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Lets try again and Lets try again...

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:13 am

Angela kissed him back, her eyes falling shut as she just lost herself in the moment, caught up in just him and her. She could almost forget that they were in a room with vitually no way out, and just relax.

Lyin' here with you so close to me
It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
Caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take it slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

^Da music))
Back in the Control Room

"I feel like evulz." I declared spinning in my chair for a moment then glancing at Ale. "What about bringing Mikhail into the room?"

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:43 am

I nodded in excitement. "Yes! We should bring him in"

I sighed in releif as Ezra woke up...or whatever he did... still wasnt sure but...I looked down at Jake who had fallen near Ezra. I moved over to him and lifted his head up from the ground, His eyes fluttered open and his hands went to his head.

"Wha...What happened?" He said, closing his eyes because of the throbbing pain in the back of his head
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:16 pm

Mikhail was walking down a random hall, annoyance and bordom touching his mind when his rang. He didn't even know he had a phone. Fishing it from his pocket he just glared at it for a moment, it was a pink touchscreen android phone. Bells. It was just like her to give him a girly phone.
"Hello?" He growled, then realized that he had to move the colorful bar thingy to get it to work. He did so. "Hello?"

"Yeah Mikhail honey," I purred into the phone I'd written up. "Can you please go into the room at your right? It's important."

Mikhail rolled his eyes and lowered the phone from his ear. "B****." he muttered, as he turned towards the door.

I frowned, "You have to hang it up Mikhail."

Raising an embarressed brow he hung up and stepped through the door.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:20 pm

I continued to kiss Angela, listening to the song in the background. I hadn't noticed someone coming through the door. Heck, I wouldn't have noticed if the room caught on fire at that moment! I was so lost in the kiss, I wouldn't have noticed if anything happened in the world around me.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:10 pm

Mikhail's eyes narrowed, a growl jumping from his throat as he darted forward and tore Angela from the guy's arms. She was kissing this guy, or the guy was kissing her. Either way it didn't matter, the guy was not him. "Who the 'ell are you?" Mikhail demanded, his grip on Angela's arms tightening.

She let out a little noise then glared at Mikhail, and he met her gaze with the ruby colored tint to his eyes again. Suddenly she quit fighting, her expresstion turning confused in that one second. There was a connection between them of sorts, once a long time ago she had drank Mikhail's blood when she was first turned. And now that he had drank her's it made a bond that wasn't very common. The only problem was that it made her already weak mind easier to control.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:25 pm

I glared at the guy and jumped beside Angela, taking her arm as gently as I could when I was this mad. "Doesn't matter. Who the hell are you???" I said through gritted teeth. This was the same guy as earlier. The one with Angela, when him and Milena showed up. I tried stepping in front of Angela, I would not let him hurt her.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:34 pm

Mikhail growled, not letting go of Angela as he let his eyes go black with threat. "Mikhail. Now who are you?" He growled.

Angela glanced between them, her expresstion dazed and a little confused as Mikhail kept ahold of her mind. She couldn't really tell what was going on at the moment, only that something was wrong, wither with them or her she couldn't tell.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:39 pm

"Ryan. Now, tell me why your here." I said, my arm tightening it's grip on Angela. This was Mikhail, I don't like Mikhail, and no way in Hell was I letting him go anywhere with Angela. I would have to rip his throat out first.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:44 pm

Mikhail growled, then narrowed his eyes in thought before looking down at Angela. A small smirk formed on his lips as he slowly looked up at Ryan again. "Why, I'm here for her. She wants to come with me, don't you dear?"

Angela blinked, looking at Mikhail and giving a dazed smile. "Of course.." She murmured. She always wanted to be with Mikhail.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:04 pm

What? Why was Angela...? No...this couldn't....I looked at Angela, "Angela...." I said softly, wanting her to look into my eyes. She couldn't want to go with him. He was....He wasn't good...he...

She used to love him.

And....What if she still did?

I got this feeling in my gut, what if she did still love him? What if I had been fooling myself this whole time? The one time I thought someone actually liked me...the one time I had actually felt like I wasn't trapped, I wasn't under some spell, that I thought I could trust someone.

What if I was just being stupid? What if this whole thoughts were completely wrong?
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:21 pm

Mikhail didn't say anything, only watched as Angela looked at Ryan, blinking a little as a bit of the confusion got worse, her heart twisting at the look on Ryan's face. Why was he so sad....why did she care if he was so
Mikhail stuck a finger under her chin and jerked her head towards him, his eyes looking into hers and taking the Ruby color again.
"Angela....forget about him okay?" Mikhail purred. "Love ya Angel."
She blinked,the control. Seizing her mind. "Forget...." she murmured in a dazed voice, her mind struggling to hold onto Ryan's name.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:44 pm

I slowly began to realize what he was doing. I looked at Angela and saw confusion on her face. No. I couldn't let him take her...I ran over to him and pushed him away from her with all my strength. I turned back around for a moment, "Angela, are you okay?" I asked.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:07 am

Mikhail stumbled back more from the shock that Ryan had dared touch him than anything else. Growling he lurched forward , his hand out to grab Ryan.

In the moment she heard Ryan's voice the conflicting thoughts in Angela's mind got worse, her thouggts struggling to surface, it was as if someone had poured wet cement all over her mind and she had to get through it. "Your name..." she murmured starring at him. "Ryan......"
In that moment Mikhail wrapped his finger's around Ryan's throat from behind and squeezed. "How dare you lay a hand on me...."

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:47 am

"Angela, I-" I started to say, but I felt Mikhail's fingers wrap around my neck. Oh God, he was strong. I reached and tried to pry his fingers off of my throat. It was getting hard to breathe. I looked up at Angela, willing her to snap out of his mind control. I tried to choke out words to her. "I L-L-" I saw black spots in my vision and I couldn't feel any air. His grip got tighter and tighter. Icouldn't leave Angela, I just couldn't...But I felt myself growing dizzier and black was now on the corners of my eyes.
Ale J.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:03 am

Angela's eyes went wide, those little letters cutting throw the confusion and pain she felt when tearing her mind away from his. Instead she grabbed whole of Ryan, her fingers digging between Mikhail's and Ryan's throat. Her eyes were like dagger, her voice like ice.
"Let him go."
Mikhail stared at her for a moment, his lip curled up in disgust beofre he let go, smoothly stepping atone Angela in one quick step.
"Him over me?" Mikhail growled, grabbing her chin and making her look at him. "I love you Angel. " he purred, but all Angela felt was empty. Cold.
"I...I don't love you. " she said slowly. "I did once. A long time ago. But aren't you. This you." Her voice darkened as she gripped his hand and her own eyes flashed Ruby and she forced it away. "I hate."

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:13 am

He let go and I took in huge, deep, breaths. Trying to get my lungs filled again. I looked up at Angela and Mikhail, taking shaky breaths. I was now collapsed on the ground, Angela.....she saved me. And now she was standing up to Mikhail...I tried to get up, but i felt weak, and nearly fell again. I watched them as I tried to get myself to stop shaking.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:38 am

Mikhail's eyes changed from the ruby to black in a second, his hand grabbing her arm as she went to level him to help Ryan. "You'll always be mine." He growled and she shook her head, snapping her arm from his grasp and kneeling beside Ryan.
Mikhail's eyes narrows, his lips drawing into a thin line. But instead of saying a word, he left.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:43 am


"That's good," I said, struggling to sit up. I fell back down, letting out a groan. "Ow...." I hated this.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:37 pm

"You....passed out." I said to Jake, not wanting to mention Ryan. Then turned back to Ezra.

"You okay? What happened earlier?" I asked.

He was gone. I saw Angela kneel beside me and I pulled her into a hug. She had saved me. Even though I was supposed to be the one saving...but without her, I would have died. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear, "Angela....thank you...."
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:42 pm

Angela felt numb in a way, her thoughts slow and slugish as she hugged him back. She struggled to pull a reply from her mind, Mikhail's face catching each one of her thoughts and spinning them off in different directions. When she finally managed to form a reply it wasn't what she'd meant to say.

"I don't love him Ryan. Not anymore."

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:24 pm

She didn't....I felt so...relieved for some reason. I let out a shaky breath,"You don't? " I asked, though I saw what had happened earlier....but it still felt hard to believe. I pulled back from the hug a bit, her face only a short distance from mine as I looked into her eyes.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:35 pm

Angela nodded, taking a slow breath in an effort to cleat her mind. "No...I don't. I hate him. The new him isn't him and I hate this him. " she muttered, then her eyes flickered to his face that was so close to her's. All remains of thought fled except for what the kiss had been like. That remained.

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:09 am

"You saved me..." I whispered, leaning down and kissing her softly on the lips. My eyes closed and It felt like it was only me and her again. Mikhail.
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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Banshee Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:41 pm

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered what I saw. My death, I was going to die. This wasn't the first time the same vision had occured, they were getting more and more frequant. It was going to be soon. I avoided Aly's gaze, trying not to show how afraid I was. I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Nothing...nothing at all..."

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Lets try again and Lets try again... - Page 9 Empty Re: Lets try again and Lets try again...

Post by Ale J. Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:54 pm

I looked at him strangely. When he had passed out..or whatever he did...he had that look on his reminded me of something. It hit me. He looked like Jak when he was having a vision... I put a hand on his arm and tried to take some of his worry away and replace it with happiness. "You don't have to tell me...but just remembr Ezra, you can tell me anything. Okay?" I said, smiling.
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