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A Basic Chat of Basicness

Jacky K.
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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Echo Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:42 pm

Let's help some newbies learn the ropes, shall we? This chat is very basic, as the title says. There is no plot (yet). The setting is a city at night. Why? Because I like that setting. Grab your character(s), and let's go!

[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Brief Backstory:[/b] (Also optional)
[b]Extra Info:[/b] (Also also optional)
Winter Dragon

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Spiral Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:47 pm

Appearance:5'6", short dark hair, purpleish aura around him,
Personality: (Optional)does what he wants, Chaotic Neutral
Brief Backstory: (Also optional)At a young age he was controlled by an entity called "Corruption", years later he broke free of Corruption and took control of the power it left behind.
Extra Info: (Also also optional)

Last edited by Spiral159 on Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Banshee Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:53 pm

Name: Ezra Cox
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: Longish Raven black hair, dark grey eyes, 6'1. He's lean but still pretty muscular.
Personality: (Optional) Sarcastic, cowardly, secretive, lying, basically my new version
Brief Backstory: (Also optional) Ezra has a desire to be good despite his villianous past. His father, because of this, sees him as a coward.
Extra Info: (Also also optional) Same...

Last edited by gh3325 on Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:30 am; edited 3 times in total

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Guest Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:56 pm

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: Short, only 4'5". Hazel eyes, and long, dirty blonde hair that she usually has to keep up in a pony tail so it doesn't get in the way
Personality: ...Oh... you poor, poor, little newbs... *pats heads* you'll learn soon enough
Brief Backstory: (Also optional) Uh... dad killed mom then ditched kids, several years later, brothers ditched her, she mastered the art of thieving... you know, basic stuff... but not
Extra Info: (Also also optional) She's a habui. You'll learn what that is... later

Last edited by endellion on Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Echo Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:59 pm

Name: Peter
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: Average height, has lithe build with lean muscles; has shaggy, brown hair and equally brown eyes; dresses in all black and wears black boots (the typical Scout stealth attire)
Personality: Fiery, often sarcastic, practically never smiles or laughs, looks out for friends, has fierce determination for desired ends
Brief Backstory: Mrrrrh...
Extra Info: His soul is a blue-eyed, black Belgian shepherd named Sesria
Winter Dragon

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Jacky K. Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:59 pm

Name: Cricket
Gender: dude
Age: 14
Appearance: Shaggy black hair that hangs in his eyes, somewhat short and lean. Tattered clothes. Large amber eyes..well, his hair covers them anyhow, so why am I even listing that?
Personality: Happy-go-lucky to the point of blindly optimistic.
Brief Backstory: He grew up in the slums of Luna Nuova, where crime thrives in the shelter of crumbling, sinking, flooding streets that used to be beautiful.
Extra Info: He's a thief, to get to the point. Whether he wants to be one is another story. There are a few quirks of Luna Nuovan culture that will shine through when he gets to'll figure those out soon enough.

Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Alice Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:03 pm

Name: Artemis
Gender: female
Age: 16
Personality: Shy and quiet but when she fights... you know about it
Brief Backstory: Her mom is the greek goddess of the moon. She grew up in Greece and learned all about how to use water for healing from her mother.
Extra Info: She can control water and use it to make harm or do good depends on her mood

Last edited by Aliceinwaiting on Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Alice Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:08 pm

Name: Megan Blackwood
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Loud and crazy. She fights for what she wants.
Brief Backstory: Father was a buisness man and her mother was a gypsy. Her brother Nole watched her even though her father had abused her and she ran away. She is english so she has a english accent
Extra Info: She gets into trouble.... alot...

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Kid.Icarus Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:53 pm

Name: Icarus
Gender: Male
Age: 17(?)
Appearance: Tall and skinny.
Shoulder-length shaggy dirty-blonde hair, sometimes pulled into a ponytail; thick-rimmed glasses, and sky blue eyes.
Black tee, white zip-up hoodie, Baggy jeans, iron-toed boots.
Usually has on a one-strap backpack.
A Basic Chat of Basicness Desmond-miles
Personality: can come off as indifferent to most, but nice enough once you know him. tends to avoid combat when he can.
Brief Backstory: Apparently "Backstory" isn't a word. o-o
but yea.. maybe later
Extra Info: possesses little conscience, and will end up saying things without thinking.
Carries an engraved Zippo lighter everywhere.

Last edited by Kid.Icarus on Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:21 pm; edited 4 times in total

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Invisimort Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:18 am

Name:T.Morbid Namechov
Appearance:Black hair... Pale... Terrifyingly thin...
Personality: awkward incarnate
Brief Backstory: you'll see... If you don't Already know...
Extra Info:meh.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:22 am

"SCREW YOU TOO, 'BUDDY'. SCREW YOU!" I yelled at the now slammed-shut bakery door. I mean... all I had wanted was a loaf of bread, that's it...
And I /might/ have broken a couple of things when I did so, but those were all replaceable
Well... except for the ceiling. That was going to be a big of a bugger to get all the burn marks off of. But it was a total accident.
I sighed, just standing there for a while, hands in my pockets. It actually started misting now, /wonderful/. My bangs began to stick to my forehead, and I pulled my hood up, turning away from the store. The city was actually sort of beautiful, with it's neon store lights, and buildings as tall as skyscrapers reaching up into the charcoal sky... but it did nothing for my mood.
So, broke, tired, and hungry, I started walking, humming a tune to myself as I did so. Screw my life.


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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Jacky K. Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:27 am


There were lights, blinking lights, running all the way up to the sky like . . . ah . . . no, not stars. Stars weren't multicolored and window-shaped. I actually couldn't see any stars from where I was, and even more important than that, there was no water to be found. There were streets where I'd expect canals to be, and hundreds of those wheely vehicles were zipping past.

This . . . that was why I avoided big cities. Although, even if it was different, it would be an adventure, aye? It was certainly something to get used to. No one stared at me there, like they did in old Lu. Just one in a million, lost in the blur of lives and stories. I kept pushing through the crowds, making sure to keep my valuables on me. Lots of sketchy people around. " 'ey! Don't dare try it." Damn pickpockets take me for a fool. Aye, that's right, I see you. Takes one to know one.

Well, the pickpocket dissapeared, and I started off again, not having any clue as to where I was going . . . and there was rain gathering in the air. I could smell it. Ah, well. See, after growing up in Luna, you start to care less about getting a little wet. I started whistling a made-up tune to myself, listening around.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Alice Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:28 am

Artemis and Megan walked down the cold street.
"Nice going Megan you got us kicked out of the movies HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??" Artemis asked yelling. Her white hair flew in her face .
Megan shrugged and walked cooly.
"Listen Artemis dont freak out like you always do when we get into trouble. It wasnt as bad as the art musuem remeber? We took a bra and hung it on a frak $1,000,000,000,000 satue! We almost got arrest! They just asked us to leave this time." Megan shrugged and kept walking.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Echo Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:35 am


Well, this sure wasn't my origin plane. That's another one down. In fact, I could probably count this whole area out. ...Well, maybe I shouldn't. There was no way I wanted to accidentally skip over it.

I walked through the streets, heading for the waypoint I'd sensed earlier. Ugh, it was misting. Great. I pulled my hood on, scowling slightly. If it grew to rain...well, I was pretty screwed. Fricking...wetness...

I spotted another hooded person headed in the opposite direction I was going. I couldn't see the person's face too well, but for a second, I'd thought it was Marley. That was silly. What would Marley be doing here? Although...the soul matched. Bah, must've been a coincidence. Influence of the planes.
Winter Dragon

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:41 am

I spotted somebody looking at me. Now, in a tiny town, that wouldn't have been so unusual. But in a big city like this, with all these people... you tend to notice when people really /look/ at you. Especially when you're just a touch paranoid to begin with. /Especially/ when there's practically a whole culture dedicated to take people like you down, shoot first, ask questions later style.
I tried to get a better look at the person, without revealing too much of my own face. Couldn't see under their hood, though, so I tried casually walking a little closer.


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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Alice Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:44 am

Megan walked down the street thinking aloud. "Why would they ask US to leave? All we were doing was throwing candy at people! And you were splashing people with your goddess powers." She said with a laugh
Artemis rolled her eyes but laughed. "True... that kid behind us... he needed some help."
Megan nodded in agreement. THe kid behing them kept kicking the seat and calling them... well names that should never be said.
Artemis sighed and looked at Megan. "Meg?"
"Why the heck are we walking the opposite way of our appartment?"
"Because we need to find osmething else to do then just sit there and sulk."
Artemis nodded and followed.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:49 am

Standing on the ledge of a roof, I stare into the sprawling city below, flicking my Zippo lighter.

"What an interesting place." I look up into the faceless night. "I can't see the stars, even up here... perhaps i can finding something higher."

I stare off into distance over the tops of the other skyscrapers, and i walk off the edge, falling into the city.

Last edited by Kid.Icarus on Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Echo Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:57 am


It looked like the hooded person was trying to look at me. I still couldn't quite see the person's face; I wasn't close enough for that. But the height matched Marley's... This was kinda weird, actually. Again I wondered what Marley would be doing here. Of course, it wasn't like I hadn't seen enough bizarre things, and I'd certainly encountered friends in odd places. Why not give it a shot?

"Marley?" I asked. "Is that you?"

If I was wrong, there wouldn't be any harm done. But if I was right...
Winter Dragon

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:02 am

My pulse raced, and I ran, weaving through the crowd. Crap, crap, somebody had RECOGNIZED me, what if it had been a cop?! Or a hunter that magically knew my name?! Or Peter?! Wait... wait... what?! That had been Peter's voice, I realized, when my brain finally caught up to my actions.
I ran back to where I was before, and sure enough, saw a guy that was as tall as Peter, wearing a hoodie I realized I recognized.
"Er.... hehe... hi Pete"


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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Ale J. Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:07 am

Name: Jamie Night
Gender: F
Age: 16
Appearance: Dirty Blonde hair in a ponytail, with bangs. Brown eyes.
Personality: She can be sweet and helpful at times, but she is always getting into trouble. She Is supposed to be mean and hate all of humanity because of her being a dark angel. But she is...different from the others.
Brief Backstory: Er...long story. Later....
Extra Info: Dark Angel

Name: Alyson Blake
Gender: F
Age: 16
Appearance: Straight light brown hair, brown eyes that are Sometimes purple.
Personality: Sweet, Kind and reckless with her magic. She sometimes does before thinking and that doesn't help in many situations.
Brief Backstory: Same
Extra Info: Sorceress

Name: Jake Riley
Gender: M
Age: 16
Appearance:Longish black hair that sometimes hangs in his eyes. Piercing blue eyes that are sometimes gold.
Personality: Sweet and Shy. Most of the time he is invisible(not literally) and can be very intelligent with his powers.
Brief Backstory: Same...
Extra Info: Sorcerer
Ale J.
Ale J.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Echo Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:17 am


"Hey, Marley," I said with a bit of a wry grin. "I didn't think I was that repulsive! All silliness aside, what brings you here? I definitely hadn't been expecting to see anyone familiar."

The chances of that out here in the multiverse were so slim...not that things like this hadn't actually happened before. I figured that Fate really enjoyed screwing around.
Winter Dragon

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:22 am

"Heh... and actually, funny story. I sort of... well..." I rubbed the back of my head. "Every month I move to a new state. Book a motel for a month as my home when I get there. They actually give discounts if you rent a room for a whole month, which I can manage with my thieving skills. So... yea... tada! This is this month's state. Just trying to find some dinner. Though I guess it's a little closer to a midnight snack by now"


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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Echo Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:28 am


"Ah, right," I said. "And I'm just here 'on break,' looking for my origin plane. Same way I spend every 'break' I get. I can safely say that this isn't my origin plane. I was actually headed towards a waypoint somewhere down that way." I indicated the general direction.

You always have to include the quotation marks when you're talking about "breaks." Always. If you listen to any Organization member, you can hear the difference in inflection when they mention "breaks." I'm no exception.
Winter Dragon

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:33 am

I land on the sidewalk, sending up a cloud dust as i hit the ground. I pull down my hood, and release my ponytail, letting my hair fall naturally into place.

Oblivious to those around me, I walk in the direction of the building I saw from the top.

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A Basic Chat of Basicness Empty Re: A Basic Chat of Basicness

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:34 am

I only understood about half of what he was saying. Someday, I was going to have him map out the whole 'soulbonder' thing, and 'planes' and all of that. Someday soon. But now probably wasn't the time.
"Huh. Well... if this follows the usual, freaky pattern... Crick and T.Mor should pop up soon" I laughed. Though when I thought about it... I was only half kidding. That DID happen an amazing amount of times. Always in the weirdest of places


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