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Young Justice!

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:31 am

"Ah... interesting..." Don't be so paranoid, not everybody has some hidden agenda, a dark and mysterious motive... he's just a normal guy with a thing for cards. My instinct protested... but... it's not like it had been one-hundred percent correct before. "What do you have in mind for the day?"


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:36 am

"So immediate? Aren't you the dare devil?" I smile, all in good nature. Hm. I had come here to scout out the university for tonight's run. Figure out security or escape routes, maybe even get an easy break and figure out where the chip was being kept.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:07 pm

I roll my eyes "I just wanted to know when you were going to be free from... whatever you're doing." I assumed he was here for some reason or another.


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:43 pm

"Just visiting, seeing sights. My business starts later on in the day," I say casually, waving it off like an everyday thing. Which I suppose could be true as well.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:16 pm

"Hm." What to say, now? I knew that I didn't exactly have a whole lot of experience with just... normal talking, so I just kind of stood there, wondering what happens next.


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:32 pm

I stand as well, studying her carefully. "How about this," I say, leaning forward slightly. Tomorrow at six, oui? La Divina Vora?" Smiling a little while waiting for her reply.

(you pry dont remember...
funfact~ *jazzhands* its the restaurant where Spades and Rob kissed for the first time.)

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:12 pm

Oooh o-o
I pause for a couple of seconds, fidgeting. That's where Richie and I... "Um... I'm not sure..." I frowned slightly "Could we go somewhere else instead?"


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:47 pm

I shrug. Not a fancy girl, alright. "French place across the street?" I propose, looking over. A little close for comfort, counting as how I'd be across the street from a place I just /robbed/, but I've done it before.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:50 pm

I thought for a moment, then nodded slightly. Then I gave him a tiny half smile, still unsure of myself but curious to see where this was headed "See you tomorrow at six, then...?"


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:56 pm

I nod with a confident smile. "Oui, chere. Can't have the universe hate us, after all," i joke.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:06 pm

Red X
Some rational part of my mind said this was stupid. But... I've been very irrational since basically breaking and entering into the Commissioner's home. Gordon and...and...his daughter...
There's that feeling again. Like I was forgetting something important. But nothing was there to forget. Just...just Zucco. Getting to him was the only important thing to me. I had already wasted so much time...
So... skip Gordon... Go to his sources... It wasn't hard at all... Knock out gas through the entrance before going in, taking out whatever cops were still up. The back rooms, the jailed calling for a little help but I ignore them. Hell, I throw a shock bomb over to make them shut up. Walking to the rooms full of filing cabinets and computers. Hacking wasn't hard at all either. Alarms sounded. Someone got away to call other officers to base. I'd be done before anyone came though...

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:26 pm

Some idiot had that claimed he had planted a bomb on a bus. A bus full of orphans. I'm not even making this up.
Turns out the threat was fabricated, but Speedy had way too much fun cracking jokes about the whole deal once we found out it was fake.

He had headed back to base soon after, though I stuck around for a bit, just double checking everything. So I was the only one around when the call came in on my communicator, just before I got on my motorcycle. I paused, reading just enough of the message using what Alfred taught me to understand what was going on. Some idiot was breaking into the jail a couple of blocks away, though I had a feeling I probably didn't have time to wait for backup. So I took off, trying to figure out who would be stupid or motivated enough to attempt it. I mean, this stuff happened at least monthly in Arkham, but still...


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:35 pm

Red X
Facts printed, though it didn't give a current location. Past transfers and things. Relations. He had two kids. Maybe I'd try them next. They wanted him out of jail after all...
...where did...that come from...
I shake my head in an attempt to clear it, folding up the papers, put them away for later inspection, and destroying any trace of what files I had gone into before turning to leave. Like I said: Before any squad car could even hope of getting close to base.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:43 am

I had to admit, the guy definitely looked like he knew exactly what he was doing. And that suit of his looked... pretty advanced, to say the very least. So standing in doorway, I held my stack of cards in my left hand, which I let hang at my side for now. Tense to attack or defend. Not quite going to rush into this one...


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:53 am

Red X
I pause, look back at the girl. The...girl... just a girl... But that feeling again... forgetting something important...
Studying her carefully...a name... what was it...
I smile when I find it, a hint of amusement to my voice. "The Ace, isn't it? Didn't think I'd meet you on the opposite side of the battle." She was a criminal, wasn't she? No, reformed. By...someoneunimportant.... "Love to stay and chat, but I'm afraid I've got places to be. Things to do."

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:08 am

There was something to his voice; something recognizable. I told myself I had no idea what it was, that I was over seeing him everywhere I turned... his face, his laugh...his voice... snap out of it, Spades, you're over it. It's gone, through. Dead.

Now concentrate on the job.

"Sorry to keep you from your busy schedule, but I'm afraid you're coming with me" Also ignoring the jabs at being a reformed villain, those didn't bother me nearly as much as they used to.


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:18 am

Red X
"Where? Downtown?" I gesture around with a sly laugh. "Afraid not." Suddenly whipping out a red x shuriken , and skillfully letting it fly at her. A reaction with the air makes the small thing expand in flight, sure to surprise even her. I don't hesitate to run after, in an attempt to catch her off guard.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:31 am

Admittedly... that caught me off guard. Both the tossing, and the way it... suddenly grew mid air. I only had time to reflexively hop out of the way some, and quickly toss up my arms in a block in front of my face. Luckily, all that earned me was a cut on my left arm. Nothing I couldn't handle, obviously, but it distracted me from his next attack for a second.


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:48 am

Red X
"I'd hate to leave you empty handed though," I say to her as I leave the room to where she was once standing in the doorway. My voice still tinged with amusement, but still...something felt off... And I couldn't place where. I approach quickly, shaking off the feeling again, before jabbing low, below her ribs to knock the air out of her.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:56 am

I jumped backwards slightly just before his fist made contact with my ribs. I swear... his voice sounded /so/... much like Robin's. Impossible, of course, but I had this tiny, nagging feeling. The internal dialogue lasted for about a fraction of a second before I moved to catch his fist


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:13 am

Red X
She catches me, but my one arm is still free. In turn, I grab her arm hold me, the X of my glove's palm reacting with the friction to heat quickly, burn her. "Like you said, dollface. Ive got a busy schedule to keep."

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:29 am

I hissed in pain, then used my free hand to throw a punch directly at his face. Directly after that, I brough one knee quickly up to the spot between his legs. "And like /I/ said, I'm afraid you have some plans to cancel"


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:08 pm

Red X
I got enough punches to the face to construct the mask protectively hard, though it still has me recoiling. "Getting dirty now?" I say as I deflect her knee with a kick of my own. "You might have some bigger problems to deal with besides me, you know..." Drawing another X, I throw it at the bars where it explodes. Commissioner didn't like county; who knew what sort of criminals were in there. But I needed her to let go.
Something...says fire... something else makes me hesitate....
I said... I /promised / I wouldn't hurt her again...
Why am I hesitating? Just do it!
Holding another X, throwing it to the ceiling. "Spades..." It sounds pained, but i barely hear it over the alarms going off around us. I look her in her green fire eyes. I see my free hand shaking. I'm sort of...caught...a memory almost put together again... Until the X explodes and I'm jolted out of it. So its either let me go and move or we have a pile of burning rubble fall on our heads. Her choice.

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:39 am

When he tosses the x up to the ceiling I brace myself to dodge anything shrapnel, or put him in some kind of choke hold to drag him off... but... I wasn't expecting that.
The first thing that tips me off is the subtle pain in his voice.
The second is the explosion, the crackling of a flame blooming to life...
The third is the flare of heat that quickly fills and stifles the room, chocking me... though I'm not sure how much of that is in my imagination.

I let go and dive out of the way before the burning rubble can crumble from the ceiling, and I find myself shaking- trembling- my eyes fixed on the dancing flames that were far too close for comfort. I think I might have been burned on the arm, caught by the flaming hunk of ceiling as I dove out of the way. Maybe not, though. Maybe that was in my imagination, too...

Memories flashed and mingled with what was real until they became almost indistinguishable from one another, to the point where I swear I can hear his laugh...


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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:31 am

Red X
I look at her through the flames. She's cowering, the memories too great for her.
Memories of what though? Why do I keep having these thoughts?! Nothing can distract me from getting him. Not this girl, not these thoughts, nothing!
There are sirens outside now, but the criminals who were in the bars are all trying to jumble their way out. Can't pass up the chance for escape.
"Later Ace," I murmur, though I doubt she hears me. She's too consumed it seemed. Turning to go as the police are trying to get the exit under control. One aims a gun at me but I'm too quick. Cloaked the next second, shoved past him and out.
Is...that really how things go though? I cant...remember...

Most of the criminals were back in handcuffs and sitting in cars when I got there. A few got away, which I'm sure would be the rest of the night's events of getting them back. The building had smoke, but no visible flame yet. Firemen were there.
Speaking of Bats... It's not like him to miss something like thi -
"Ace with you?"
Right on schedule. "Why would she be with me?"
I turn and he's glaring at me. No, not glaring...well...he's always glaring... But he's in thought, those detective skills whirling at a speed I couldn't match...ever.
And as usual, it's not a long wait for him to figure it out. And, another usual, he's acting without explaining anything. Just storms forward towards the front door.
Oh. Jeez girl, fire is attracted to you like a magnet! I follow quickly, he breaks right and I go left. I dont particularly like the girl, doesn't mean I'll let an ally die... That thought still perplexed me though.

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Young Justice! - Page 19 Empty Re: Young Justice!

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