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Purple Dragon
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Heidlys..... Empty Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:19 pm

I'm in the mood for some romantic

In 2063 is a world much different than ours. Humans have almost died off because of a disease brought in from a space exploration. It was called Heidlys after the only astronaut to live long enough after catching it in order to come home. He's the one who cursed us all. Its spread like wildfire, in only months it infected half of the states, then Europe, then further.

Those who survive Heidlys are lucky, well, that's how some people see it. The only way that you survive is to make a deal with the scientists because there is a cure. But its not safe. The cure has been known to create mutations in people, has even caused death. So it was outlawed in a year ago, the death rate higher than success. But the experiments haven't stopped. They've just gone underground.

The scientists are convinced they're in the right, trying to save the dying human race even if it means death on the way. The end justifies the means. Recently they've come to using more than just animals to test the new serums. People instead. There are two types of people who end up with the needle in thekr arm. One, those who are here by choice, they've discovered they have Heidlys and are willing to do anything to get rid of it.

Then there are the ones who are here by force. The orphans, runaways and criminals. Teenagers mostly, those who could disappear and not be noticed. They're injected with Heidlys, then stuck in a room for days to let it sink in. Away from the others they are then injected with a more dangerous, more experimental form of the cure. The side effects of this one....change the kids completely.

It mutates. Gives them powers unseen before in humans. If they survive.

It's been rumored that these teens are planning an escape. To get out and tell the world, what's left of it anyways, of what's going on. Perhaps these are just that. Rumors. But then...what if they're true. Will you join the rebellion?

How long they've been here:
Appearance :

Last edited by NinjaBells on Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:22 pm

Name: Kira
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality(optional): shall see....tis a suprise..
How long they've been here: couple years....about 3.
Powers: Super speed and stregnth
Bio(optional): You shall see
Appearance : (somewhat detailed appearance...I couldnt find a picture of her for my life)
Hair: Pin strait black hair that falls past her shoulders in layers. Long side bangs fall over her left eye. Light blonde streaks with purple tints color her hair.
~Eyes: Dark green eyes with blue specks. Mysterious glint in her eyes and they are usually hidden behind sunglasses.
~Body: She is averaged height with a flat chest. She looks boyish, and could pull off being a boy when her hair is pulled under a hood. Her limbs are long and slightly thin.
~skin: Light pale skin with a peachy undertone. Freckles around her nose and cheeks.
~tattoos/piercings: Black flames wrap around her wrists. Has a treble/bass clef heart on her left shoulder blade and a flying Chinese dragon type thing on her right. “Logan” on her lower black in pretty black lettering to remember her one and only best friend. Tripple piercing in both ears, lip ring and nose stud. Cartilage piercing in her right ear. Bottom piercings in both ears are gauged.
~General fashion (what they normally wear): Black skinny jeans that are tucked into her DC shoes. Dark music t-shirts or other graphic t-shirts that are usually black, dark grey, blue or purple. Her dark grey hoody is long and big for her. The bottom goes just above her fingertips and the sleeves go clear past her fingers. And of course she has the dark sunglasses that hide her eyes.
other: She is ADHD but the subject is very touchy.

Name: Evan
Age: 16
Gender: male
Personality(optional): TBA
How long they've been here: 2 years
Powers: he can make his molicules stronger or weaker. Stronger so his skin is stronger than steal, weaker so things will pass through him....
Bio(optional): TBA
Appearance : Sandy blonde hair, slightly ragged. Green hazle eyes and lightly tanned skin with freckles. Tall and and lankly with lean muscles. Is a lot stronger than he looks.

Last edited by Momo13 on Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Ravyn Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:25 pm

:O I TOTALLY WANNA JOIN THIS! But i need some time to come up with characters. THE CHARACTERS WILL BE COMING WHEN MUSE ARISES....

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Avery Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:27 pm

Yeah, I think I know two characters that'd work... I'll join.

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:47 pm

Name: Trever
Personality(optional): Likes poking fun at people, but can be nice once you get to know him.
How long they've been here: two years.
Powers:Can blend into shadows and can see ghosts
Bio(optional):Whole family dissapeared, grew up in an orphanage, and ran away at 15 years old.
Appearance : Heidlys..... 9k= usually wearing dark clothes, helps with the shadow blending

Personality(optional):curious and bubbly
How long they've been here:1 year
Powers: can make ice things, or manipulate ice
Bio(optional):Was born in a radiation area, so obtained odd powers. Was alone all her life, searching for her family. The mutations enhanced her powers, so sometimes they get out of control. Might freeze someone or something on accident, then freak out.
Appearance : Heidlys..... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJYVxM1Cu9Fhi4-y3TSMNKaHpwcf_RzBK-3c8S4caZq_FqGWqS8w

Last edited by Purple Dragon on Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:07 pm

Name: Shilo
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: TBD
How long they've been here: She's been here since these types of experiments began. To be exact since she was nine.
Powers: Her mutation has taken the form of her being able to make a kind of energy. She can make her body glow a white light. The scientists believe that there are things she still hasn't discoved that she can do, but the energy mostly takes the form of pure balls of light she can make in her hands.
Bio: Her and her brother were the firsts to be introduced to this kind of the cure. Her brother died, she almost did.
Appearance :
Heidlys..... White-hair-girl

Name: Dante
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: TBD
How long they've been here: He's been here two months. Just enough for his mutation to have formed.
Powers: Magnetism manipulation, like Magneto in Xmen.
Bio: TBD
Appearance :.
Heidlys..... 7690871-teenage-boy-with-short-dark-hair-models-for-the-camera-he-is-wearing-a-jacket-and-sunglasses-are-han

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by daughteroflight Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:22 pm

I might join this. Are we supposed to have two characters?

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Avery Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:40 pm

Name: Lyra Draven
Age: 17
Gender: Female
How long they've been here: A few months
Powers: She manipulates bones. Which means, she can also break them.
Appearance: Lyra has long, dark brown hair that is very curly with sideswept bangs. She is about 5’8” and fairly curly. She has silvery/ tan scars on her arms and on one wrist, when she was all suicidal and what not. She’s fairly tanned with an olive tone in the background. She’s very well proportioned and she had wide, slightly Asian looking green eyes. She’s one quarter Japanese, one quarter Greek, one quarter African, and the rest is a muddled mix.

Name: Isaac Mais
Age: 18
Gender: Male
How long they've been here: Um, Most of his life. Like... A long time.
Powers: He’s able to summon shadow beings to do his bidding.
Appearance : Isaac is fairly tall, being 6’3”, with medium brown skin and very short black hair. He has shockingly bright hazel eyes that turn completely black when he’s using his power. He’s lean and got some muscle on him, though he’s not a beefcake. He’s fairly defined.

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Ravyn Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:38 pm

Name: Theodore "Theo" Blake
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality(optional): TBD
How long they've been here: A year
Powers: He can teleport.
Bio(optional): Grew up with his twin sister, Iris. They wound up on the streets at a young age and wound up in gang trouble. Were eventually caught by the lab.
Appearance : Fair skin, tall, lean, piercing blue eyes, shaggy black hair.

Name: Iris Blake
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality(optional): TBD
How long they've been here: A Year
Powers: Can place illusions in someone's head, make them appear to be encountering something they actually arent. Can create things as simple as images or noises, or can create something as complex as a combo of image, sound, smell, and even taste. But nothing she creates in your mind is tangible, and can only cause confusion - her illusions wont physically hurt you.
Bio(optional): See Theo's bio. Theo's twin sister.
Appearance : Average height, slender, nice figure, fair skin, the same piercing blue eyes as Theo, rough-cut long black hair.


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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Alice Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:42 pm

Name: Angela
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality(optional): shy and quiet doesnt like people around her.
How long they've been here: just got here
Powers: can talk to the dead and feel a ghost presents
Bio(optional): tba
Appearance :

Heidlys..... Tumblr_lp6ltvYz6h1qcc6foo1_500_thumb

Name: Slade
Age: 19
Gender: male
Personality(optional): loud and strong sarcastic and snarky
How long they've been here: 3 years
Powers: he can play with fire and ice
Bio(optional): tba
Appearance :

Heidlys..... Black-haired-blue-eyed-guys-191459

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Red Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:47 pm

I'm gonna join tomorrow afternoon when I get home from school.....on an iPad right now, so...yeah...I'll be here tomorrow Smile

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:15 pm

Shilo -

Have you ever known you were going to die? Did you struggle with the idea? I haven't. I accepted it as a fact long ago. Its hard not to believe you will die when everyone around you has.

I sit here in my room, everyday seemingly a new torture for me. Life isn't something I want now. When you see your friends, the people you admire, your twin. When you see them die it doesn't leave much in you.

With these thoughts in mind I sat up on my cot and eyed the door to my room. Holding out my hand I let a small ball of light form in my palm so to see around me better. Slowly standing I walked over tp the door and peered out. We weren't locked in unless the guards were given orders. Or unless we were new and still sick. Silently I opened my door and stepped out into the hallway.

I may not have the will to live anymore but the others did. I sighed, walking from door to door offering words of comfort to those who needed it. Someone to yell at or someone to cry on. They needed it all, so did I. But I could wait. Crying was the most common, there were just too many little kids. Stopping infront of the last unlocked door I sighed and stepped inside. Just one more

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by daughteroflight Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:13 pm

(sorry it took me longer to make my charries. i was busy helping with flood relief where i am)
Name: Ember
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality(optional): will develop
How long they've been here: just go here
Powers: fire
Bio(optional): tba
Appearance : Heidlys..... D018e814

Name: Darren
Age: 18
Gender: male
Personality: will develop
How long they've been here: 1 year
Powers: telekenesis
Bio: tba
Appearance: Heidlys..... Emo-bo12

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:29 pm


I woke up, and just lay there for a while in the pitch black. Shilo came in..I remembered her name, to give the occasional word of encouragement. I didn't like talking in the mornings. I melted away into the shadows, and stayed there until she left, closing the door behind her.

I popped back into reality, letting out a small breath. I would never get used to that power...that mutation. Every time I went into a shadow, there was a terrible ominous feeling. It felt like the darkest pitch of black, completely alone, only left with my own worst thoughts and nightmares.

I shivered, then got up to leave my room. Just another day at this weird place. Woopdy-freaking-do.


I was awake, I always wake up early, when Shilo came in. I smiled, said "Thanks," then got dressed, playing with a small ball of ice.

I had on just a plain, blue t-shirt and some jeans. Raking my fingers through my crazy hair, I thought about...well, just about life. It had only been a year since a came here. Only a year since I accepted the cure out of pure desperation.

I sighed, smiled at myself, then walked slowly out of my dark room, ready for a new day. Ready to keep surviving, no matter what.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Red Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:57 pm

Name: Rose, people call her Ro (pronounced row)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality(optional): Funny, sarcastic, strong, tries to be positive. Keeps a cool head and thinks on her feet...not very good at planning ahead.
How long they've been here: Since she was 7, so ten years.
Powers: She can summon nearly anything (Not food). She also can manipulate computers to do whatever she wants, making her an awesome hacker.
Bio(optional): Parents dead since she was four, and her aunt (the only person she really remembers from her life before the lab) got Heidlys. She went to the scientists for the cure, bringing Ro with her to the lab. She died two hours after the injection, and was one of the first thousand deaths caused by the 'cure'. No one would notice Ro gone... so she simply never left the building that day. Been there ever since.
Appearance : (Yeah, her hair's actually bubblegum pink. One of the permanent side effects from one of the first cures that she was injected with.)
Heidlys..... Images13

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Ravyn Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:41 pm

Iris: Theo and i lurked in a shadowy spot out of the way, cold ice-blue gazes surveying our miserable surroundings. We may've grown up stealing whatever we needed to survive, skulking in alleys, sleeping outdoors wiht little or no cover in all weather, but even by the standards of street rats like us, this was miserable. We both wore slightly amused smirks as Shilo wandered around, offering words of comfort. Pfft..... comfort was an illusion. Theo and i preferred to stay in the real world. We were pretty friggin' positive we were going down, but we sure as hell wouldnt make it easy and we were going to try to take down as many of them as we could in the process. It was easy to spot the fire, determination, and mischief in our eyes. But it wasnt from teh thought of freedom - no, it was from the thought of going out with a bang. May as well make it count....

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:04 pm

Kira ran laps around the freaky place tryin to burn off unwanted energy. She was abnormally jumpy today and that led to her running...and running and running and running. She had been runnin for nearly an hour strait and felt no calmer. Her strides were long and fast as she ran as a blur. Normal people couldn't see her most of the time, and she used that to her advantage.

Kira continued her running in the building, weaving her way through the maze of halls. She wasn't watching where she was goin and completely plowed into someone. Trever. She reconized him from their years in this place together. She knew his name, along with most everyone elses, but no on knew hers. Names had power and she wouldnt give that power to anyone. Most people called her Shades or Speedy, neither she minded.

Her glasses flew off her face from the impact and landed next to him. He was lucky she didn't slam them into a wall or something, going as fast as she was. And that wasn't even her full speed. At full she could actually get her molecules to move fast enough that she could pass through walls. A neat trick she learned and loved.

She stood up and brushed off her pants before looking down at the guy. "can I have my glasses back, kid?" she asked, not really feeling like bending down to get them from next to him. She hated people seeing her eyes, because her eyes told stories and held secrets she didn't want told.

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Red Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:13 pm

((I'll post tomorrow, everyone Smile ))

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Stevie Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:28 pm

((Me ish joining))

Name: Abygail
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality(optional): You'll see...
How long they've been here: about 2 years
Powers: She can see very far into the past
Appearance : She has dark brown curly hair, and dark, almost black eyes. She's averge height, and average body. She's tan, and always has her makeup and hair looking good. She's usually found wearing sweatshirts and boyfriend jeans or girl boxers.

((I have another charrie but I'll post tomorrow))

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:10 pm


So, I came out of the room and was immediately ran into after locking the door. Like, literally ran into. The girl, Speedy I heard people call her, jumped up and demanded her sunglasses.

"Pfffft. What? You too lazy to get them yourself?" I stood up and offered them to her anyways. I studied her through a thin curtain of black hair, holding out the glasses, and giving my best annoyed face, which wasn't a very good annoyed face.

How had I been here two years and never even talked to her? I always noticed her, she's kind of hard to miss with the whole super speed thing.
I smirked, then said," I'm not calling you Speedy. Tell me, what's your real name?"
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:52 pm

Kira took the glasses from him and put them back on her face. "names have power. Why the hell should I tell you may name, Trever?" She asked, looking over him. She tapped her hand against her leg and just looked at him. Most people here didnt talk to her, so why was he? "Why not call me Speedy? For all you know it /could/ be my real name," She pointed out to him a grin on her face.

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:00 pm


"Names aren't that bad." I cocked my head to the side, and looked her over again. "Hmm. I'll just call you Fluff. Yeah...Fluff sounds good." My mouth quirked up a bit, and I waited for her response, amused by her somehow.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:04 pm

Kira narrowed her eyse at him and clenched and unclenched her fist. "Do not call me that." she let her hood fall down and watched him, hoping that he would be intimidated by her like most were. She wasnt one to be messed with. People got broken bones when they messed with her, or even died in some cases.

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:55 pm


I found it interesting at her attempt to scare me, and said,"Or what? You'll punch me? Rip my throat out? Drown me, then resurrect me, just to drown me again? I've heard threats all my life. Consider me used to it, Fluff."

To annoy her even more, and I was interested in what she would do, as soon as I said "Fluff" again, I tapped her nose with my index finger, bracing myself to melt away as soon as she tried to take a swing at me.


I was so bored. So so so so freaking BORED. There was like, almost nothing interesting to do here, so I just sat in the room, messing around with my ice powers.
I made a small ice ball, and threw it from hand to hand, trying to entertain myself.

When I threw it the next time, I overshot, and the ice ball flew away. I heard an annoyed" Ow!" and winced a bit. "Uh, sorry!" I called, then walked towards the voice of the person I hit.

I really have to be more careful...

(who wants to get hit in the head with an ice ball? xD)
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Red Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:32 pm

Ro: I sighed, hearing my alarm go off. I wanted to stay in bed today. But if the alarm was set, then I had training. And there are consequences for missing training...
Quickly, practically flying around the room, I was able to take a shower, get dressed, and do my hair, all in fifteen minutes. Soon, I was out the door and walking towards the commons area.
((Is there a commons area? If not, just where everyone hangs out... and anyone feel free to talk to Ro))

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Heidlys..... Empty Re: Heidlys.....

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