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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:49 am

The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) 3.1241442000.this-was-one-fancy-school

Congratulations. You have been selected to attend The School of Erebos in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here we accept the supernatural, every species except human. We have unusual classes to help with your abilities and dorms for each student. Depending on your species, your classes can be at night or in the day.

This school is named after Erebos, the god of darkness and shadow. The supernatural creatures have had to hide from the humans and now they can be here.

There are girl and boy dorms and if you have a girl/boyfriend, they're allowed to be in your room. There's a big area for parties and smaller rooms that branch off for privacy. There's also a pool at the other end of the school.

Anything can happen in this school. Will you let the different species stop you? Will you find your love here or become the best [insert species here] you can be?

I ask that you make the boy/girl ratio even please Smile


Age(physical or real):
Image(human/other form):


Name: Eagle
Age(physical or real): Looks 17
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Personality: Really nice. He is a very sweet guy, despite being a vampire. He likes to have fun, including partying.
Other: Controls darkness
Image (human/other form):
(with dark green contacts/maroon eyes)
The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Snow-Leopard1The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Pete-wentz-sexy-vampire--large-prf-1191253490

Name: Shadow
Age(physical or real): 16
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter
Personality: TBD
Other: Controls electricity
(blue eyes)
The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) 6668465699_a3f281b8bb_z

Last edited by Eagle on Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Eagle)
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:39 am

Oh! Im interested in this! Alas, i am going to have to disappear quite shortly to go run errands so i will put up bios later when i am free....

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:43 am

Ok thanks Smile
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:51 pm

I'll be in it if you'll bear with me for the next couple of days till I get better

Name: Mikel
Age(physical or real): 468 physical age: 18-ish
Gender: Male
Species: Timple Whip
Personality: TBD
Other: Just a little info....

The Timple Whips are a very primitive race, or at least that's what the Maiara lead you to believe. They are more or less the slaves to the Maiara. In essence, they are like fairies without wings, or an elf. They range in height, depending to the race of Timple Whips, and have pointed ears. They are weilders of magic, but few are very strong. Those who become to strong visit "Les Muerte", an island off trees that is secluded from the rest of La Heir. What goes on there, no one really knows. All they know those who go there, never come back.

Maiara are very much like humans except for the fact that Maiara would be considered immortal. They have been wandering around on Earth for thousands of years, but no one has bothered to notice. These are the creatures that myths such as Vampires are based off of. Also, Maiara have a birth mark that they are all born with, placed in different spots on their bodies, that looks a lot like the three sisters(can't remember if that is the correct name for the symbol).

Image(human/other form):

The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Trav_e10

I'll have a girl up in a bit

Last edited by Taylow on Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:01 pm

Accepted, though you might want to explain what a timple whip is, so everyone knows.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Black&White Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:29 pm

Name: Chelsea 'Blackbird'
Age(physical or real): 16
Gender: girl
Species: metahuman
Personality: she's usually quiet, keeps to herself and hides her emotions well, though she's spontaneous and a little reckless.
Other: she has the power of sensing and controlling a person's fear. she has the nickname of Blackbird.
Image(human/other form): She's short, around 5'3''/5'4'', though built athletically. Blonde hair that she's letting grow longer, currently around mid-shoulder blade length and bangs that end about level with her eyes, which are a deep crimson red that usually give her an intense glare.

Name: Jiff
Age(physical or real): 19
Gender: guy
Species: metahuman
Personality: real book smart, though he's not one to show it off. He's quick to be concerned about friends, ready to take measures to stop problems even if he gets negative consequences because of it.
Other: psychic/empath. He's usually teased about being named after peanut butter.
Image(human/other form):
The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Boy-br10

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:57 pm

Age(physical or real): 17
Gender: Female
Species: Not sure.
Personality: She is out going and bubbly. She tends to talk a lot especially when she is nervous.
Other: She is Alec's twin. Her power is to mess with people's ,ind and make them see and believe things.
Image(human/other form): The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) 410

Name: Alec
Age(physical or real): 17
Gender: Male
Species: Not sure.
Personality: He is more of the quiet type unlike his sister. He won't talk much unless you speak directly to him.
Other: He is Fay's twin. His power balances out Fay's. He is like a human shield, he can turn off people's powers at will and make shields out of thin air to block an attack.
Image(human/other form): The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) 316
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Age : 29

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:15 pm

Name: Iri (she totally needs a chat, hahaha. yay for development...)
Age(physical or real): 18
Gender: Female
Species: Gifted human
Personality: Hmmmmm...... still kinda developing. She's very rational and sort of quiet, but not antisocial. She just doesnt blab on about nothing, typically.
Other: She's able to see the future, either snippets of specific people's futures or just general things that will happen in the future some place at some time. Its rather painful, something like having your brain shoved in a blender with a bunch of pictures, and when she's having a vision she falls unconscious, going through an episode that looks something like a siezure. She suffers from constant horrible migraines and has to take some pretty strong prescription painkillers to manage them.
Image(human/other form): Iri is average height and fair skinned. She has choppy shoulder length brown-black hair with straight bangs. One of her eyes is blue, the other is brown.

Name: Julian
Age(physical or real): Looks about 18, is really 27
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Personality: TBD (literally just came up with him spur of the moment and i ahve no real feel for his personality yet, as opposed to Iri who i know a little about since she's been in my head a few days and has visited the box a few times....)
Other: He hasnt been a vampire particularly long and doesnt really have much control over his bloodhunger.
Image(human/other form): A little over average height, fair skinned. Soft blue-grey eyes and shaggy brown hair. Double pierced ears.


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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:57 am

Both accepted Smile I didn't even think about the whole powers thing....but it's fine.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:12 am

I'm going to start. Talk to who ever you want. I forgot to say if you want a room mate, that's fine also.

Eagle looked out of the window in his room, looking forward to others coming here. His parents had built this place in order for him to make friends and for the supernatural. He hoped someone would come. Eagle walked down from his room to the doorway of the school, ready.

Shadow was the first to come and Eagle carried her bags up to the first girl dorm. She smiled at the nice guy and closed the door to unpack her things. Shadow was wearing a simple shirt with a bit of flowers on it and a black jacket over it.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:08 am

Julian: I sat in the dark of my room, safely out of the light of day. I'd made sure to arrive the night before so as to avoid the sun's deadly rays, but when the sun did finally rise, sleep evaded me. Despite my best efforts, i was wide awake. I had heard that more new students would be arriving today..... perhaps i'd go and try and make some friends later.

Iri: I blinked, staring up at the massive building in front of me. Three weeks ago i had collapsed in the middle of class and had a vision. I had seen this place. But my vision had not done it justice..... it was far bigger than i had ever expected it to be. I pulled my mismatched blue-brown gaze to the door, suddenly feeling kind of intimidated. But something important was going to happen here.... that much i knew for sure. Besides...... even if i was in freaking VEGAS (which i honestly wasn't thrilled about.....), surely things would be easier for me here than back at school, at home, far far away, where people thought i was some kind of freak. Of course, i was more of a freak than even they knew..... they simply thought i had seizures and bad headaches. But the seizures revealed the future. The headaches.... well, those were just a side effect. Well..... i had to go in some time, didnt i? I took a deep breath, shifting my bag on my shoulder and approached the front doors.

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:21 am


I made my way towards the front door of the school, trying my best to blend in. Of course...I wasn't very good about that. Apparently my clothing went out of style in the 1800s...or so I was told by some girl walking by. I was yelled at by someone else, saying my "elf" costume wasn't authentic and that my ears looked fake. At least they didn't realize they were real I guess...although it is frustrating when you get ignoramuses like that...not that I knew what an elf was but still, I couldn't help feeling insulted or at least irked to high heaven. Finally I made it to the door, finding a girl with strange eyes there all ready. "Good morning," I said and looked at the door. That was the proper greeting for humans...wasn't it?


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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:29 am

Iri: I jumped ever so slightly, startled as some guy appeared seemingly out of nowhere. I hadnt even noticed him approach..... i mentally made a note to be more aware. "Uhm..... good morning." i replied. I couldnt help but stare a little bit. I'd known that i was going to meet people of other species here, but i had never seen anyone of a species other than human before now, and this guy...... definately wasn't human. It was only now that it fully hit me that the stuff of myths and legends was fully real and that this entire situation really was completely absurd, but here i was anyways. I had to wonder what other species resided in this school..... i got the nagging feeling that i was going to see a large number of very unusual things over the next few days.

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:00 pm


I looked down at her and smiled, being about 5'11 I wasn't exactly tall for my species, but I was far from short, a fact that made me quiet grateful. I wasn't exactly sure what to say now, not really familiar with human customs. Perhaps it was the same as in La Heir...although some how I really doubted it. These people didn't even live in trees. And where were the Gauple Koi that swam in the waters below you and would eat you quicker than a Leamur eats a flit? Yes...things were strange here, but perhaps it would be worth it. At least I wouldn't be a slave, and I'd be getting an education. "Shall we?" I asked after debating over what to say, and pushed the door open for her.


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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:55 pm

Eagle nodded toward the new students. A speaker cackled to life and a lively female voice could be heard. "Attention all students! Orientation will be starting shortly, so make your way toward the gym. The map of the school is included in your baskets in your rooms. Thank you and hope to see you soon!" Eagle headed toward the gym, already knowing the entire place by heart. When his parents made this place, they made him learn it.

Shadow heard the accouncement and groaned a little. It would be so boring, but she could meet some new friends. She hoped that she could relate to someone and become friends. Shadow walked downstairs and toward the gym, using her map frequently as a guide.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Black&White Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:00 pm

It was near afternoon and I just woke up from the announcement. I was usually a night owl, though, waking up this late wasn't really unusual for me. Where, however, was.
So this was the 'gifted and talented' private school - they forgot to tack on the 'for freaks only' part at the end. Free room and board, that was a plus from my usual alleyway or abandoned building. This power had some other advantages, I guess, besides keeping creepers and gangsters away. Dangerous town, in some ways, but I liked it. I was glad I didn't have to travel so far. So last night, spur of the moment, 'what the hell, they're open, let's take a room'. Most of the other students, they wanted to call them, were coming today.
I mumble my sleepiness as I sit up out of bed, getting out with the same clothes I went in with. I was already an 'honorary member', right? It was my job or something to welcome people...?

...This was fun, being carted out across the country to some private school. Making people have random emotional flip outs might do that to ya though. And the thought reading, that really hammered in the last nail in the coffin for my parents. Apparently public schools weren't public enough for me.
Soooo.... This entrance hall.... was the size of my house. My house, all three stories of my familiar condo back east, could legit be placed in this ginormous space. Probably with room to spare. And my parents complained about not having enough money to be able to put me through college... The thought was so mind boggling I was just sort of stuck, staring up at the ceiling and standing awkwardly in the middle of the floor, mentally cursing off their 'logic'. The announcement couldn't do much to deter the moment of rare loathing my powers had gotten me into.

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:07 pm

Eagle had set up the podium for, as sad as it was, his mom, and hung in the entryway. He had lit up the gym by taking away the darkness. The result of this was Eagle's eyes turning black. He hoped that everyone would come soon. He wanted this to be a great year. Maybe he would make some friends.

Shadow, not having any sense of direction, walks right into someone staring at the ceiling. "Sorry!" She squeaked, looking up from the map. "This school is so big it's hard to find anything."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:55 pm

Iri: "Thank you!" i said, smiling a bit as i entered the school. As soon as i did so, i eard the announcement. Gym...? Annnnnd..... the maps were in our ROOMS..... but..... i had no idea where that was. Lovely..... well.... i knew the room number, so now i just had to figure out where the dorms were, which shouldnt be too hard. I turned back to the guy who had held the door for me. "Sounds like we gotta find our rooms before we head to the gym, so i should go..... i'll see you around, then, i guess." i said, waving before heading off. It took me a while but i found my room, dumping my bag and grabbing the map before navigating my way to the gym. The gym.... was seriously big. Was everything in this place just oversized...?

Julian: My head rose as i heard the announcement. Well.... i supposed it was a good thing i was awake, then. I grabbed my map and left the darkness of my room, navigating through the dimmest most sunlight-free halls i could find until i finally made it to the gym, where i then proceeded to..... kind of just stand awkwardly in a corner. Not knowing anyone seriously sucked..... but at least i'd eaten recently so i wouldnt start trying to chomp on anybody, with any luck.

Last edited by Ravyn on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:58 pm


I blinked and jumped when I heard the voice echoing all over. What was that? I looked at the girl, only taking in half of what she was telling me, still to shocked by the voice. Then she said the worst possible words. "I'll see you around." Those words were like death to my ears. In the few moments I had been here in the human world, I knew that was a relaxed sort of goodbye, which meant that she was leaving me. Of course. I glanced down the halls and sighed, my head hanging after a moment. I had no idea where to go or what to I just didn't go anywhere or do anything. I just...stood coin the human sucked horribly.


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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:38 am

Eagle looked around, seeing only a few people. He saw someone in a dark corner and put darkness around them, guessing they either didn't like the light or couldn't be in it. He hoped people would be here soon so they could start. When the orientation was over, the students would have a chance to explore the place or do whatever they wanted to. Tonight was going to be fun though.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:11 pm

Fay: Looking around, I walk into the school for the first time. So this is suppose to be the school for the gifted as they liked to call it. My brother had a different opinion he thought we shouldn't even have the abilities that we did. I always thought he was wrong and I was glad to hear that we were aceppted into a school where we didn't have to hide our abilities. It was just getting to hard to be normal around the Humans.

Alec: I folled behind my sister. She was optomistic about this place why I on the other hand didn't want to be here, but siister begged and so now here I am. Just look at the place shows me that whoever runs this gig is just oozing with money. I mean come on, does a school really need a gold statue in the yard whatever happed to bronze or Silver. Nope they had to go with gold. Turning my thought away from the school I got to find my room.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Age : 29

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Black&White Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:57 pm

I explored last night, so I had a basic idea of where the auditorium was. Giant sloping room with a stage, wasn't so hard to forget. Plus getting lost was half the adventure in this place.
I enter, a moment of light headedness as I start picking up on everyone's fears. New place, new faces, general feeling of shyness and social awkwardness humming in the room with the little chit chat going on.

It wasn't so hard to figure out where to go even without heading to my assigned room first for the map. Just follow the crowds, basically...or...pick up on their thoughts for insta-directions on where to go. Though I had to lower my radar a ton. More than like...four people and thoughts just turn into a garbled jumble of sounds that don't make much sense.

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:30 am

The speaker cackled again. "Students, please make your way to the gym. Again students, please make your way to the gym at this time. Thank you." Eagle wasn't surprised that they made the announcement again. The head of the school wasn't so patient and quickly wanted to get the orientation over with.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:01 pm

Fay: I heard the crackle of the intercom come on and anounce to go to the gym. I sigh, Where is the gym even at? I turn down the hallway and start looking for a map or a sign that says gym. I finally see a kid walking and ask him for directions the kid gladly points me in the right direction. Thank goodness I could of wondered the halls forever. That was how big this place is. I finally reach the gym to see the place crowded.

Alec: At first the intercom is hard to hear then I understand the words. I had planned on heading to my room but i guess I better stop at the gym to see what is going on. I turn around since I remember seeing a sign that read gym. I enter the gym to a crowd of people. Great, at least I'm not cluastrophobic.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:02 pm

The headmaster of the school came up on the big stage. She wore a black dress with a black jacket over it, and she was tall. "Thank you students for being here. We'll try to make this as quick as possible. My name is Mistress Katherine Black. Now, this school is for everyone who is not human or human with a supernatural ability. Try to get along with everyone please, for the sake of the school. Your classes will be picked according to your species and for some of you, you have few classes. Others will have a lot more. Work hard to train yourself and become the best. Your goals here are to be the best that you can be. It's not all serious though....there's a lot of fun that goes on around here. The heads of the school are always open to ideas from the students. Tonight there's going to be a party and the point is to get to know people. That's about it. Now you're free to wander the building and do whatever you want."

Eagle knew that there would be underage drinking and maybe even drugs, but it couldn't be helped. If there were real drinks, he would probably have a couple. It helped loosen him up to talk to people, especially the girls. He hoped he would make a lot of friends and maybe even have a girlfriend.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix) Empty Re: The School of Erebos (Paranormal/Mature mix)

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