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Till Death Do Us Part

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:59 am

Brendon and Mark helped Cal lie down, Mark looking over the wound while Brendon tried to keep Cal calm. They discussed what happened, Mark's mark glowing as he poured energy into Cal, his wound healing quickly. Mark pulled away, looking tired and a little more drained than one would like to be. They helped Cal to his feet and continued to talk to him, giving small nods and smiles every once in a while.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:04 am

Storm stayed firmly rooted in the dinner, ordering a coffee to appease the waitress and staring out the window. She felt like a creepy stalker. Maybe she was. But these were people, live people, just like her. She thought she was alone. She ducked behind her hair, wishing she could hear them.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:14 am

"Come on, you can stay with us," Brendon said, putting an arm around Cal's shoulder, being at least as tall as he was.
"So, you guys know what these things are?" Cal asked looking a little confused.
"Yup," Mark said, clasping Cal on the back. "Been dealin' with them since we were little tykes. Come on. Let's get back before anything else weird happens. I'd hate it if another wailer showed up." Mark was never good with dealing with the whiney ghosts. They left the alley, walking towards Brendon's Car Garage, a mechanic shop that happened to belong to Brendon.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:18 am

Storm watched them go but didn't follow, keeping herself walled up in the small dinner. Call her silly, but she was scared to leave the place. She stayed there till nightfall forced her to leave and begin the long walk across town to her house.
The dark skin and brisk wind made her skin prick as she walked along. ... Something didn't feel right.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:32 am

Name: Shannon
Age: 19
Apperance:Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Laser-Clinic-of-Fort-Collins-LHR
Personality: (optional)
how you died: Um, she was er..a party girl..and a party...around alot of huhum..guys.
where you reside/are haunting: She is haunting the cabin the forest where she died.

Name: Grace
Age: 17
Apperance: Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgv3U7QYXJsYgQ8-Ky7lLNgszZk3dQtfsqEvx7GRqUbVekkb5h
Personality: (optional)
how you died: Herm...Ima go with the whole idea where she died on a visit to San Francisco during an earthquake.
where you reside/are haunting: she doesn't really have a place to haunt at the moment.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:45 am

Grace ducked into the building, her heart racing as she peered out of the shadows. Desprately hoping that the lack of light would help hide her she scrambled further inside as fear caused her whole body to tremble. Slumping against a wall she shook her head slightly, glancing behind her once again.
That wouldn't stop them, nothing could stop them.
Her light flickering she sighed, hoping for a moments peace. The dream was shattered when footsteps reached her ears, sending her racing to her feet once again. Darting in a random direction, she tried out door after door.
They were all locked.
Desperation digging into her mind she skidded to a stop by the window, staring fearfully down at the racing water below. The footsteps got louder, closer even, the door behind her creeking open.
Without a moment's more thought, she jumped.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:01 am

Kalya frowned, staring at her hands then at the the knife a few feet away again. When did it get there? Pursing her lips she shook her head a little, retreating into a ball on her bed and squeezing her eyes shut. She was fine here, nothing to worry about, no one to worry about...
"Excuse me?"
"nononononono" She muttered, trying to ignore the small voice. "Go away."
"Ma'am?" The ghost asked again as she continued shaking her head. "Ma'am can you help me?"
"Nononono." She muttered, pulling out of her ball and darting towards the door. "I-I can't."
Outside of her door she glanced quickly around the hall before starting towards the front door. She had to get out of here, be away from this house for a minute, just a minute. Taking deep breaths she slipped the door open and crept outside, tilting her pale face towards the sun.
But she didn't smile, it was hard to be happy when everyone thought you were crazy.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:31 am

Mark, Brendon, and Cal all continued down the street to the garage. There was something looming in the night and it wasn't exactly the nicest feeling in the world. The boys lounged in the garage the rest of the night, talking about the things outside.

The next morning Cal was back in the forest, around the river area. He blinked, seeing something moving in the water. Without second thought he jumped in and pulled it out, finding it was a woman. Not only was it a woman, but it was a ghost. Confusion filled his face and he quickly picked her up and carried her back to town, looking for the girl and Brendon and Mark.

Brendon and Mark were in the garage, the door open as Brendon worked on an old Ford Mustang.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:17 pm

Grace partly noticed the boy pull her from the water, but only just. Her light was faded, and she was finding it hard to focus. All she could manage to do was hold onto him, and faintly make out where they were. The boy was a ghost, or perhaps he was. She wasn't sure. Well, at least he wasn't them. The bag things. At least he wasn't that. Her light flickering she was grateful to at least have that little bit of relief.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:02 am

Cal looked down at her and growled slightly, not liking the fact that she was barely coherent. "What's your name?" He asked as he ran, his eyes searching the streets. He finally found the girl from earlier with the white hair, and ran towards her. "HEY!" he shouted at her, panic in his eyes. "You gotta help me!"


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:01 pm

Merh. I have no muse for Storm, but I do have muse for Ivy. I'll post her sheet below if you guys don't mind me switching.
And... if you still want to do this.

Name: Ivy
Age: 17
Looks: Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Amazing-hairstyle-different-braids-bun-blonde-colored-purple-pink-maron-french-braid-flower-braid-long-hair+(25)
She's on the thiner side, and has blue eyes.
Personality: She's not timid but she's not out going either. She's thinks before she speaks and means every word she says.

It's a pathetic sheet... sorry.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:04 pm

That's fine


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:39 pm

Alright, I'll just pretend Cal was calling out for Ivy to help.

It was late, I was late. Mom was gunna kill me... I picked up my pace, wrapping my sweater shawl tighter around me as I hurried down the dark street. This town creeped me out. Let's put aside all the residential ghosts that haunt the place, there was just something about it. Especially at night. And tonight, of all nights, something had me on edge.

"Hey! You gotta help me!"
I froze, stumbling a little as I turned to face the pleading voice.
...A ghost... great. Just what I need right now.
I looked hesitantly around before stepping forward. "M-me? Right now?" I squirmed a little. "Can't this wait?"
Could it wait? Of course it could, he's a spirit. He has eternity. Whatever it is, it's hardly life or death.
Haha, get it? Life or death? Man, I'm really tired.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:27 pm

Grace partly noticed the appearance of a second voice as she tried to make sense of what the boy asked her. Something.. important. Searching her hazy thoughts she realized he wanted her name. She.. she could do that. "...Grace..." She muttered softly. She couldn't formulate the strength to look up at the new person, not that her foggy mind cared much at the moment anyways. Her light continued to dim slightly, not exactly in the best shape at the moment.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:01 am

Cal looked from the girl in his arms, to the girl in front of him and held her out. "Please...I don't know what's doing this.'s...something got her. You gotta fix it, her light's goin' out." He looked desperate, unsure of what to do, only that he had to help the girl.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:08 am

I couldn't help myself. I stepped forward out of curiosity, peering at the second ghost in his arms. My eyes widened as I saw he was right, her light /was/ going out.
"I..."- I looked around nervously-"I don't know what I could do, I've never seen that before. Is she dying?"
Wait, she's already dead...


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:17 am

Cal hesitated in replying, then gave a small nod. "Yes, I guess you could say that. If our lights go out, we disappear completely. It's our energy source. There is nothing after this, no heaven, no hell. We just....cease."


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:36 am

I flailed and looked around, unsure what to do. "I'm sorry, you have the wrong girl. I can't help you." I whispered feverishly, backing up.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:42 pm

Her mind rather foggy, Grace considered just leaving them talking, letting them decide what to do. Then she remembered how she got in such bad shape in the first place. She had to warn them, she had to...
"...the bad people..." She murmured. "They...were following me..."

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:47 pm

Cal blinked and looked down at Grace, not sure whether to think she was delirious or serious. He looked back up to Ivy, his face still pleading. "I....well do you know anyone?" He asked, desperate.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:54 pm

Bad people following her? Good God, what have I gotten myself into? Despite my fear though, I couldn't bring myself to leave them. They may be dead and a big pain in my butt, but they were /people/. "No. I'm alone in this."
I stepped forward, glancing around anxiously. "HEL-" I cut my cry for help off short, feeling ridiculous.
You idiot. You're alone, remember? What are you going to say to anyone that comes? 'help me, the dead persons dying'? What are you, insane? Arg, what do I do, what do I do?


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Bells Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:55 pm

Grace barely followed their words, her eyes flickering shut before she forced them open again and tried to focus on them. Her hazy mind continued to drag her thoughts down though, and she barely managed to really see the two of them. "...they...were follow. They... don't... let anyone ...go.. easily..."

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:59 pm

Cal looked between Ivy and Grace, unsure of what to do.

It was at this point, the brothers started to walk by. They were arguing between themselves over which was better, a ghost who wanted to go to the other side but didn't know how to get there, or a ghost who didn't realize there was another side. Of course it was a stupid thing to argue over, but aren't most things?


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:13 pm

I squirmed a little, looking to Cal, "I'm sorry, I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry. I don't know what to do. Maybe you could-" I cut off short, sudden aware of two boys walking by me as I talked to dead person. I shot them a nervous smile, hoping I didn't look as retarded as I felt.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:19 pm

Mark and Brendon paused to see who the girl was talking to, then looked at the girl. She had that smile. They looked at Cal and blinked, a small smile spreading on their face. Just earlier that day they had helped the guy, now he was back. "Dude, Cal, what's u-" Mark cut short as he saw the girl in his arms. "Dude, Brendon."
Brendon quickly moved over to Cal, both figuring that Ivy could see the ghosts to since she had abruptly cut off talking to them when they showed up.


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Till Death Do Us Part - Page 2 Empty Re: Till Death Do Us Part

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