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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:45 pm

Roy chuckled and dropped the bundle of clothing onto her lap before bending down and unhooking her arms. “Careful now, I have Faith stationed outside. Wouldn’t want to give her reason to intervene, would you?” He took a few steps back and walked over to the younger of the two and unchained her as well.


Alex watched him slowly and took a seat on the ground as he left her. Once the door clicked close behind him, she let tears roll down her face. It wasn’t long until silent sobs shook her body. How could she let herself end up in this situation? How could she not fight or at least try to run? Sure it wasn’t the smart option, but it would show some back bone. She went willingly like some wounded puppy with their tail inbetween their legs.
She had no idea how long she cried for, how long she sat on the cold ground with her arms pulled tightly around her knees and her face pressed into her legs. Alex felt no reason to fight now. Not when she was already at their camp and had no idea how to get home.
“I’m sorry Papa.” She muttered to herself over and over again as she cried, realizing she had let her father down and had probably disgraced him. Who knew if she would even see him again. And the last thing she said to him was that she hated him.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:57 pm

Vivian rubbed her wrists, almost imedatiely wanting to dart over to her sister's side. The only thing that stopped her was the knowledge that Roy was right in front of her and that Lena shot her a warning look as if she could read Vivian's mind. It would be better for her to just stay in place and pull on the clothing, which is exactly what she did.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Lena snapped as she tugged on the shirt she'd been given. Her nose wrinkled at the annoying scent of the enemy pack. "I'm not a dumbass, you know. Starting trouble in the middle of your camp seems like something only a dumbass would do."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:50 am

Roy chuckled softly and glanced between the two girls. “Would you like to talk about tonight and your options for sleeping?” He asked, taking a few steps away from them so they would have enough room to get changed. The night always got cold in camp, but he didn’t think that they would like the options for warmth that he would give them. “Tomorrow you meet the chief of our clan.” At least he was nice enough to give them a heads up for that.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:58 pm

"Oh, how wonderful," Lena replied sarcastically. "You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that. As for sleeping, like me guess, we don't sleep here?"

It was obvious that if he was talking about options for sleeping, that meant something was going to change.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:34 pm

"Well you could sleep here. That is one option, the two of you staying in this cold, drafty cabin chained to the wall. Option two is that you," Roy pointed to Lena "bunk with me and she," he gestuered over to Vivian "bunks with Ollie. He's a scout, a few years younger than myself. Good spirit. Kind hearted. Wouldn't do anything to harm or upset her or violate her in anyway shape or form. And if he did in anyway, you could take the first stab at him."

He paused for a few moments to try and explain the second option to the best of his ability to those who wouldnt naturally understand it. "Camp gets cold at night. So we have grown accustom to sleeping together in pairs or groups and sharing beds and blankets. That doesnt mean sex, and actually rarely means sex for most people. It wouldnt mean that for you guys unless you wanted it, which from how you have responded to us so far, i would gather not. Which is alright, no one, besides maybe faith, would even try to preasure or seduce you into it. Night time arrangements, in most cases, are just for sleeping and safety. But I understand that you might not be comfortable with that arrangment, and that is why the first option, staying in here, is available. I would like to point out that you would be risking hypothermia and maybe pneumonia and a few other nasty diseases if you did that.

"So, do you need time to think on it, or do you know what you want to do for tonight? And before you say "Oh go fuck yourself," just know its not just your well being on the line. It's your sisters as well." He spoke directly to Lena about this situation, as if she were to choose for the both of them.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:45 pm

Lena ground her teeth, working hard to bite back the exact response he'd expected her to give. He was right, it wasn't just her well-being at risk. If it had been, she wouldn't have her answer a second thought. Since Vivian was there, however, she couldn't be rash, as much as she'd like to be.

If Vivian got sick because she'd made a stupid decision, it would be her fault. Plus, it would be harder to get back to their camp when a chance arrived if she or Vivian were sick or lacking sleep. She might have a temper, but Lena wasn't an idiot.

"... You guarantee she wouldn't be in any danger...?" Lena questioned, glancing over at Vivian.

Vivi had herself dressed and pressed up against the wall. She'd been listening to the conversation in silent fear. She wouldn't go against whatever Lena decided, but that didn't mean the idea of sleeping with some strange boy was something she liked.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:00 pm

Roy crouched down so he was at eye level with her. He was honestly shocked that she was even considering the sharing bed option. "Promise. And if any harm comes to her, at all, I swear that it will be dealt with. You can beat the shit out of whoever harms her if you want, I'll even hold them down for you." His words were calm, sincere, in a way he was trying to get her to trust what he was saying. "I'm not going to let you, or your sister come in harms way. You may be our captives, but you are also our guest."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:40 am

Lena gave him a falsely sweet smile in return for his words.

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better. I'd just hate it if you didn't view me as a guest," she replied sarcastically, then returned her voice to normal. "Find, how about a third option. Vivian gets to go to this kid's room, that way she doesn't get sick or anything, and I get to stay here."

After she'd given the idea a second's more of thought, the idea of staying with him in his bed seemed like torture.

"Because there's no way in hell I'm sleeping in the same bed as you. I'd probably end up smelling like mutt."


Hours later, Skyler was finally dismissed from the meeting with the leader. A headache was steadily building itself in the back of his mind. He hadn't needed to be told in such a long lecture about how much he'd screwed up, he'd already been aware of that. If anything, he'd already chewed himself out worse than the chief had. It was the final order at the end of the lecture that had caused the majority of his headache, however.

"That girl you brought, find a better room for her. If we have any chance of getting my daughters back, it's her. Show her courtesy, that way maybe she'd be willing to speak for us when her father eventually contacts us. Don't. Be. Rude."

Why did he automatically assume that Skyler was going to be rude? He'd never been called such in his life. Cold, yes. Heartless, yes. A robot, yes. All of those things had been applied to him, but mainly by Lena, who insulted most people. Never rude.

He wasn't rude, was he?

Shoving the door open into the room he'd left the prisoner in, he glanced around it irritably till he found her.

"Get up, you're not staying here."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:01 am

"Only two options, love. Both in here or both out. I don't want to have guards stationed here and other places unless I have to. So, do you need time to think? Is smelling like a mutt really worse than getting your sister sick?" He stood up slowly and walked over to the door, leaning against it so he could watch the two I them.

"Because if so, you have some messed up priorities." He couldn't help but chuckle softly.


Alex jumped when he came back into the room. She scrambled away from him, tucking herself into a corner of the room until he directed a comment at her. As soon as he did she was on her feet.

"Uh... What?" She asked softly, her voice still thick and scratchy from her crying. Her cheeks were stained with streaky tears, and her eyes were red and puffy, despite her trying to clean herself up just half an hour earlier.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:06 am

Lena simply glared at him for a moment, grumbling curses under her breath. Hesitantly, Vivian glanced between the two of them.

"I... I'd be okay..." she mumbled.

"Well, shit," Lena hissed, slapping her hands down on her lap. Vivian flinched at the sound. "Fucking mutts. Fine. I'll go with you, bastard."


Skyler glanced her over, noting the evidence of tears and then dismissing it. She was a girl, it'd be strange if she hadn't cried. Girl's like Lena were strange, he'd rather deal with a soft one any day.

"I said you're not staying here. Come with me and stay close. News has probably started to spread around, people won't be happy that you're here."

With that, he stepped back towards the door, keeping his eye so her to see if she followed directions.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:22 am

"Wonderful. I'll go grab Ollie so you guys can meet. Until then.... Well hate to do this but safety measures." Roy walked back over to them and grabbed the restraints before attaching the again. "10 minutes and I'll be back. Talk amongst yourselves or something."

With that he went back to the door to go fetch Ollie like he ha mentioned.


Alex nodded to him slowly and stepped out from her corner, her arms crossed over her stomach. She reached up to wipe her face a few more times to get rid of the last few traces of the tears.

"It's not like I asked to come here." She muttered softly, looking down at the ground. Her steps were slow as she walked over to him. "Wait.... Who do they think I am? Are they pissed because I'm some girl from the other clan?" Or did they actually know who she was?

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:36 pm

Lena tested the restraints, muttering under her breath when it did her just as much good as it had done before. Vivian pursed her lips, not saying anything right away. She knew better than to interrupt her sister when she was thinking about something.

"Be careful," Lena announced suddenly. "Whatever the kid might be like, he's still one of those mutts."

Vivian blinked, then nodded. A faint smile almost appeared, but she pushed it back immediately and easily. Her sister wouldn't appreciate how happy Vivian had been to hear her worry.

"I will be."


Then they fell into silence, simply waiting for Roy to reappear.


"Of course they're pissed because you're some girl from the other side," Skyler replied instantly, stepping outside of the door and waiting for her to join him. "A girl from the otherside of the line that just happened to be around when our princesses disappeared from that area. They're bound to be pissed. The princesses are pretty liked around here."

Not by the same sort of people, of course, but still liked. The two girls had such opposite personalities that they'd managed to attract a majority of the group to one of their sides. It was actually rather nice to see.

"The problem comes in that most of the time, the two different sorts of people that like our princesses are arguing, cause they're two different sorts of people. Now the princesses are gone, you're here, and they have nothing to follow. Guess who both sides will blame for that?"

His statement was matter-of-fact. He wasn't worried for the girl, he'd been told to watch her and most people knew that. They wouldn't do something while he was there. The ones who didn't follow Lena or Vivi, followed him. They wouldn't act out. Then again, he couldn't be around the girl all the time. Perhaps if he just disappeared for a few moments...

No, the chief wouldn't like that at all.

"Just stick close."

With that, he began walking deeper into the little town than they had already been.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:55 pm

Roy wandered back in a few moments later, another boy following behind him. "Ollie, meet the girls. Girls, meet Ollie." The younger one waved over to them, a small smile on his face.

"Uh, hi! Lena and Vivian, right? Sorry to meet you under these circumstances.... although I'm not sure what other circumstances we could possibly meet under. Still, these ones probably aren't preferred by you." The scout was a bit of a rambler at times, most of the time actually. But he was nice, and Roy figured Vivian would be more comfortable around him than say Faith or one of the others that were on the hunt.


Alex had so many questions for him, about her safety, about her time at this camp, about everything that was happening. but instead of asking them, she opted to keep her mouth shut and stay close to him like he advised her to.

After they walked for a little while, what felt like a century of silence for her, she finally glanced over at him. "Where will I be staying exactly? You said not back there, but... you didn't give any other information."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:25 pm

Vivian blinked, then put one hand over her mouth to keep from giggling at his greeting, knowing that Lena wouldn't think it appropriate. At the sight of the boy, her fear had retreated slightly, then almost disappeared when he opened his mouth. He didn't seem scary at all.

"I'm Vivian," she commented, deciding to make it clear which is which.

"Oh, no, these circumstances are perfect," Lena replied, rolling her eyes. "There's no way I'd rather be than attached to a wall, surrounded by enemies, and coerced into sleeping in the same bed as one. Perfect circumstances."


Skyler spared her a glance as they walked, making sure not to divert his attention all the way from their surroundings, just in case he'd been wrong about his being there deterring any problems.

"My house."

It'd been the best solution if he had to keep an eye on her. After his answer, he turned his eyes to the path ahead of them, and raised hand to gesture towards the building in question when it came into view.


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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:43 pm

Roy smiled at how Ollie interacted with them. He really was such a sweet kid sometimes.

"So, you are the one staying in my room." Ollie walked over to her and crouched in front so they would be on he same plane. "I'm sorry if you are uncomfortable with the situation, but i've been told I'm a good heat source, if that makes this any better."

"He's also a giant teddy bear at night, according to Faith." Roy commented, still smiling. "Great to cuddle with if you are feeling down." He noticed that his comments brought on a slight blush to Ollie.


"Your house?" She wondered if they had one roomed cabins like her clan had. Would she be sharing a bed with him? Well, at least if she had to share a bed with someone in this place it was someone she already knew in some capacity.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:37 pm

"There's no need for them to be cuddling," Lena snapped, irritated. "It's just so she doesn't get sick, right? That doesn't require cuddling."

Vivian wisely kept from commenting on Lena's response, and instead just offered Ollie a sheepish smile. She hoped it was enough to make up for her sister's rude words.

"Now are you just going to leave us hanging here, or are you going to let us go since you're back? My wrists are fucking killing me."


"That's what I said, isn't it?" Skyler quipped.

Once they'd reached the house, he tugged the door open. No one bothered with locks in the camp, it'd be too easy to figure out who'd stolen something if they were stupid enough to do it. Heightened senses meant that the whole being able to tell one scent from another made tracking someone down easy.

"You'll stay in the room I show you to at night. During the day you're fine to wonder around as long as you don't touch anything," Skyler ordered. This counted as being considerate, right? The chief had said not to be rude. "Don't leave the house for anything. It's for your own safety if nothing else."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:35 pm

Roy chuckled softly before walking over and unlocking her chains. He tossed the keys over to Ollie so he could unlock Vivian.

"Sorry. Need ice or bandages?" Roy asked her, an eyebrow raised, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Ollie worked to take the chains off Vivians wrists, careful to not touch her beyond that. "That alright?" he asked her softly, glancing down as he worked.


"Right." Alex walked in after him, sticking close still.

"Is it going to be the same room as you?" She asked slowly, looking down at her hands. "I understand that I'm... well a prisoner, but.... well.... i.... I'm really used to sleeping along side someone else.....for heat and comfort. I'm a still and quiet sleeper, and i dont steal the covers. And I.... I cant believe I'm asking, but could we....? I know I have no right to ask...." So she was a bit scared, and was making no sense as she spoke. And she knew that he would probably not give into her request and for the first time in years she would probably have to sleep alone in a bed and that almost seemed worse than being away from her clan.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:45 pm

"Now you ask," Lena retorted, pulling herself to her feet the moment after she was free. Even as she spoke she began flexing her arms and the rest of her body, working out her stiff muscles. She wasn't the sort to stay idle for long, her body was used to movement. "No, I don't need any."

She glanced down at her wrists which were slightly chaffed, but not enough to be of any concern. She doubted that the marks would last more than a day at most. Vivi on the other hand, wasn't even that bad off. She rubbed her sore wrists, which only had red marks. She hadn't struggled like Lena, so she hadn't hurt herself in return.

"It is," she informed Ollie. "Thanks."


Skyler paused, turning to look at her in surprise.

"A separate room, of course. If you get cold, grab another blanket. I don't sleep with other people, it's strange. If you need something to cuddle, another blanket would work for that as well. Don't get the wrong idea, just because I'm bringing you here doesn't mean I like you or anything. It was the chief's request that I find a better place for you than the cabin we started in. That's all."

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:03 pm

Roy rolled his eyes at her. "Would you like to see where you are staying now? You wont see your sister until tomorrow, so if you have any last comments, now would be the time to say them."

Ollie stepped away from Vivian once he had unchained her, giving her space to stand and stretch. He didnt seem to like being in someones personal bubble if he could avoid it.


Alex nodded slowly and looked away from him. "Right. Sorry, it was stupid of me to ask." Her voice was soft and distant in a way, she didn't like the idea of being alone at night. An empty bed for her meant that there was commotion in the camp and whoever she was sleeping with left to go keep her safe. An empty bed was never a good thing in her mind.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:49 pm

Lena scowled, then turned her attention to Vivian, making eye contact before speaking.

"I already told her everything I need to," she replied. "As long as she hasn't forgotten already, I have nothing to say. Lead away."

Vivian slowly stood, nodding when Lena's eyes met hers. She would be careful. Ollie might seem nice, but he was one of them after all. One of the enemies.


Skyler nodded his agreement to her statement, then stepped into his house, gesturing for her to follow him. It was a simple place. The door lead into a hall, which went about four feet before it split in two directions at the entrance into the kitchen. One side led to the small living room and the bathroom, the other to three bedrooms and the door into the cellar. The cellar was a simple storage room which wasn't even safe to attempt going down into unless you had some sort of light with you, it wasn't electrically lit.

Without a word, he walked to where the halls separated and gestured to the first room.

"That's where you'll be staying. The last door to the left is mine. The second is off-limits. On the other side of the house is the living-room and the bathroom, the door to the right being the latter. You saw the kitchen, don't try to cook unless you know how. That's about all there is to it."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:51 am

With a short nod, Roy reached over and grabbed her upper arm, leading her away from from her sister and to the door. "Well, then you'll see her tomorrow. Later Ollie." Ollie waved back at them slowly before turning to face Vivian.

"I uh.... You aren't going to try to run, are you? Because I would rather not grab you like Roy is holding your sister...." That would seem too forceful, something that Ollie wouldn't be comfortable with.


Alex studied the area around her and nodded slowly, crossing her arms over stomach as he explained everything. "And I am to stay in here?" She clarified with him, wondering what she could do to entertain herself while confined in this place. She wasn't one to snoop, and while she could cook and bake, that would loose its thrill after a few meals.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:34 pm

Lena grumbled under her breath, doing her best to pull her arm away.
"No need to be so grabby," she snapped. "I'll walk just fine without it."
Despite her little problem with his grabbing her arm, she followed him out the door.

Vivian watched her go with slightly fearful eyes, which flickered to Ollie when he spoke. She slowly shook her head in response, clasping her hands together to keep from showing that they were trembling.
"I won't."


"You are," Skyler replied simply. "If you leave the house you'll probably run into about a dozen angry people. You're best off being here than out there, remember that. Beyond that, you're allowed anywhere in the house besides the room I said was off-limits."
That said, he turned his attention to the kitchen with a small frown. He was told to be considerate, did that include making sure she was fed? He wasn't all that hungry, but he also didn't feel comfortable just leaving her to roam the house just yet. He didn't have anywhere else to be for a few hours, so...
"Do you need me to cook something?" he grudgingly asked.

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:50 pm

"Sorry, I just dont want you trying to run off. I'll let go as soon as we get to my place." Roy told her, glancing at he out of the corner of her eye. He gave a small smirk before walking out of their current cabin and past Faithe.

"Have a nice night, princess." Faithe called after them.

Ollie nodded to her and offered her his hand. "You are safe with me." He gave a shy smile, trying his best to seem not intimidating.


Alex shook her head. "I'm not hungry." She muttered softly, looking around the house again. "Is there any spare clothing here? I would like to clean up if possible, but changing back into these garments doesnt sound appealing."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Bells Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:56 pm

Lena simply curled her lip in response to Faith's words. She couldn't help but relish the mental image of sinking her claws and fangs into the girl's flesh. Something about her just rubbed Lena wrong, not that there was a lack of reasons for that fact. Instead of voicing this matter, she picked up her pace and stuck to Roy's side. The sooner they made it to wherever the hell they were going the sooner she could be away from the other wolf.

Vivian offered a shy smile in response to the reassurance, taking his hand and shifting to her feet.
"If... if you say so," she mumbled.


Skyler frowned, slightly annoyed by her rejection of his offer. Grumbling something unsavory under his breath, he gestured towards where he'd said his own room laid.
"You can grab something of mine if you want."

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Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells) - Page 3 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Wolves (Momo and Bells)

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:43 pm

Roy led her to his cabin and brought her inside, locking the door behind her. "Welcome to where we are staying. It's not much, but we have some warm water and a comfy bed and a stove to cook with so I dont know whatelse you would really need." He figured she would be used to more than what he had, but in all honesty she would just have to deal for the time being.

Ollie helped her stand up from the ground and nodded again. "Off to my room. I uh... I hope the sleeping arrangements aren't too awkward for you, but there isnt much I can do about that."


Alex raised an eyebrow to us unsavory under his breath commentary but didn't comment on anything.
"Thanks." She wasnt going to borrow underwear from him, that would be awkward and they wouldnt fit, but eventaully she was going to need a new set of undergarments if she was going to be trapped here for a long time. But one of his shirts and some shorts would be alright for time being when it came to normal clothing for her to wear around the house.
"It shouldnt take me long to get cleaned up. Where is the bathroom again?" She might not have watched closely when he pointed out where things were and that was on her.

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