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Super High

Ale J.
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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Banshee Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:21 am

Alex shrugged carelessly. "Anything I guess. I haven't tried animals though." he said, and he shifted into a likeness of Angel. "See?" he said, her voice comming out.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:41 pm

Cole shifted in his seat as he stared out the window of the principal's office. He hadn't gotten in as much trouble as he expected. Just detention before school for a month. Not bad at all.

Just as the lunch bell rang he got the signal from the office aid that he could go. Smiling gratefully he walked out and started towards the lunch room. He stinker his nose slightly at the smell, hamburgers. Great, he was going to have to buy a salad again seeing as he was not going to eat that almost raw meat. Seriously, where did these people learn to cook? Under a rock? Maybe it was just him though, he thought walking into the room. Everyone else seemed to find nothing wrong with the food.

An annoyed frown tugging onto his lips Cole made his way over to the salad line. Only two people were in front of him.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:59 pm


I navigated the cafeteria by the aura lights. Such a crowded place as this one lit up very brightly; as such, I barely needed my cane. But I kept it just in case. I sat down at an empty table somewhat near the lunch line, taking my bag lunch out and inspecting it. I never went for the cafeteria food... That stuff was nasty. I couldn't even fathom how other students could stomach it day in and day out.

I "saw" Cole in the lunch line behind a few other kids. I was tempted to wave, but that would pretty much give out my power. So, I pretended to not "see" him and returned my attention to my sandwich.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:05 am

When Cole finally made it though the line he glanced around the room hesitantly. Normally he would sit with Zack, Trinity's brother. But Zack was sitting next to the preps who weren't too happy about the fire insident earlier. His eyes finding Rae Cole smiled a little and started in her direction.

"You mind if I sit with you?" He asked upon reaching her. "It seems that I might not want to sit in my normal spot if I want to eat in peace."

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:10 am

Name: Dom
Age: 16
Gender: male
School, SV or SH: SV
Power: sound manipulation: can mimic sounds and set off sonic blasts. Uses sound to see.
Appearance: (i suck at finding pictures so im gonna keep with words) Looks spiked brown hair, brown eyes, lightly tanned skin, tall, always wears sunglasses. He has lean and slightly buff muscles, but not overly soo.

Name: Kiki
Age: 17
Gender: female
School, SV or SH: SH
Power: shadow manipulation.
Appearance: Dark brown, almost black hair that has a red tint to it in light. It is layered and reaches just above her shoulders. she has a heart shaped face and almond shaped sea green eyes. She usually hides her eyes behind rectangle framed glasses.
other: has a cat named felix (yes the chat box felix) who seems to be a character all by himself. He gets into trouble, and is everywhere he isnt suposed to be. He's still a kitten, so he causes a lot of troulbe for Kiki and tends to follow her to school.
Super High - Page 8 12350110

Name: Emily
Age: 15
Gender: female
School, SV or SH: SV
Power: drawing to life: if she draws something it comes off the page. Like a rose would come off the page and be 3D
Appearance: bright pink short hair with a few blond streak. Mysterious purple eyes that seam to hold a thousand stories. Is short and petiete with a thin frame. has pale skin with a few freckles around her nose.

Last edited by Momo13 on Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:16 am

so how can i come in?

Last edited by Momo13 on Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:18 am

Amorelle.... goes to lunch?

^my awesome come back for this rp.... oh ya.. be jealous


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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:41 am


"I don't mind," I said, smiling at him. "Man, what are they making in there today? It smells funny...not that it doesn't smell funny every day, but you know."

I was quite content with my sandwich, apple, and juice, thanks. I'd had some of the food here once, and I couldn't say that I was terribly satisfied with it. I'd once read in an article that most schools buy the lowest grade foods that are still considered edible. I never really trusted school food after that.

((This is a true fact.))
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Jacky K. Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:42 am

Name: Tristian
Age: 17
Gender: guy
School, SV or SH: SH
Power: Light manipulation. He can control light to create illusions, turn invisible, ect ect ect. Fun fun x3
Appearance: Neat but laid-back general appearence. Brown hair cropped short, twinkly greyish-blue eyes. He carries himself proudly, but doesn't have the damanding air of someone who wants to be seen.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:49 am

Cole chuckled as he placed his tray on the table and sat down a chair to her right.

"It's hamburgers but if you ask me its just raw cow. " he shook his head and unwrapped his fork before pulling the lid off his salad. "So, how has your morning been?"

It wasn't like he was the best with small talk but she was easy to talk to so that helped, a little.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:53 am


"Ah, it's been alright," I answered, "but pretty boring if you ask me. How about yours?"

I remembered that he'd been sent out of class for some reason. I'd been wondering what it was, but I wasn't about to ask.
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:06 am

Cole smirked and took a bite, chewing slowly before answering.

"Interesting for sure. Right before I met you I got kicked out of class for setting a jock's desk on fire." He said as if it was the most normal thing in the world and took another bite.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:12 am


"Ah, really?" I asked, giving a bit of a wry grin. "What'd he do? I'm sure he did something to deserve it."

One thing I loved about this could mention stuff like setting a kid's desk on fire as though you were talking about the weather. In a regular school, he probably would've gotten expelled for that.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:19 am

Cole smirked a little more as he swallowed. "Yeah, he through a piece of paper at me...I don't have the best temper. And with as little control I have sometimes..." he shrugged. "Honestly I'm just surprised it was only his desk. "

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Echo Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:30 am


"Heh. Well, at least you were in a room full of fire controllers, right?" I asked. "Even if you lost it more than you did, things couldn't have ended up too badly."

I'd never had classes in the Elemental hall, of course, but I'd heard about what they were like. Although...technically, fire wasn't an element. But who was counting?
Winter Dragon

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Bells Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:57 am

"Yeah," Cole replied holding his fork a little ways from his mouth. "It probably wouldn't have been too bad, except for the fact that the class is for the ones who are having problems controlling their powers. Somehow, and I have no idea how, I am the most advanced in my class." He rolled his eyes a little. That made no sense what so ever seeing as he could barely control his.

"But it wasn't that bad so," He paused trying to think of something to say. "What's your next class? I have that one they started this semester, team building or something like that." He rolled his eyes again, he honestly didn't see the sense in the class.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:41 pm

Name: Willem Jale
Age: 16
Gender: Male
School: SH
Power: Can communicate with animals
Appearance: 5'6", muscular with broad shoulders (swimmer's build); has a tan, sandy blonde hair, and green eyes.

Name: Arlais Jale
Age: 15
School: SV
Power: Can read and control emotions, but only upon touching them.
Appearance: 5'3", petite yet feminine build; rather pale with sandy blonde, shoulder-length, straight hair; green eyes.

Background: Arlais and Willem's parents were a super hero and a super villain. Neither knew of the other's true identity. They discovered during a battle when Willem was two and Arlais was one, and then divorced. The courts gave their father (the villain) custody of Arlais and their mother (the hero) custody of Willem. Arlais and their father have lived in this city for a while. Willem and their mother recently moved here for reasons unkown.

First post will come after I get back from dinner and fence-painting.


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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:00 pm

Kiki walked through the halls and groaned as her cat disapeared again. This thing really had to stop following her to school, she was going to get in trouble one day. "Felix!" She called, patting her legs a couple times. "C'mere boy...before i punch you in the face..." She sighed, slightly frusterated. Why couldnt this cat behave?

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Stark Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:30 pm

I wander around searching for something to do. I do not really see much to do. I decide to cut class and go out and practice my Parkour. As soon as I am outside I start to run at a solid brick wall. I jump and hit it feet first I then pull myself up over the wall. I then scale a building only using the window ledges to get to the top. I then start running from rooftop to rooftop.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:42 pm

I walked down the deserted school halls, feeling lost. My first day and I was late. I wondered whether they'd penalize me. I hoped not. It'd be a pretty horrible first day if I got in trouble during it.
A black cat dashed down the otherwise empty hall towards me. "What the heck?" I cried. Why would there be a cat in school? Unless it was a super cat, I couldn't think of any reason for it to be around. I squatted down and scooped it up in my arms as it raced towards me. "Hey there," I mewed in a language the cat could understand. "Where did you come from?" I continued down the hall, cat in hand, wondering what to do and where to go.

I walked slowly into school. I was late. Really late. For the fifth time this month. But I didn't care. It was Dad's fault, anyway. If he hadn't been out so late and had gotten up early enough to give me a ride on time, then this wouldn't have happened. But naturally that wasn't to be. In any case, I didn't think it was fair for the school to punish me for being late. After all, we were "super villains in training," right? Shouldn't we be encouraged to break the rules?


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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:02 pm

(sparky, felix is more of a kitten than a cat)

Felix (wow...I'm posting for a cat....something is wrong with this) looked up at the boy and started nibbling on his thumb. He flopped around on his hand a bit and bit the boys hand harder. "I came with my person...where is my person? is my person -- ooh string!" He jumped down and started jumping on the boys shoe laces.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:11 pm

I sighed, grabbing the kitten and pulling him off my shoelace. "What's your person like? And why did he bring you to school? Are pets allowed here?" I glanced around the hallways. They all looked the same to me, so I couldn't expect a cat, especially a kitten like him, to know where his owner was. Even if I could, it'd take me ages to find it.


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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:16 pm

Felix looked up at him when he picked him up. "I did not say you could pick me up again. Why are you picking me up? I do not like this." He moved and climbed up the boys arm to his shoulder. "My person is great. I love my -- ooh more string!" He started nibbling on the hair on the boys head.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:20 pm

"Stop it!" I cried, grabbing the kitten by his scruff and holding him away from me and anything he could possibly confuse for string. "Do you want to go back to your owner or not? Do you know anything else about him other than that he's great?" I sighed. I wished it'd been a grown cat. Grown cats were calmer. Only kittens and dogs could be this easily distracted.


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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:32 pm

Felix struggled in his grip and scratched at his hand. "Put me down! Put me down right now! I am not enjoying this!" He complained and glared at the boy. "My person is not a he. She is a she! I love my -- thread!" Felix started playing with the string coming out of the boys sleave.

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Super High - Page 8 Empty Re: Super High

Post by Sponsored content

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