toy for awhile, I should probably just take the thermos and let her blood stay in her body for now.

"You acting like this just feels wrong," I grumbled, reaching to take the thermos. "I usually wake up pissed and thirsty, not with a cup of blood."


As I usually do when I wake up without the annoying buzz of my alarm clock, I had a moment of panic. Scrambling out from the warmth of my blankets, I located my alarm clock, only relaxing when I realized the time was a few minutes before it would go off. Shifting so that I could turn it off since I was awake, I grumbled under my breath as that sent my cover tumbling off of my shoulders, exposing the bare skin to the air outside of my nice little warm area.

It wasn't until that moment that I realized I wasn't alone. Turning in the other direction, I simply stared at where Alice was laying in my bed. Slowly, I could feel heat flooding my cheeks.

"You're... in my bed."

I'd have to say, this was probably the first time I'd woken up with a pretty girl in my bed and no clue of how she got there.


When Nick's voice startled me awake, I swore under my breath for a moment. Despite having slept like the dead throughout the entire night- ha, dead, funny right?- I still felt like sleeping for a few more hours.

Well, I wasn't a slave anymore. If I wanted to go back to sleep, I suppose I could. Slipping out from under my covers, I attempted to push my burning thirst to the back of my mind- unsuccessfully, as I slid into my slippers I'd pulled out of my bags before sleeping and perched on the edge of my bed. I then quickly ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to make it lay down and gave myself a once over, adjusting my clothing as need be.

The night before I'd gotten out of bed and searched my bags for the first set of pajamas I could find. Which meant I ended up in a pair of baggy, black and gray plaid sweat pants and a slightly loose fitting black tank-top. A strange conversation, but it'd been good enough for my sleepy self. Making sure that the tank-top was pulled completely down and the straps of it were completely up, I decided that it would have to do. I wouldn't make him wait for me to change my clothes, and it'd probably be a bad idea to wait that long to get blood.

"You can come in."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:45 am

“Well, I guess maybe I am just trying to change my act.” She shrugged at him and folded her feet under her body as she sat alongside him. “Unless you would rather wake up pissed and hungry… I mean, I could arrange that.” A small smirk pulled at her lips.

“So, what’s on the schedule today?” She asked, looking at him with a small head tilt. “And how was your day yesterday? Sleep well?” She couldn’t help but smirk at him.

“Evening And yes, I am in your bed.” She smiled at him at sat up on his bed, dangling her feet off the edge of his bed and looking over him when his cover fell away. “You are an… interesting sleeper.” She smiled at him and folded her hands in her lap.

“How did you sleep? I woke up earlier so I figured I would stop by… but then I didn’t want to wake you. I’m hungry.”

He walked in and brought the glass over to her. “Evening. You look uh… comfy. I don’t think I’ve ever really seen you in pjs before. Anyway, breakfast?” He held the glass over to her and smiled, just glad that she was still here. Part of him felt like she was just going to leave again, even though he knew she couldn’t during the day.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:41 pm


For a split second I felt slightly self-conscious, a feeling that was foreign to me. The urge to run my fingers through my hair to make sure it was laying down and not a sleep strewn mess was pretty hard to fight. Instead, however, I scowled and pushed the feeling away. It was also pretty hard to fight the first comment I had towards her words. 'It feels like I'm being teased.' A feeling which was also completely foreign- I wasn't sure how to react to it.

Instead I took a sip of the blood and narrowed my eyes just slightly.

"Watch it," I warned her. "That expression contradicts your nice attitude. If you're going to play the role of the considerate girl, shouldn't you play it all the way? As for what we're doing today, I hate planning, so why does it matter?"


Embarrassment flooded through me and I quickly scrambled to my feet, doing my best to keep the feeling from my expression. Although, no matter what I did that faint blush wasn't fading.

"Uh, well, I slept well," I replied. "Do you want me to grab you some blood?"

If I went and got her something, that'd give me a chance to fix my embarrassment, right?


My eyes focused on the 'breakfast' in question the moment that I'd drawn close. I nodded, reaching out to take it, slightly tense just at the sight of him holding it out. I had control over myself, or at least I was rather certain I did.
"Now you have," I replied. "I usually sleep like this or in nightgowns. Breakfast sounds wonderful."

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Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:56 pm


She bit her lower lip and giggled softly. "Sorry. Cant help but smirk. And playing this role gets hard sometime, its so out of character for me." thea flopped over and rested her head in his lap so she could look up at him. "If nothing is planned yet, can I take a nap while you get ready for the night?"

"That would be wonderful." She watched him in enjoyment as he moved from the bed in a haste. "You know, I rather enjoy watching you move shirtless. It's quite enjoyable...."

"more than what Thea sleeps in." He placed the glass in his hand and took a small step back from her and nods his head at her. "Would you like me to leave so you can get ready for the night? I can stop back again later, or I could wait for you someplace like the den or the library after you get ready."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:26 pm


I stared down at her, debating whether or not her head on my lap without permission was worth putting down my blood to deal with. Deciding that it wasn't, I took another sip before responding.

"Are you planning on napping where you're at?" I asked, keeping my tone even.


If anything, her comment just made my embarrassment reach new heights. Great- now if I slept shirtless again, like I usually did, I probably wouldn't be able to forget that comment. At the same time, I knew that I looked pretty good without a shirt so I guess it wasn't something to be too concerned about. After all, the girl's at the construction sites had always been ecstatic when me and another guy had taken off our shirts to work.

"I'll... I'll just go get that for you right away," I sputtered, spinning for the door. "It'll only take a moment."

Without thinking the decision all the way through, I slipped through the door and started down the hall. It took me a full minute before I stopped dead in the middle of it.

I'd left my room without a shirt.


I frowned thoughtfully, unable to keep from focusing on the first part of his comment.
"You've seen what Thea sleeps in?" I asked, allowing just a bit of curiosity to fill my tone. "And that'd be nice- it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to just stay in my pajamas, as comfortable as they are."

I took a long sip of my drink after I'd spoken, the flavor tasting slightly off after having gotten to taste fresh blood last night. I kept this though to myself, however, and simply took another sip while focusing on keeping my expression from showing my distaste.

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Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:14 am


"Depends if I'm allowed to or not." A simple reply. Whether he meant on him or on his bed was unknown to her. Although, she would not mind taking a nap in her current position. His lap was rather comfy to use as a pillow.

"Is your meal alright?" She needed to pull her thoughts away from how comfy she was like this. Comfort around him wasn't safe.


The night had barely begun and Kane already managed to entertain Alice. She grinned as he left the room and flopped back down on the bed, rolling over to press her face into his sheets. One of the subtle things she found that she enjoyed greatly about him was his scent. While she was alone in his room, she would let herself enjoy it, especially since he wouldn't be in any immediate danger if she did suddenly get uncontrollably hungry from smelling his scent. Was it normal for vampires to enjoy the smell of someone without wanting their blood? She would need to ask Seb.

He felt his face flush. Maybe mentioning Thea's sleeping attire wasn't the smartest idea. "I... Uh.... Yeah. We sleep together. I mean, we share a bed during the day. Not sex, because sleeping together sometimes means sex. It's not sex.... Well not anymore. And I'm digging a hole. Uh... I'm going to leave now so you can get ready." He pointed behind him at the door, his hand shaking ever so slightly. "Bye. I'll see you in the library when you are ready to see me again?"

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:00 am


I eyed her with a small scowl, trying to decide what to say. Her laying where she wasn't didn't piss me off exactly, but I didn't like the idea of her going to sleep on me either.
"If I get tired of you being there, I'll shove you off," I announced, leaving the decision at that. "As for my meal, I'd prefer something fresh. Be happy I'm not sticking to my preference."


Forcing myself to keep walking instead of returning for my shirt, I quickly darted to the kitchen for the blood. I got a few looks on my way, but was able to ignore them for the most part. After I'd managed to get the blood the way Alice seemed to like it, I hurried back to my room, cup in hand.

"Here you go," I announced as I came in. "Blood, fresh from the microwave."


I couldn't decide what to think about his announcement.
They slept together?
And with the actual second meaning behind the word happening on occasion?
It's not like it was any of my business what he did in his free-time. We were friends, but just that, friends. It wasn't my business. Hell, I'd been as good as dead for quite some time now.
"Library sounds good," I agreed, keeping my expression and voice even. "Should only take twenty minutes at the tops. Maybe fifteen."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:11 pm

She nodded up at him and snuggled down into him slightly. "I'll try and be quiet, but feel free to shove me off if I bother you." She paused slightly before glancing up at him again. "This is going to be an odd request, and I'm completely out of place asking this, but can you just... play with my hair?"


She rolled over on his bed so she was on her back. "Wonderful!" She grinned and sat up, reaching her hands out for the glass. "How was your trip down to the kitchen? Anyone see you?"

"Alright. See you then." he nodded to her before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. How stupid did he have to be to mention him and thea sleeping together? That wasnt something Cami would want to know or would have to know.

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Post by Bells Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:23 pm


I stared at her for a long moment, just trying to decide if I'd heard her right. When I'd settled on the fact that I had, I scowled. Perhaps I'd been too indulgent with this new attitude of hers. Instead of responding, I shifted out from underneath her and slid off of my bed, placing my thermos on the bedside table.
"Play with your hair?" I echoed. "I'm not your boyfriend."
Instead of waiting for a response, I crossed the room to my dressers and began rummaging through them for what to wear.
"I changed my mind. Start cleaning."


I did my best to keep my face from flushing once again as I handed over the glass and retreated over to my dresser.
"Unfortunately," I replied dryly. "I certainly got a few strange looks as a result."


As soon as he'd left the room, I hoped up to go through my bags that I'd yet to unpack. Locating a simple sun-dress to wear- that way I didn't have to search for matching items- I slipped it and the few other necessities on, doing my best on to think on the news that Nick had let slip.
He and Thea had been a thing at some point.
It didn't matter, I reminded myself firmly.
As soon as I was ready I quickly made my way to the library after finishing off my glass of blood.

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Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:06 am


A small pout formed on her lips. "I know... I just... Miss the feeling. It was stupid to ask." She sat up on the bed and looked around the room.

"What exactly is there to clean? It's not that messy in here." Her tone changed to something almost sarcastic and snarky. But it was true, there wasn't much of a mess in the room, if any.

"Oops. I should have told you that you lacked proper attire. But I was honestly too entertained by how flustered you were." She held her hand out for the drink and grinned at him. "You are a sound sleeper. I expected you to wake sooner."


He stood in the library and began pacing in between the stacks of books. There was this gut wrenching feeling in his stomach that telling about Thea was the wrong thing to do. But he figured it was common knowledge.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:43 pm


"Probably," I replied dryly, then paused as I realized the last part of what she said.
Tugging out a shirt, I shrugged it on befire continuing.
"I'm a completely sound sleeper," I replied. "Its why I end up oversleeping."


When I arrived in the library, I turned my expression into its usual, wry smile.
"Found you," I informed him, peeking around a shelf.

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Post by Bells Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:45 pm


She was right, but like hell I'd admit it.
"Organize my closet," I instructed. "Thats cleaning."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:03 pm


She giggled softly and shook her head. "you dont need to put on a shirt." She told him, watching him move about the room from where she sat. "And are you still tired?"


"Oh, hey!" He turned and faced her, stopping his pacing. "Hey there again. I guess you did find me. probably wasnt that hard..... You alright?"


"Oh great. Organizing your clothing." That is the best he could do? She got up off of his bed and walked over to his closet slowly. "This sounds like so much fun."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:50 pm


I paused, cocking my head as I considered the question.
"A bit," I admitted. "Not that much, though. I'll be fine."
It wasn't until then that I realized her comment about needing a shirt and I looked back down towards the one I'd already shrugged on. I hesitated for a moment, debating my options, before slipping it back off and shooting her a slightly teasing smile.


I nodded, offering him a bit more of that faint smile as I did.
"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
Of course there was a good reason for me, or at least in my mind there was, but I figured I might as well check his stance on the matter.


"I'm glad you're so thrilled," I replied sarcastically. "After that you can organize my drawers. How's that for fun?"
Finding the clothing I wanted, I set about getting dressed, ignoring the fact she was still in the room. After-all, what did it matter after as many times she'd seen it all?
"I'm going to go find something interesting to do. Be finished when I get back."

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:11 pm

She couldnt help but grin when he smiled at her. "Much. It is, after all, much more enjoyable to look at." She thought about what he said about being a bit tired and tilted her head to the side, contemplating. She finally patted the spot on the bed next to her. "Then come back and rest for a bit longer." She was fed, and it wasnt like the others could complain about her keeping him busy.

"no reason I just wanted to double check." He nodded back to her and smiled back. "Is there anything you would like to do today?"

"Thrilling." She muttered dully. As he changed she worked on his closet, keeping her back to him. "And will do. Go inconvenience the lives of the others here." She spoke under her breath, not really speaking to him, but she wouldn't care if he heard her.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:58 pm


My face flushed slightly at the suggestion but I crossed the room none-the-less. I couldn't help the embarrassment. If you weren't Sebastian, how often was it that you ended up with a pretty girl asking you to climb into bed with her while you're half-naked? Not often in my situation.
With my smile still in place, I shifted onto my bed and got comfortable.
"Get to sit in bed with a pretty girl and skip out on chores? Sounds great."


I mused over his question for a moment, deciding to dismiss the matter for now. After a moment I offered my usual, wry smile once again.
"How about anything that gets you out of work for awhile? Can you think of something like that?" I questioned.

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Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:01 pm


For a moment I considered letting her get away with that. For only a moment, however. A second later I shifted around where I stood and settled my back against the door.
"I thought you were trying something different," I mused. "How is this attitude any different than any other time?"

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:58 pm


She laughed at what he said and moved so she could lean against him. "So, you find this idea appealing, to say the least." She realized how stiff his bed was and wondered how any of the humans here got any decent sleep. This was like resting on a rock.

"Well, I could give you a tour of this place, but I think you know the layout pretty well." He laughed, running a hand through his hair. "We could try and get outside. I think someone started working on the garden in the courtyard. I don't have access to it but you should."

Well fuck. She flinched at his reply and thought for a few seconds. "Maybe I'm just trying to keep things interesting. Keep you on your toes." Well that was a horrible response.
She continued to rearrange his closet, sorting the clothing by color so outfits could be easier for him to find.

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:14 pm


I snorted.
"How interesting. And what exactly is your plan if I get annoyed at the constant switch in behavior instead of being amused? I have to say, not knowing what to expect of someone can get rather tiring rather quickly."
I rose a brow as I spoke, crossing my arms over my chest.


"To say the least," I agreed, hesitating a moment before shifting about so I could tuck my arm around her.
If she was going to stick around, I might as well get comfy. Well, as long as such an action didn't upset the little vampire. As the thought crossed my mind, I studied her face to make sure I hadn't acted out of line.
"Are you the cuddling sort?" I wondered aloud.


My face lit up despite myself.
"Outside is a wonderful idea," I agreed. "We can exploit my new-found ability to do as I wish and I bet you haven't gotten to breathe the night air for awhile, right?"
Not waiting for an answer, I stepped back over towards the door and pulled it open.
"Shall we?"

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Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:15 pm

((Hm... what's going on with Kara and Nero right now? *curious about the characters we aren't using* ))

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Blood Mansion (billion.0) - Page 18 Empty Re: Blood Mansion (billion.0)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:38 pm


"Didnt think that far ahead. I think my current plan is to figure out what you actually can tolerate and what amuses you and use that information to keep me alive. Other than that, I'm kinda just acting blindly and hoping I dont die. Not the best plan, i'll admit but it could be worse. I could be actively trying to piss you off." She pulled out a sea blue-green shirt from his wardrobe. "Would you like this in the green or blue section? It could go either way."

He couldnt stop smiling at the idea of going outside. It had been years. Felt like forever since he inhale fresh hair and listened to the sounds of the outside world.
"not for ages." He told her, following after.

"I honestly love it, unlike most here. Some act like its the worse thing ever. Like seb, he is horrible when it comes to cuddling. Its pointless to him." She rolled her eyes and snuggled into him. "I think he forgets that its alright to be a little bit human here and there."

((i dont really remember. I know that Nero had just punished Elaine by not letting her go outside to work.))

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Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:01 pm

((Hm... was that this day or the day before, though?))


I eyed the shirt for a moment, gesturing vaguely with my hand.
"I don't care. Do you really think the organization of my closet actually matters to me?" I questioned.
I'd only given her the job out of spite. It wasn't like the closet wouldn't be demolished the next time I decided to search for something I'd lost. Which reminded me... perhaps I'd left it in the library. That would explain why I hadn't found it in my room the night before.
"Just put it with one or the other. Better yet, you keep it. I don't like that shirt."
Sure, I hadn't decided that until a moment ago, and I'd loved the shirt when I first got it, but who said I couldn't change my mind?


I snorted, at the same time I felt rather pleased that I hadn't upset her. Instead of focusing on how the sudden realization of how close this put us made my face heat up, I focused on what I considered the more important matter.
"Honestly, did he ever know how to act human is the question," I replied, pausing for a moment before pushing on. "Do you know anything about him? I mean... was he always like this?"


Rather happy to have made the popular choice, I continued down the hall, checking on him occasionally to make sure I hadn't gotten to far ahead. Part of what I hadn't gotten completely in check was the difference in this self and my old self. The old me wasn't fast, nor was she strong. This me was. As such, I'd have to backtrack occasionally. Once we reached the doors, I dug out the keys I had and opened it up before flinging the door open and shooting him an expectant grin.
"Well? How about you go first?"

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Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:13 pm

"Will do." She looked at the shirt and nodded a few times. With some minor altercations at the seams it could actually fit her. And the color would go nicely with her hair so she wasn't about to complain about the free article of clothing. "While the organization might not matter to you, I do want to make sure that you are alright with it."

"I'm not one to speak about the pasts of other masters." She also didnt know loads about Sebby, with how often she had been in and out of the mansion and how much younger than him she was. She had never known him as human and had honestly rarely see him show humanity.

With a quick glance over to her he nodded before stepping outside the mansion door for the first time in ages. Sure it only lead to the courtyard but it was still outside.
once he was outside he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. For the first time since he got here he felt like he was actually breathing.


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