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Dramatic Death Scenes!

Jacky K.
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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Bells Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:16 pm

Devon laughed and grabbed a long sword.

Mirissa gasped for air. 0.o <--Mirissa's face.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:26 pm

Sin: The smell of blood made i even harder to focus, to think straight. "Fine. The middle one and the one on the right." i said.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:22 pm

gh3325 wrote:Ezra stared at the embalming fluid, this was going to be more painful then he thought. He gave a little cry as the knife was out into his skin. "I hate you," he spat.


"I am amazed that you can still speak with several tubes in your throat." I mentioned, finalizing the set up and sitting down on a bench to enjoy the eventual screaming. I just had to make sure that the embalming fluid was making it's way up the tube...Yes. Good. I grinned, hoping that this was going to be a good show.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Banshee Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:28 pm

(How long till screaming?)

Ezra felt dizzy, the loss of blood from being shot and having it pummped out was getting to him.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Kara Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:29 pm

Nate felt the weight lift off him, bringing him back into the real world. It felt as if his insides were on fire, his torso barely hanging by a mere vein it seemed like. He knew that she was toying with him, merely playing cat and mouse. He wasn't stupid. But he ached for blood, ached for the relief it would bring him. Without second thought, he sprung on the girl, his fangs slidding into her neck. The movement sent agony through him, made his blood run faster. When her blood hit his tongue though, he could feel his body try to repair itself, feel it try to mend the damage done. He knew that no matter how much blood he injested though, he would never replace what she had taken.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Ale J. Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:04 pm

Milena laughed and let her breathe again. "Tell me, how would you like to be killed?" she asked, going through all the terrible deaths in her mind. Each had to be unique.

Sarah gasped and ran to the other side of the room
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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Bells Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:05 pm

Mirissa smirked, "I chose non of the above."

Devon chased her down, the sword held lightly in his grip.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Ella Rose wrote:Artemis scowled "kill me and you'll never learn it" she unconsciously brought her arm behind her, protecting it

Sighing, Trix shook her head and flipped the body over onto her stomach. Then, she brought a hand down to the girl's head, and with the dagger, cut off half of the girl's hair. She threw it in the flames, and then dragged the dagger down the girl's neck, cutting through her shirt. It slid smoothly down to the small of her back. A bright red line of blood coated the knife.
"I could star scarring up this back of yours with a fire whip, if that's what it will take. Nothing deadly, just extremely painful."

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:55 pm

Artemis cried out, though not in pain, just at the horror of getting her hair chopped off, as vain as that sounds. She so was not telling her, her name now. She growled and struggled under the girls grip, trying to break out of her steel grasp. "over my dead body" ...huh, why did that sound ironic?


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:05 pm

((Relatively soon...))


And...Nothing. I mean...I heard The blood spatter to the floor...and I heard him breathing. But that was it.

There was a knock at the door. "Yes?" I asked the door calmly.

"I have...I have a sacrifice waiting for you...In a storage cupboard..." Some guard told me casually.

"Oh...Really?" I was intrigued. "Would you mind terribly if I just...Left you here for a bit?" I asked.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:19 pm

I just sat back for a while, watching the deer freak out. My tail twitched. Did I act this way when I first switched? Huh...I continued to watch T.Mor stand there looking scared like a deer in the headlights. Almost literally. All that was missing was the headlights.

I finally ambled up to him and touched his hoof with my paw. Don't freak out, but I'm Cricket.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:22 pm


Don't freak out? heh. Easy for him to say. Wait. WHY ARE YOU A CAT? Yeah...Uhm. That was...calm. and...Rational...and...You know...Not freak out like.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:31 pm

Ravyn wrote:Sin: The smell of blood made i even harder to focus, to think straight. "Fine. The middle one and the one on the right." i said.

Drake smiled triumphantly, at last, this was getting fun! He brought the two closer to her, allowing her to inspect them "excellent. now which one shall I ingest and which shall I stick you with?" he looked at the two bottles thoughtfully


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:31 pm

Because I'm...I dunno! Apparently cat-like.I don't see it. It was weird being this short...Alright, but in all seriousness, you just switched places with your soul, which is...that girl there. Your soul in soul-form is a deer, mine's a cat, so, aye, that's why we're animals. Your soul's th' one with th' physical body right now. Did that make any sense whatsoever? I'm a little fuzzy on it myself. Fuzzy. Pun. Bad pun.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:36 pm

Sin: I rolled my eyes. "I dont really care. If both are going in me anyways, i dont think it matters much. Surprise me." i grumbled.

Freya: Although being bitten wasnt much fun, the pain was sort of nice. Although my clothing was effectively wrecked, since it was now very very bloody........ after a while though, i was tired of having my blood stolen, and i began exerting my telikinetic influence once again, forcing him away.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:45 pm

Drake sighed "there goes my fun" he grumbled, popping the lid off of one and downing it, giving it time to take affect before coating the blade with the other. "hum... where to place this?" he pondered, examining the thickly coated blade. "how about... here!" he embedded it firmly in her shoulder.
He watched her carefully for a moment. her eyelids began to slowly droop. "ah!" he exclaimed, delighted "the mild sedative. couldn't have picked it better myself." he moved closer toward her, letting his hands graze her body as he cupped her face "that oughta keep you under control, can't have you biting my head off, now can we?"


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:47 pm

Sin: Dangit... id made the worst choice possible. My brain was very, VERY fuzzy now. I could hardly see straight or make sense of anything.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:51 pm

Drake frowned, noticing how out of it she was. that wouldn't do, she needed to be responsive for this to be fun. he quickly injected her with a small dose of something to counteract it, leaving her slowed down and easy to control, but very much alert. "much better" he cooed, pressing his body up against hers. his lips graze hers for a moment before pulling away, his hard eyes holding her in his gaze. "how you feeling, my sweets?" his insides began to tingle, telling him the potion was in effect


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:56 pm

Sin: I glared. "Dizzy as hell...." i muttered, but what i WANTED to say (but didnt) was that i was very much wanting to simply drain him dry, or rip his throat out with my teeth. I was aware enough to make sense of that, at least.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:10 pm

Drake chuckled pressing himself up even closer to her "good. now bite me. oh, and any funny business an I kill you," he flaunted a wooden stake he had on hand. he pressed his lips hard on to hers


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:31 pm

Trix smiled, seeing the girl panic at her hair being removed. Or was it the pain? No matter, she could make her scream for both traumas.
Once again, Trix flipped her over, but was quick to pin her down. Her arms were behind her back pinned under Trix's weight, her legs were tied with Trix's, and her middle was secured onto the ground because of Trix sitting on her. With this hold, Trix still had both arms free. One held a dagger, held over the girl's face.
"Maybe I'll let you live, young girl, but after I'm finished fixing your face a little? No one will want you," she laughed and chopped off a bit more of the top of her hair.

Beatle had become restless. After his temper-tantrum gone unnoticed, he kicked and thrashed about for a while until he had tired himself out. Then he had fallen asleep, curled up on the small space of floor with his thumb in his mouth, breathing slowly and evenly.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:42 pm

(ouch, seriously, you just found my Achilles tendon there. I'm vain over my hair. So is my charrie. curse you for figuring that out!!! >Neutral)
Artemis scowled trying to hide her panic. Do you know how long that took to grow out? she may be a beggar but at least she had her beauty. the jerk.
'what the hell do you want with me?"


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:46 pm

(Lolol I know most girls are, so I choose that. I am too. xD)

The fear of having a mauled face showed in her eyes. Trix felt a wave of pride at finding what made this girl snap. Well, she hadn't snapped yet. Wait until the knife dug in.
"I want to kill you. I'm feeling a bit bored and decided to find someone to play with ... You're my toy."
Trix lifted the girl's head up. Patches of surprisingly well kept hair for a poor girl were left. Trix lit up her fingertips with fire and ran her hands through it, finally removing the last of it. The head underneath was an angry red from the fire. She abruptly let her head go, making it hit against the pavement.
"Oops. My bad," she giggled, and brought the dagger around the girl's lips.
"If you don't want to tell me your name, I'll just take these off."

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:54 pm

(DX poor artemis... like seriously, I'm more affected by the hair than I am by all the other things combined O.o)
Horror and pain made her thoughts fuzzy for a second, but she still had enough sense left for another sarcastic retort. "do it and you'll most definitely never find out. I can't write." she stated simply


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 38 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:09 pm

Sin: He was probably going to kill me anyways, but at least for the moment, it would benefit me to do what he wanted. I was too weak to resist much anymore anyways. I was barely aware of his mouth on mine, the animal inside me waking at a source of blood so close by. My guards were down because of the sedative, and the animal i worked so hard for so long to keep back sprang forward, my fangs snapping down. I pulled away from his mouth, fangs tearing into his throat. I didnt rip out his throat.... but i wasnt exactly being gentle either. When you erased the humanity, all you had left was the savage animal. Savage animals did not often think much for the comfort of their prey.

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