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GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:07 pm

An overwhelming sense of relief filled me as he finally kissed me back, wiping away all thoughts or worries. Now it was just him and me. Right now, I was worth something. And hell, I was going to do everything possible to convince him of that.

My hands danced downward, gently taking his and placing it on the small of my back, bare skin showing under the shirt line. I broke away from the kiss, my lips dancing across his neck, sucking softly here and there before moving to explore his chest, my hands moving aside the pesky clothing in the way.
Love me back, dammit. Please.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:20 pm


Yeah. Everything melted away. I kissed her deeply, dipping her back, my hands running over her.
Then, through half lidded eyes, I saw my shirt slowly float to the ground.

"You owe me a new shirt."
"Here, take this."
"It's not my style, or size..."
"Just put it on!"

My kisses slowed as I stared down at the shirt, the shirt that Esmeralda gave me. It wasn't my size. I hated wrong sizes. It wasn't even my shirt, she took it off some dead guy.

Yet I had still kept it. Kept it because she was the one who gave it to me.

I then pulled away from the kissing, my arms still around Emmeline. I flicked my eyes downward, staring at my bare chest, the bullet wound throbbing and seeming to stare back at me, testing me.
I had let myself die. Not for Emmeline. Not even for........not even for Marie.

I did it for Esmeralda. All I could think of while dying was how glad I was that Heron shot me instead.
What an amazing epiphany. Took too long.

"Em. I'm sorry...I can't do this." I said softly, my coming out rushed as I realized I was out of breath.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:39 pm

I blinked, staring up at him, my heart dropping at his words.
...Wishful thinking... I should have know better than to indulged into such small hopes. He's so out of my league.... Theyallare.
I cleared my throat, pulling away from his arms and dropping my gaze.
Well... what do I say to that?
"Don't be." Wow, I sounded pretty pathetic right now. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? How could I let a guy get to me this much?
Oh... right. He's different.
"She's one lucky girl..."
My eyes scanned his face, sadness, hurt, self hate, but also understanding filling them.
I hesitated for a moment before pulling him weakly forward for one last, gentle kiss, trying to remember this moment. The moment someone cared, even if it wasn't for me.
I pulled away slightly, not caring whether or not he responded, just taking those few seconds; those pleading kisses to use him. To use him to help distract me.
I looked up, holding his gaze softly, my brows furrowed and our breaths melding.
And with that, I poofed.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:53 pm


I watched her eyes, taking note of the many emotions filling them. I then kissed her back lightly, and was left alone, hugging the air.
I guess I should have thanked her, also. In a weird way, she assisted me. Helped me escape for a while, and pushed it through my thick skull that I wanted Esmeralda.

Too bad she didn't want me back. At times, I thought she did. But then she'd do something to prove me wrong.

So I groaned and slumped backwards, sliding down the wall, my face in my hands and my shirt still off. It was tough. Caring for someone who apparently did not feel the same way. In a way, I figure that's what I did to Emmeline.

"I'm sorry, Em." I repeated, knowing the effort was useless.

I brought my face up to see my cloak, mask and shirt messily thrown on the ground, but felt too lazy to get them. Too immobile and too emotion filled.

I need to stop screwing things up.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:24 am

Narrators POV

Dusk came a few hours later, bringing about a chilly breeze. Esmeralda had managed to pull herself off the ground and find shelter in a rocky alcove, a fire keeping her warm in place of her cloak or griffin.
Meanwhile, three cloaked figure made their way through the box. A hundred yards away, from the slumped Griffin, they seem to meld into the shadows, walking intently toward the direction esmeralda disappeared to.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:35 am

text update

Erm, so this ish how it goes.
Purple randomly hired griffin to hug me. Only, he did it horribly. So I kidnapped purple to make him come back and give me a hug. Only.... he didn't care. So I chucked the manwhich I was making for him at his head then brought in Esmeralda and threaten to poison her if he still refused. He tried to stop me but I used my amazing author powers to poison her anyway.
I then gave him a timeline before the pain kicked in, demanding a real hug, for him to save purple, and for more manwhich.
The pain kicked in and esmeralda refrained from screaming till purple demanded griffin hand feed her. Then I magiced the pain to be worse and she screamed like a baby.
Griffin caved, completed his tasked, and I cured her. tada.
*ish so tired* >.>


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:16 pm

(And then I put Griffin into a giant penguin suit. Es was put into a monkey suit. Then they had a snowball fight. It was random and had completely nothing to do with their story, but heck, twas fun.)


Another, long, cold night was approaching. I could not bring myself to sleep.
Then...a small flicker, barely noticeable. The shadows. Who has come?

I pushed myself off the wall and grabbed my clothes, pulling my shirt on and my cloak over it, my hood up. Whoever it was, I had to check it out. It might be Esmeralda...

I made the mistake of walking straight up to the shadows, and not sneaking behind it. Three men. All armed.

This day was crap.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:38 pm

Narrative's POV
The men drew their weapons, eyeing over Griffin with mixed emotions. The tall man in the middle stepped forward, sword raised, hood down, revealing a receding hairline and a crooked nose.
"Do you think he's seen the girl?"The short, stout man on his left murmered.
"Hush, Tom. Use your powers, do you feel her near by?"The tall man replied.
Tom closed his eyes for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yes, master. A few miles forward, in an alcove." He paused, furrowing his brows. "She knows him." His eyes snapped open, narrowing on griffin.
The man identified as Master jerked his wrist, flicking it threateningly at Griffin.
"You, there. Surrender your weapons, and name. Now."


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:28 am

Griffin: *like hell I would just give my name out. Who are these guys?* *all I know is that they have weapons. Weapons pointed at me* *hand hovers over his daggers, and he doesn't say anything* ...

Tom: *takes his daggers, eyeing him sharply*

master: *walks forward, sword still raised* Name? How do you know Esmeralda? *demanding*

Griffin: *swiftly moves out of the way, a few blade knicking his clothes* *picks up speed and rams right into bob, attempting to plunge a dagger into his throat*

Master: *ish currently fumbling to pick up his sword again, the drugs making him feel all... Drunk like*
bob:*ish the youngest and most inexperienced, therefor falters and ish stabbed*
Tom: *scowls angrily, pulling out a his gun and shooting a dagger at griffin (if hit, it takes 20 mins for the effects to kick in, so He'd have time to kill the others, get information, and make his way to Esmeralda*
Griffin: *ish hit with tom's gun thingy* *frowns and slips downward, kicking Master's feet out from under him to trip him up, then lunging at Tom, a dagger aimed at his throat also* *intends to save Master for last so he can interrogate him*
Tom: *does indeed dodge the arm throw**ish struck in the heart. Crap**crumbles, sputtering*
master:*sways, managing to stand again*
Griffin: *pulls two daggers out this time and jumps at Master, pinning him down, both daggers crisscrossed against his throat* Info. Now.
Master: *blinks, staring up at him, eyes hard* you're with her, a-a-aren't you?
Griffin: not really. *keeps one blade at his throat and reaches down, roughly grabbing Master's hand* * why are you chasing Esmeralda. *sounds more like 
an order than a question* (when do the drugs from the dart thing hit his system, and can you remind me of the side effects?)
... Eh, I'll get to the rest in the morn


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:46 pm

((Meh. Long story short, Griffin kicked some asses and pinned Master down, and interrogated him by slicing his fingers off and carving onto his face. Apparently Esmeralda is running from a cult, and she has a fiancee named Mason. Griffin also got hit by a drugged dart/dagger type thing, and here are the stages:
First Stage: A sort of drunk state, complete with hallucinations.
Second Stage: Paralyzation, and the mind also kinda clears.
Stage Four: He should feel some pain.
Stage Five: The drugs circle around, back to the heart, and become mind blowingly painful.
DARN YOU TOM! But yeah. There's a little recap, so Ells doesn't have to make pasta for the rest. Oh, and Master ended up getting his throat slit. So yay for violence~))


I stayed by the intruders for a while, searching their pockets and taking everything that looks like it has value. A few weapons and trinkets would sell well on the black market. More money to put towards freedom.

I reached around to my left arm and yanked a dagger out, feeling slightly...odd. So I lifted it to my nose, and sniffed it.

Drugs. I had allowed myself to be drugged.

Eh. It will pass. So, they said a few miles forward? That's where Es was? Good enough. Guess it's time to start walking.

I stumbled forward and followed the directions I had overheard, unusual hallucinations coming to mind and a trickle of blood sliding down my torn cloak. I had to find her. Those men I killed could have merely been a distraction. There might be another force coming around the other side to ambush her.

You think I'm paranoid? Yeah. I probably am. But when you deal with things like this in your everyday life, paranoia can save a persons ass.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:32 pm

I got the rest while at work >.>
Master: *snorts* y-y-ou don't know? *incredulous*

Griffin: If I knew, I would not have asked. *pries apart master's finger, one of his daggers cutting it, slicing it deeply* Tell me. Now.

About 20. It needs time to circle around his blood stream. Each time it circles, it moves onto the next stage. Stage one- drunk like hallusions stage 2- paralyization. Mind also kinda clears l. Stage 3 ish the pain. Stage 4 ish when the drugs circle around back to the heart and become mind blowingly painful. Because it The pain stage Cycles twice, it takes up 40 minutes

Master: o-o *chocked pain* ther-there's a bounty on her h-head.
Griffin: *stops cutting the finger for a while* for what? Why?
Master: *grits his teeth, struggling to pull away* go. To. H-h-he'll.
Griffin: .. *cuts the finger off, his eyes emotionless* Wrong answer.
Master: *eyes bulge**horse scream* t-t-t-reason.Griffin: Not a good enough answer. Reason? *slowly trail toward the next finger*

Master: *doesn't quiet believe he'll cut off his next finger**eyes flutter close before jerking open**spits on*
Griffin: *headbutts extremly roughly, cutting off the next finger as he does it* *ish. Little dazed, but learned to take blows like that and deal with it*
Master: *doesn't scream this time, just pales considerably*  s-s-she left. No o-o-one leaves *glaaaaaares at*
Griffin: Left. What? *voice is menacing and harsh, finger blood getting everywhere*
Master: t-t-he cult. Her f-f-fiancé. He's not happy. He w-w-wants her back.
Griffin: ................. *blinks, as if taking a harsh slap in the face* Last question. Fiancee. Name. *voice is more bitter now, but keeps a firm grip on master*
Master: 9.9 can do, buddy.
Griffin: *this time grabs him by the throat, and starts carving lines into master's face* I won't stop until I get my name.
Master: *grits teeth, his pain tolerance reaching it's threshold* m-mason. *hateful glare*
Griffin: Good boy. *pats master's bloody cheeck* *slits his throat, then stands up, frowning at his slightly at the torn up cloak 


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:41 pm

It was a cold night. Thank God I managed a fire.
The rock alcove I sat in was empty and barren, save for a few twigs here or there. But it covered my back and allowed me to watch out for attackers.
I stared up at the dark, clear sky, the stars shinning brightly, oblivious to the mental turmoil taking place inside of me.
He was back.
The knowledge made my insides warm. But then I looked around me and the gained warmth vanished.
He may be back, but I was alone.

I bit my lip, shivering slightly and turning my eyes back to the land, scanning the darkness for any sign of life.
Nope, nothi- wait. What was that?
I stirred slightly, eyes narrowing on one lone figure walking in my direction.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:22 pm


I saw...a fire. Yet, it seemed more like three orange blobs, muddled together. What were those drugs? My mind felt so woozy and unusual, and it seemed as if pandas were dancing around. Yeah. Pandas...

I had managed to stumble along for a mile or two, shivering from the nighttime cold and a shredded cloak, blood streaming gradually from my arm. I could see the blood. I could watch it trail down and off of my arm. Yet, the pain felt numb and far away. Seemed as if all my senses were faltering, and all I could focus on doing was walking forward.

I managed to reach the entrance of the cave, and weakly waved at Esmeralda.

At last. I found her. But....why did she have five heads?
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:38 pm


"...Griffin," I breathed, scrambling forward to help him. "What the- How in the.... You're hurt."
My eyes quickly scanned over him, taking in the shredded cloak and dagger wound.
Why the hell did we always lose our cloaks?
I brought him closer to the fire, using it to warm him and further assess his wounds.
"Who did this?" I asked, my voice hard.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:47 pm


I tried and failed to focus my gaze on her, then just crumpled to the floor, holding my head. I couldn't bring myself to respond, for when I looked back up, and squinted really hard...I saw Marie. Marie's face on Esmeralda's body.

"You idiot!" she said, glaring down at me. "Just...sit tight, okay? I told you you have to run away...I don't like seeing you get hurt all the time." Then she bopped me on the head in her usual manner, but I felt no head push, which confused me even more.

I frowned, squinting hardly at Esmeralda's face and reaching out to her, but she seemed so far away. "M-Mar...?" I croaked, my eyes going blurry.
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:53 pm

I blinked, kneeling down besides him and slipping off his cloak, then his shirt, using that to make strips. We were going to need something to keep warm tonight.
"Mar? No, It's me, Esmeralda."
I gave him an odd look before moving to clean out the wound.
What, did they hit him on the head or something?
"What happened?" I asked, a bit pained.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:13 pm


Marie. It had been so long, about two years ago. We were foolish teenagers. And now she was back. I didn't care that she had Esmeralda's body, I didn't even care that she had three heads. She was back. Probably not for long, but I had missed her. My heart had ached for those piercing eyes, that ratty red hair, the way she whacked me on the head for being stupid.

I ignored the question and hugged her tightly, determined to not let go. Okay, maybe this was an illusion. An effect from the drugs. But damn, I wanted it to last forever.

"I love you, you so much..." I said desperately, my voice taking a sort of needy tone.
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:20 pm

I froze in his arms, his words washing over me.
Oh... Oh dear...

He was drugged, wasn't he? I blinked, realizing what that meant.
My people did this. Once again, he was getting hurt because of me.

"Griffin," I sighed warily, gently trying to move away. "It's me, Esmeralda. You've been drugged. Just... relax, deep breath. Let me fix you up."


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:25 pm


I looked at her groggily, noticing her red hair poofing around her face. The red hair I loved so much. Then little Becca crawled onto my lap. Dang. That baby must have lost a lot of weight. I saw her there, but felt nothing.
My face broke out into a grin, watching the little one year old girl roll around on my lap, making small, incoherent mumbling sounds. My little girl. My sweet, sweet Becca.

A frown tugged at my lips, knowing this was wrong. Becca and Marie. They were both dead, in fact, I watched them die. Yet, here they are. I looked up at the woman I figured as Marie, and asked; "Am I dead?" while patting Becca's back, feeling only air yet not really caring. My family. My very own family was together once more. The family I ached for...the family I let be murdered.

Last edited by Purple Jay on Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:35 pm

He was delusional. Clearly, it was the poison of my people. I clentched and unclentched my fist before moving to finish cleaning up the dagger wound, then any others.
"No," I replied softly, unable to meet his gaze, shame ruling me. "You are not dead."
I tied off the last bandaged and handed the cloak back over to him so he didn't freeze.
"I'm sorry," I breathed, settling across from him, eyes locked on his face.
This was all my fault.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 pm


I frowned again, taking Becca off my lap and setting her in a playpen, then crawled up to Marie. "Mar? Everything all right? Oh, and the extra two heads are a bit much." I replied.

I stroked her cheek, wondering why she was sorry. I was the one who let her die. She shouldn't be sorry. Yet I felt...content. Content to just be able to touch her, and see her in front of me.
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:16 pm

My lips twitched, letting the personal contact slide.
How long before he found me was he like this? When would the next stage kick in?
I wasn't sure.
Until then, I settled for just feeding into the delusions. It would be easier on him. I owed him that much.
"Fine, Grif. Just worried about you. Must you always get into fights?" I managed, my voice a bit wobbly.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:30 pm


I managed a smile when she replied, then grabbed her hand, kissing it softly. "Our baby is beautiful." I said gently, leaning up and whispering it into her ear.
I then stared at her lips longingly, thriving to feel them against mine. It had been so long, too long.

I moved until my forehead was against hers, my eyes staring into hers, our breath meshing together. I got close, maybe a centimeter away from her mouth, before she...changed. My mind became a bit clearer, and I had just enough time to push myself away from her.
"...Esmeralda...?" I asked, glancing around for Becca. But she was gone. So was Marie. My family was dead once more.

I then proceeded to completely lock up, my body going rigid as I fell on my face, my fingers twitching when I tried, and failed, to flex them.

Great. Paralysis.
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:40 pm

His words felt like a thousand hot knifes, realization filling me.
His hulliciantion. He thought... I was...
They had a kid?!?
Boy, did I feel like a fool.
Shock left me ridged, speechless, staring at him then into his eyes as he leaned in uncomfortably close.
I would of jerked back, but for a moment, his words were my poison. I was paralyzed.
Then he fell over.
I suppose I should have caught him, but my sluggish thoughts and small frame made that wishful thinking.
I sighed, huffing as I turned him over and propped him up.
I settled across from him, making sure he was wrapped tightly enough in his cloak before dipping behind my hair, studying his face.
I knew he was conscious, I knew he could hear me. I just didn't know what to say.
Silence was safe.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 3 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:14 pm


I didn't know what to say, but I realized I really am a blockhead at times. I had almost kissed Esmeralda. Did she hear all of that? I hoped she didn't, but knew that she most likely did.

I just stared at the ground, completely shirtless, the bullet wound on my chest going back to its usual throb and my arm wrapped up and cleaned. I kept trying to move, but...nothing. Maybe a few twitches as I tried to pick myself up, but that was all.
Purple Dragon
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