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Rivalry of the Animal People

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:33 pm


I finished my meal after a while, then leaned back, enjoying the satisfaction of a half full stomach. That is a rare occurrence these days.
I looked up at the sky, at the cocoon of dead, skinny trees, barely even concealing the sun. Not too far from here is a land of green. Maybe...twenty miles away. A land that is much better than this one. Shifter territory.

I sat up, stomping my fire out, not bothering with the burns I get on my bare feet. Not many of us wear shoes. To me, they feel restricting.

That's it. I'm tired of scrounging for food, barely able to get scraps. I don't like having to eat my own kind just to survive. It's sickening. I need to get out of here. To shifter territory. Maybe get a few of the other outsiders to come along, ones that aren't bloodthirsty or hopeless like the rest. Ones that aren't afraid to change.

The whistle. Yes...that's it. Some of the more sane outsiders have a call. A sign to get us all together, to get a plan going. Since the strong are too bloodthirsty, then the weak must band together.

I looked up at the sky and let out a few whistles. The first one shrill and quick. Second low and haunting. Third a sort of rickety chirp, like a mix of the two. We almost never use the whistle, since most tend to keep to themselves. But I'm sick and tired of living this way. It's time for us to go back to our brethren. Time for us to make a change. And I can not do it alone.

...I don't want to starve anymore. Hopefully the others would hear my call.


I stayed in that tree, glancing over to see Eagle perch in a branch not far from my own. I don't talk to others much, but I make sure to know their names.

Then after a while...there were three whistles. The call. No way...

I remembered that, clear as day, even though it was years ago. We were all just little kids. We were all...friends, until we drifted apart. We came up with this silly call that meant we all need to meet, three whistles. One high pitched. One low pitched. The last medium and sort of cheery. None of us ended up actually using the call, but I never forgot it.

I watched Eagle for a while, wondering if he remembered, too. Maybe...even I can not remember who was in the group. It was just a bunch of starving kids playing around.

So I took off, jumping out of the tree and toward the whistle. I even whistled the tune back to whoever it was, though mine sounded weaker, since I haven't had food for...well...I can't remember that, either.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:01 pm

I dug my nails into his shirt, sad to see the fur disappear. I shot Flint an annoyed look, since she's the reason he shifted and took my bed with him. I sighed kneaded him a few times before letting out a huff and shifed back, my tail flicking. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, small enough to fit snugly on his chest.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:04 pm

Ivy merely observed the relationship between Koa and Electra. They seemed like brother and sister, with a little more affection from Electra's side. She had a thing for him, Ivy supposed. She hadn't found anyone that she cared for, enough for a mate. Ivy wished that she could explore every territory there was, even those that were restricted. Ivy sighed and shifted back to her human form, looking out at the water.

Eagle stretched his wings and caught the eye of Amara. He heard the whistle and memories came flooding back. He had made sure all these years to push back those memories and yet Eagle whistled back, trying hard with the golden eagle's vocals. His stomach had been empty for a while, but he flew toward the sound of the original whistle.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Ravyn Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:25 pm

Briar: I glanced up, ears perking as i heard my name being called. "Oh..... hello, Star. Is there something you needed...?" i asked tentatively, half hoping she'd give me something to do and half hoping it was only minor and i could stick to my original plan of taking a nap. Why couldnt i be decisive today...? Ah well.... may as well hear her out. Whatever it was, it would occupy me for at least a few minutes.

Wren: The sound shattered the wall of thoughts i'd surrounded myself with as soon as it reached me. How long had it been since i heard that sound? Too long..... far, far too long..... but it was back, and that meant something was up. Perhaps an opportunity. This...... this was worth spending precious energy on. I didn't bother returning the call, but immediately spread my wings and flew, streaking towards its source and keeping an eye out for any food i might pass along the way.

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:12 pm

"Sure, I'll come." Anything to get away from the anal-retentive adults around here. Electra gives me an annoyed look, but I merely shrug, jumping down from the branch to land within the bunch planning to go. Safety in numbers, they say, which should make this trip a bit more acceptable to the adult's minds. My tail flicks slightly, but other than that it stays limp - as was comfortable for me.

The call... I half contemplated continuing on on my own... Group meant having others rely on you, meant having to hunt for multiples and not just one. My rule of thumb, the first person you look out for for is yourself, and there should never be a second person to look out for unless the situation is more than what we've been having...
The beats of my leathery wings hesitate, however...
...And i find myself turning around, heading towards the sound to find Linus. I shift as I fly, above a branch, and land silently to glare down at him. My wings upon my back are splayed, ready to fly away again, and my ears pricked for any noise of warning. "What? Want a second entree?" I snap at him, my dark eyes mere slits to glare at him.

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:49 am


I groaned after a while of playfully wrestling the children who were all shifted into their various forms. I rolled and watched as they all came sliding off and onto the ground and gave a bearish chuckle at the various squeaks. I wasn't to worried that they got hurt because it wasn't a very far ways to fall. I managed to stand and shake out my fur before I sent them rolling with my paw, which they all giggled to. I gave a grunt in goodbye and miandered towards the water for a swim. It was hot today, or maybe it was just my fur...or the fact that I had at least five furry children on me. Either way, it seemed hot to me.

I blinked a few times as I saw the group at the water's edge. Well...this would be interesting. It wasn't often we all grouped together. I batted playfully at Koa's head when I got close, and debated even sitting on his face...but Electra was there and I was pretty sure if I sat on them, I'd break at least her.

(I'll bring the others in when I can see an opening, right now I'm not in the mood to read everything over completely)


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:06 pm

I sighed and watched the group gather, not exactly sure if this was the best idea, but hell, I wasn't going to be left out of the action.
I grinned up at Trip as he approached, slipping off of Koa and pouncing on him. I was small and weighed barely anything, so my pounce was more like a splat but I didn't care. One day I'd be big. No more small. Food helps.
Trip also made a nice bed, so I liked him as well. The darn kids though never seemed to get he was my bed, not theirs. Shifters these days. Humph.
My bed.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:15 pm


I nodded, waving my hand in the air as a sort of sign for Briar to get over here. "We were gonna go out for a while. A nice walk. Get that healing flower. ...Wanna come with?" Though I didn't say that I was thinking of wandering near outsider territory, just for curiosity sake. Though, I wondered if everyone else was as curious about them as I am...


I didn't mind the subtle extra weight I felt on me, indicating that Electra shifted back.
"Okay. We'll leave in a bit," I said to Flint, then looked over at Ivy, who was being quiet as always.
"...Hey. You can come along too, if you want," I said, staring at her. I don't really know Ivy that well. But she seems nice, I guess.
I stared at her for some time, trying to figure her out when my head was batted by a big, white, fluffy polar bear.

Heh. Trip. He's a good guy. Actually, I can't think of anyone around here that I don't like. We're all big family. I grinned, still laying down when Electra got off of me, and too lazy to get up. I then whapped Trip's leg, though not too hard. It probably wouldn't hurt anyway, because of all the bear fat. Though I prefer to call it...bear muscle.Or big bones. But I guess I can't escape the fact that, as bears, we are...fat. Oh well. The kids seem to like it.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:24 pm

Ivy nodded. Her bell-like voice came out small. "Sure. You're the only ones I really know..." She didn't mind being stared at, mostly because she was always quiet. Being quiet meant that others would stare and try to figure you out. It was a way of life she supposed. "So basically we're looking for a legendary flower that heals anything?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:33 pm


I stood there for a moment, repeating the call one more time. The sound would carry well through the empty air.
Would the others even remember? We came up with the three whistles so long ago. I had almost forgotten. But it was a time where we were all...happy. Together. I do not know why we drifted apart. Too focused on surviving, I suppose.

After a small while, I heard repeats of the whistle all around me. I felt myself relax a little from relief. So...they did not forget. A small yellow bird perched on a high branch close to me, but just stared at me with sharp eyes, not shifting back. Must be Amara.

I then find Shizuka arriving next, and she was set on another branch near me. I did not bother with a snappy comeback, or even a hello. Though...I do admit that it was good to see her. After so many years, a face that is not trying to eat you is welcome.
Her words did sting, though. More than she probably thinks. Though I kept my face emotionless.
"We need to get out of here. Head to a territory that we won't starve in," I said simply, tense as I watches her. I could easily defeat her if she attacked. But she could also easily escape if I said something wrong.


I stayed in the highest branch, where I felt safest. But I found myself a bit surprised at what Linus said. ...he suggesting we sneak off to shifter territory? That made me feel...excited. But also scared. I heard that Wolfe doesn't like us outsiders. Even though Linus is his son...Wolfe would probably tear our throats out to protect his people. But I need food desperately. So I hopped down to a lower branch, and listened to Linus and Shizuka intently.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Ravyn Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:11 pm

Wren: I landed in a low ranch of a nearby tree just in time to hear Linus's suggestion. Was he crazy? Maybe..... but then again, food was scarce enough that even a crazy suggestion was a good one if there was any hope at all of pulling something off. Doing anything was better than just sitting and waiting to die of starvation at this point. I returned to my human form, my lingering wings folded neatly against my back. "I completely agree. Its not a great course of action, but we don't exactly have many options now, do we? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Im tired of sitting around barely scraping enough food together to continue my miserable existance, waiting to either eat or be killed and eaten myself. Something has to give."

Briar: Ooooh.... oh, this was a tough choice! Go on an adventure, or take a nap....... my two favourite things ever were exploring and sleeping, and now i had to choose. But i'd gotten a good night's sleep last night, and i could always take a nap later...... this was a short window of opportunity. My decision made, i headed over to the slowly forming group. "Sounds fun. Im in!"


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:51 pm

I stay silent, Amara seeming to agree, and Wren voicing a similar opinion when he appeared. Did we really need a leader to help proclaim the fact that it wasn't good here? "Join the party," i say, standing up on my limb. "I'm not stopping until I see some green though, so slackers won't get any mercy from me." I turn and spread my wings further, making to jump and shift to continue my original course towards Shifter lands.

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:59 pm

Well, now I just felt left out... Electra discriminating against the lone guy who wasn't a bear... I see how the girl works... No wonder I get the nasty glares.
I sit, listening to our party grow while waiting for when we were ready to go. Everyone's so hyped up; I was always the calm one. Except maybe Trip...

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:30 pm

Eagle hadn't said anything, but decided to go along. Surely some of the shifters wanted us back too? He wanted to actually have food in his stomach for once. Eagle was surprised he had lived this long. He spread his wings, making sure they were clean enough for flight. His eyes watched the others, not sure exactly how their plan would be carried out.

Ivy shifted to her clouded leopard form, her tail slowly waving back and forth. Her whiskers twitched, feeling a slight breeze. She embraced it fully, her pretty green eyes watching the others now.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:04 pm


I didn't even have to look to know that the little ball of excitement that had hit my side with a soft thump, was Electra. I groaned as if I had been hit hard and stumbled slightly, making sure to land somewhat on Koa's face as I fell, trying to not laugh at his swat at my leg. I laid there spread out as if I was dead, just to make her feel as if she really made an impact. She was sort of...indignant like that I suppose. She liked to think she was big and that she was scary and always was mad if you told her otherwise. I guess...that's part of being a cat though....'course I can't say for sure I mean I've never been a cat before.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:18 pm

I sighed as he fell over, clinging to his fur so I was now positioned on top of him. I peered over his flubber and stared down at him, my blue eyes flashing with skepticism. "...You did that on purpose," I accused, pursing my lips.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:36 pm


I tried to manage my best innocent look, but...I don't think I'm all that innocent...I mean I've stolen lots of berries in my I'm not so sure it worked. I talked at her, though it just came out as bearish grunts and sounds. Of course, what I was saying was jibberish, but I figured she didn't know the difference since she know a cat. I licked her face and gave a bearish grin.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:44 pm

A black, silky strand of hair fell over my shoulder and into his face, tickling his nose.
I crinkled my own nose as he licked me and stared stubbornly down. "I'll knock you over one day, you'll see." I narrowed my eyes, daring him to argue before sitting up and bouncing a little, hoping to impale an organ with my weight.
That'll show him.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:49 pm


I watched her bounce and chuckled. My nose twitched at the hair that fell in my face and a sneeze started to build up. Then, in one big release, I let it all out...on Electra. I licked her face again in an attempt to clean it.


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:59 pm

Horror filled as I suddenly found myself covered in snot.
I squeaked and scrambled off him and into the water. Panic and disgust rolled through me as I scrubbed myself clean, my tail swishing sharply.
Well, that'll teach me not to sit on Trip again. My poor fur....


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:42 am


I watched Ivy some more, since she was one of the ones I don't really know. Her and Flint, actually. But our group seemed sizeable enough. Think it's about time we take off before dad has a freak atta-...and then Trip landed on my face.
I found myself chuckling at that, since he and I made a sort of game of sitting on each others faces. I guess it's weird. But things around here can get dull once in a while.

I pushed him off of me and watched him and Electra for a while, then stood up. "Well. What are we waiting for? Let's head...that way," and with that I pointed to some random direction, since I have absolutely no idea where we are going. But, hey...that's the fun part of adventure, right?


I beamed at Briar, then looked around at our group. Electra was randomly bathing. Trip was laying there and letting out very bearish laughs. Ivy was staring at...whatever Ivy stares at. Flint was a little bit away from the group, calm as always. And Briar was walking towards us as Koa stood up and started talking. I stood up also, picking a few blades of grass out of my hair.
"Okay. Let's go before Wolfe comes out and glares at all of us."


I nodded at Wren, but then watches as Shizuka flew off. Guess we won't be sticking together. I frowned, then trained my eyes around the trees, looking at the others that had arrived.
"...I was going to suggest we stay together just in case an attack. But if you feel the same way she does," I gestured to where Shizuka flew off. "Then go ahead and roam alone."
This forest can be deadly. If the other outsider notice that we are gone, they might sense betrayal and come to hunt us down. Besides. I do not know how the shifters will react when we enter their lands. Will they be hostile? None of us have met one. ...So I don't know.
I glanced at the group, noticing Tori and Kai's absence. So I let out the call one last time, prolonging the whistles.

"...I will wait for the other two. Go on ahead, if you'd like."


I listened to what he said. Hm...well, if I go on my own maybe I can arrive at shifter land faster. But he has a good point. So I stayed where I was, wondering what the others would do.
And where are Tori and Kai? ...Have they been eaten? I...hope not...

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:47 pm


I raised my head and looked at Koa curiously. We were going somewhere? I must have missed that part of the convo....Oh well. As long as I wasn't getting attacked by small children, I guess it was ok. I cast a glance at Electra and couldn't help another bearish chuckle.


I came into the clearing, just beneath the tree Amar was in with Tori at my heel. We were both shifted, just in case we ran into trouble. I looked up at the birds and gave a slight tilt of the head, waiting to make sure it was our group.


As soon as Kai came to a stop I hid between his legs. I hated feeling so was so...unnerving. I always had the feeling that something was going to jump out and eat me...maybe I was just paranoid. ...No, wait. No maybe's. I am paranoid and I don't want them to make a mess of my fur!


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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:16 pm

Ivy nodded, turning to face the group and getting up. She shifted to her her human form, stretching. "Well it'll be quite an adventure." Ivy smiled, but felt nervous inside.

Eagle waited, spreading his wings. "Seems as if all the sane...outsiders are here...of those who haven't gone. I think we should go. We're all weakening by the minute."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Black&White Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:38 am

I really just wanted to go. Turn tail and go until I saw something green. I stop though, a few wingbeats through the trees and I stop. These were the people of my childhood, sort of...a rag tag group of family. Or the closest thing I had to the definition of family, anyway. "So you animals coming? Or am I the only one willing?"

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:02 pm

Eagle rolled his eyes. "We're waiting for Kai and Tori...then we'll go..." He was ready to leave "home", but he had the patience for the other sane outsiders.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Rivalry of the Animal People - Page 2 Empty Re: Rivalry of the Animal People

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