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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:03 pm

You wre really excited for your first day at Mckinny Prep. You wanted to go meet new people and leave your past behind you.... but when you come right off the bat you notice the school is diffrent... and that people arent really what they seem. You get freaked out trying to keep your self human. HUMAN! Yes thats right human... good luck!


Ok so I made this thread before and I want to bring it back *cough cough Ericha cough cough* Feel freee to join!

Ericha: Make new charries so we can start new or if you want keep your old ones ^_^

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:07 pm

(I'll make charries in a minute. XD)
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:07 pm


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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:25 pm

Name: Anna-Beth James, most people call her Anne or Anna
The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-tnPY6rjEJhksQR0P-ece5sTlRpodla7ZYTrrvCHjIH5Tk6yg
Age: 17 almost 18
Bio: Her parents were murdered when she was thirteen and she was the only person in the house. She was the main suspect for a while, but there was no evidence pointing to her. Because of this, the family she did have left would have nothing to do with her and put her up for adoption. She was adopted by Xavier's family when she was fourteen.
Species (WE NEED HUMANS!) Human

Name: Xavier Blake
The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvWC-73aJdxHtrbItVmPYKZpX65KVqTQwjw33ah12erPsXbjbo
Age: 18
Bio: He lives with his parents and was the only child until his parents decided to adopt Anne. He loves like a little sister and is protective of her. His family bloodline is interesting creatures and stuff.
Species (WE NEED HUMANS!) a quarter warlock, half vampire and a quarter werewolf; can shift into a dog
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Age : 27

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:27 pm

Name: Nettie
Age: 17
Bio: Is the desendant of nefferttite. She is a strong girl who never takes crap from anyone. She has been living up in the attic about the school for $100 rent. No one knows about it and she wants to keep it that way. She was born in Egypt but moved over to the school because of her parents death and her Aunt is a secretary there.
Species: Human
The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Vanessa

Name: Jackson
Age: 19
Bio: Grew up in a small town home. Nothing interesting. He is the nerdy type and is freinds with Nettie. He knows her past and is the only one who does.
Species Vampire
The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Tumblr_lgzx64mMyj1qarksao1_500_thumb

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:44 pm

(Nice charries. ^_^ When are we starting? *is curious*)
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:46 pm

(Do you want to start now? First post?)

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:54 pm

(Yes. Who should post first?)
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:05 pm

(YYYOOUUU!!! x3)

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:10 pm

(Okay. *le sigh*)

Anna-Beth and Xavier were bickering a little in the car as they drove up to the school. Anne stopped talking and stared at the large building as she climbed out the car, feeling slightly intimidated. Xavier patted her on the back. "Don't worry baby sis, we'll be fine," he said.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:19 pm

Nettie walked to her lock with her dark hair flowing down her back. Her entire body acked with the regret of comming down. People were staring at her like they always did because she was egyptian. All of them thought she was a terrorist or something. She wore a necklace form her ancestor.. Neffertitte.

JAckson was reading a book. He saw Nettie and went up to her. "Are you okay?" He asked pursing his lips. Nettie shrugged and sighed. "I guess..." Jackson sighed and took her hand. "Dont worry you will be fine this year. At least we do not have some crazy person after us like last year." Nettie nodded and removed her hand. "Thanks. See you after class." She walked to the Biology room and Jackson went to A.P World History.

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:25 pm

Anee bit her lower lips and noticed how quite a few girls were basically drooling over her brother. She inwardly sighed and gave him a weak smile before she looked at her class list to see what class she had. Once she saw the list she groaned, she had A.P. world history first. "See you later," she said to her brother and then headed to her class.

Xavier looked around, smirking slightly as girls looked at him. He found it amusing more than anything and he couldn't even see himself with most of them. He sighed, glanced at his class list and headed to his first class; biology.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:32 pm

Nettie got to Biology and sat down at the back. She was usally alone and she liked it. She put in her earphones and played 'Marry the Night' by Lady Gaga. She started to get out her stuff and waited for class to begin.

Jackson sat down in the front and waited for class. He had been looking foward to this class. He was a smart kid and he had been taking A.P classes all last year. He was ready for a class he actually wanted to take. He knew that Egypt would be a easy thing for him... noting Nettie's past and her stories and artifacts she had hidden.

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:38 pm

Anne walked into the her class, her head down and her eyes on the ground. She only lifted her eyes to find a seat and took one that was in the front. She looked around the class, her eyes locking on a boy (Jackson).

Xavier walked into the biology class and surveyed it, trying to figure out where he wanted to sit. His eyes locked on a girl of what looked like Egyptian heritage and his lips parted slightly. SHe was different and he wouldn't mind getting on her good side. Before he knew it he was in a seat next to her.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:44 pm

Jackson sighed and looked aorund. The room was plain which didnt surprise him. He knew that the school use to be a mental hospital. He looked at a girl and raised his eyebrow. "Yes? Is there something I can help you with?"

Nettie didnt see Xavier come in or sit down next to her. She was too busy listening to her music. Soon she laid her head down on the table. Her head was pounding slightly and she didnt wantto deal with the first day of school. She turned and saw Xavier and jumped slightly. "Um Hi..." She whispered.

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:51 pm

Anne blushed and looked down, embarrassed that he had seen her. "Er... No there isn't anything you can help me with," she said softly, wishing that the chair she was sitting in would eat her.

Xavier smiled at her and bit back a chuckle. "Hi, darling, I'm Xavier and you?" he asked, extending his hand. Yes, he was a flirt if he wanted to be.
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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:56 pm

Jackson chuckled a slight bit and smiled at her. "It is ok. That was harsh. I am Jackson and you are?" He asked holding his hand out.

Netie rolled her eyes but took his hand. "I am Nettie." She said in a nonchalant tone. "Are you new??" She asked looking at him wit hher deep brown eyes.

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:00 pm

Anne was still blushing when she looked up and took his hand. She noticed that he had a nice smile and mentally kicked herself. "I'm Anna-Beth," she said softly, dropping his hand after shaking it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Nettie. Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am new here," Xavier said, smiling at her, his eyes locking on hers.
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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:12 pm

Jackson smiled and said "Nice name Anna-Beth." He said. Soon the teacher started class and he faced forward. He liked new people.

Nettie smiled slightly and removed her hand. "Yes I am Egyptian..." She said facing forward. "And Welcome to our school I guess."

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:34 pm

"Thanks." Anne smiled slightly and turned to face the front of the room when the teacher walked in, her mind not really on the lecture. Anyway, she knew what the teacher was teaching about already and started to doodle in her notebook.

"That's pretty cool. Thanks, I guess," Xavier said, his hope falling slightly.
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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:41 pm

Once class got out Nettie stood and started to pack up. Her mind was fogged and she turned to Xavier. "Sorry... I was beening rude." She said before she turned to leave.

Jackson walked out of the class and waited for the new girl. He wanted to get to know her and help her out. She seemed nice enough.

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:52 pm

Xavier watched Nettie as he got his stuff together. "It's okay," he said and stopped her from moving. "Hey, could you maybe show me around? I don't want to be too lost on my first day."

Anne stood and gathered her stuff, her eyes downcast again. She happened to lift her eyes from the ground and walked through the doorway. She happened to catch sight of Jackson and smiled shyly toward him.
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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:55 pm

Nettie smiled and nodded. She smiled up at him. "I can help you if you want. Do you need help finding your dorm or something else?"

Jackson smiled and looked up at her. "Do you need help?" He asked with a smile. "By the way you have pretty eyes."

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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:00 pm

Xavier smiled down a her, happy that she was talking to him. "Actually, I need help finding everything. You see, this is my first year in an actual school. Every year before I've been home schooled," he said.

"Um yeah, I think I will need help," Anne said softly, her cheeks getting red at his comment about her eyes. "Thanks," she whispered.
Team Sherlock
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The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!) Empty Re: The School of Your Dreams (Part 2!)

Post by Alice Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:11 pm

Nettie smiled at him and gigled slightly. "I can bring you to your dorm." She started to walk to the dorms. "Well then welcome to this amazing school." A Icy tone hit her voice.

Jackson smiled and looked at her. "Anything I can help with?" He asked with a slight smile. He liked the girls eyes... alot.

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