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Purple Dragon
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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:57 am

Evan listened to what she said and sat up a bit more. "I think it is very possible. We can make it work, i am sure of it." He smiled down to her. This could work out quite well. If they could shut this place down...

Kira looked up at him and nodded as he hugged her. "I'm lucky that you like complicated?" SHe laughed lightly. Lucky would be if he left her alone when they met in the hall. Or if he didnt bring up the whole ghost thing.

But having someone care for you might be lucky as well in her case. Especially when she was distant from everyone and their mother.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:17 pm


"Yes. I like you, so you are now stuck with me. Deal with it." I pulled back a little, and answered her laugh with my own small grin. Then I said, hesitantly,"Have you ever tried getting out of here? Away from all the scientists and the underground? I'm sure together, with maybe a few others, we can break outta here. Roam freely."

I had thought about this for a while, feeling way too confined in this place. You might ask,"Well Trever, can't you just poof out? Use some shadowman mojo?" I've tried. I don't know if it's because I have to have already seen a shadow to teleport to it, or if maybe the walls have something that keeps our powers at bay.

Maybe, we can escape. The outside world can't be that bad...could it?
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:13 pm

Kira looked up at him then away. "If i left here i would have no where to go. LIving on the streets isnt all its cracked up to be. At least here i have my own bed and a few meals a day. Being here keeps me off drugs...the hard way, but i am mostly clean here." She didnt really count smokes as drugs anymore. More of one of her ways of life.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Red Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:16 am

((Oh, not that I saw...if you did, can you repost please?))

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Avery Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:29 pm

Aliceinwaiting wrote:
Red wrote:Ro: I was starting to feel a little dizzy, was starting to loose my sense of smell. I had to get out of there before they put any more gas in the room. "I'll find him right now and come back with him, ok?" Without waiting for an answer, I sprinted to the door and heard it lock a moment after I had opened it. I slipped outside, and feeling like a traitor, shut the door again. She'll just pass out for a few hours. Nothing else. She'll be fine, I consoled myself. I walked towards the commons room a bit more and tried to get the grogginess out of my system. I sat down in a chair for a minute or two, think of all the other empty rooms. After a moment, when I was feeling a bit more awake, I stood up and turned left, heading to the next empty room.

Angela waited and waited but the girl never came back. She was frustrated. Finally she sat up ignoring the pain and went to the door. She opened it and walked into the hallways. She was the only one. "Weird." She whispered looking around her.


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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:05 pm


I watched her closely, listening intently to every word she said. "Well, we could both get out. There's gotta be more out there than this place. If I left, I'd want it to be...with you." I took her hands and whispered all this in a low voice.

"We can be free. Don't you feel imprisoned? I wouldn't be able to stand it out there by myself, but with you I know I can pull through. Have something to live for. I'm falling for you, Fluff, and if you don't want to escape this place, then I'll be miserable. But I will still stay by your side. No matter what."

I kissed her hands while looking into her sunglasses at the same time, wondering if I would get punched for that.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Red Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:27 pm

Ro: I sighed. This empty room...was actually empty. No missing brother. I kept walking.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:48 pm

(red, try to watch the oneliners)

Kira looked down at her hands, and closed her eyes. She didnt know what to do. SHe didnt do anything when he said what he did. She didnt lash out, pull away, yell at him. Instead, she just thought.

"I dont want to go back to the streets. You dont understand what it is like out there for a girl. Wherever you go, you are just a toy someone wants to use. And you let them use you so you can get another meal or another round." She whispered the words, and slowly pulled her hands from his.

Yes, she felt trapped her. And yes, she hated it here. but she hated it out there more.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:51 pm


I frowned, then tried one more time, my words soft. "I understand that. I will be there with you though. I'll help you, and I know you are really strong and can help defend yourself.

I sighed then pulled back slowly. "Nevermind, then. Forget about it." I wondered why she was so scared about this, but shoved that wonder aside.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:07 pm

Kira looked at him and saw him frown. He didnt want to be here. She was being selfish, chosing this hell that he hated over her own small hell. THey couldnt take advantage of her anymore. She would be faster and stronger now. And she had trever.

"Lets do it." She said softly, tilting down her glasses and looking at him with her green eyes.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:42 pm


I smiled, my tears forgotten as a plan began to form in my mind, the barely considered idea now sending thoughts buzzing through my head. "We would need to no wbat everyone can do, I have a good idea already but I'm not completely positive on some of them. If we get everyone to help us we could...this could work... The scientists wouldn't no what to do....."

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:39 pm


I blinked several times, a bit shocked that she actually agreed. Then I smiled at her.

"I'm not going to force you into this, but if you fall, I've always got your back." I kissed her briefly, a soft, breath-taking kiss, then stood up. "Whaddya say we talk to the others? I'm sure they'll help us in our little revolt. We can start with Shilo, she seems to be a good planner."

I offered her my hand, thoughts and plans swimming through my head. Getting out of here. Being free. Having a life. ...being with Kira. It all seemed so perfect, maybe too perfect, but for now, it was the only hope I had.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:17 pm

Kira nodded to him and kissed him back for teh short kiss. She let a small smile play on her lips and just looked at him. "Alright." She hesitantly took his hand and looked at him. Was she making the right choice? probably not. She didnt really want this. But she needed terver. So she would go with this.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:51 pm


"Ya don't have to if you don't want to, I won't force you, okay?" I walked off with her, coming to Shilo's room that was only a short way away from mine. I glanced at Kira, then knocked on the door.

"Shilo? You there? It's Trever, you don't really know me but we need to talk."
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:46 pm

Evan looked up at someone knocking on the door. "Someone is here..." He told her obviously, looking at the door. "Want me to answer it?" Trever...he knew that kid.


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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:29 am

Shilo nodded, scooting to the edge of the bed and making sure the last evidence that she had been crying was gone before smiling at Evan. "Please." She replied, running her thoughts over the name. Trevor .....the name was familiar. Most likely one of the many people she'd visited with recently.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:31 am

Evan got up and opened the door to the two people standing outside. Two? Wow, part of him only thought that one came. "come on in you two," he ushered them in and glanced over at Shilo. The one girl glanced over hum as she walked in, her hand in trever's. He recognized her, but what was her name? He had never heard it. Most called her Speedy or Shades here. He had no idea why, and wasn't really all that keen to fine out.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:45 am


I silently wondered what Evan was doing here, but ignored that. Then I made sure the door was shut and locked and turned to them both, my face determined. "We want to get outta here. Figured Shilo could help us come up with a plan."

I squeezed Kira's hand gently and glanced at Shilo, seeing a slight redness in her eyes. That girl always acted so strong. We all did. Crying about the situation we were in was completely understandable, but most people tried to hide it.
Countless times I've walked by other people's doors and heard little sniffling or mindless babbling, and I couldn't wait to get away from all that.

But one thing bothered me. Was Kira really up for this? Or would she back out?
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:25 pm


I blinked, a slight shock running through me at his words before a grin found itself to my lips. "What a coincidence, we were just discusing just that." I replied happily, unable to help the slight glow that covered my body as excitement crept into my mind. "I do have a plan," I said a bit quieter, eyeing them with consideration. "But its not just escaping. Its winning. Leaving this placce for good and in such a shape that they wont dare try this again."

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:54 pm

Kira grinned. "Destruction. Love the plan already. Go on..." She kept her hand in Trevers and kept somewhat behind him. She wasnt a very forward people when it came to people and planning. She didnt even want to leave here. But Trever did. And Logan wanted her to stick with trever.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:57 am


I kept my eyes locked on Shilo, glancing back at Kira every so often to see if she was okay. "Let's hear it." I scoot back and tilted my head and whispered, just enough so only Kira could hear. " don't seem so sure. Everything all right?" I felt my dark eyes drift up to meet hers, staring intently into her sunglasses and waiting for Shilo to continue.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:05 pm


I hesitated for a moment, my fists curling into little balls and showing my nerves.

"They have control over this place because we let them to be honest. We all have some kind of power, wither it be big or small, if we fight, they won't be able to control us. I say we band together, and do just that. Fight. Only, we won't leave it here in the halls of the dorms where they've kept us all these years, we'll take it to the labs, the control center. If we just fight to escape then we have won nothing, if we fight to win, for them to never operate this building again because we have control, then we have won the most important thing."

I paused, my voice strong and steady, passion going into my words. "Freedom. One they can't take away."

I was sure that by now I was glowing, my power coming often when I was upset, or any strong emotion. The one right now? Hope.

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Heidlys..... - Page 8 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:20 pm

Kira looked at the girl as she explained. "That could work." She said softly. Part of her was scared though. What would happen once she was out of here? Would she go back on the drugs? Would she be on the street again? Those thoughts scared her. She knew that given the option, she would take the drugs in a heart beat.

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