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World War: Menos Van

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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:07 am

I flushed, the truth of his words ringing through me. At least I have my clothes on... for now. I eyed him, assessing the odds he'd grow bored and find other ways to make use of me. He seemed kind enough. But I wasn't willing to risk it. Best to keeping him talking then, I concluded. "Then why did you take me to begin with?" I ask, my voice a soft hush. "you could have left me be. I could be home, in bed right now. Not tied up and bloodied. You could have saved us both this perdiciment. Why didn't you let me be?" The last line came out accusing, my internal upset filling my words.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:11 am

Adam looked at her for a moment, then looked back at the entrance as if to make sure Alex was still there. He then glanced back at her. "I didn't want your inossence ruined," he said simply with a shrug. "The Tarin were only ten minutes behind us." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, staring at the fire. He didn't dare tell her that they were headed straight for her village.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:15 am

Oh. Well that was... not what I was expecting. I sighed, not quite believing him but not wanting to push him into acting like the other demon of a boy. "The lands should be safe again by morning then, right? You'll let me go?"
I struggled some more with the bonds, trying to free my hands. They hurt like hell.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:18 am

Adam shook his head and looked over at her. "Tarin's plan to have at least fifteen miles that side of the boarder conqured by morning." He was quiet, his eyes resting back on the flames. He hated war. He really did. It never amounted to anything more than lives lost. Adam was sick of the killing. Alex, on the other hand, wasn't. But they were brothers, and brothers stick together.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:22 am

I stared at him, struck dumb by his words. Conquered? As in...
"No!" I screeched, struggling wildly against the bonds, trying to stand, trying to escape. Auntie Rosa! No!
I managed to get to my feet but quickly fell over, landing dangerously close to the fire. But I didn;t care. I had to get out. I had to save her.

Last edited by Ella Rose on Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:26 am; edited 1 time in total


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:26 am

Adam grabbed her by the arms and put her back into her place in the corner. "Hey! Hey! Look at me! Look at me!" he grabbed her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. "I sent someone to warn the villages alright? Her name is Meliah," his voice was very low so that Alex wouldn't hear. Adam could hear him coming back and his eyes searched hers, giving her an apologizing look before smashing his lips to hers just as Alex came around the corner.
Alex blinked but shrugged. "Good goin," he said with a slight grin and then turned, going back to his post. As soon as he was gone, Adam moved away from her but kept hold of her hands.
"I promise, your village is in good hands," he said quietly, totally ignoring the fact that he had just kissed her.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:31 am

I stared at him, outraged, my lips tingling. Without thought I yanked my hands free of his and smack him awkwardly across the face. "You murder." I whisper, deadly quiet.
Using the moment as distraction, I slipped my hands into his belt, stealing his dagger and bringing it to his throat, hands still bonded.
"You are going walk me past your friend and let me go. Now."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:35 am

Adam searched her eyes for a moment, the kindness and concern that had once been there was masked over by a hardness. If she didn't want to believe his words, then she didn't have to. He grabbed the dagger from her hand, and tossed it away. "You want out, try and get there yourself. But I garuntee you that you won't be dressed much longer if Alex gets you." His voice was cold and he moved back away from her, sitting by the fire, his eyes locking onto the flames.

Meliah was helping everyone escape the village, a small child in her arms. She could see the lights from there Tarin off in the distance. She hoped she could get them all out in time.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:39 am

I can't help but to shake a little at his words, knowing they were probably true. But, I couldn't just stay here. I had to go. I had to try to help her.
I kept my eyes on him, fumbling for the dagger. Locating it, I spared my bonds a glace; eyes shooting from them, back to him, to them again as I hacked away at them. Finally free, I rubbed my wrist, staring down at my feet. "I-I have to at least try..."
With that, I shot out of the cave, hoping for the best.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:51 am

Alex caught her, slamming her into the cave wall, his body pressed against hers. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a dark grin, his hand tightening around her wrist and making her drop the dagger.

Adam sat against the wall, telling himself not to go after her.

Meliah handed off the small child to it's mother than ran around the village making sure everyone was out before following them. They were going to make it. They were going to be safe.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:58 am

(eh, maybe drake has been getting to me. but, somehow, I think the whole village dieing would have made for an epic turn of events O.o)

I crumbled at the impact. The only thing keeping me up at the present was his body pinning mine to the wall. I grimaced and remained quiet for a moment. "Their blood will be on your hands, please!" I struggled weakly, trying to free my battered body and continue my escape.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:13 am

(don't worry I have a better idea *grins evily* I was thinking she'd find out they were all safe, and then, later, the village would burn together in a church)

Alex smirked as he watched her, his hands roaming her body. "They won't be the first," he growled before crushing his lips to hers, forcing her to kiss him. This was going to be a fun night.

Adam sat against the wall, staring at the flame and fidgiting. Don't go after her. Don't go after her. Don' don't do it. Don't...gah! You can't let Alex get to her.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:56 am

(*grins with you* We are so horrible)

I cried out against his lips, trying to turn my head and break the kiss. No, no. This can't be happening. Auntie Rosa!
No, he's all over me. Takara, no. I don't like this.
I'm mumbling nonsense pleas against his lips, but he doesn't listen.
A strange wetness is falling down my face. Am I crying? I never cry. But, I can't help it. His hands are places they shouldn't be. All I can taste is his hot breath. I want to crawl out of my skin and never return.
Once again I find myself forced to resort to the last thing in my pathetic arsenal. I stop my useless pleas, and bite down on the foreign object molesting my mouth. Hard.

(arg, I keep slipping into present tense cause of my book. Imma sorry >.<)


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:03 am

Alex growled and slammed her into the wall, just as Adam got there. His face was stoney as he looked at Capella and Alex. "Leave her alone, I told you she was mine." He growled and shoved Alex off, pulling Capella away and behind him.
"Then you should teach her better manners," Alex growled, his tongue bleeding slightly.
"She won't be like this long," Adam said and pulled her back to the back of the cave, staying quiet. He wasn't going to do anything to her. He couldn't. He turned to face her once they were out of Alex's hearing range. "I won't bind you if you cooperate. I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to trust me." The his stoney eyes gave way to a small plea for her to understand, to trust him.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:14 am

(I think it's the first person, I'm writing first person present for mah book. *just realizes her whole last post was in present tense* UGH)

I barely heard their exchanged words, my head was a fog again after the last impact. Maybe it was some sort of defense mechanism, maybe it was brain damage. But my head was foggy, I felt like I was dreaming. Alright, maybe I'm being dramatic, but enough with the abuse here.
He's saying something to me. We're in the back of the cave again. When did we get here? I faintly understand his word, but I don't care. I must go. I must save everyone. I go to open up my mouth for a witty retort when suddenly the floor is rushing up to meet me. Well, at least I was finally able to fall asleep...


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:23 am

Adam caught her before she hit the ground. He sighed and set her gently into the corner, tying the bonds back on her only this time they weren't so tight. He sat close to her, but still out of hitting range. He didn't want Alex taking advantage of her.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:34 am

Bright light breaks through my eye lids, tearing me from my sleep. I groan, everything hurts. My Takara, have I been hit by a horse? I don't want to wake. but then I remember; remember where I am; remember why everything hurts so much.
I quickly even my breath, trying to make it look like I was still asleep as I assessed the situation.
I was bonded. Great.
With one quick breath, I scrambled to my feet, looking like a retard as I made a mad dash through the cave, hopping since my legs were tied.
Hopefully they were asleep. Hopefully.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:41 am

Adam was standing at the mouth of the cave, watching the sun rise over the strange, almost tropical forest. He ran a hand through his hair, shifting his weight from his hurt leg and rubbing his bandaged arm which was now red around the bandage from infection. It had been a long night with Alex being so mad at Capella.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:46 am

Capella- I skidded around the cave entrance, all awkward like. I really wish I had my dagger, I'd free my legs right then and there. I hopped the corner and ran into something hard. "Omhp!" I squeaked, falling flat on my butt. Leave it to me to run into a wall. I blinked, looking up. No... not a wall... A person. Crap.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:51 am

Adam turned and looked down at her, his lip busted and a cut above his eye that was obviously from a fist. He gave her a small grin, though his eyes were still a little hard. "Morning to you too," he said as he watched her. "Want some help up? Or do you want to keep flailing around?"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:58 am

I glared up at him, ignoring his offer and struggling to my feet on my own accord. I stared up at him, eyes no doubt black, trembling slightly. "Release m-me." Wait, that was suppose to sound strong. I was suppose to be strong. So why was my voice wavering? Why was I trembling slightly? Oh, right. I was bounded, roughed up, and scared shitless.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:09 pm

Adam stared at her, blinking. Would she never let up? "I can't let you go," he said as he watched her, his lip stinging from the movement. "But, I can promise you that we will be passing through that village today." His eyes searched hers, still slightly hardened. "Until then, try and not get into to much trouble or Alex is going to beat me to a pulp and I won't be able to keep you safe."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:23 pm

My gaze doesn't soften as I spot his wounds. In my book, he deserves it. All Tarans do. And this is exactly why. "I swear, if you lied and Aunt Rosa is harmed in any way shape or form, your manily hood will suffer much worse than you have."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:41 pm

Foot steps could be heard coming through the forest and towards the cave. Meliah appeared in the distance, holding her side as she reached the cave. "I-I got them out. They're headed towards the captial." She was breathless and pale. Adam caught her before she fell, slowly lowering her to the ground.
"What happened?" he asked concerned.
"The Tarin found me as I was coming back." Meliah closed her eyes and gulped slightly, her black hair falling in bloody strands. "They're ruining everything."

Last edited by Taylow on Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:46 pm

I stared at the girl, confusion running through me at her words. Wait. Does this mean he was telling the truth? Then what of his friend? He seemed dead set on killing me and all my people. I remained quiet, just staring, trying to make sense of the chaos I was dragged into. Literally.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 2 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

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