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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:24 pm

Dyre: I smiled, my eyes glowing slightly, my hair parting to show my pointed ears "I am Dwyre"

Tanya: I blushed and nodded shyly "I...I've never seen a Vampire ambarrassed before"

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:30 pm

Kyri: I nodded, studying him half warily and half curiously. I had never met someone like him before.... he smelled wierd and i took note of his eyes and ears. "That's an interesting name....." i remarked.

Adarian: I chuckled a little. "Really...? Heh.... well, we're people too, you know. We have emotions and we get embarrassed just like anyone else. Some of us are more prone to it than others, though...." i said.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:33 pm

Dwyre: I grinned "Yes, well I'm quite interesting if I do say so myself" I said with a chuckle, Tonka curling around my shoulders and going to sleep

Tanya; I smiled slightly "Are you one of the ones more prone?"

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:37 pm

Adarian: I laughed, turning a little redder. "You.... you could say that." i admitted.

Kyri: I raised an eyebrow. "'Interesting' certainly isnt the first word i think i'd use to describe you....." i muttered.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:40 pm

Dwyre: :Well, people also use hot, devilishly handsome, wickedly cute etc. Brave, smart, couragous, funny and so on. Take your pick"

Tanya: I giggled slightly at his blush, smiling

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:44 pm

Kyri: My glare intensified. "As if. More like annoying, frustrating, rude, obnoxious......." i said, listing off things that were definitely not on his messed up list.

Adarian: I smiled back, glad she'd lightened up a little. "Would you like to listen to some music? Im honestly not going to laugh if you sing." i said truthfully.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:45 pm

Dwyre: My eyes glowed in amusement "Yes, those first."

Tanya: I hesitated "O-only if you s-sing too" I said nervously

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:50 pm

Kyri: "My list is not going to change. Get that into your head now." i said bluntly. "I don't plan on even knowing you long enough for it to even have the POTENTIAL to change." i added, making things clear.

Adarian: I nodded. "Deal." i said. Honestly, i was a little bit nervous myself. I'd never sang in front of ANYONE before and i couldnt help but feel a little underconfident. I gestured to a shelf full of CDs and records. "Pick whatever you want...." i said.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:12 am

Dwyre: I chuckled, grinning "I see"

Tanya: I blushed and smiled, charmed by his own nervosuness and embrrasment "You pick"

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:36 am

(Ack...... trying to find nice non-scream-filled music on my iTunes is hard =.=)

Adarian: I nodded, a little surprised that she wanted me to pick, but stood and crossed to the shelf holding my CDs and old vinyl records. I had pretty much everything from classical music to heavy metal. After scanning through the selection for a minute, i pulled out a CD and stuck it in the stereo on top of the shelf. After a moment, 'Your Guardian Angel' by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus filtered through the speakers, filling the room. I swallowed my nerves as the lyrics started filtering through and i began to sing along, feeling very self conscious but trying to ignore it and focus on the words. "When i see your smile, the tears rolling down my face, i can't replaaaace. And now that i'm strong i have figured out, how this world turns cold and embraced in my soul and i know i'll find, deep inside me, i can be the one. I will never let you fall.... i'll stand up with you forever. I'll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven....." i sang, quiet and uncertain at first, but becoming more sure of myself the more i sang.

Kyri: "Good....." i muttered through clenched teeth as the bloodhunger began burning stronger, my stomach a pit of agony. His heartbeat echoed in my head, making my fangs ache horribly. "Now go away..... your heartbeat's driving me crazy....." i growled, trying very very hard not to just attack. I didn't even know if his blood was any good to drink, but the hunger wasnt rational and right now i didnt care.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:17 pm

Tanya; I blushed and smiled, atching him and then hesitantly joined in, stumbling over the words slightly because I ddin't know them.

Dwyre: I grinned "It's not blood that runs through my veings little one."

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:33 pm

Kyri: "Perhaps not. But you still smell and sound like food...." i grumbled, jaw still tense. I vaguely wondered what DID run through his veins if not blood, but the question was discarded. He probably wouldnt answer me even if i asked anyways.

Adarian: I smiled over at Tanya while singing, happy when she picked up on the words. She had a wonderful voice and it made me happy to hear it. It seemed like far too soon that the song was over and i stopped singing, falling silent. "You have a wonderful voice...." i told her truthfully. I didnt think i could ever tire of hearing it, if i were to be honest with myself.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:48 pm

Bryce sat back in his chair as (can't think of a movie right now) began to play. "This reminds me back when there used to be drive in movies." He remembered how everyone thought it was the best thing in the world. Then theater became popular and they were soon forgotten.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:10 pm

Marie: I laughed softly "Wasn't that around the 1960's?"

Dwyre: I smiled "You require blood little vampire?"

Tanya: I smiled slightly in delight at his praise, blushing "I-I guess it's okay..." I murmered shyly "And you're really good yourself"

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:31 pm

Kyri: "Unfortunately..." i growled. "But i don't want blood..... i mean, my body does, but... /I/ don't. I'd be happy to just starve myself out of existance...." i muttered. But it was hard to starve yourself to death with the maddening heartbeats and flowing blood of living people everywhere. Another reason i hid. I was actually quite surprised i'd managed to keep it together for this long at all.....

Adarian: I felt my own face heat up a bit. "Its wonderful. And... thanks." i said, kind of embarrassed. "You're actually the first person who's ever heard mme sing before..." i admitted.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:20 pm

Bryce smiled, "Yeah somewhere around that time. Its hard to keep track. Time moves fast for me." He could still remember being in the Reniciance like it was yesterday. To him it felt just like yesterday when he was first turned.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:55 pm

Dwyre: I chuckled "Why would you suppress such a charmingly dark side of yourself?"

Tanya: I blinked and smiled back "Then I'm honored" I said, blushing because he did.

Maria: I tilted my head, looking at him "When were you turned?" I asked hesitently, knowing some vampires considered the question incredibly rude and invasive

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:24 pm

Kyri: I squirmed slightly, instantly disliking him even more. "I don't want it..." i spat. "I never wanted it. I didnt choose to become what i am.... i was fine how i was, except for being a slave and all. But im no more free now than i was before, and i hate what i am. I just want to be ME.... but i don't feel like me anymore. So im going to get far away from this hellhole and find somewhere to just curl up and fade away. It'll be better for everyone." i said decisively.

Adarian: I felt my face turn even redder, feeling quite self conscious at this point. "And im honoured to have had the opportunity to hear you sing..." i replied.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:06 am

"I was turned back during the Renaissance era." He could remember when the Renaissance first started, there was partys, art, and music. It was a time after all the disaster to finally begin new again. "It was a great time to be alive then."
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:12 pm

Dwyre: "Nobody chooses to be what thy are. Did I want to be unbearably handsome clever and powerful? No, I just turned out that way." I laughed, my canines flashing again, my eyes glowing icy blue slightly "Do not deny what you are darling, embrace it"

Tanya: I blushed harder, my eyes widening and My heart fluttering. I'd never had someone be HONORED about ME.

Marie: I sighed wistfully "I wish I bas born in the 20's" I murmered, resting my head on his bare shoulder , blushing as I realised we were still naked,

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:43 pm

Kyri: "I don't want to embrace it....." i muttered. If i embraced it.... would that make me like /HIM/? Like my master? I wouldnt be like that..... NEVER..... if embracing my vampirism meant becoming a monster, i would reject it for the rest of my life.

Adarian: I smiled softly as she blushed even more, somewhat amused. The CD had kept playing, but i didnt even know what song was on anymore. I moved back across the room and sat next to her, watching her, gaze soft. "You really ARE adorable when you blush, you know." i said, my smile widening fractionally. I knew she'd probably deny it again, but it didnt matter. It wouldnt change my opinion.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:47 pm

Dwyre: I chuckled and crossed my legs 'Ah humans, such worrisome creatures"

Tanya: I covered my face with a blush and shrugged, not wanting to argue and upset him. I could feel his hip pressed against mine and was vividly aware of how the sweet smell of him was in my nostrils again.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:57 pm

Kyri: I raised an eyebrow. "Worrisome...? How so?" i asked.

Adarian: I gently reached down and tilted her face up so she was looking at me. "Please don't hide...." i said. And then the wierd little completely irrational impulse hit me. Kiss her. The thought was suddenly the only clear thing in my head, and before i had actually had time to even think about whether or not it was actually a good idea, the impulse had already taken over. I leaned down and gently pressed my lips against hers, vaguely hoping i wasnt making a horrible decision.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Cairo Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:02 pm

Dwyre: I laughed in amusement, my hair parting to show my pointed ears "Ah so refreshing to speak to such a confused person. Amusing too. You are worrying about everything, just as all humans do"

Tanya: I gasped, my heart pounding in my chest. I was frozen in shock and uncertainty, not knowing how I should respond or what I should do or why he would want to do this....and because his lips were soft but firm against mine and his scent was emveloping me just like the hug but much more....intimate. I blushed and fluttered my hands to his shoulder the chest and then back to his shoulders, having no idea where to place them

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 8 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:12 pm

Kyri: "Not technically human anymore." i pointed out, leaning against the side of the roof and letting my eyes close, somewhat exhausted from lack of food. "And if you have nothing useful, relevant, or at least not annoying to say, than shut up and leave me alone...." i grumbled.

Adarian: I pulled away after a moment, blushing furiously. "Ah... im sorry if i just.... did something wrong....." i stammered out awkwardly. I'd probably just freaked her out or upset her or something......

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