the Character Chat Revolution
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Rivalry of the Animal People

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:48 pm

The shifters. They were a large group, consisting of thousands of members. An almost perfect society of magical beings, humans who had the ability to shift into the form of an animal. They were all extremely peaceful creatures, semi-humans who lived alongside other animals. They dominated one of the most beautiful forests, and used nature, apologizing to the fish for having to eat them, and even yelling at the clouds for bringing bad weather.
To the shifters, everything is living. The animals, the trees, the insects, and each and every single blade of grass was to be treated with respect, and taken care of. The shifter race called each other their family, calling friends brothers and sisters, calling older companions Aunts or Uncles.

Soon the lands they resided in flourished with beauty, grass bright green and soft, and flowers booming along every corner, while semi-humans and other woodland creatures lived in a perfect harmony with no war or strife. The forest air was clean and fresh. The waterfalls containing the purest, sparkling water. Everyone was happy.
...or so it seemed.
Of course, not every society is perfect. There were a few certain shifters that did not agree with all the nature loving laws. The would kill animals and feast on the flesh, rather wanting fresh meat than fish, nuts, and berries. They became violent and angry because of the many laws, and wanted to tear apart the natural setting instead of protect it. Some even became rabid, and ate the other shifters alive.
No one was certain what caused the sudden rebellion. Whether it was a bad mushroom or some mental illness, these violent shifters needed to be stopped.

So the semi-humans were split apart, some for living and protecting the forest, others for greedily utilizing the forest, making many animals extinct in their bloodlust.

The shifters that were cast out were called outsiders, and the shifters paid heavily for banning them from the forest city.
A full out war was eventually held, shifters and outsiders, both fighting for the rights to take control of the city. They used no weapons. Just fangs, claws, and anything they could use to fight with in their shifted form.
The outsider army was much smaller, but they were vicious and unrelenting, so many innocent shifters were killed.
But finally, numbers won. The shifters managed to keep control of their city, but their population was severely depleted.
About twenty outsiders remained out of the hundreds that attacked. They fell back and regrouped, and were not seen by the shifter for five years.
Then, one day, an outsider was seen by the shifting clan. They were cautious, but they invited her in, wanting to make amends and stop this bloody feud. The young chief of the shifters named Wolfe fell in love with the outsider. She became his mate, and Wolfe poured his heart out to her, and they had two children in the process. But the chief. was foolish. He was too peaceful and relaxed with his happy clan, his lovely mate, and his two sons. Wolfe did not see that it was all a trap. But it was too late...he revealed too much.
The outsider used the chiefs love against him and discovered the weakness of the clan, and the outsiders came and attacked, thirsting for revenge from that defeat they suffered so long ago. The shifter clan was barely able to fight back until they were demolished and nearly eradicated.

The outsider woman walked off with her eldest son, but managed to convince the other outsiders to leave Wolfe alive. So Wolfe crawled out of the devastated forest with his young son Koa. He managed to find and heal about ten other shifters. They all walked or crawled out of the burning forest city, and staggered along for many days until they found a new forest. Slowly but surely, the shifters began to repopulate. Now, the shifter population is about fifty. the forest they reside in is not as breath taking as the original, but it comes close. Most of the city consists of young ones, and it has been twenty years since the outsider attack. Some outsiders are seen...but not many. Wolfe does not let them come close to his people. He now has a heart damaged beyond repair by betrayal, and has not even smiled since the outsider woman stole his heart and his older son.

But little does Wolfe now...the outsiders are changing. A few have come to see the light, and realize the wrong of their ways. They realize that revenge was not the answer, and they desire peace with the shifters. Though some still stay with their violent state of mind, but after being away from the shifters, others discover that they need them. The outsiders ruined their own land. Stripped the resources away carelessly. They were greedy and overfed themselves, which ended up in a lack of animals to feast on.

So what would happen one day, if a group of outsiders were taking a walk, and a group of shifters were taking a walk...what would take place if they were to meet each other? The young shifters have never met an outsider before, only heard stories and rumors, so they are very curious. The young outsiders have been banned from coming near shifter territory, so they are also very curious as to what the shifters are like.

So would anything special take place if they were to bump into each other? Would there be fights and untrustfulness, or will it blossom into love and loyalty? Will they fight or cower before each other, or will they become inseparable friends? Well...that's for your characters to decide, isn't it?

Character Sheet

Age:(preferably twenty or under, considering the story)
Image or Detailed Description:
Shifting Form:
Outsider or Shifter?:

About this character sheet...there are a few things you should know. The names in this story are based off of nature. At least for the shifters...for the outsiders, I think you could go with anything. But for shifters, since they are such hippy-like people, go with nature theme. Like the name of a flower or a tree. Or like a short version of their shifter form. As an example, I have a character named Leo who is a snow leopard. Though he is only seven years old, so I'm not going to use him for this chat.
Oh, and the shifting forms. Just mammals. No mythological creatures. I guess you could do an insect if you wanted. But probably not, like, a fish. But stuff like birds, dogs, jungle animals, you get the point. And as far as looks go, there's just one important thing. When they are in human form, they will still keep a few animalistic characteristics. Like tails, ears, or wings. But no claws or beaks.

Other Infostuffz

All righty. So. Instead of getting married or getting a boyfriend or girlfriend, your character might talk of finding a "mate". Basically, once they find a mate, they are considered a responsible adult that can make their own choices. The biological parents won't choose for the character anymore, and they are free to So it's kinda a right of passage.

The setting will be a sort of foresty area. Your characters will conveniently find the urge to take off and explore, and will all meet up and be curious over each other. Plenty of trees, plenty of flowers, lots of grass and a few random caves. And whatever animal your shifter turns out to be random. Doesn't matter what kind of animal the parents are.
So that is what I have so far. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. And please ask before joining, just in case. Don't want this thing to get crowded if it goes well. Thanks! Very Happy


1. The basic one. If a fight scene occurs, please, no PPing.
2. I'm not going to be too harsh. I know that muse has been sketchy for many people lately, so just to let you know, one liners are allowed. But not recommended. It is only if your character has nothing else to say or think, and you just want to get things moving.
3. The lovely sex scenes. If it really comes to that, I ask that you please fast forward through most of the naughtiness. You can build it up, but don't overdo it. This isn't in the Mature section for a reason.

I will put up my characters soon. I will probably have four characters, two girls and two boys. Will post 'em when I have more time.

Last edited by Purple Dragon on Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:00 pm

Oh! Im interested in joining!

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:21 pm

Age: Just turned 16
Name: Briar
Gender: Female (although sometimes people mistake her for a boy if they don't already know her)
Image or Detailed Description: Rivalry of the Animal People Normal_21385db72c214d3c2fa2676565d6c192 (eyes are green, height is roughly 5ft2-5ft3)
Shifting Form: Black panther
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter
Other: Hmmmm.... not that i can think of!

Age: 17
Name: Wren
Gender: Male
Image or Detailed Description: Just over 6ft, physically strong but doesnt look it (is fairly lightly built). Shaggy auburn hair, dark eyes, fair skinned.
Shifting Form: Red-tailed hawk
Outsider or Shifter?: Outsider
Other: When not shifted, retains his wings.


Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:41 pm


Age: 19
Name: Koa
Gender: Dude
Image or Detailed Description: Couldn't find a picture. >_>
Koa is a large young man, maybe 6'4 and very muscled, kinda bulky looking. He has a charming, playful smile, and dark blue eyes. His hair is also a sort of blueish grat, and short. He has a rugged looking face, but it's also kind of innocent looking, with eyes bright and a squareish jaw. He has the ears that are the color of his hair, just look at the picture of his shifting form below. He also has a small fluffy bear tail, but keeps it hidden in his sweatpants. Is barefoot and wears a sort of vest instead of a shirt. His skin is lightly tanned.
Shifting Form: Rivalry of the Animal People Glacierbear_photo
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter
Other: Koa is friendly and sweet...basically a big teddy bear. He's nice and likes hugs. And everyone in the shifter village knows him, and he tries his best to be friends with everyone. though you don't want to be around him if he loses his temper.

Name: Star
Gender: Female
Image or Detailed Description: Except she has white ears, and a white doggy tail, like the pic below
Shifting Form: Rivalry of the Animal People Siberian-Husky-20
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter
Other: Star is also quite friendly, like most of the shifters. Though she can often be seen with Koa and some of the others, she sometimes prefers to just sit around and smell the flowers, while dreaming of a world beyond her little village.

Age: 20. He's the older son in the story.
Name: Linus
Gender Guy
Image or Detailed Description: Linus is also big like his brother, but more lithe and agile, and not so muscular. He has soft brown hair and small, cocoa brown eyes. His left ear is damaged, half of it seeming like it was torn off. ...I know I said detailed, but that's really all I have on him right now. >_< He has sort of olivey skin. He also has alot of bruises and maybe terrible scars, one of the scars being a long gash across his cheek.
Shifting Form: Rivalry of the Animal People Bobcat-picture I imagine this, but a bit darker. And with the torn, scarred ear.
Outsider or Shifter?: Outsider
Other: Linus tends to be a bit selfish at times, but that's just his rough upbringing, scavenging for food. He has actually tried to reach his brother many times, but was always turned away by Wolfe.

Age: 17
Name: Amara
Gender: girl
Image or Detailed Description: PICTURES Y U B SO HARD TO FIND?
All right. Amara. She has bright blonde hair and light yellow eyes with flecks of black. She also has large yellow wings, but the wings are not too soft, and kind of dirty cause of the outsider thing. Her hair looks messy and windblown, and her skin is very pale. She has many bruises and fight scars like Linus does. But she doesn't have as many, considering that her shift form isn't that menacing. Her wings also seems slightly bent, and not seeming like she took much care of them.
Shifting Form: Rivalry of the Animal People Yellow-bird-1
Outsider or Shifter: Outsider
Other: I imagine Amara to be headstrong, and kind of rash at times. But overall she's just a curious girl, eager to discover what the shifters really like, and if the stories of beautiful forests are really true.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:42 pm

Okay...I know Ella is joining. So I'mma wait a while until the first posts start.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:18 am

Can I join?
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

Posts : 2109
Join date : 2011-07-17

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:02 am

Sure, Eagle! I've never had a chat with you, so looking forward to seeing your writing style. ^.^
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:15 pm

Age: 17 and 19
Name: Tori and Kai
Gender: female and male
Image or Detailed Description: (best picture I could find don't judge cause I know it looks like more >.>)
Rivalry of the Animal People Setsuna_sara

Imagine ears and a tail with that

Shifting Form:
Rivalry of the Animal People Tiger2-animals

Rivalry of the Animal People Pippin640x480

Outsider or Shifter?: outsider
Other: When Tori was young, some outsiders who had gone rabid attacked her family and she was the only one to survive from hiding in a hole, being a very tiny kitten at that time. She was then found by Kai who took her in and cared for her and sort of gave himself the father role despite the fact that their age is so close. Tori hasn't come out of her animal shift all that often since the incident with her family and when she does it's only for a brief time. Her and Kai live on their own away from the other outsiders, trying their best to live as the shifters do, but seeing as how the land has been depleted of all its resources...well lets just say things couldn't really get worse.

Name: Trip (IgaveKaimynaturename, sorry)
Gender: male
Image or Detailed Description: Again this is where your imagination comes in with white hair and fluffy bear ears, and a tail but it's hidden
Rivalry of the Animal People 13554593

Shifting Form:Rivalry of the Animal People Polar-bear
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter
Other: He's just always sorta...been there. Nothing big or exciting about him...ok well he's big in the fact that he's a polar bear but you know what I mean. His personality is a little....undeveloped still so ya..bear with me (ha...pun..)

Last edited by Taylow on Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:43 pm

They look great, Tay Smile
All right. I will wait for Ella and Eagle to get their characters up, and then we can get this started. No rush, though. o3o
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:57 pm

may I join?

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:23 pm

Uuuuuhm....sure, BW. But please make no more than two characters, because I do not want this to be too overwhelming. Thanks! :3 Same goes for you, Eagle. I dun wanna be mean, but it gets crazy with a lot of people. And I am pretty sure Ella is just putting one character.

Mkay. Now. That is all the people I will have join, so if anyone else out there wants to join, I must decline your requests. Don't want it too overcrowded, ya know?
And if I can not get the first post tonight, I will be able to in about two days. Going to be a busy weekend for me, so I apologize in advance for any slowness.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:03 pm

Age: 17
Name: Ivy
Gender: Female
Image or Detailed Description:
(with the clouded leopard tail and ears)
Rivalry of the Animal People Teen_girls_long_hairstyle_pictures_2010_Teen_Hairstyles_Picture
Shifting Form:
Rivalry of the Animal People SuperStock_1505-255
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter
Other: She's a very quiet girl and doesn't speak often. When she does, it's something very intelligent. Her eyes are usually seen observing the beautiful world around her

Age: 17
Name: Eagle
Gender: Male
Image or Detailed Description:
(with golden wings he can hide)
Rivalry of the Animal People 1154556364_s6goth_guy
Shifting Form:
Rivalry of the Animal People Golden+eagle
Outsider or Shifter?: Outsider
Other: Eagle doesn't trust others and is usually by himself. He seems to have a dark/mysterious air to him that most don't want to penetrate.

Last edited by Eagle on Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:36 am; edited 2 times in total
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Join date : 2011-07-17

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:42 pm

Name: Shizuka
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Image or Detailed Description:
With slim black bat wings and pointed ears
Shifting Form: Rivalry of the Animal People Fruit_10
Outsider or Shifter?: Outsider

Name: Flint
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Image or Detailed Description:
Darker stripes in his hair and down his arms, and a thick, red tail.
Shifting Form: Rivalry of the Animal People Weasel10
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:32 pm


"Stay away from any others."

"I know. Outsiders are bad."

"...I worry about you. Guard yourself. You will be my replacement one day, Koa. But so far, you lack the maturity. The strength. I know you are curious about the outsiders. Know that this curiousity may be your downfall."

"Yeah. Got it. But I think I can handle myself. Just look at me!"

"Outside appearances do not always matter. It is the inside that is the most fragile."

"...Fine. I got it. I'm not like you, though. I'm not gonna go fall in love with some outsider. Promise."


" I'll go now. See you later."


That was the conversation I had with Wolfe, my father. It was the same everyday...him being overprotective and telling me to guard my heart. I guess I can't blame him. He fell for one of the outsiders, and she betrayed him. Ruined the entire village. So now Wolfe is a hardass who never smiles, never tries to find a new mate.

I walked through the small village on all fours, staying in my animal form. Could the outsiders really be that bad? Everything that happened was about twenty years ago. That's a long time to hold a grudge. They could have changed. And what about my older brother? He's out there somewhere... with the others.

I moved slowly, taking in my surroundings, nodding to a few people I passed. Big forest. Many trees. The air full of bird songs and rustling leaves. Everything around me was a bright green, with only a few brown spots where the grass died. This forest was almost completely dead when we found it twenty years ago. But we needed a place to live, and this was the closest. At least we are bringing it back to life. It's taking a while, but the water already seems cleaner, and the surroundings more peaceful.

Sometimes I feel bad for the outsiders. They live in a desolate land on the other side of the forest. I guess they brought it on themselves..but still. They must be starving.

"Koooooaaaa! Koa! There you are!"

I blinked a few times, pulling myself out of my thoughts. I saw a skinny silver haired girl sprinting towards me, her long, silky tail brushing the floor as she ran, her gray ears flickering.


I smiled, running towards Koa. Finally I found him... you'd think that a big bear would be easier to spot in this forest, but this place is pretty huge! And I have almost no sense of direction, so I guess that kinda makes it harder.

I jumped at the big blue bear, wrapping him in a hug. I hadn't seen him in a few days, cause I was off looking for the special healing plant. It's this beautiful flower, with petals as soft and white as snow. It's really rare, though. But if anyone gets their hands on it, it can heal any disease or injury. I guess I got...bored and wanted to find it. I absolutely adore flowers.

Koa's arms around me were warm and furry, but then they slowly changed to a more hard muscled, protective hold...but still warm.

He chuckled,a merry, light sound. "Hey, Star. Back already? Everyone was worried that you might have gotten really should stop with those random field trips."
I squirmed out of his arms and looked up at him, taking in that handsome, rugged face, which looked a bit weird with the blue hair and fluffy bear ears.

...okay, so maaaaaaybe I have a tiny thing for Koa. MAYBE. ...Probably. I was friends with a lot of the people here. Flint, Ivy, Trip, Briar, Electra...they are all really nice. But I had grown up with Koa...well, everyone has grown up with Koa, actually. He's the chief's son. So someday this village will be his, so he knows everybody. He is nice to everyone 'em hugs, shows 'em a smile. I guess I like that. But I'm not sure if I really like Koa, or if I just like the idea of finding a mate. Finding a mate means you are considered responsible. But I don't want a mate for the responsibility...I want it for the love...

The smile evaporated from his face, replaced with a tight, concerned frown. "You okay?"

"Oh. Yeah! I'm okay. Just thinking. And don't worry, whenever I leave I don't go far. Wolfe would get mad," I paused, thoughtful for a moment. "....Why don't you and some of the others come with me next time?"

"Come with you? For the healing flower?"

I quickly got off his lap, just now realizing I was still on it. I sat in front of him, legs crossed. "Yup. Might be easier to find it if we had more people."

"Ah. Sounds cool. Yeah, I'll come along," He turned his head from side to side, eyes flickering over the many trees. "...if we can find everyone else."

I found myself giggling at that, then nodded. "This place is pretty big. Lets just go to the main clearing."

He also nodded and then stood up, extending a hand for me. I grabbed it and was pulled to my feet, then let go of his hand and walked by his side as we went to the main clearing.

It was the most beautiful place in the forest. A sparkling waterfall on one side, the water falling gracefully into a moderately sized pond. that's our main water source and where we bathe. Then there is another side with many short trees, with little mats on the floor spun from grass. The mats lay in the shade of the trees, and a few shifters were taking a nap on them. That's where we sleep.
Then behind the waterfall was a cave, where Wolfe stays. He comes out often to check on his people, but then dissapears behind the waterfall again, usually without a word.
Not too far from the sleeping area is a large farm, where we grow all our food. There are also many wild berries around, and we know which ones are poisonous.
And last but not least, there are flowers everywhere! The flowers are like a rainbow carpet mixed with the green grass, with colors all around. It gives life to this place, and I'm careful not to step on any of the flowers.

Koa and I sit by the lake, dipping our bare feet into the water and glancing around in case any others pass by.


I sat there, on the stump, a frown on my face like usual. Around me was a dreary forest, more swamplike than ever, The trees were falling apart. Animals are scarce. Water seemed more like mud than actual liquid. Other outsiders were strewn lazily around, no one talking to each other.

I watched as a group of the more fierce outsiders lashed out at each other, beginning to tear each other apart over a squirrel. The other outsiders, like the birds or the rodents, stayed out of it, while some of the ones that gave up hope continue to lay there until they eventually starve to death.

How did this happen? Why would we do this to ourselves? It is terrible. Lately things have gotten worse. The outsiders have been killing each other out of rage and hunger, and the stiff, brown grass was now marred with blood.

I pulled my knees up to my chest as I watched the brawl. One fox snuck into the fight to steal the squirrel, and she now lay in a crumpled pile to the side, her neck now having a gaping hole in it, as her blood leaked into the grass. That is what we are now. The weak die brutally. The strong survive. And the few that stay out of the fights and keep to themselves barely get by.

I stared at that fox, her slim body now gorey, her light eyes filled with a fear. Not everyone at the outsider camp is brave. Some step up just to eat food, but inside, we are all scared of dying. Even I am.

I slid off the stump and silently crawled toward the fox, keeping my eyes on the fight, hoping they did not turn to find me. I quickly snatched her limp body up and crawled away, to a farther stump.
Stealthyness is what saves me. Some others are too concerned with their own bloodlust, they do not realize that a good meal gets away right under their nose.

I looked back at the fox. Jade. I knew her. She was a friend. And now she is dead. I closed my eyes for a moment, doing my best to hold back tears. Too many friends die. But I must get over it. Only more will die, and if I dwell on this, I will get nowhere.

As I opened my eyes, I felt a familiar sensation in my stomach...and then it growled. I am hungry. I licked my lips and continued to watch the fox, turning her over in my hands. So soft. So innocent. So...delicious.

I gently set her down at my feet and wiped my hand on my shirt, smearing the cloth with her blood. What would I do if I was a shifter? Bury her body? Decorate it with flowers?
...but I can not bring myself to waste this. I am starving. Probably near death. And since I am an outsider...I should be used to it. But eating one of my own does not feel right.

I sighed, finally coming to a decision. I picked up Jade and walked into the forest, a few outsider glancing at me suspiciously, then going back to whatever they were doing.

I piled up a small amount of sticks and struck a few stones together, starting a fire. Then I shoved a sharp, rotting stick down Jade's throat, spearing her onto it, then set her over the fire.
I will hate myself for this. But I will not allow myself to starve, or let some other outsider get to her. At least I have the decency to cook her. Eating an animal raw seems disgusting.
I have to survive. Then maybe someday, I can live like thee shifters. Peaceful and without starvation. Someday.


I sat perched in a tree, staring at the fight. I want that squirrel...I want something...anything that will feed me. As a bird, I have been able to find some berries here and there. But the outsiders just don't take care of the forest, so most of the natural food has died. Though even though I can get berries as a birds, I am useless in a fight like this. I'll be lucky if I can even find some scraps...

I eyed Linus for a while, noticing how he easily took the fox away. Dang. Why didn't I think of going for her? I could have gotten a small bite, and since I don't have a big belly, it would have been enough...

I let out a small chirp that was meant to be shrill, but came out more pathetically. I really need food...maybe if I go away for a while, I can find some. Maybe I can sneak into shifter territory...but is it too dangerous? Do the shifters hate us? I have heard that they have plenty of food. And right now, I would risk getting my wings teared off, as long as I got at least a handful of berries.

Last edited by Purple Dragon on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Ravyn Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:09 pm

Briar: I stared up at the tree, feeling..... dwarfed. The lowest branch was, unfortunately, very high up. But the branches up there looked so nice...... i sighed. No way was i gonna be able to reach that branch in my human form, and if i shifted, then i was gonna have to claw up the bark of the tree and damage it to reach, which i didnt really want to do. Ah well.... maybe i'd see if someone tall could give me a boost later. I want about to give up yet! But, for now..... yeah, for now, i was going to have to retreat. I walked the short distance back to the main clearing, wondering what i should do now. Anything i'd planned to accomplish today had been done or given up on, at least for the moment. Maybe i'd go take a nap.... it was lovely and sunny and warm out today.....

Wren: Perched in the high branches of a tree, watching the others scrabble over the squirrel...... it made me wish i was a stronger fighter. I was starving. Sure, i could get by on small animals, mice or voles or rats, but even rats who thrived on decay were scarce these days, and i was constantly ravenous. It was all i could do to ignore the knawing hunger in my stomach and make sure that ever move i made had a purpose. I could not afford to expend any unnecessary energy at this point. I was pretty much living off of what i could pick off of corpses already almost picked clean. But i couldnt keep going like this..... i would have to move somewhere else to find food very soon. At this point i was even desperate enough to try hunting on shifter territory.

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:59 pm


I sighed and came back from hunting, once again empty. Tori was asleep under her usual hiding bush and all I could do was sit and watch her. My stomach twisted in pain, so I knew she had to be uncomfortable as well if not more so since she had refused to eat the other night when we actually had food and insisted on me eating it. The thought made my heartache, and I felt guilt at not being able to provide for her well up inside me. I glanced around our quiet grove before I let my eyes follow my back to my tail, my fur ruffling slightly. This was definitely not what Tori deserved, I thought to myself as I watched my tail swish back and forth.


I watched lazily as some kids climbed a tree while I sat in the shade of one across the way. My hulking form jiggled at the bearish laugh that escaped me as they scrambled to try to get up the tree only to fall back down. Being out of my animal form was almost uncomfortable any more, seeing as how I hardly really /talked/ to anyone. Besides, Koa could understand...we were both bears after all. I usually just cuddled people...or pounced on them...either way. I let my body lean to the left and soon found myself coming in contact with the ground with a loud "ouf!" Of course, the fall was cushioned by my fur and layers of...well fat, so it didn't really bother me. I blinked and watched the kids as they heard the thump of my body on the ground and braced myself. They all came barreling towards me and before I knew it I was covered in kids.

Last edited by Taylow on Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total


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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:03 am

Name: Electra
Gender: Female
Image or Detailed Description:
As a human, she's small. Like... looks 13/14 small. Very pale. Her hairs pitch black with choppy bangs nearly hiding her sharp blue eyes. She has a set of black ears and a tail.
Rivalry of the Animal People Anime_GirlBlack-Hair
As an animal she's small, fluffy, and looks like this
Rivalry of the Animal People Blue_eyes
Shifting Form: Cat
Outsider or Shifter?: Shifter
Other: She was the runt of the litter and only near 4 years old at the time of the attack. Since she was so small, she was unable to keep up with her family as they fled and she got separated. She was one of the ones Wolfs found and regrouped with. She was near death at the time. She's... interesting to interact with, and doesn't like others easily so.... watch out and don't mess with her fur .-.


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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:57 am

I yawned and stretched as a soft 'thump' stirred me from my nap. I knew that sound. I opened an eye in anticipation, about to pounce on my fluffy bed known as Trip but the kids beat me too it. Drats.
My tail flicked and I uncurled, in my animal form as I lithely stood and looked around. The clouds stole my sun spot and now that hard, cool ground was hardly appealing. So I moved on to the next big fluffy bed around- Koa. Only he was in human form. Drats again. I gave a small meow and rubbed up against him, trying to convince him to shift back. I liked fuzzy thing.


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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:22 am


Star and I sat in silence, the only noises being a few merry bird chirps and the sound of children at play. This place is so...relaxing. Everyone's happy. Makes me wonder about the outsiders again, and how they supposedly don't have the luxury of happiness. That sucks. Though I guess they brought it on themselves...

I picked up a smooth stone and tossed it into the pond, and watched as it glided across the waters surface, skipping several times and then sinking. Star smiled and mimicked my action, but it only skipped once.
I grinned and glanced at her, grabbing another smooth stone and setting it on her head. "Don't use a rough stone. It has to be smooth and light, then you just sorta...flick it with your wrist."

I saw her cheeks get this weird red tone, like a rose, but only lighter. She shook the stone off her head and tossed it, managing to skip it three times. "...Oh! I did it!"

"Course you did. Just got to use the right kind of stone." I lifted a hand and playfully ruffled her hair, my face taking on another grin as she fussed over her hair and smoothed it out.

I then felt something small and fuzzy rub against me and immediately knew who it was. I shifted to my animal form and fell backwards, then grabbed the small kitten with big paws and hugged her. I then let out a tiny 'rawr' as a greeting, and made sure to be careful, just because I know how fussy she gets over her fur.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:29 am

Ivy searched around the forest for someone her age. She settled at going for going to the lake, where two people where. She recognized them as Star and Koa, who she had met several times. Ivy had shifted to her clouded leopard form and noticed a small kitten. She approached them, letting out a small meow and sat at the edge of the group.

Eagle found it hard to be an outsider. His stomach was never full and he usually had to fight for food. He sometimes wished to be in the shifters' land, but Eagle found himself making this a challenge. Only the strongest would survive out here. He soared high in the skin, his golden wings shining against the sun. Eagle went into a dive and perched on a branch, watching the forest like the raptor he was.
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Wolf of Storms

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:38 am


I smiled, watching Koa snuggle up to Electra. He always did that, with everyone. I glanced around, noticing Briar walk into the main clearing, toward the sleeping mats.
"Koa! I'mma go talk to Briar. Maybe we can get her to come. You know, look for the healing flower." I paused, thinking about the outsiders. Only two healing flowers have been seen around our forest. But...what if there are more in outsider territory?

Besides. I want to know what they are like. I want to know how the outside different things are from our natural little world. The outsiders can't be that bad, right?

Koa looked up at me and gave a sort of groan sound, but nodded. He then swung his paw and waved a goodbye.

I was about to get up, when I noticed a familiar large cat sitting near us. Oh! Well, there's Ivy. Now we just need Flint and Trip. I watched Trip play with the little ones for a while, then decided I'd call him over later. Trip is so sweet with those kids...might as well let him play for a while longer.
I smiled at Ivy, but didn't say anything to her. She's the quiet one anyway. I dug my hands into one of my pockets and pulled out a few raspberries, then nudged them towards her.
I looked up at Briar. "Hey! Briar!" I stuck my hand into the air, waving her over.
Purple Dragon
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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:50 am


I squeaked a little as he lifted me, but calmed as soon as my feet were on something solid. Something solid being him, of course. I purred a little and nuzzled back a hello. Koa was a good bed and friend. He stayed still when I slept and helped keep me clean. I liked him.
I kneaded him happily, moving his fur a certain way to make me a nest when I heard a meow. I turned around, using the motion to fix more of my bed as I glanced at Star and then Ivy.
Without hesitation I plopped down and eyed Ivy steadily.
My bed. She can't have it.


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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:58 am

I wake up, late as usual, stretching out the stiffness my limbs had aquifer after sleeping in a crook of a tree. Wonder what everyone was up to... down below, through the dense pack of leaves from all the limbs lower than me. My ears were good but not good enough to hear over the waterfall nearby.
Nimbly, I stand up on the branch, the height not at all a problem, before shifting and climbing down, my sharp nails finding the grooves within the bark easily to clamber down the height of the tree to the lowest branch. Yup, the others are here. I chatter to them, curling my red tail around myself, with my small ears pricked forward to listen to what was being said.
Shifting back, my legs and tail dangling over the edge of the tree limb. "Going out for a flower?" I question bored. Why'd I wake up for a flower? Though leaving the group to get out of the ever present glare of Wolfe was always something I looked forward to.

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:06 pm


Disguised. Scrounging around like this, eating each other... we'd be a laugh for any Shifter who saw us. The great tribe who conquered them twenty years ago deminished to this group of barely held together rag tag of misfits.
I spread my wings, the three foot spam casting a foreboding shadow upon the ground before I let go and fly. Couldn't take this place anymore. Seemed like around here, you died early in a fight or died late from starvation. Either way, you were pickings for the other, complete disregarding respect to the dead.

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Rivalry of the Animal People Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:15 pm


I stayed there with Electra for some time, letting her do whatever. Apparently I'm a great bed, but I don't mind. I looked up at the sound of Flint's voice, then shifted back, Electra still on my chest.
"Yeah, I guess so," I looked around, noticing Star was distracted. I love the girl, she's like a sister. But I never really got her fascination with flowers.
"...Some healing flower. A good excuse to get out. Roam around for while," And maybe even check out outsider territory..."Figured we'd round up some of the other shifters and take a little field trip. You comin'?"

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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