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Daughter of Darkness

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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:31 pm

Artemis shook her head, "not really, just restless from the.. " she drifted off, her thoughts going south "you?" she squeaked

Gabrielle nodded sharply "I will be, like always" she stared out at the water "what's it feel like? I mean actually feel like, the beach I mean"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:35 pm

Peter gave a small smile as he watched her, sending a warm breeze her way, making the sand sink beneath her feet, each fine granual different from the last. The sound of the ocean tide rolling in fill the air, the tide just barely reaching her toes, the water warm and inviting. "Like this." Peter murmered.

Kale shook his head, though his eyes told different. "No. To much to be done."


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:45 pm

Gabrielle looked down at her feet, a small smile spreading across her face "really?" she looked up at him, hopeful

Artemis frowned, not believing him "like what?"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:47 pm

Peter gave a small nod. "I have photographic memory."

"Like outside chores, making plans, things like that." Kale said with a small smile. Half of what he said he made up, but could you honestly blame him? He didn't want nightmares. Didn't want sleep.

((I created the mafia CC finally))


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:53 pm

(O.o I'd join. I really would. I just can't handle anymore. hence why I keep rotating. me sworry)
Gabrielle grabbed the sand, enjoying the feeling. "you've been before?"

"Can I help?" artemis asked, standing up "I don't know how to do a lot, but I'd like to learn"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:56 pm

Kale watched her and nodded. "Alright, you can help. We'll be outside most of the day."

Peter nodded and looked out over the water. "I was two."

((it's ok haha I just am super bored and still trying to keep myself a little distracted. My watch thing has like 9 CCs but i'm only active in like 3. It's sad...))


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:58 pm

Artemis froze "wha-what?" she asked dumbly

Gabrielle nodded, turning her attention back to the sea "too bad" she whispered


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:01 am

"Why is it too bad?" Peter asked as he watched her.

Kale gave a small nod. "Outside chores required you to be outside."


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:04 am

Gabrielle slowly released the sand and stood up, shacking her head "I would have liked to see the beach one day" she murmured "can we go now?"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:04 am

Artemis crinkled her nose "o-okay" she squeaked


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:07 am

((GAH! *headdesk* why me? *headdesks alot* ....aside from the headdesking do you get in trouble for posting half naked men pictures for your charrie? Like such- ))

Kale gave a small smile and stood, holding his hand out to her. "Ready?"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:10 am

(why are you headdesking? and I wouldn't think so? *drools* I like him)
Gabrielle slowly released the sand and stood up, shacking her head "I would have liked to see the beach one day" she murmured "can we go now?"

artemis accepted his hand, shaking a little, "sure?"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:17 am <----- tell me what you see wrong here and then you will see why I am headdesking. I HATE SKIMPY CHARRIES! ugh *headdesk* I really hope she does better in this chat...*headdesk* love her..but jeezers..))

Kale gave her a smile and chuckled. "We'll be in the shade. Don't worry." He walked with her out the door and towards a tree, the ground round about it covered in shadow.

Peter watched her. "You're giving in...aren't you?"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:21 am

((I mean..gah! it's irsk-some when someone puts -Personality: shy. that tells me absolutely nothing. peeve...))


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:25 am

(oh.. ya. she drives bells nuts..
shall I start elloberating on my charrie sheets?)

Gabrielle scoffed "no"
"i'm.. i'm just tired, it's been a long day. now can we please get back?"

Artemis stuck to him like glue, grateful for the shade and some coverage


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:31 am

((no, it's totally fine if you put like TBD or whatever. I just hate when people put "shy, kind, happy" that tells me nothing. Or "black hair blue eyes" and her/his body is where? I just gah! love descriptive writing, my favorite type of writing, so I am slightly biest...but like if you add a pic and say TBD I'm fine with it..odd..I know..but ya..she drives me nuts too...tis why I let DH die..))

Peter stared at her, his eyes growing distant. "You gave up." He murmered. He dropped her back in her body, none to gently, and retreated inside his own mind, away from her. He couldn't believe she gave up.

Kale chuckled and set her down on the grass. "Stay right here, I'll be right back. I have to go get the box." He walked over towards a small square box that sat beneath a bush and pulled it out, bringing it over to her carefully, his eye on the green light.


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:38 am

gabrielle retreated into the corner, tears falling silently down her face. of course she had given up. She was pregnant.

"box?" Artemis stared at it wearily, "what is it?"

(no doubt.. I don't like rping with her.. or another one that you guys tried to pair me up with in that cc you gave up your spot for. and ya, I love descriptive writing too. if I could write a book with no dialogue, I would. you would like my short story I'm entering for a competition. I think it only has.. 5, 6? dialogue tags. )


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:45 am

When they came for Peter, he didn't struggle. He looked dead. Dead eyes, dead emotions. Nothing was there. What was the point of fighting when your only commrad (sp? goodness pardon my spelling) in arms had given up as well? Might as well just die and get it over with. He wasn't going to give Seph what he wanted. But he wasn't going to struggle against the torture either.

Kale sat down with the metalic grey box and smiled. "this is the cloaking device. See this green light here in the corner? It means that it's on and working. If it ever goes red, then it's not working. That's why you have to move really slow and carefull with it. Even the tiny-est bump will mess it up and turn the light red."

((really? what's it about? And I'm sorry..had I known I wouldn't have said anything))


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:50 am

(alright, all the other rp's have died down. I can actually give full responses now! wooo!)
Artemis raised an eyebrow and stared at it, "you mean, that;s what is keeping us safe?" she scooted away, not wanting to trip it off or something "how?"

Gabrielle watched them drag him away and clutched her stomach, cradling the area protectively. it was going to die... whether it be from seph pumblinging her or him finding out and killing it the cruelest way possible, her baby was going to die. there was no hope.


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:02 am

(s'ok, s'not the biggest deal ^.^
and here's the link, it's easier than me trying to explain it )


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:10 am

Hours later they brought Peter back, yet again a bloodied mass. His eyes still dead, though an angry fire burned deep in them. They flung him against the wall, his the sound of his body hitting the concrete echoing down the halls, followed by the sound of him hitting the floor. He honestly didn't understand what the point in this was. They had taken his manhood. Taken his commrad. Honestly, they should just kill him. He thought for a long moment, then put a thin block over the healing part of his brain. If she wanted to heal him, she'd have to fight at least a little for it. Though he doubted she would even try.

Kale watched her with a smile and opened the top of it. "See these? These wires come together at this coil," he then continued to explain the inner workings of the cloaking device and how it sent the image to the projecter on top of the greenhouse which kept them from being seen. He didn't even notice how geeky he was sounding.


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:25 am

Gabrielle stared at him as they dropped him in. only stirring enough to try and heal him. when she felt the block she sighed and planted a thought in his head, forcing him to let her through so she could heal him. once she was done she watched him, anger filling him "you hypocrite" she accused "you've given up"

Artemis stared at him like he had ten heads, not understanding a word he was saying but loved listening to him talk anyway. She just nodded dumbly, staring at a metal box which apparently kept them safe


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:32 am

Peter glanced over at her. "They've taken my manhood. They've taken my commrad. But they still have yet to break my will. I do not call that giving up. I call that a stalemate while I dream up a new plan. No. Giving up is when you can't even think of being outside these walls. When you believe you're going to die here in this miniture hell designed to fit your needs. Giving up is refusing help, refusing comfort." He turned his dead gaze away from her and back to the ceiling. "Had I really wanted to keep you out of my mind, you would have never made it in. I just wanted to see if there was any fight left in you or not. I honestly didn't think you had it in you."

Kale, in his nerdy way, excitedly told her he was upgrading the system so it was more durable, not nearly as flimsy. He then proceeded to tell her exactly how he was doing what he was doing and what effect it had on the projecter. Once again, totally oblivious to the fact that he was the only one who knew what he was talking about.


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:40 am

the cell wasn't that big, so it wasn't too hard for her to reach over and smack him. hard.
"You bastered (sp?)" she breathed, anger spilling forward and replacing the dead look in her eyes "you know nothing about me." she kept the blanket around her and she began to pumble his chest, her throws weak, but full of intent "you. know. nothing. of. what. you. speak." her eyes pricked and hot tears spilled forward

Artemis- scratch


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:45 am

Peter grabbed her by the shoulders and held her infront of him. "Then tell me. Explain to me what I do not know. Help me understand." His eyes seemed to beg her. "I want to help Gabrielle. Can you not see that? I want to make this miserable existance at least somewhat bearable until I can get us out of here. I can handle all that they have to dish out but you.." his voice trailed off as he shook his head. "Do you have any idea exactly how much I die inside each time they take you away?"

Kale finally finished and put the box away and came back beaming, still in his nerdy obliviousness. "Amazing isn't it?"


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Daughter of Darkness - Page 7 Empty Re: Daughter of Darkness

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