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Blood on your hands

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:00 am

Endilion blushed a slight rose color. "Endilion my name is Endilion. What about you?" She asked with a smile. Endilion moved a slight distance back and studied him. Was he human or something more?

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:39 am

Viper looked at her, grinning. "Viper, just Viper." He answered, brushing some of his hair back and the very base of his ears showed. They were dragon-like and black, hidden beneath his somewhat longer hair. He looked up at the sky and could tell it was late, between midnight and two in the morning. "Listen, I know we just met and everything...but would you take a swim in the ocean with me?" His eyes looked into hers and stepped toward her, closing most of the distance.
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:50 pm

Endilion held her breath and she could only nod. She smiled and looked up at him. "Lead the way." She noticedbhis ears and smiled. "YOur not human."

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:02 pm

Theo: I sat and waited patiently until she returned, wondering what i was getting myself into. Probably more than i was bargaining for.... it was a risk, letting somone in again. But... i'd been alone way too long. It was time for me to take that risk again, even if it meant maybe getting hurt.

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:24 pm

Alice wrote:Endilion held her breath and she could only nod. She smiled and looked up at him. "Lead the way." She noticedbhis ears and smiled. "YOur not human."

Viper laughed. "You think I'd be this charming as a mere human?" Hoping he wasn't too forward, Viper took Endilion's hand and led them through the woods. After a short bit of distance, the ocean was right in front of them and was peaceful at the moment. The ocean made Viper smile, but being here with not only someone else, but a girl, was pretty cool too. "Shall we?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:00 pm

Amriah raced back and landed in the sand with a smile. "Ok look towards the moonlight." once he did she began to sketch his face. It took her awhile but she finally got it and smiled. "What do you think?" She asked showing him.

Endilion smiled and took off her shirt and jeans. "Race you!" She sprinted to the ocean and dived in. Soon her body began to glow and her legs were transformed into a beautiful deep green color. She smiled and looked for him.

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Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:11 pm

Viper took off his shoes, shirt, and pants and flipped into the water, shifting into a merman on the way. When he rose to the top, he smiled at Endilion and looked at her beautiful mermaid self. "'re really beautiful." He said as he tried to get used to having one 'leg'. Viper's hair was now shorter, something that always happened when he shifted, and his black dragon ears were visible.
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:37 pm

Endilion looked at him and tilt her head. "Your a shapeshifter...?" She asked. She blushed slightly at his compliment and nodded. She finally looked at him again still wanting a answer.

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Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:40 pm

Viper nodded. "Yeah. It's useful sometimes, but the dragon ears remain..." He ran a hand through his now shorter hair and wondered how he had gotten nicer...
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:42 pm

Endilion smiled and shrugged. "I dont mind them..." She sighed and dove under the water and went to the bottom of the ocean floor. She didnt need to breath and she smiled. Everything came to life in the water for her. She wondered if she could trust Viper or not...

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:48 pm

Viper changed himself again so he wouldn't need to breathe. Tiny gill slits appeared on his neck and he dove down with her, watching the water have a new look. Viper wondered if there was something she wasn't saying. "Is everything alright...?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:50 pm

Endilion quickly nodded and gave him her best smile. "Yes... of course." She laid down on the floor and her hair changed color into a deep blue. She laughed and shook her head.

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Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:54 pm

Viper didn't comment on her hesitation in her words and sat beside Endilion, smiling at her changing hair. "This is your domain...and I'm invading it...Sorry..." A slight grin was still on his lips though.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:13 pm

Endilion smiled and shrugged. "People do it all the time. I cant really stoip the humans from using the ocean." She said with a slight giggle. She sat up and looked at him. "Why are you here?" She asked.

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:19 pm

Viper looked around and saw some debris floating through the water. That angered him, but he calmed himself before he changed into a dragon and drowned. "If you're meaning here as in in the water, it's because I want to be with you. If you mean here as in this section of the world....well an organization wanted to kill me and I had to run."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:22 pm

Endilion nodded and looked at him and she strightened her back. "Why would you want to be with me?" She whispered. She didnt understand him.

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Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:27 pm

Viper blinked, recalling memories of his parents being slaughtered in front of him. "I have no one else," He managed, looking away from her and his heart pounded inside his chest.
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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:29 pm

Endilion felt a slight turn in events. "Oh..." She whispered and sighed. She scooted closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:36 pm

Viper sighed. "Yeah it's just that...I hadn't thought about my parents in years...or the organization that tried to kill me." The organization was of pure dragons that saw Viper as a threat, being able to transform into nearly any animal. He was the outcast now and he had no one really...except for Endilion.

Last edited by εαgιε~ѕнαđоω on Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:40 pm

Theo: I blinked, eyes widening as i saw the drawing. Did i really look like that...?! "Whoah...! That's so good!" i said, amazed. "I wish i could draw like that...."

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:11 am

εαgιε~ѕнαđоω wrote:(( Smile Alrightie. Could you maybe come to the club? My charrie Aqua dances there and could get off shift after he comes in...))

Aqua sighed, but kept her smiling face as she danced in front of everyone. As usual, she was with other girls and had to use the stupid pole. Pole dancing, real attractive. She wore black tank top with a short skirt, the attire for the job. Aqua really wanted to quit, but she had to earn money somehow.

Ryder passed by the Club in town. He didn't really like that place since all they did was promote women to men. He didn't like to see girls that way it made him want to take off his own jacket and put it around them. He tried not to go in there but today he had to since he was suppose to meet someone here.
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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:29 am

Aqua tried not to shove the guy off as he grabbed her by the waist and laughed in front of his boys. There were rooms upstairs for...well fun. Whatever. It was her job to provide sexually for the guys. He picked her up, Aqua's head facing the door. She saw a guy come in and he looked nice. The man who had Aqua laughed again, loudly, and walked up the stairs.
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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:18 pm

Ryder tried not to look at any of the girls that wasn't what he was her for. He found the guy he been looking for. He was by a group of guys harrassening some poor girl. He wanted to go help the girl but he was afraid that if he did he would hurt the guy. He looked away and sat next to the guy he was suppose to meet with. "You said that you could cure my hunger." The guy nodded, "Yeah but it will cost you."
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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:09 pm

As soon as they got into one of the rooms, Aqua kicked the guy, which only made his hand go up more. He put her down, hands still on her hips, and started to kiss her. If he had handled her better, maybe Aqua would have liked it. He was a great kisser and looked really nice. Aqua sighed in between each kiss he gave her and finally gave up. She wasn't going to be payed by the owner if she didn't give a good run. Aqua let herself go, wrapping her arms around the guy's neck and kissing him fiercely, hoping that it would all be over soon.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:17 pm

Ryder heard a struggle but he didn't look to find out what was going on. He payed attention to the guy in front of him. "How much?" He wanted to not crave blood. The guy held no expression, "Thirty grand." Ryder cursed he didn't have that kind of money. "Is there an way you can put the price down. I can't pay that kind of money." The guy shook his head, "Either take it or leave it."
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