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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:17 pm

It would be helpful if I knew if we knew each other or not... some said yes and others said no.


"I dont know why we're here. Will you get off my back already?" I groaned as I trudged through the sand.
"I'm not on your back, stupid. Get off my back. You're the one who's always in a pissy mood." Spence retorted.
"Since when is this about me?!"
"Since you were born."
"UGH." I huffed and stopped in my tracks,clutching my head like a mental patient, hoping that when I opened my eyes he's be gone.

"Why are we stopping?" He demanded, pulling my arm from my head for my attention.
"Who said you could touch me?" I hissed bitterly, pulling my arm away.
"I'm your brother, I have rights."
I rolled my eyes and shook some sand out of my hair. "And I'm sure you know them very well by now. You have them read to you at least twice a month."
"What?" He looked at me like I was an idiot. I shook my head.
"Sorry, I forgot I was talking to a retard," I sighed and kept moving. Please please please be inhabited you stupid island!

Last edited by Toxic Miracle on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:40 pm

aw no one wants to talk to me lol
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:52 pm


Name: Ayakashi, Aya for short
Age: 2
Gender: F
Appearence: fair skinned, wide sea blue eyes, oval face. Auburn hair, slightly wavy, to mid back. Freckled across her nose. shorts, knee high boots, tang top, and trench coat with hood.
Other: ya know the deal. govt experiment with the power of telekinesis. also an omnilingual. clueless about the real world, recently escaped. immune system is deficient cuz she escaped too early for the scientists to finish their work on her. programmed for war, doesn't think twice about killing, but very ignorant and innocent of people's influence and goals so she's easily tricked.

Mo, yo. Same as he always was, only his telepethy or however he 'speaks' is limited to just Aya, since she's got ten percent of his DNA. Dark Matter Organism, aka DMO. Aya thought it 'Die Mo' since she's omnilingual, 'die' being a form of 'the' in German, which is how he got his name. Needs solar radiation to live. Smallish, five inch tall or so black hominoid shapped being with a somewhat unproportional head. two bright yellow orbs for eyes are his only features, though he can technically take any shape he wishes, he's limited by the amount of dark matter he possesses and the demensions of the shape he takes. You can hurt him, but it takes a lot. But trap him in a dark room and he's pretty much screwed.

Last edited by Black&White on Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:06 pm

A sound. Loud. Loud again. I squeeze my eyes shut against it. Loud.... Loud... I blink my eyes open and look up at....something. Colorful, with two visible limbs and a large weapon on its face. Can't be a very efficient weapon... it opens and emits the loud sound before revealing wings, flying off through the... large, tall...what were they again...? Brown and green...
The word evaded me, my head pounding. I mumble, unusually tired, feeling abnormal, my stomach aching. It Not like the stratosphere. Jacket's unneeded...but i still shiver. Loud, loud, loud all around in the tall, and brown... Nothing in my head.

No answer. Where had he gone to? Curious little dark matter organism, loved to wander about.... But this abnormal feeling...wasn't assisting in my ability to look for him. I can barely sit up, lean against a tree. Just like that I want to sleep again.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:57 am

Ow... ow... owow... owowowow...OW. What?! I opened my eyes, irate, getting ready to slap whoever was pinching my arm. Geez, isn't there any respect on this blasted boat?! Well... it WAS some random tiny rowboat I had stolen to catch some Zs in... so... that would explain lack of respect... but instead of some PO'd old geezer wanting to get the midget out of his boat, there was a crab, latched on to my arm
"GETTITOFFGETTITOFFGETTITOFF!" I yelled, prying it from my poor, pinched flesh and flinging the demon out into the ocean from whence it came. That's weird, the boat had been floating around next to a beach, but I was pretty sure that beach was crab free. I poked my head out, and saw... an island. Oh... hold on here for a moment... oh boy. This isn't good. How long had I been asleep?!


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:47 pm

"Great...well, um." Milo shifted his feet uncomfortably and cocked his head to the side "We'll be going then..."

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:19 pm

Marley, you face hunter ex boyfriends but you freak out over a crab...? xD

I simply watch them a moment. That required something said back, maybe? I hadn't been around people in so long... So I hesitantly nod after a little while, unsure of what else to do. Get away from them before my wolf decides to take control... I grit my teeth a little and purse my lips, finding them sharp, looking away in a guilty manner.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:38 pm

Toxic Miracle
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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:40 pm


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:50 pm

AHH! Toxic!!!!!

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:55 pm



I tuned him out. He was blabbing about something stupid or whatever. There has to be something around here... And then we heard the voices.
"Did you hear that?"
"-wandering around for hours with no sign of anything-"
"Spence, shut up! Can you hear that? Is that people?" We stopped and listened. For a moment it seemed like nothing. But then they started again, a little far off. People. Real people!
We looked at each other, nodded, and started sprinting.
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:59 pm

I hear that. Other people. Far off, way too far for normal people to hear. But I hear it. I should go... the wolf's hunger is getting annoying. But I feel glued to the spot with these other two just standing here. Why would they leave another person when we're on some deserted island...? And it wouldn't be normal to just say 'well...see you later, i suppose'.... It's not like i can say anything anyway. My fangs are determined to stay in place for now, making it impossible to open my lips without suspicion. And people don't like what they don't understand, or what they fear. It's a lesson I've learned well...

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:15 pm

alright, I made my decision for me. I know no one.

Milo was having the usual argument with himself. He needed to keep his cheerful facade in order to lull this girl into trusting him, or at least into not harming them. He felt a familiar sense of uneasiness. The same one that always came over him when someone, or something, dangerous was near by. He repeated the rule he grew up on in Verance. Trust no-one, not even yourself. His coy smile was cemented over the usual stoney features his face performed, and the side of his mouth was starting to twitch. Annoyance washed over him at the way Finch was looking at him like a venomous plant had shot out of his ears. Knock that off he inwardly yelled at the red-headed boy.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:30 pm

I guess theres no point in me knowing anyone


"Hello?!" I called again.
"Over here!" Spence yelled, waving his hands over his head. We Jogged over to them. There were 3- two boys, one of them a kid, and one girl who looked frail and aggitated. All conversaion stopped as we walked up.

"Gay baby," whispered Spencer. I elbowed him and hissed at him to shut up.
"Um, yeah so we dont know where we are or why we're here. Anyone know what the fucks going on?" I asked
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:38 pm

Milo moaned inwardly. No. Not more. He couldn't do it. He dropped the act and faced the two new comers. "Do you remember anything?" his face was dramatically changed. All business.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:44 pm


Whoa, stone face. Okay buddy, lower the gun.
"Ummmmmmm no." I answered, kinda weirded out.
"Chill out, dude" Spencer rolled his eyes, clearly disinterested in the conversation.
"Spencer, shut. the fuck. up." I muttered, glaring.
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:52 pm

Milo glared at the boy until he backed down. Thats right, pup. he growled to himself before turning his gaze on the new girl. "My that none of you know how to survive on an island." he said smoothly taking in their dress. Not exactly out-door friendly. "Lucky for you, I grew up on one." His way of speaking wasn't arrogant, but there was the sense that he knew what he was talking about. He was not cruel, just blazingly honest.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:58 pm

I stay silent, crossing my arms, keeping to myself and trying to blend into the background... Maybe sneak away if I could. Go the hell away, i plea silently, closing my eyes to take a slow breath. Not about the people but the rising instinct in me, the wolf desiring blood. I bite my tongue, trying to get my fangs to go. Stupid damn wolf comes at the worst times. When's a good time...?

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:02 pm


"Hey kid, you wanna go?" Spence challenged. I spun around and pushed him.
"Will you knock it off you moronic dipshit? You're going to get me in trouble."
"Oh boo-hoo. Cry me a river."
"Go drown yourself Spence. Get out of my sight," I groweled and shoved him again, he stomped off.
I tried to smile apologetically.
"Well. Then. Uh, lead the way monkey man," I shrugged uncomfortably. Why is my brother such a douche?

Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:19 pm

Milo watched the boy go with a considerable amount of pleasure before gesturing both girls in front of him. He didn't want either of them behind his back. "We're finding high ground so we can make out the shape of the island. This way its easier to spot supplies and possible camp sites. Also from there we'll be able to see if there are any other islands close by. They could be helpful if this particular spat of jungle doesn't have a accessable fresh water source."

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:30 pm

I didn't know. All I could smell was salt. Maybe once we got away I could scent freshwater somewhere. But then pointing that out would be suspicious as well. But I simply nod, still trying to grit my fangs down annoyed. In the forest would be easier to lose them too.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Echo Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:36 pm


I spotted something in the distance. A boat?

"Senet, do you see that?" I asked, nudging him and pointing.

"Yeah," he answered. "Looks like a boat to me. ...Weez someone een eet."

"That's what I thought," I said. Maybe whoever was in it knew something about this place... I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted, "HEY!"
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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:39 pm

Ug. There's somebody yelling now. Why is there always yelling?! I didn't even do anything yet... I poked my head over the side, and off in the distance, I saw two people. Two people that I recognized.... I vaulted over the side of the boat and onto the sand, stumbling slightly but regaining my balance as I ran, a grin on my face
"Peter! Senet!"


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Echo Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:47 pm



It wasn't that I wasn't happy to see her or anything...but what was she doing here? ...Hell, what were we doing here?

"What is this place?" I asked as she approached.
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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. - Page 3 Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:54 pm

"Pff, you think /I/ know?! I just er... borrowed some boat, fell asleep in it, and woke up here. Like Alice and friggen Wonderland minus the helpful fluffy bunny. How did you two get here?" I asked, brushing a piece of hair out of my face.


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