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Post by Avery Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:34 am

Naima chuckled and nodded. "Maybe a few of us could hail a cab?" She suggested, watching Wayne with a creful eye. He already seemed pretty interesting... To say the least.

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Post by Guest Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:03 am

Jean was quiet as she considered Jaxon's words. Was she really afraid of death? Of the unknown? Wondering if she would wake up or not? Was that why she cried? "I'm not afraid of Death, Jaxon," her voice was quiet, the tears still choking her words. She didn't let go of him as she spoke. She needed all the support she could get, physical and emotional, and he seemed to be providing it when it seemed as though no one else would. "I'm afraid of the trip there." It sounded silly, but it was true. She was more scared of the needles and the pain that was ahead rather than death itself. Why would you be scared of something so peaceful? Something that offered sanction from what seemed like an uncureable sickness? No. She wasn't scared of the peace and rest she'd most likely find at the end, although she did feel she was to young to even be seeking it. She was scared of everything else inbetween.


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Post by Guest Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:09 am

Tucker, being the pain he is and needing a good distraction from all the occurances over the last few weeks, decided to have a little fun. As Bailey eagerly helped Lucia, distracting her perfectly by trying to put red pepper corn into whatever it was they were making, Tucker managed to sneak into the pantry. When he came back out, his hands and face were covered in flour. He lunged at them and Bailey screamed, giggling wildly as she got splashed with the white flour.


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Wishing stars - Page 29 Empty Re: Wishing stars

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:51 pm

Melly: I shrugged. I didn't care, as long as we got this over with. This was definitely going to be interesting. "I have a little cash," I offered.

Wayne: "I'll pay," I offered, smiling. "I've got more than enough. Do you guys have the address? I lost it."

Jaxon: I continued rubbing her back, at a loss for words. I was used to dealing with superficial girls that weren't worried they were going to fall over and die, so this was something really new to me. Did she want me to say something, or did she just want me to hold her? I decided on just holding her and letting her do the talking. That usually worked out better in my favor.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:59 pm

Jean felt her knees try to give out and she clung to him tighter, using him to keep herself up. Her eyes drooped slightly and fear settled in that he wouldn't be there when she woke up. But why would she care? Why should she care? They had just barely met...but she was attached. He was like a life perserver in the middle of the sea of sickness and family turmoil. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice a little before she actually tried to talk to him. It was good to get this all out, she couldn't normally talk about it. "I mean...why would I be scared of finally finding peace? A place where there wasn't sickness?...I'm more scared of the pain and everything else I have to go through to get to that know?" Her voice held a tired edge to it as she let her head rest the rest of the way on his chest, her eyes finally falling closed. "Jaxon?" she asked, or more like sleepily slurred. "Don't leave until I'm asleep..ok?" At least that way she wouldn't be concious when he finally decided to ditch her.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:21 pm

Jaxon: I bent down so I could get her into a bridal's carry, starting to make my way over to the couch. "You can, uh, lean against me and sleep a little. Or if you'd rather go to your bed, I guess I could carry you there too." I wanted to do everything I could to make her comfortable. She seemed so miserable although she seemed to be trying really hard to make the most of the situation she was in. "I'll stay here with you." Hopefully, her brothers had something I could entertain myself with. Worst come to worst, I could drum on something quietly while she slept.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:26 pm

Jean was shocked, but to tired to really show it. She mumbled something incoherent before falling asleep, curled up to him. This was...nice. It was different, she wasn't use to it. Her brothers weren't nearly as...comfortable. Well, take that back. Luke and John were comfortable...but not this comfy. Maybe she was just really tired.

The X-Box 360 was still hooked up, Call of Duty Black Ops sitting on the screen, waiting for a player. The controller was on the coffee table next to the couch.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:50 pm

Jaxon: I ran my hand through her hair for a while, just kind of thinking. I saw a controller but didn't want to just pick it up and start playing in case her brother was still using it or something, so I just sat there for a moment, taking a moment to close my eyes as well.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:58 pm

Jean stirred a few times in her sleep, a light sheen of sweat forming across her skin. She cuddled him closer as if she was cold, refusing to let go of him unless she absolutely had to. She liked him being there. Even in her sleep she could feel his comforting vibe that seemed to make everything easier to bare. Her eyes slipped open for a split second before falling closed again.

(want to skip ahead?)


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Wishing stars - Page 29 Empty Re: Wishing stars

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:17 am

(Yeah, sure. To when she wakes up?)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:33 am


Jean stirred almost two hours later. She groaned slightly, her body aching horribly. What am I laying on?...Oh sweet mother of bud, please don't tell me it's my brother...he's probably all nasty and stinky and Jean's eyes opened just slightly. Woah...I've never seen those pants before....crap...where am I? Who am I sleeping on? What happe- oh...Jaxon...crud... a slight blush came to her cheeks as she quickly closed her eyes again. Crud. Crud. Crud. Crud. Crud.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:36 am

Jaxon: I thought I felt Jean shifting and glanced down at her, but her eyes were closed again. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through her hair again. Wow, she was sleeping a lot. Oh well. At least she wasn't talking too much.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:47 am

Again Jean found herself blushing. She finally opened her eyes and looked up at him, her cheeks turning a bright red. "Hey," she said, though she barely had a voice. "You stayed?" She asked almost incredulously. She hadn't been fully awake when he told her he was staying, so finding him there was...shocking. She couldn't help but wonder why he would stay.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:51 am

Jaxon: I looked down at Jean to see she was up and talking to me. "Yeah, I told you I was gonna stay, right?" I chuckled. "Hey, you're up. How are you feeling?"
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:55 am

Jean thought for a minute as she tried to pick out the perfect words to describe how she felt. "Like I got hit by a bus," she said after a long moment, her voice still faded. She gave a small shrug, but other than that didn't move from her spot of being curled up next to him with her head on his chest. "Why did you stay?"


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:56 am

Jaxon: I was hoping some rest would help her feel better, but apparently not. "Oh," I said. "Hope you sleep better tonight. I stayed because you asked me to. You did ask me to, right?"
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:00 am

Jean thought for a minute as she watched him and raised an eyebrow at him, giving a small nod. She had only asked him to stay until she fell asleep, but that was alright. She didn't mind that he stayed longer. "What time is it? Your parents aren't going to be mad at you...right?" She'd feel bad if he got in trouble for hanging with her sorry butt.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:02 am

Jaxon: I shrugged. "Nah. My parents don't care that much what I do as long as I don't get arrested." It sounded like a joke, but it basically was the truth. As long as I didn't get in trouble, everything was fine with them.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:06 am

Jean gave a small nod, and bit her lip as she searched for a clock. She finally found one and blinked in surprise, freezing as she saw the time. "Crud!" she quickly got up, falling over when she did so, but scrambled back to her feet. "Crud!" She rushed to her room, running into the door frame as she did so. She stumbled back when her head made contact with the wood, rubbing her forehead. She gave her head a slight shake, then disapeared into her room. Within a matter of seconds she was back out of the room, a new shirt in place as she tried to button her new pants while looking for her shoes. "Have you seen my shoes?" She asked a little frantically. "I'm late for my doctor's appointment."


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:09 am

Jaxon: In all the confusion, I didn't really know what was going on. ", I don't live here, I'm not really sure. Where do you remember seeing them last?" I'd just stood there in the living room while she ran around, since I didn't really want to just walk out on her.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:15 am

"Uh.....oh!" Jean spotted her shoes on the otherside of the coffee table, rushing for them. She didn't notice the coffee table and fell over it with a gasp, but didn't let it phase her to much as she pulled on her shoes and pushed herself up. She looked at him, then the empty house and bit her lip as she debated what to do with him. "Would you mind going with me?" She asked as she chewed her lip nervously. This was the big moment when she learned exactly what she was going to have to go through and how long she aproximately had without the treatments and she didn't feel like doing it alone. Despite how close her family was, none of them handled emotional scary things very well.


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Wishing stars - Page 29 Empty Re: Wishing stars

Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:59 pm

"I have a car," Callum offered as a side note, eyeing Wayne and naima. "And I know the way," he said, finally adding a dry chuckle to the end of his statement. Apparently none of them did. Naima raised an eyebrow. Yeah... She wanted a cab. "I have money, too," she said, starting to the door of the cafe and onto the sidewalk.

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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:01 pm

Jaxon: Go with her? Well, again, it wasn't like I had anything better to do, so I might as well. "Uh, sure. Are one of your parents driving?" I almost wished I hadn't said that now. I wasn't exactly ready to meet her parents.

Wayne: "It would be rude of me to make a lady pay," I said, smirking at the girl who'd offered to pay. "Allow me."

Melly: The guy who came in last was really starting to get on my nerves. I rolled my eyes and followed the others out.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Avery Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:06 pm

Naima raised one dark eyebrow and shrugged. "Sure," she said, her lips curling into a small smile after a moment. "Are all three of us going into the cab?" She asked curiously. The boy with the car was waiting near the corner, watching everyone. Naima knew the way, too. She just didn't say anything.

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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:08 pm

Melly: "I walked here," I said. "I can give a little of my money too if you want me to." It wasn't like money was ever a big issue for me.

Wayne: I shrugged. "Might as well all ride together, right? Come on. We're all friends here," I said, winking at the hot girl (Naima).
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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