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The Amazing Brain

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:06 pm

Gracelynn changed into a full length strapless rusty-brown dress that had no straps and clunch to her chest, but was otherwise flowy. Her hair was down in a loose braid over her shoulder. She walked downstairs and started around the house, stubling upon a boy in the kitchen. She was quiet for a moment before smiling and introducing herself. "Hi," she said. "I'm Gracelynn."

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by ShaneColton Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:14 pm

Elliot looked up, scanning the girl. She looked close to his age, and she was pretty. "Hello, I'm Elliot. Nice to meet you." His British accent sounded odd after hearing hers. He opened the giant refrigerator and saw a bunch of fresh veggies and what not, and he grinned.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:20 pm

(hehe avery. I had too. But i dont expect them to get together in this would be cute if they did though.)

Riley walked into the house and went strait to his room. He tosses his bag on the bed and didnt bother unpacking yet. Instead he wandered around the house, hoping to run into someone. He read the names of the peoples rooms as he passed. Some of them were normal like 'Elliot' or 'Gracelynn' but others made him wonder. 'Mai' made him think of a girl who either had issues spelling "may" or was asian. Part of him wondered what it was as he walked.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:07 am

Jenna got done unpacking, and got up to go explore the house. She passed by the mirror and glanced at it for a while. She was a wearing dark purple blouse with the little white flowers here and there. She also wore a nice pair of jeans and she started to head out the door, to get out and talk to someone. She almost ran right into a wondering blond guy. She smiled, held out her hand, and said "Hi! I'm Jenna. Who're you?"
Purple Dragon
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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:21 am

"Riley." he introduced himself and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Jenna." so they weren't totally alone here. Others did excist. "Where is your room?" he hadn't seen her name on the doors yet. His hands were shoved into his pockets and looked over her.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:53 am

"My rooms by the door that says 'Mai' on it. What about you?" Jenna glanced behind herself, wondering what he was looking at. She turned back and also said,"You're the first person I've run into. I think there are others, but this place is just so big."
Purple Dragon
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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:03 pm

"Ah. So you are next to the girl who either cant spell a month or is asian." Riley nodded and glanced around teh hall again. "It probably isnt as big as we think it is. It just seems big because its our first day here." He reasoned. "But you are the first I have run into. By the number of names i have seen on the doors there has to be around ten others, if not more."

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:09 pm

Jenna laughed and said, "I'm guessing she's just asian. Yeah, good point." She faltered a little, unsure of what to say next. "So find anything interesting to do? There's pretty much no electronics around..."
Purple Dragon
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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:10 pm

Annaleah looked up to see the sulky boy from earlier and then she resisted a tiny smile. "Hey," she said. "I'm Annaleah." She cracked her knuckles quickly and then sat on her hands and crossed her legs. "Who're you?" She was just glad to finally be meeting other people.

Landon stepped out of his room after a while, scratching his head and yawning. There were a bunch of people who had signed up for this, but he still hadn't seen anyone. He was kinda shocked that he hadn't met his neighbors at least.

Grace smiled back pleasantly. "Nice to meet you as well," she said and the saw him smiling into the fridge. "Do you like to cook?" She asked, cocking her head. It was either that or he was a creeper.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:17 pm

Mai looked around the hall and saw someone stepping out of their room. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and looked at him. "Hi there!" She called to him, a smile on her face. "You must be least I hope you are, cause if you arent then you just walked out of someone elses room." She walked over to him. "I'm Mai."

"Not yet. I plan on doing some guitar playing her if that is allowed." Riley looked back to his room where his electric guitar was. The only downside of him being here was that his band would have to replace him as guitarist. He just shrugged at the thought and looked at the girl.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:19 pm

Landon threw the girl a crooked grin, holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mai," he said. "I am Landon, by the way... I'm not some creepy room stealer," he assured her, his smiling widening. She was cute. He had already decided. But that was creepy.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by ShaneColton Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:23 pm

Elliot grinned. "Yes, I enjoying cooking. Only the finest food, of course." He found pots and pans and stuff, and started to plan for supper. "Do you know how many people are going to live here? I want to make sure I cook enough food.." He moved to sit on the counter, waiting for her reply.

Ashina finished unpacking and decided to look around. She started wandering down random hallways, wondering what she could discover. She hadn't really seen any people yet, but had heard some voices earlier, so she assumed she wasn't the only one here.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:25 pm

Mai shook his hand and smiled to him. "Well i guess we are room neighbors then." She told him and glanced over him. He was cute and reminded her of one of her friends. "I cant believe this free housing for just living here and filling out a journal? This is too good to be true." She didnt use computers or phones often, so the whole 'no outside world' wasnt going to be hard for her.

Last edited by Momo13 on Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:29 pm

Trever walked closer and said "I'm Trever. Annaleah's a nice name. Mind if I sit?" He gestured to a beanbag next to her. He studied her for a while. She was pretty, and seemed unique. At least there was some people to get to know here.

Jenna's smile grew a little. "You play guitar? Think you could teach me sometime? I have one at home from my mom but never learned to play it."
Purple Dragon
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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:52 pm

Annaleah shrugged and looked at the chair. "Not at all," she said, squishing into the beanbag a little more. She wondered if he was the quiet type or if he was more... Outgoing. She was definitely more outgoing and she knew that it could scare some people off. She also had no modesty or anything... Which was a scary prospect in a house of strangers.

"No, I don't know," Grace said pursing her lips. "Do you need any help?" She asked. She had taken culinary classes for three years to help her earn extra credit in school and learned that she loved, cooking, too. It might be fun to hang out with someone else who liked cooking, too.

Landon smiled and nodded. "I think it's true," he said, looking around. Everything here was very real. He really like the house, too and hopefully, he'd like the people. He didn't want to have any drama in this house.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:53 pm

Mai nodded and smiled. She glanced back to her door. "Do you think we cab decorate the doors? Make them reflect who we are?" she asked as she looked over the plain wood. The only thing there was her name, and even that looked bland. Maybe she would add some pokemon drawings if she could.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:12 pm

Landon shrugged. "Probably," he said, looking at his own sign. The were pretty large, a bit bigger than an 8 x 11 piece of paper. he was sure he could do something cool with his. Hopefully he didn't look like an idiot when he decorated it.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:31 pm

"I hope we are. What fun would this place be if we can't express ourselves?" Mai thought back to the drawings in her room and the journals full of words. Her words. She loved to express herself whether she used words or drawings or music. Well, she wasn't so great at music, but words and drawings she was great at.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:58 pm

"So.... you go to the college right?" Trever asked, landing on a plush beanbag next to hers. He didn't talk too much, but he still liked getting to know others. Besides, talking to everyone else seemed to be one of the only interesting thing to do around here. He looked at her, straight into her dark eyes, and wondered if she was scared of him like some people were.
Purple Dragon
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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:03 pm

(I don't know what to do with Landon)

Annaleah nodded, chuckling quietly. "I thought that everyone who took part of this project went to the college," she said with a bright smile. She turned slightly, so she was more facing him. She didn;t want to seem uninterested by facing away and she liked to talk to people straight on. When they met eyes, her smile softened slightly.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by ShaneColton Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:10 pm

Avery wrote:Annaleah shrugged and looked at the chair. "Not at all," she said, squishing into the beanbag a little more. She wondered if he was the quiet type or if he was more... Outgoing. She was definitely more outgoing and she knew that it could scare some people off. She also had no modesty or anything... Which was a scary prospect in a house of strangers.

"No, I don't know," Grace said pursing her lips. "Do you need any help?" She asked. She had taken culinary classes for three years to help her earn extra credit in school and learned that she loved, cooking, too. It might be fun to hang out with someone else who liked cooking, too.

Landon smiled and nodded. "I think it's true," he said, looking around. Everything here was very real. He really like the house, too and hopefully, he'd like the people. He didn't want to have any drama in this house.

"Sure! You like to cook, too? He pulled out several packages of lasagna noodles, found some ground beef and tomatoes, parsley, cottage cheese, several kinds of shredded cheese, and some pans. "Lasagna." He told up, already getting the ground beef started. "I make my own sauce."

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:13 pm

Grace's eyes widened and she shook her head with a slightly uncomfortable smile and looked away toward the fridge. "Actually, I'm a vegetarian," she said, sheepishly. "I'll just make something for myself. She reached out toward the fridge, examining the contents and trying to put together some dish in her head.

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:15 pm

"Well you never know." Trever replied. He saw her turn to him, and relaxed a bit. "So. Huge house." he gestured to the surroundings, still looking at her.
Purple Dragon
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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:16 pm

"Sure, I can teach you." Riley smiled and shrugged to her. "Where do you think we should go? I don't think standing in the hall is the best thing to do." he let hid voice carry off and looked around. Maybe they could try to find a main room where others were at.

(need me to add more for Mai?)

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The Amazing Brain - Page 2 Empty Re: The Amazing Brain

Post by Avery Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:18 pm

Annaleah chuckled quietly and nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty, though," she saidm quickly sweeping the room to check for blankets. She had always loved beanbag chairs and knew that there would probably be many nights where she'd fall asleep in one. She looked at him again, cocking her head slightly. "What made you sign up?" She asked.

(I dunno, Momo)

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