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World War: Menos Van

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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:36 am

My eyes widened "What? You stopped him, right?" I froze, mid fold, staring at him. Once again, why was I caring? Maybe cause he saved me in an odd way.. maybe...


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:42 am

Hyrum gave a small nod. "I found him dying, but healed him. He's going to be alright." He watched her curiously but then cleared his throat. "I'll get this if you want to go freshen up. There is a stream right by camp."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:48 am

I have a brisk nodded an dropped the blanket, tripping my way out of the tent and into the bright light of the morning. I spotted Adam and swallowed hard, rushing past him to the stream. My goodness, my life was a hot mess. I was a hot mess. I finished cleaning and made my way back over.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:53 am

Hyrum was taking down the tent by the time she started back and Adam was sitting by the tree, his eyes as dead as ever. His skin was pale and his wrists were wrapped, along with a new bandage across he chest.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:56 am

I forced myself not to look at adam, instead going over to help with the tent. remaining silent. I had nothing to say. there was nothing to say. I just wanted my aunt. I just wanted to know normal again. Takara, who would ever thought I'd be saying that?


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:04 am

Hyrum smiled over at her and with her help, loaded everything onto the pack animal, tying Adam to the end. He then slid into the saddle and pulled Capella up to sit infront of him and their journey began again. They continued through the day, Hyrum's eyes darting back and forth in an attempt to keep from having anyone sneak up on them. As night fell, the city could be seen off into the distance.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:08 am

I perked considerably, spotting the city lights. At last, thanks goodness. I bounces slightly, tilting my head up to gaze at the moons then the city. "she's there? You promise?"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:18 am

Hyrum gave a small nod. "I promise," he said with a smile, the city growing larger and larger as they neared it. When they got there, they first dropped Adam off at the court marshal's office, and then Hyrum began to go through town, walking the animal while she road it. He stopped infront of one of the homes and knocked on the door.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:22 am

I hopped down eagerly, making my way behind him, staring at the door. Please be there, please be there. The door opened and I blinked, a familar old head entering my view. "Aunt Rosa!" I tackled the figure.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:25 am

Hyrum watched with a large smile, standing outside awkwardly. He turned, starting to leave with the large animal.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:27 pm

"Oh, Auntie Rosa, I've missed you!" I hugged her tightly, the tears nearly free flowing now.
"My dear, what happened to you? We thought... Oh, I'm so glad you're alive!" She returned the hug, peering over my shoulder. "And who is this young man?"
I reluctantly turned to look at Hyrum. "He was... well, he's my savior, I suppose." I flashed him an appreciative smile.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:29 pm

Hyrum paused and looked at the old woman, giving a small bow. "Hyrum ma'am. I was just doing my duty." His face was set in soldier stone, a formal smile on his face. It was just like his training had taught him to do, almost as if he was delievering the flag to someone's home. The only difference was that this was a happy occasion that allowed a smile.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:38 pm

I unwilling let go of her as she bustled forward, pulling him to her bossum for a hug. "Thank you so much, you've saved my Capella." She pulled him forward, "Oh come in, you must come in. I at least owe you a home cook meal. Yo must be in need of that, no?"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:44 pm

Hyrum blinked in pleasent surprise but gave a small nod. His training, and his stomach, had told him to never reject the hospitality of the Methos people. It was their support that guided their forces. He tethered his animal and followed the woman inside, keeping his soldier stone facade. "Thank you ma'am. It's very kind of you."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:53 pm

I followed silently, taking in the familiar smells of home.
She went on ahead. "Oh, come one dears, I have a nice meal cooked. I just sent the minster away, we were going to prepare a ceromny for... well, none of that matters now. You're home, and this lovely man saved you." She bustled us to the table, her eyes never leaving me and vise versa. "I'm just... I'm just so glad you're home."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:58 pm

Hyrum pulled the chair out for Capella so she could sit and waited for her and her Aunt to sit before he sat down. He took in the small home, the wonderful feel of a family. He took in Capella's happiness and the happiness of her aunt. For the moment, he felt as if he had done something good, something right.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:06 pm

I helped her dish out the meal, remaining unusally quiet. I was home. But so much had changed. I wonder if I'd ever see the world the some way again. I suppose my innocients was gone. That scared me.
"So," she asked, "Tell me about yourself, how did you save her? Are you okay, dearie?"
I gave a sharp nod, letting hyum fill in my aunt.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:10 pm

Hyrum looked at her aunt, clearing his throat. "Um, well I was on gaurd duty out on the line of dispute. It's rough country over there. I found her walking away from the direction where we had just found a wounded Tarin. I brought her back to the camp just before a Tarin gaurd spotted us, and gave her my word I would get her home." He acted as if it was as simple as that, leaving out any extra details he didn't think her aunt would enjoy to much. "Thank you for the meal, ma'am. It smells wonderful."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:17 pm

I busied myself with the food, saving it's taste, glad he left out some of the details.
"And the Tarin?" She asked, her face hardening slightly, "What of him? Did you kill him?"
My eyes darted up, looking between the two wildly. I hoped not, oddly enough.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:18 pm

Hyrum shook his head and swallowed the bite of food he had taken. "No ma'am. As far as we can tell, he's just a citizen and cannot be charged with capital crimes. At the moment he is in the court marshal jail, I will be picking him up in the morning. They have assigned him to be my slave."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:21 pm

I relaxed considerably, much happier with his assigned fate. After all, he was a Tarin, he didn't deserve freedom. But after saving me... he didn't deserve death.
She nodded, seeming to approve of his verdict as well.
I placed down a spoonful of soup and glanced up, my voice cracking "He... he saved me."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:27 pm

Hyrum swallowed and gave a small nod, his expression tightening slightly. "That's what he told us as well," he murmered and finished eating. "Thank you for the meal ma'am. I need to be reporting to the barroks," he said with a small smile as he stood.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:38 pm

I watched him stand, looking up at him quietly. "Thank you." My voice was still soft, still wavering. I had a lot to think over, a lot to sort out in my mind.

I eyed Capella, concern filling me. I could only imagine what she had gone through. It make my heart break. I nodded and stood up, pulling the kind boy aside. "My I talk to you?" My eyes drifted to Capella, making my topic clear.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:42 pm

Hyrum looked at her, still slightly confused but gave a small nod and followed her quietly. He wondered what the kind woman would possibly want to talk about with him. He was just an army Captain, not some sort of shrink.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:48 pm

whoah.. that last post was like... riddled with grammatical errors.... sorry... didn't sleep last night.

I pulled through the warm, darkened hall; candles lighting the way. I brought him to the old, oak door and looked up at him, not intimidated by his muscles or size as I eyed him; sizing him up. "She wasn't... she's still... her innocents?" I managed, the insinuation appalling me. Tarin men were... vile... but I had to know.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 8 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

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