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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:26 pm

Seth: Eventually, the pains in my stomach pushed me to at least try venturing inside. And as soon as i did, i saw some girl slit some guy's throat. My eyes widened and i stepped back a bit. Probably should have run, but i was sort of in shock. I hadnt exactly expected that..... some people just never got used to violence.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:29 pm

Alice looked at the boy and asked again. "Who are you?" She asked more softly. He looked likea lost puppy.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:35 pm

Seth: I realized id been spotted and she was now talking to me. I was conflicted - on the one hand, i badly wanted to run before i wound up dead like the other guy. On the other, that could end far worse than if i just went along with what she wanted. "My name's Seth." i said, trying to remain calm. "Umm..... who're you?" i asked.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:40 pm

"Alice...." Alice said putting her knife away. "I shouldnt have killed him. He...." She couldnt speak. The words died in her throat and she looked down

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:44 pm

Seth: "Hey, um... are you... are you okay?" i asked, chancing stepping closer. "Its okay.... stuff happens, sometimes you do stuff you shouldnt. The world is a harsh place. Dont beat yourself up about it." i said, trying to be nice, even though in this world, nice got you nowhere but dead.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:52 pm

Alice felt dizzy and she fell to the floor. She couldnt see or hear anything. She bit her lip but she was losing conseness

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:10 am

Seth: Taken by surprise, i managed to catch her before her head hit the ground. I felt badly for her, and even though it was probably stupid since id just watch her kill a random guy and this would likely put my life in more peril than the normal amount gained just by living, i wanted to help her. I scooped her up carefully and exited the store, carrying her back to my small apartment. I couldnt do anything for her in the middle of the old store where ambush was highly likely. I set her down gently on the bed and managed to find a bit of food and some drinkable water for her for when she woke up, and sat, waiting for her to regain consciousness.

(Sorry, i tried to ask you if him moving her was okay, but you werent answering and i had to go so lemme know if this needs changing and i shall edit it.)

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:23 am

(I dont care about that stuff hahaha its perfectly fine Very Happy)

Alice woke up coughing. "What...happened?" She asked looking around. "Where am I?"

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:11 am

Seth: I glanced up when Alice woke. "You fainted...... i didnt want to leave you out in the open so i brought you back to my home. Here." i said, holding out the slightly-chipped-but-useable plate and glass containing food and water.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:08 pm

Alice took it and ate. "WHy are you being so kind to me?" She asked slowly and carefully. People usally wherent kind to her because of who she was.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:10 pm

Seth: I shrugged. "Well, likely because im a bit of an idiot. And also because i believe that people are essentially good, just forced to do bad things. I try to find the best in people and i like to try and be kind and help people when i can. Its gotten me into trouble more than a few times, but i cant seem to help it. I just cant be heartless." i said, sighing a bit.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:13 pm

"I know how you feel." Alice said looking at him. "Thank you...." She whispered closing her eyes. "I shouldnt have killed that man." SHe whispered tears were comming.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:49 pm

Seth: Something in my heart tugged as i saw her upset. Before id even had time to think about the potential consequences, id already moved so i was sitting next to her on the bed, hugging her. "As i said... good people forced to do bad things. You may not be able to bring him back to life, but you realize what you did was wrong and you obviously feel bad about it. It hurts, but its a good thing. It means you care." i said.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:51 pm

Alice nodded and held him close to her. She closed her eyes and sighed. "I want to bring him back but i cant and its just not good." ALice studdered out.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:57 pm

Seth: I was lad that my hugging her hadnt resulted in me being injured. "No," i agreed, "Dead people stay dead. You cant change what happened, but you can make the loss of his life count by using it as a lesson that could prevent others from losing their lives, and the fact that you care about his death means a great deal. Im sure wherever he is now, he's at least glad that someone cares." i said, tring to reassure her but not entirely certain i was doing a good job of it.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:59 pm

"I kill to survive..." Alice said with a sad smile. It was hurting her inside that she was stuck in this god forsaken world.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:02 pm

Seth: I nodded sadly. "Unfortunately, most of us have to. Its just the sad reality in which we live. But at least we can take comfort knowing we dont want to do it. Its when you start wanting to do it, taking pleasure in killing, or killing for no reason that you're really in trouble." i said.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:09 pm

Alice nodded tears silently falling. "I am in a godforesaken world. I need to survive." She whispered. "No body will help me."

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:49 pm

Seth: I laughed, a slightly strained, harsh sound. "We're all stuck in this godforsaken world, and help is not typically readily available for anyone. Although i can offer what little i can give." i said.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:54 pm

"What are you saying?" Alice asked with a small laugh. She sighed and looked around the old room and looked at her blood filled clothes.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:56 pm

Seth: I shrugged. "If you need a place to stay or help finding stuff or whatever, i dotn mind if you hang around." i said, shrugging.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:58 pm

"Can I use a shirt and a pair of shorts?" Alice asked looking at him. Her black shirt and her white pants where covered with blood.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:00 pm

Seth: I shrugged. "Sure. Dunno if they'll fit you, but i think i can find something...." i muttered. I stood and moved over to a trunk in the corner of the room where i kept some of my clothing, pulling out a shirt and some pants that were a bit small on me. "Here, these may fit you. Probably better than anything else ive got, anyways." i said, holding them out.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Alice Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:07 pm

Alice took them with a smile. She quickly dressed and looked down. The pants went the skinny jeans that were popular and she had on a black shirt that was big on her but she didnt care.

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When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: When Order Collapses, Say Hello To Chaos

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:10 pm

Seth: I looked away as she changed, not used to haivng girls around the house and slightly embarassed. I supposed id have to get used to it if she intended to stick around a while. Although i didnt know yet if this would be the case.

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