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Purple Dragon
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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:08 pm

"She just needs time. I'm almost positive that if you play your cards righ she will start to care for you." Logan assured him and kept looking at the door. He heard heavy breathing on the other side, signaling that Kira was asleep. He took another step towards the door, wanting to see her. "she so almost innocent when she sleeps..." not quite innocent, but not as devious as she normally looks.

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:19 pm


I stepped aside, opening the bathroom door. "Go ahead. See her if you want, but I can't keep you here much longer." My gaze was hard, but when I saw Kira it softened slightly and I stayed in the bathroom, watching Logan look at her. "...don't wake her. She's been through a lot today."
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:35 pm

Logan slowly walked into the room and just looked at Kira. He sat down on the ground next to her and just looked up at her. He watched the slight rise and fall of her chest as she slept, the slight twitch of her hand and the small murmurs that came from her mouth.

"you haven't been hurting her. I have." he told trever softly as he watched her. "By dying...and then coming back like's a lot for her to handle."

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:02 pm


"Yeah." I just watched him, watch her for a while, then said,"You better go. I can't keep you here much longer anyway." I broke off the connection quickly, then sat down on my office chair, watching Kira sleep. I...never felt this way before. And I didn't understand it. I closed my eyes and drifted off for a while, just relaxing for the first time today.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:20 pm

Bells wrote:Shilo -

When done with my rounds I slipped back into my room and shut the door, letting it become a barrier between me and everyone else. I had to be strong out there, help the others. In here I just let go, the tears slipping down my cheeks as I thought about everything.
Slipping into the corner of my room I sat down on my bed in the corner and sighed, curling up in a ball a second later. My head laid down on my knees as I let myself go for a moment. I, We had to get out of here. But how....
Letting years of ideas run over my mind I carefully picked though all of them again. Maybe...maybe the time was coming to do this..just maybe...

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:20 pm

Kira woke up a few hours later. She noticed that she was half hugging the blanket that was wrapped around her. A groan escaped her lips as she rolled off teh small stiff couch and sat on the ground. her back aws screwed up from sleeping in such an uncomfortable way. To attempt to fix it, she cracked her stretched and then sat on her knees on the ground. her gaze travled around the unknown room until it feel on trever. She looked at him coldly, still unsure of waht to think of him.

Evan walked around the halls and stopped by Shilo's room. he knocked a couple times before letting himself in. He saw her crying and just stood at teh door. "You ok?" he finally asked softly. He had stopped by to ask her a question, but that completely left his mind when he saw her like this.

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:31 pm


My eyes popped open and I saw her awake, staring at me. "There's poptarts in the kitchen...ish area. Smuggled 'em in." I stood up and went over to a messy pile in the corner to put on a new shirt. It was a black button up shirt with short sleeves.

After I finished the annoying amount of buttons, I went to the bathroom and started washing off the dried up blood on my hand, glancing at her to see if she would run off, and running a bent comb through my hair.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:47 pm

Kira nodded and stayed settled on the ground. It toko her a while to decided to get up and get some poptarts. She grabbed one and nibbled on the corner of his couch. She looked down at her hands as she ate. both were wrapped up in bits of trevers shirt and she sighed. She really needed to stop punching walls when she was confused.

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:51 pm


I came back in and smirked, watching her eat the poptart. "There's soap and shampoo and junk if you need to take a shower. Or you could just sit around." I went over and grabbed my own poptart, then slumped down on the couch, still completely unsure of what to think of her.

"Did you sleep good? Sorry. Didn't have time to pull out the couch-bed last night, you fell asleep too fast."
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:06 pm

Kira just shrugged and looked at the ground. She didnt know what she wanted. She didnt even know why she was still here.
Because she was lonely. And she was tired of being lonely all the time.
"I heard you takling to someone last night." her hearing was amzing. She would catch bits of conversations, even when passed out. "Who were talking to?"

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:52 pm


"Oh really? I was talking to...Logan." I shrugged, as if this was no big deal. I don't like lying to people, anyway. "I needed help, with you. Advice." I stared at her and chewed my poptart carefully. She probably wouldn't like the fact that I summoned her dead boyfriend...
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Ravyn Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:15 pm

Bells wrote:Dante

I nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, someone that knows everyone could help when it comes to getting people to agree to try and escape." Blinking I once again turned my eyes to the area around us. The idea of meeting the mentioned person meant that I would have to move from my spot. That meant showing the fact I was almost blind. That was something that I really didn't want to do.

Bells wrote:
Bells wrote:Shilo -

When done with my rounds I slipped back into my room and shut the door, letting it become a barrier between me and everyone else. I had to be strong out there, help the others. In here I just let go, the tears slipping down my cheeks as I thought about everything.
Slipping into the corner of my room I sat down on my bed in the corner and sighed, curling up in a ball a second later. My head laid down on my knees as I let myself go for a moment. I, We had to get out of here. But how....
Letting years of ideas run over my mind I carefully picked though all of them again. Maybe...maybe the time was coming to do this..just maybe...

Iris: I nodded thoughtfully. "Well...... d'you wanna go meet Shilo?" i asked. Then it occurred to me that he'd not looked too stable when he'd come out of his room. "Or, if you arent up to moving.... Theo, you could go find her, yeah?" i asked. Theo nodded wordlessly. "So, we could go see her, or Theo can go try and bring her here."

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:05 pm


My head snapped up, and my eyes went wide as I realized I'm not alone. Hastily I wiped the tears away and gave him a soft smile, carefully making sure my voice wouldn't crack before speaking.

"Oh, sorry..I'm fine." My voice came out clear and I smiled, moving. Into a position on the edge of my bed and taking a deep breath before continuing. "Do you need something?"

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:09 pm


I nodded slowly, "would you please?" I asked, forcing down my pride. I couldn't afford it when I was doing my best to get my eyes to focus on them. Biting my lip I put my back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position. "That would be easier."

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:06 pm

Evan looked at her and sighed before sitting next to her on the bed. "Why were you crying?" He asked her kindly, worried about her. He wiped away a stray tear from her face and looked down at her. Even though they didnt hang out nearly as often as he would like, he did care for her a lot. "you can tell me anything. I wont tell anyone." He paused for a second.

"you dont always have to act so strong."

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:18 pm


I hesitated, a small smile on my lips as I studied him for a moment. "I was just thinging is all." I said, blushing slightly from him touching my face to wipe away the tears. She hesitated again, silent as she thought over his words in her mind. "If I'm not..who will be?"

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:36 pm

Evan sighed and pulled Shilo onto his lap so he was half cradling her. "I can be strong." he told her softly as he held her protectively. "you are always so tense because you try to be strong. It worries me sometimes. It feels like you block off your emptions and just supress them." he noted softly, brushing her hair out of her face.

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:07 pm


I stiffened a little, his touch was nice but I couldn't help it. Being touched was something I had...issues with. The face thing had been fine but holding me..that was different. I. Forced myself to relax, giving him a lighthearted smile in an attempt to lessen the mood.

"I'm not very good with emotions. " I said without meaning g to. "Its hard /not/ to shove them aside and focus on everyone else..."

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Alice Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:34 pm

Red wrote:Ro: I was starting to feel a little dizzy, was starting to loose my sense of smell. I had to get out of there before they put any more gas in the room. "I'll find him right now and come back with him, ok?" Without waiting for an answer, I sprinted to the door and heard it lock a moment after I had opened it. I slipped outside, and feeling like a traitor, shut the door again. She'll just pass out for a few hours. Nothing else. She'll be fine, I consoled myself. I walked towards the commons room a bit more and tried to get the grogginess out of my system. I sat down in a chair for a minute or two, think of all the other empty rooms. After a moment, when I was feeling a bit more awake, I stood up and turned left, heading to the next empty room.

(I think I rpelied to this... did I?)

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:28 pm

kria scoffed slightly and took another bite of her poptart. "What would you need advise with? I'm not that hard to understand." She mumbled softly, reaching behind her and under the pillow to grab her glasses. She pulled them on and made she her hood was up. She probably looked like hell this morning but didnt honestly care all that much.

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:40 pm

"It isnt good to supressed your emotions. You'll just end up hurting yourself." He noticed how umcomfortable she was and sighed, setting her back down on the bed. he ruffled her hair and offered a kind smile down to her.
"So, I'm thinknig about making an escape wanna try to get out of here?"

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Bells Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:06 pm


I smiled, forcing the last of my emotions back in place. "I was actually just thinking about that. With their being so many of us, and all of us having powers it could work. More people come in weekly though, I don't think they'd stop with us." I hesitated, biting my lip before continuing. "I've you think its, with everyone working together...shut this place down." I paused, dropping my eyes so not to see his reaction to the words. "For good."

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:59 pm


I glanced at her, then went back to focusing on my poptart. "Just, trying to figure you out. I don't know what to do. One minute, you like me, the next, you're distant." I looked back at her, wondering why she felt the need to always hide herself.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:03 am

Kira looked down at her hands. "If you haven't noticed im not the best when it comes to emotions." she mumbled softly to him, her eyes down. She didn't know if she wanted to keep pushing him away. She sighed and finished her poptart. "c'mere...I'm too lazy to move right now." she held out her arms for a hug.

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Heidlys..... - Page 7 Empty Re: Heidlys.....

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:06 am


I sighed, grabbing her hands and pulling her close to me, wrapping my own arms around her. "Face it. You're complicated. You're lucky I like complicated."

I said this mostly into her hair, wanting to hold her but scared to let her go, knowing she might get distant and soul-searchy again.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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