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Super High

Ale J.
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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:16 pm

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Suspended? Then I'll be comming down to." he said, hopping down.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:41 pm

Angel chuckled, walking towards the entrance. "Well, it depends on how many times you've skipped class." She pulled open the door and walked inside. "Whats you're first class? I've got gym."

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:43 pm

Alex followed her in, "Same. Gym first period, lovely."

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:55 pm

Angel looked at him with amusement as she stopped by her locker to grab her books for after gym. "Oh really?" She asked shutting the locker door. "Well, I heard that we're playing power ball today....."

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:35 pm

((Here's my character~

Name: Rae
Age: 17
Gender: Female
School, SV or SH: SH, but she's a bit of an anti-hero
Power: Can see people's auras as well as use her own aura for energy blasts
Appearance: Has chin-length, black hair; fair skin; average height with a light build; wears mostly practical tops, plain jeans, and sneakers; is always wearing dark sunglasses

Okay, now I've got some serious business before I jump in.

I've noticed a lot of one-liners in this chat from various people. This has got to stop. Okay? :3

There. Now, how can I jump in?))
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:45 pm

Cole sighed, twitching in his seat as something hit him in the back of the neck. Glaring at the boy two rows behind him he glanced back up at the teacher before focusing on the guys desk. A second later one of the notebooks went up in flames. Cursing Cole quickly turned back around. That wasn't spose to happen....
"Cole!" The teacher yelled as everyone jumped away from the desk in question. "Put that out! NOW!"
He sat still for a moment, considering ignoring the order before sighing and turning back around, taking his precious time putting it out. The guy who'd thrown the piece of paper was standing a few feet away, stark white as he stared at the ash that had been his notes.
"Principal's office. NOW!"
Rolling his eyes Cole grabbed his books and stalked out the door. At least the guy wouldn't be messing with him anytime soon.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:09 pm


I walked through the hallways, casting my cane out around me as I moved and cursing my bad luck; I'd been a little too late in getting to the halls for the transition to my next class, and caught the end of the general flow. As that flow dwindled, I began to lose track of where I was. I knew the school well, but I'd somehow gotten turned around...and with no auras nearby to illuminate the inanimate objects, I had no clue as to where I was now.

Ah, finally, an aura!

I spotted one of my schoolmates trudging out of a room, his glow an annoyed reddish color. It might not have been the best time to talk to him, but what choice did I have?

"Um, hey," I began, approaching him, "what hallway is this?"
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:14 pm

Cole glanced at the girl and sighed, recognizing her as the blind one. "Elemental Hall. Where were you heading?" He asked figuring that if he helped her that meant not having to go the the principals, or at least gave a good reason to be late. What was this, the fifth time this month? His mother would kill him if this meant suspension......

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:27 pm


"Oof...long way away," I said. "I'm headed to English. Er, I don't need help or anything... I could probably figure out the way to the main lobby from here. I don't want to trouble you."

He seemed annoyed enough as it was; I doubted that assisting a blind girl to walk across the entire school would help any with his mood.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:28 pm

((Ok I realized that I need to list some classes to give you guys an idea of where put people. Thanks Winter for reminding me!!! Very Happy ))


Um, some classes.....
Heros in History
All the normal core classes....
Gym, but there are two gym classes one for normal sports and the other for power sports...
The class for your charries power, such as Cole is a fire user so he is in a class with fire kids.
Private training, the class to help each kid with their own personal power.

I'll add SV when able, and more on Sh as I think of them.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:35 pm

Cole shrugged, glancing back at the classroom he'd just left. His teacher was looking out her window with her lips pursed, glaring at him. "Nah, what kinda hero would I become if I didn't help you to your class? What is it there always saying.." He paused trying to think of the words he'd had drilled into his head since he was little. "A hero is a hero for everyone, everywhere." He had to work hard on keeping the sarcasm from his voice.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:45 pm


I gave a bit of a wry grin.

"Alright, thanks," I said. "Um...sorry, what's your name? I'm Rae."

Ah, that old quote. I'd always found it hard to take seriously. I just sounded so sappy! Not to mention that it was unrealistic. Hero for everyone everywhere my eye. I could think of plenty of kids in this school who had their own self-serving agendas.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:57 pm

Cole smirked seeing the teacher still glaring at him from her doorway.
"I'm Cole, nice to meet you."
He offered his hand, then regretted it instantly. She was blind, how was she spose to know he was holding his hand out?

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:13 pm


"Nice to meet you, too," I said.

I didn't take his extended hand. I could see it thanks to his aura, but I really preferred keeping the nature of my power hidden. That was one thing that really bothered me with superheroes... They wore outfits emblazoned with the themes of their powers (or so I'd been told) and named themselves with titles that gave their abilities away. Iceman...gee, wonder what his power is? Sheesh. Wouldn't it be far more tactically sound to keep the skills secret until they needed to be used? Or better yet, assume purposefully deceiving names?
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:26 pm

Cole held his hand out for a minute longer before dropping it lamely and glancing at his watch. "Well, if you want to get to class before its over then we better start walking."
Once again glancing at the teacher he was slightly alarmed to see her with a phone to her ear. Oh my, could he of hurt someone in his little fire? His fears were relieved a moment later when he spotted her glaring at him and he realized she was probably calling the office about him. Oh, wait that was a bad thing. They really needed to start walking .....

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:32 pm


"Er, right," I agreed, "let's get walking. If you'd please lead the way..."

I wondered what his power was. This was the Elemental hall, so that narrowed things down. I was pretty sure I'd caught the smell of something burning as the door opened, so fire perhaps? It seemed likely.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:40 pm

Grateful to be moving Cole turned and starting walking for a moment, then paused hesitantly.
"Um, do you wanna take my arm or something?" He asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "To help you follow more easily?"
He didn't want to hurt her feelings but he honestly had no idea how you're spose to lead a blind person somewhere.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:15 pm


"Thanks, but it's not necessary," I replied. "I can hear your footsteps. Although, if we reach turns or stairs, could you let me know? Especially stairs."

I typically navigated the hallways by the light of everyone else's auras. With all the students moving at once, everything lit up with a rainbow of color. However, with only the two of us here, it was very difficult to see much of anything. The hall was a bit too wide for that.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:46 pm

Cole nodded, kinda relieved as he started walking again.

"So," He began after a minute. "Um, are you excited for the finals coming up? Have you been assigned a villain yet?"

It wasn't really an exciting topic but it was something at least....

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:01 pm


"Definitely excited," I replied with a bit of a grin. "As far as I know, though, I haven't been assigned one yet. You?"

I couldn't wait to get my assignment. One of the great things about being blind is that everyone underestimates you. You're expected to be weak and fragile. I was eager to rectify that assumption.

Not to mention that I was immune to any powers that involved making eye-contact. That was a bonus.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:11 pm

Cole shook his head, then mentally cursed himself. Right, she was blind, she wouldn't see that. Annoyed with himself he took a deep breath before speaking.

"I haven't gotten an assignment yet, but they've got to pass them out soon. Finals are what," he paused trying to remember. "Two months away? They have to give us time to study our opponents and all that junk."

He was actually a little worried by the fact they hadn't gotten the assignments yet. Fire was awesome and all, pretty useful in a fight. But he didn't have very good control, so his best bet at winning was to plan and get to know the villain's weaknesses. That was, in his opinion, Cole's only chance.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:26 pm


"Yeah...know thy enemy and all that," I said. "But really, I can't wait for this! I wanna show them what I can do. What about you? How do you feel about finals?"

I was glad that I had things to talk about. Usually, when I was around other people, the air was thick with awkward silences. This guy seemed nice, though, and he was pretty easy to talk to.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:32 pm

Cole ran his hand through his hair before replying, why not be honest with her?

"Nervous. I'm not really the best at control, its gonna be hard for me to beat anyone. Or at least do it without taking out everything around me as I do it." He glanced at the hallway as he spoke. "We're turning to the right in about ten feet."

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:39 pm


"Ah," I said. "And thanks for the update. Anyway, I'm sure you can get better in time. I mean, that's what school is for. Any skill can be improved with practice...although, I suppose that's easy for me to say. I'm not the one with the fire powers, after all. Er, those are your powers, right?"
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

Post by ShaneColton Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:49 pm

Lucius stood outside of the school, his head pounding. Something was wrong yet he could not place a finger on the problem. He grabbed at his head with his hands. It burned and pounded, way worse than any headache. He reached out a hand to lean on a tree, but it began to disintegrate under his touch. And as soon as it had begun, it was over, leaving him exhausted and he collapsed to the ground.

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Super High - Page 5 Empty Re: Super High

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