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World War: Menos Van

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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:51 pm

Adam nodded and took a deep breath. "I'll be back with some jamis," he said then looked at Capella. "Don't let her move, alright?" He quickly undid Capella's bonds, to worried about Meliah to really think about what he was doing. "We have to work fast before Alex wakes up." He grabbed Capella's hand and slipped off his shirt, stuffing it in her hand. "Use this to stop the bleeding on her side." He took off towards the back of the cave, being as quiet as possible.

Meliah looked up at her, her eyes searching the girl's. "Did Alex catch you?"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:58 pm

It's like my world did a three sixty. My captor just freed my hands, my people really are safe, and he's talking about defying his friend. What? I blinked. Torn. I wanted to run. I could run now. This might be my only chance. But this girl looked oddly familiar. Well, maybe not familiar per say, but... dare I say she looked Me... (I forgot how to spell it. like her people). It's not like we looked much different from the Tarins. It was just... something in her eyes... I couldn't leave her like this. So against all logic, I stayed, quickly tearing about the fabric for a bandage. Did Alex catch me? Well I was caught, that's for sure. But they could be tweedle dee and dum for all I knew. I bit my lip, not sure how to respond.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:36 pm

"That was Adam," Meliah said as she watched the girl. "He's not like Alex..." Her head dropped slightly and her eyes hit the floor. "You are a methos aren't you?" Her eyes scanned the girl.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:43 pm

"Yes. I am Metnos." I replied, my voice bitter. "And no, Alex did not capture me." My words were practically venom now, recalling how I was dragged from the field and tossed into a tree. 'Helping me' Ha. I didn't speak further, too furious to form a polite sentence.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:02 pm

Meliah watched her, wincing slightly. "He's not bad, he just doesn't want Alex to know," she said quietly. "I am Methos too." Adam came back just then and gave a small smile to Meliah. He kneeled by her and began to apply the jamis, seeming to have another bruise forming on his neck. It usually didn't take that long for him to get stuff.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:06 pm

I backed away from the girl, falling silent as my eyes drifted toward the direction of the village. They were safe? Please, please don't let this be a lie. Please. I felt like my life was falling apart. Tarian were here. She was captured by them. So much for rumors.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:42 pm

Meliah jumped, her eyes falling on Alex who had come in silently. Adam seemed to tense, though he also seemed to be acting as if nothing had changed since the last time he saw his brother. Meliah looked down and Alex growled, jesturing for her to get to the back of the cave. She gave a small nod and got up, giving a small squeak as Alex hit her on her way past, then followed her back. Adam waited until his brother was gone before he let his head hang. "Come on, we should get out of here for a while," he murmered taking Capella by the hand and leading her from the cave as quickly as he could.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:53 pm

I jerk my hand out of his, eyes staying glued onto were 'Alex' dragged that girl. My stomach sank, a bad feeling fulling me. "But! We can't just leave her with him!" I stared at him in disbelief, I suppose in the last few minutes, I had come to expect more of him. No, he was letting me down. I can't believe I had raised him to a higher standard, he was a Tarian after all.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:58 pm

"I can't do anything about it!" Adam said as he watched her. "She is his slave, I cannot change that!" His eyes were pained as he searched her face. "I would be dead and you would be subjected to Alex as well. Do you want that?"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:01 pm

I shivered at his words, "She's no slave, she's a human being... Or... a descendant from one... I started away from him, heading toward the direction of the village. If he wanted to stop me, he'd have to tie me up again. I wasn't stopping without a fight.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:04 pm

Adam watched her go, then looked back at the cave grimacing slightly. He was so going to be dead for this. He disapeared back into the cave. Ten minutes later Meliah was running out with wide eyes, blood smeared on her face as shouts came from the cave.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:11 pm

I froze midstep, hearing the screams. They were male.... No... he didn't. But... I cursed myself, my feet bringing me back toward the cave. What the hell was I doing? Oh, right. Saving that girl. I was so going to regret this.
I neared the cave, full well knowing each step I took sealed my fate. I was not returning home.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:14 pm

Meliah reached out and grabbed Capella, pulling her from the mouth of the cave and behind some trees, her eyes wide with panic. "Why are you here? You must run!" She said as her eyes searched Capella's. She didn't know the girl, or her name. But she did know that she had to run. More angered shouts erupted from the cave and Meliah looked a little more fightened, the blood still dripping down her face. Blood that wasn't even hers. "Please. Run."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:18 pm

I should listen to her. I should heed her warning. but... I can't... Not without her. I tugged on her arm, sternly holding her gaze. "Not without you, Methos marissa."


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:21 pm

Meliah watched her for a moment and shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. "I can't. My life belongs to Alex," she blinked back tears. "But you have to go before he finds you. He will be very angry. Maltos marissa. Maltos." The voices began to come closer to the mouth of the cave and Meliah's eyes flickered between the cave and Capella. "Go!"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:25 pm

I remain firmly rooted, her words only solidifying my will. "No, we Methos must look out for each other. I will not leave you to these barbarians. Come with me. Maltos!" My eyes turn pleading and I tug on her harder. "Maltos!"


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:31 pm

Adam flew out of the mouth of the cave, hitting a tree that was fairly close. He looked like a bloodied pulp, but he forced himself to his feet. Alex came storming from the cave and up to his brother. "HOW DARE YOU TELL ME WHAT I OUGHT TO BE!" He growled slamming his fist into Adam's gut making him crumple. "AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE TARIN?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY REPERTO!"
Meliah's eyes were wide with fear as she quickly hid Capella behind her.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:36 pm

I winced as I spotted Adam. Oh my...
I couldn't just stand there and allow this... I mean...
I was so going to regret this. Really, I was.
"S-stop it!"
In one quick motion, I placed the girl behind me, not wanting her to get blamed for what I was about to do. Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes, concentrating hard. Alex went flying through the air, seemingly on his own accord, into a tree.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:17 pm

Alex smacked into a tree and Adam threw a look at Capella that seemed to be a mixture of thanks, but also annoyance maybe? He didn't need to try and keep Alex from getting to her as well. Adam stood and walked over to Alex, helping him up, only to get a dagger in the gut. "You betrayed me," Alex said in a harsh whisper, his eyes verging on tears. "You will regret this brother." He tossed Adam to the side and glared at Meliah, snapping at her.
Meliah's head hung slightly, her arm wrapped around her torso as she moved around Capella and over to Alex who grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her infront of him. She looked back at Capella with an apologetic and longing look, but looked forward again. Her life was his. There was nothing she could do about it. Meliah and Alex disapeared into the forest, leaving Adam and Capella alone. Adam was gasping for breath as he pulled the dagger from his stomach and let it fall to the ground. He closed his eyes, clutching the wound tightly, tears of sorrow falling down his cheeks. He was totally and utterly alone now.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:23 pm

I swayed, dizzy from my exertion. I wanted to follow after, I wanted to save her. But I know such an action right now would cost me my life. I fell to my knees, mainly out of exhaustion, but also to get to Adam. "Are-are you okay?" I asked, supporting his shoulders.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:34 pm

Adam looked up at her and forced a small smile, moving his hands slightly to show the hole in his stomach. "I've been better," he chuckled and winced. "Why are you still here? You should be with your village by now." He didn't understand. She had been let go to go her own way, and here she was, helping him. A guy she hated. Girls are so confusing...


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:38 pm

I shrugged, removing his hand again and inspecting the wound. "Where do you keep your jamis?"
Why was I staying? I guess, cause I couldn't leave him now. Not after he tried to save her, my Methos marissa. I couldn't leave him like this.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:41 pm

"In the bag in the cave," Adam said, his voice drifting off as his eyes began to close. He felt a wave of calm come over him as he tried to embrace the darkness and leave the pain behind. His breathing began to turn shallow, his heart skipping multiple beats at a time.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:43 pm

I heard into the cave, gathering what I could and rushing back to him. I ripped off the bottom of my skirt, using it to stop the bleeding before applying the jamis and wrapping him up tight.
I then wet a a spare rag and placed it on his forehead, watching him intently.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:47 pm

Adam fell asleep, his breathing continuing to grow shallow as his body began to heat up, a raging fever taking place from the infected wounds he already possesed. Sweat began to form a light layer across his skin, his heart flipping and skipping and eventually stopping for a few seconds, only to pick back up again. In his mind, visions of the wars he had seen, the people he had killed, the people he had tortured, all came back to haunt him making his face twist into pain and remorse.


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World War: Menos Van - Page 3 Empty Re: World War: Menos Van

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