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AD...don't lock this again please

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:15 pm

Lorrick let out a small yell when he was hit in the same shoulder with two bullets. "You f*ck*ng, *ssh*le," he growled, holding his shoulder. The blood was flowing freely, leaking through his fingers. "What makes you think you'll win this, Landon?" he said through clentched teeth, standing up straight. "Whether I die or not, she'll always call for help. Always have someone on her side." The thought tore at him. He wanted to be the one there for her. But if he couldn't be, someone else had to be. They had to. "Sooner or later, you'll die the same way you plan on killing me."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:20 pm

Landon smiled widely at him and shook his head as he watched the angel stand. "Ah, you don't get it. She's breaking. You can see it in her eyes. She has no will left. And if it wasn't for you, well. She would have killed herself already I'm sure." He chuckled and slammed his fist into Lorrick's wounded shoulder, turned him, and twisted his wounded wing and threw him back to the ground. "She won't call for anyone after you. She cares to much about you."


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:31 pm

Lorrick bit back a scream as he spit blood onto the ground, his adrenaline the only thing keeping him from passing out. "I think you have too much confidence in our relationship," he muttered to the ground, holding himself up. "She's my charge, I'm to protect her." Without another word, he spun around, kicking at Landon's groin. The pain in the sudden movement blinded him, his adrenaline nearly not enough to keep him concious.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:35 pm

Kylia found the bar tender and asked for a bottle of asprin.

Landon chuckled, having dodged his kick, though he had still gotten hit in the leg. He watched the unconcious angel and shook his head. "You'd be surprised." he chuckled and got the men to disapear back down the alleyway.

Kylia, now loaded on four asprin, emerged from the club cautiously and looked around. She bit her lip and slowly started to make her way back to Lorrick.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:39 pm

Lorrick=unconcious. Can't really write anything about that. Hahaha

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:42 pm

Haha I know, sorry. I'm working on it.

Kylia found her way back and saw him on the ground and her heart broke. "Lorrick!" She ran over to him, dropping beside him and patted his face, desperate to try and wake him up. "Lorrick? Lorrick? Speak to me. Please!" Tears were running down her cheeks.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:53 pm

When he heard her voice, Lorrick pulled himself from the blackness, latching on to the sound as if it were a life raft, no matter how corny it seemed. The pain came flooding back to him as he gritted his teeth, his back arching off the ground, crushing his wing. He let out a string of curses as Kylia's face came into view. "Get out of here," he gasped, trying to sit up, get the weight off his shoulder and wing. "Now. Go!"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:58 pm

"No, not without you." Kylia said as she tried to help him up. This was the first time she had come back and one actually be alive. Maybe...maybe this time it would be different.
It was going to be different alright.
Kylia froze as she heard a dark chuckle coming from the alleyway. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite little flower. Returned for her Romeo." Kylia felt strong hands grab her by the arms and pull her away.
"No!" She shouted as she struggled to get back to Lorrick, but it wasn't working. "Stop! Please! No! Don-" She was cut off my searing pain as one of their fists mad contact with her already bruised side.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:04 am

Lorrick forced himself up, his head spinning from the blood loss. He whipped his head around at the sound of skin meeting skin, his eyes blazing in anger. His hair was matted with blood, his shirt soaked through. The feathers on his still extended wings were tattered and bloodied from abuse, making him look like the avenging angel he was. "Get your filthy hands off her," he growled, punching him in the gut.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:08 am

The man doubled over, but quickly retaliated, punching him hard enough to make him spin. That's when Kylia heard the gun shot. Her eyes went wide as Landon lowered the smoking gun, a smirk on his face. "NO!" she screamed as she watched Lorrick fall.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:15 am

Lorrick heard the shot, and Kylia's cry of distress. At first, he wondered what was wrong, who Landon had obviously shot. But that's when a million knives slid through his heart, taking his breath with him. It felt like everything was in slow motion as he looked down at the bullet wound in his chest, right next to his heart. The blood was spreading through his shredded shirt, the dark red blood turning the black cloth even darker. He fell to his knees, his mouth open with no sound coming out. Everything started to disappear as he hit the sidewalk, his blood starting to pool around him. The sound of the gun, the pain of the bullet through his heart, the sight of his bloodied shirt. Only Kylia's screams stayed with him as the blackness took him under....

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:23 am

"NO!" Kylia screamed as she struggled to get to Lorrick. They let her go and she flew forward, tears running down her face as she clung to Lorrick's motionless body. "No.." she cried shaking her head, her body racked with her tears. Landon grabbed her by the arm and yanked her up, dragging her away.

Kylia was sitting cross legged on her couch, not having slept in weeks, her body was covered in bruises, her chest wrapped because of broken ribs. Her hair was a mess, her lips bruised, her eye black. Memories of that night still floating through her mind like a waking nightmare. Four bottles of empty asprin laid around her from the last few weeks. She reached for another that was only half full, dumping the white pills into her hand. Life held no meaning anymore. She felt..she felt empty. Like a hollowed out shell of a person she use to be but was no more. Her instruments were broken, her sheet music torn and burned in the metal trash can by the window. She slipped the pills into her mouth, swallowing them down with a glass of water and then looked at the knife that was on the table. She couldn't go on like this any more. She just couldn't.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:32 am

Lorrick slowly came aware of his surroundings, everything taking on a shape and a color. He was lying on a bed, the sheets corse against his skin. The walls were a dull blue, wall paper peeling off in some places. Bandages were wrapped around his chest, head, and shoulder, restraining a lot of his movement. He muttered a few curses under his breath, trying to move when a man made his way into his line of sight. Lorrick froze, his eyes narrowed on the guy's face. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, instantly suspicious. He knew he had to be somewhere, had to help someone...but who was it? Where were they? Everything was foggy, not quite clicking right in his mind.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:36 am

"They call me Bard," The old man said as he sat across the way from Lorrick and gave him a kind smile. "But you can just call me Charlie." he chuckled. "You gave me quiet a scare there sonny. You've been asleep for the last three weeks and had an aweful fever. Almost thought you wouldn't make it. It's a good thing I found ya too or you wouldn't have. what were you doin that got you all shot up?"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:41 am

Lorrick studied Charlie, his head pounding out a rythm, a migrane starting to set in. "I can't remember," he muttered, looking down at the bandages around his chest. "Where....where'd you find me?" He knew there was something. Someone important to him.... The migrane advanced faster as he thought harder, making him wince. "Shit," he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:46 am

"I found you a little ways from the club on oak street. Half dead when I found you." Charlie pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to him. "I found this with you." It was the paper that Kylia had scrawled all the songs she was going to sing on it. Angel of Mine was at the bottom and circled a few times over.

Kylia heard her door open, but she didn't even care to look. She knew who it was. She had quit even trying to lock her door. Landon made his way over to her and had his way with her, adding to the bruises, his hands finding the knife she had on the table. Though her face was blank, she couldn't help the screams and tears that came from the pain.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:56 am

Lorrick took the paper, his brows pulling together as he read through it. "Angel of Mine," he whispered, his heart twinging at the words. "Why wou--?" He stopped in the middle of his sentence, his eyes going wide. It all came rushing back. The club, Kylia, the fight, the bullet... "D*mm*t!" he cried, jumping out of bed. He soon regreted it as he swayed on his feet, the blood draining from his face. Pushing the discomfort aside, he expanded his wings, thanking the Lord that they were healed. He had to get to Kylia. Had to make sure she was okay.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:01 am

Charlie got out of his way. "Careful there boyo!" he said as he watched him. "You're not totally healed yet!"

Landon left her on the couch. Her face was void of all emotion, nothing but emptiness, her clothes scattered across the room, the scar now reopened with SLUT carved into her stomach along with WORTHLESS and UGLY on her legs. She reached for the bottle and took another handfull of pills and picked up the knife, placing it to her wrist. Quick and clean. The knife clattered to the floor, her bleeding wrist hanging over the hardwood floor as she stared at the ceiling and waited for darkness to take her.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:12 am

Lorrick glanced over at him and nodded his thanks, the paper clenched in his fist, before diving out the window, his wings catching the air. With his wings completely healed, he had no trouble flying as fast as he could to Kylia's appartment. Everything was on standstill as he hurried up the stairs to her number, his breathing labored from the wound in his chest. Blood was starting to seep through the bandages, but he barely noticed as he barged in. He had expected the worse and nearly found it. His heart skipped a few beats when he saw her lying naked on the couch, her bruises and cuts standing out against her skin. "Kylia," he called, rushing over to her. Her wrist was bleeding hard, blood pooling on the floor. "God dammit," he growled, grabbing her discarded shirt, tearing it, and wrapping it around her wrist. Without further thought, he picked her up and flew her to the hospital for the second time.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:15 am

Her face had been blank, her eyes distant and glazed over when he had found her. The doctors rushed her back, keeping Lorrick in the waiting room as they tried to save her. Hours later the nurse came out for Lorrick. "Are you with Miss Kits?"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:18 am

Lorrick turned around, his eyes meeting with the nurse's. When he had first came in here, they fussed around him, wanting to take care of his wounds as well, but he pushed them away, wanting them to focus on Kylia and Kylia only. They had given him an old shirt though, something to cover his wings. "How is she?" he asked, walking up to her, anxious.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:21 am

"She's resting at the moment. But there was lots of blood loss, not to mention the fact that she had overdosed on something. She was also dehydrated and starved. She had no nutrients in her body what so ever, as if she hadn't eaten in weeks." The nurse ran a hand through her long black hair and looked at him. "It's going to take her a while to heal if she pulls through this. We had to give her a blood transfusion, so hopefully that helped a some. You can come see her if you would like."


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:24 am

Lorrick nodded and followed the nurse to Kylia's room. He sat in a chair by her bedside, studying her face carefully, his heart twisting in his chest. Her cheeks were sunken in, dark shadows under her eyes. Her skin had a glassy look to it, almost as if it were transparent. Lorrick blamed himself. Blamed himself for not being there when she had so obviously needed him.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:28 am

Kylia's eyes opened, though her lids felt heavey. She gave him a small smile and then frowned. "am I dead?" she asked as she watched him. " can't be here. You're dead. I watched you die." her voice was barely above a whisper and sounded rusted as if she hadn't used it in a long time.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 17 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:31 am

Lorrick gave a small smile as he gently took her hand in his and placed it over his heart so that she could feel its steady beat. "The jackass missed," he murmured softly, his voice sad as he studied her.

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