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The Fast and the Furriest.

Ale J.
Jacky K.
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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:32 pm

Once, your characters were leading their average epic lives, strutting their stuff in the literary world as human beings.

Those days are over. Twisted Evil

Suddenly, your character is an animal in some random suburban community! How did they get there, where IS there, and most importantly . . . WILL THEY BE ABLE TO FUNCTION WITHOUT THUMBS?


Age (as human):
Animal looks:

For animals that were never human in the first place:


Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:41 pm

Name: Freya (hehe, couldnt resist ^^)
Age (as human): 17
Gender: Female
Animal: Black mamba
Animal looks:
Other: Nope

The Fast and the Furriest. Mamba3

(That's the best pic i can find of a black mamba...)


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:41 pm

Name: Cricket
Age (as human): 14
Gender: guy
Animal: black cat
Animal looks:
Other: Er....

Name: Bugsy
Age: 3

Gender: male
Animal: boston terrier/pug mix
Looks: A little something like this.

Other: In a word, clumsy. He's either the smartest or the dumbest dog I've ever known. Yes, this is my dog...I love him to death.

Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Momo13 Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:43 pm

Name: drew
Age: 18 but is immortal
Animal: ocelot
Animal looks:
Other: dislikes this greatly

Name: Felix
Age: 1 in cat years
Animal: black and white small cat
Looks: black and white medium fur length. Blue eyes
Other: youll see

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Echo Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:45 pm

Oh crack ideas, how I love thee~

Name: Peter
Age (as human): 16
Gender: Guy
Animal: Belgian shepherd
Animal looks: This (What Sesria looks like normally. The only difference is that Peter's eyes are brown.)
Other: Sesria is now taking a human form. She's average height and has a lithe build with lean muscles, just like Peter in his normal form. Only shorter and female. Her chin-length hair is black, her eyes are blue, and she dresses in a purple, v-neck sweater with a white blouse underneath it, which she couples with khakis. She's far more sophisticated than Peter could ever be.

I may make a normal animal later.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:54 pm

Name: Dorian Aldric
Age (as human): 19
Gender: Male
Animal: Rottweiler
Animal looks: :The Fast and the Furriest. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgtwVBYt5CTzOVyBLL5pq9hX5WK3W5eovnjVNzLLxHyZM2OiduYQ

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Age (as human): 14
Gender: female
Animal: Golden retriever
Animal looks: The Fast and the Furriest. 1298525517_170626640_2-top-quality-golden-retriever-puppy-for-adoption-chicago

Name: Alexander Aldric
Age (as human): 19
Gender: male
Animal: isn't one
Animal looks: he's a human still >.>


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:14 am

Name: Hitomi
Age (as human): 16
Gender: F
Animal: fawn
Animal looks:
Other: green eyes. /really/ green eyes. has incoherent visions that don't make much sense to her.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:49 am


Something furry. It was tickling my nose. Now . . . the last time I'd woken up with something furry tickling my face, it had been a cat. Those things were devils in angels clothes. I twitched my nose and opened one eye, expecting the worst. There was a black tail in my face, but, ah . . . I couldn't see the cat.

Wait a minute. Why was my nose fuzzy?

I stretched and stood, shivering off sleep. "Oi my my . . ." I still couldn't see the cat. Wait . . . something was looming over my head. Ah. There is was. Wait.

I spun in a circle. The tail followed me. No, nonono, that wasn't . . . that . . . no, just no. No! "GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF!" I sprinted away from the tail and skidded to a stop in front of some street. Street? Oi my my, this wasn't Luna! The tail, the tail was still ATTACHED. "I'M A CAT! 'OLY 'ELL!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Echo Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:04 am


I blinked my eyes open, yawning and stretching.


Paws. Black, furry paws. I stood up in a hurry, turning to look at myself. Long, shaggy, black fur...and a tail.

I was a dog.

A Belgian shepherd, to be specific, Sesria thought.

Alright, Sesria, what're you trying to pull? I asked. It wasn't the first time I'd taken this form. I saw my soul in her human form, sitting cross-legged against a brick wall.

I didn't do anything, she told me, her face perplexed. Also...try to touch something. I noticed...


Just do it.

I rose to my paws, taking a look around. I was in some kind of alley... There was a dumpster just a few feet away. I walked up to it and attempted to kick it, expecting my paw to go right through.

It didn't.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I exclaimed. came out as barking. I'd barked. But I'd somehow understood it.

This is... Sesria only looked at me, her eyes wide and troubled.

Wha...what do I do?!

I guess you could...look around? Try to figure things out? We at least need to know where we are...

R-right, I stammered.

Cautiously, I headed out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. ...I probably would've been way more freaked if I hadn't been a dog before. Maybe...this was some weird, soul-related thing...?
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:08 am

Mmm... I love a good night sleep... rest for your mind and awaken feeling refreshed, the soft grass... wait... grass?! I feel asleep in a motel last night! This isn't a good sign. I opened my eyes cautiously.
I was in a park. Grass. Everywhere. And birds and stuff. Pretty standered park stuff. But why?! Why was I in a park? I stood up, and realized I was using... four legs to do so. And everything was even bigger than before. Like, a lot bigger. I opened my mouth to say something, and a low whine came out.
This can't be good.
There was something that moved in the edge of my vision then, and I stiffened. There it was again, dangit! I started running after it, but it just kept getting away from me. It was fuzzy, and blonde, like a tail. I ran after it until I was totally worn out, and paused, studying the mystery object. It was indeed a tail, a dog's tail. But where was the dog? My gaze followed the tail... right into my butt. My doggy butt.


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:09 am

The visions bother me in my sleep again. Flashes of things that are random, completely unrelated to me or anyone else that I may know. I shift in my sleep, somewhere in between the dreams and reality. Something doesn't feel right when I do. It tugs me back to the world, but it's too bright to be my room. Too loud to be my street. Grass...? Leaves...?

I blink awake fully, looking around. Still doesn't....feel right.... And then I see spots. Literal spots, not like I'm passing out or anything. Though I'd rather like to once I realize they're my spots. I attempt to stand but my legs tangle. Is this some...very realistic vision of mine? But it feels too real. This I was a deer, under some small bush, hidden in an unfamiliar park area. My heart spikes. No, stay calm now. Just...a vision lasting longer than usual? I had scenes from animals' perspectives before...

Shakily, I try again, though lanky legs and shaking don't make a good combination. I..can't even walk! How the hell am I going to do this?! I'm freaked! Curling up again, the shade of the bush a comfort. Just...wait it out. It'll end and then I'll wake up in my body...

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:17 am



Human beings are the slowest creatures on Earth. I was strangling from that leash, trying to smell faster. Strangling for a good cause! SniffsniffsniffsniffsnortsniffWAITBICYCLE! BYCYCLE! I jumped at it as it zoomed past. "RIDERIDE! I ENJOY RIDES! RIIIIDDDDEEETAKE ME WITH YOUUU~~~!" I howled, which my folks said sounded more like a turkey gobble.

"Bugsy!" They yanked me back. I rasped, tugging harder, but then . . .


Epiphany. If I suddenly jerked backward, the tensional force from the imprisoning leash may be just enough to stretch the collar over my ears, cranium, and nose, therefore renderring me free to the world. Brilliance.

FREEDOM!!!! I darted after the bike before my folks could catch me. "FREE! I AM FREE! TAKE ME WITH YOU, I AM FREE! FREE!!!! MUAHAHA I AM SUCH A BAD DOG! BAD DOGGIE! WOOF!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:18 am

Something told me I was waking up much later than usual. Strange, wasn't my alarm set for six? And the ground I was laying on... didn't feel like my bed. I cautiously opened my eyes, ready to defend and or attack. And I saw... grass. And trees. Definitely not the apartment.
My first instinct was to immediately reach for my gun, but suddenly, my arms didn't work like that. They couldn't go sideways at all
Looking down at my arms to see if they were bound, I saw that they were covered in fur... and attached... to paws. PAWS. I jumped up, and stumbled, almost falling back down.
Then it hit me. I had two more legs than I was supposed to. Which meant... I was... an animal. I gave a long string of curses which came out as barks. How could this happen?!


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Echo Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:24 am


My ears pricked and swiveled. I turned my head in the direction of the new sound, my ears staying trained that same direction. As in, my head moved, but my ears sort of didn't. Now that was something that never happened when I was in soul form; I couldn't hear in soul form.

And man, it felt weird.

I watched as a bicycle rode past, followed closely by a small dog that looked like a pug. The dog was yipping madly... I pressed my ears flat to my head.
Winter Dragon

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:27 am

My eyes snapped open when I realized I was in a sitting position. Looking around, I saw my back was against a tree. In the middle of a park. A park I didn't even recognize. I'm not even that heavy of a drinker, what did I do to deserve this?! I stood up slowly, looking around. There seemed to be a few animals here and there, all without owners.
Dorian was close by, I could feel it through the bond. Maybe if I found him, /he/ could explain what was going on. So I started walking towards where I knew he was, the feeling getting stronger and stronger


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:31 am


"BIKEBIKEBIKEBIKEBIKEBUTT! BUTT! DOG BUTT! SMELLY!" I veered off to the right of the path after spotting a little blonde puppy, and immediately greeted her with a friendly sniff. "Hi. I'm Bugsy. Whatanunusualspecimen we have here, oh yeah, you smell like people. Ah, people. I lost my people person precisely two minutes ago willyoubemyfriend?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Ale J. Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:35 am

Name: Jamie Night
Age (as human): 14
Gender: Female
Animal: Raven
Animal looks:
Other: ...nothin much

Name: Daisy
Age: human years, 5?
Animal: Cat
Other: Lazy, always seems to be hungry, Lazy, often meows alot until your annoyed to death and she gets your attention, Lazy...

Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:36 am

"AH, THAT'S MY BUTT." I yelped, jumping back "Your nose had NO RIGHT to violate my butt. It didn't even take it out to dinner or anything first. That's just RUDE" My words sounded both like barks, and words, at the same time. Then I realized I was talking to a DOG. Because I'm a DOG. With a dog BUTT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
As I was having this little mental freakout, my nose also noticed that I didn't know this dog. Instinct told it to get familiar with its scent. Then I politely told my nose that I was in no way going to sniff the other dog's butt, so I settled for an unusual sniff of its side, commiting the scent to memory.


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:37 am

Alright....visions never lasted this long... Something was definitely wrong. Alright...standing... Come on, focus. Don't be afraid... You've had to have seen Bambi a million times... How did deer stand up again? Back legs first...and then front....all together now...and I was at least shakily standing now, but I still didn't want to leave the bush. I feel my ears flick back to my fearful feelings. That was an odd sensation...

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:40 am




I was . . . a c--

A ca--

A CAT. I WAS A CAT. "WHY AM I A CAT? OI MY MY. CAT. CAT Cat cat catcatcat this isn't real." I scampered across the street, tail twitching madly. I had a tail. Oi my my. Just . . . calm. Bright side. At least cats had style, aye? Aye. Better than dogs.

Ooh . . . grass.

I plopped down in the stuff, stretching out on it. It was sweet and green and cool . . . was I purring?

I jumped back to my feet. That was, ah . . . that was interesting. If I weren't a cat, I would have cleared my throat. Now . . . ah . . . huh.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Echo Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:43 am


Having nothing better to do, I followed the bike and the dog to a park. I smelled other animals around. Maybe they knew something...? Well, that didn't seem likely, but they could at least probably tell me about the area. I trotted into the park, sniffing the air.

That pug had run off to join what looked like a golden retriever puppy. I was downwind of them, so I got a pretty good whiff. The puppy...smelled kind of familiar. Huh. Odd. I'd never seen it before. At least, I didn't think I had.

"Er, hello?" I...woofed, approaching the two small dogs. I actually towered over them, which was sort of funny.
Winter Dragon

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:47 am

Eep! Tall dog, abort mission, abort... wait... I sort of recognized that voice, though never in a bark before. This was all too surreal to be true...
"Er... Pete? Is that you?" I asked, my doggy eyes growing wide. Surely not, I mean... Peter can't be a dog, he's a Peter. But then again, I was a dog now too... but... yeaaa... still! Surely this can't have happened to BOTH of us!


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:50 am


I panted, my tail moving like a windmill, and launched to sniff the new dog. "Willyoubemyfriend?" GIRLGDOGGIRLDOGGIRLDOGGIRLDOG. FRIEND. BOYDOGBOYDOGBOYDOG. FRIEND. SNIFFING: 100% COMPLETE. I jumped back, sticking my butt in the air. "PLAY? WANNA PLAY? PLAY!" I grinned, panting and waiting for an answer. Slowly my butt drooped and my tail slowed. "Please?" WAGWAGWAGWAGWAG.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Echo Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:54 am


"M-Marley?" I stammered, taking a surprised step back. How could that be Marley?! But it had to have been... The voice was right...somehow. And she was the only one I knew who actually called me 'Pete.' And she only did it because she knew I hated it. "Is it really you?"

And then, all of a sudden...

"Agh! Back off!" I barked at the pug. Literally.

That...that was so wrong...on so many levels. I felt violated! But...wait...I was a dog now, so... No. That was still way wrong!
Winter Dragon

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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:58 am

"He does that. His nose man... it's like..." I shudder "I have no words. No words at all. But oh yea, back to the dog thing. I just sort of woke up with four paws and a tail.... thoughts?" I barked, looking up at Peter-the-dog.
This was even weirder than the crap that USUALLY happened to all of us. Next thing you know, Cricket and T.Mor are gonna freaking show up, and then it'll be a /real/ party.


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The Fast and the Furriest. Empty Re: The Fast and the Furriest.

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