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Hate or Love?

Wolf of Storms
6 posters

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Hate or Love? Empty Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:11 pm

Could you love someone you hate? Or hate someone you love? RElationships suck! The people we hate turns out we love them! Or the ones we love we find out arent the best people we thought that they were! Ugh Relationships suck but the worst kind or High School relationships... How will yours turn out?

Clique: (popular, loner..)
Bio: *optional*

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:18 pm

Name: Emi
Age: 17, Junior
Gender: Female
Clique: floater. She likes to be in every group but hangs with the rockers
Hate or Love? 3974391178_1166ab51cc_z

Name: XAvier
Age: 16, Sophomore
Gender: Male
Clique: Jocks/popular
Looks:Hate or Love? Guys-with-black-hair-and-green-eyes-274137

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:48 pm

Name: Sophia
Age: 16, Sophomore
Gender: Female
Looks: Tall, tan skin, baby blue eyes, light strawberry blonde hair that is usually in a ponytail, make-up
Clique: Cheerleaders/Popular
Bio: TBD

Name: Stephen
Age: 17, Junior
Gender: Male
Looks: Normal height, pale skin, emerald eyes, black short hair that stays in his eyes
Clique: Band geeks
Bio: TBD
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Karma =) Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:25 pm

Name: Lyla
Age: 17, Junior
Gender: Female
Looks: Hate or Love? 421
Clique: (popular, loner..): She is in the popular group.
Bio: Will do in story.

Name: Talon
Age: 16, Sophmore
Gender: Male
Looks: Hate or Love? 110
Clique: (popular, loner..): He is more of a loner since he only has one friend.
Bio: Will do in story.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:50 pm

Oooooh! Im interested in this, but i'll have to get my forms up later....

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:55 pm

haha ok XD

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:25 pm

Name: James
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: Hate or Love? Tumblr_lzjffklXqD1r8tjjoo1_r1_500

Clique: One of the artsy kids, i guess.....
Bio: Uhm... nope, not yet.

Name: Seri
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: Hate or Love? Anime_Girl
Clique: Loner, i guess.
Bio: *optional* Meh....


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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:35 pm

(Who wants to start?? *points to Rav* I VOTE CHU XD)

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Karma =) Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:37 pm

(Anyone but me. lol)
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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:48 pm

D: WHY ME?! ...... FINE.

James: Ohhhhhh, how i hated getting up early...... but i had been WAITING for this. IT WAS WORTH IT. I groggily went through the process of getting ready to leave, showering and getting dressed, eating, packing my bag, and grabbed my camera, hanging it around my neck before heading out. Sunrise..... perfect. I hiked out to the spot i'd been eyeing. As suspected, the light was perfect. I got the shot that i wanted and poked around, taking other pictures and downing obscene amounts of coffee to kill time before heading to school. I was still in good time, so i headed to my locker, flipping through the pictures i'd taken absently on my way there.

Seri: I barely heard my mom yelling about it being time to go over my drumming. But i DID hear, and reluctantly stopped, sticking my drum sticks in my bag before swinging it over my shoulder and dashing out the door, headphones over my ears as i headed off to school. School..... sucked. A lot. Always cutting into my practice time..... ah well. Finaly i arrived at the concrete prison that was the school, heading inside. I didnt need to stop by my locker, so just headed straight to Biology, my first class of the day.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:53 pm

( XD WIN!!!)

Emi walked down the halls. Her eyes watched evrybody and everybody watched her. Her mind was filled wiht random things but she didnt care. She found herself bumping into the guy at his locker. "Hey watch it!" She said to him heatedly. "God no one cares about your freaking picture takening crap." She said rolling her eyes.

(Might change to first person.. easier to write...)

"Hey man wait up!" Called Justin. Xavier looked over his shoulder and chuckled. Justin was one of the football players who looked like he had been parting all last night. Xavier gave a small chuckle. "How was the party?" Justin had a big goffy smile on his face. "You have no idea how good it was." He said. Xavier rolle dhis eyes and met the rest of his freinds.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:59 pm

James: I glanced up, hurt and anger visible in my gaze. "Last i checked, YOU were the one who bumped into ME at MY locker. So why should /I/ be watching it?" i asked. "I dont care if you arent into photography or whatever...... just leave me alone.... i have a right to be here." i muttered, putting my camera away in my bag and fetching my books.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:04 pm

Emi- I rolled my eyes and held back a hiss. "Well listen dork. No one cares about your pictures. And no body ever will so why dont you just break your camrea now and get off your butt and do something better with your life ok pumkin?" SHe asked with a snarky voice.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:07 pm

James: "Because the camera was expensive and its something that i enjoy and do for myself. I dont care if YOU dont care, i dont care if anyone ELSE cares. I care, and that's all that matters to me. So just leave it alone, all right?" i said, getting annoyed. I closed my locker and swung my bag over my shoulder. Just walk away, just walk away.....

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Karma =) Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:15 pm

Lyla dug through he closet looking for clothes. God why is it so hard to find the perfect outfit. She glanced at the clock and saw to her surprise she was late. Crap crap crap. She put on a random shirt and a pair of jeans. Then sprinted out of the house. Why did she always have to be late to school? She drove like a crazy person to school then raced into her English class hoping that the teacher hadn't seen her.

Talon walked into school as the bell rung signiling for everyone to get to class. Perfect timing. He walked into his first period, Biology. He never cared for science to him it was a waste of his valuable time but he needed the science credits to pass. So he would have to suck it up and just push through
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Karma =)

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:18 pm

Emi: I giggled at his frustration. I gave him a little girl sile. "Whatever you say pumkin." I touched his face and started to walk away. it was fun to annoy somepeople who needed to be kicked in the gut before they desstroyed themselfs.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:26 pm

James: I sighed.... why'd she have to be so annoying? Whatever... just ignore her..... my good mood more or less ruined, i headed off to art class. Hopefully drawing would perk me back up again...

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:48 pm

Emmi: I walked into art and sat in the back of the classroom. I pulled out my sketchbook and started to draw. I felt alittle bad about what I had said to James. I mean his pictures were beautiful and everything but.. the guy sucked! He always had that camrea around. When I was little my father was a photographer... he took beautiful pictures and his entire living was based on them. Then my dad cheated on my mother with some slut who also took pictures... ever since then I have hated peoplke with camreas. They are nothing but cheatig little freaks.

Last edited by Alice on Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:52 pm

James: I ignored Emi when she came in, just sitting hunched over my desk, drawing furiously. Just ignore her, she'll leave you alone...... I was glad when the class started to fill up. Less chance of having to talk to her...

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:54 pm

(Sorry I ment to ask if the whole 3rd grade thing and everything was okay.... Needed a reason for Emi to hate James haha)

Emi: I looked at James and tilt my head. I needed something to get him back. I thought for a moment and tried to find something. I saw glue and feathers. Oh the joys I could have with those.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:55 pm

(Uhm, yeah, no, James probably wouldnt do either of those things..... at least, like, not on purpose..... he's generally pretty passive and happy-go-lucky, not a bully....)

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:59 pm

( Yeah I understand that now... I need another reason for Emi to dislike James though. Because Emi doesnt just hate people... OH I GOT IT!!!)

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:16 am

( Fixed it Rav look up at the post! :3 idk why I didnt think of that before....)

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Ravyn Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:07 pm

James: I had a bad feeling.... a REALLY bad feeling.... something was gonna happen, and i had a feeling it had something to do with Emi. I fidgeted nervously in my seat, keeping an eye out in case she decided to try something. But she wouldnt, right....? Not in front of everyone, not in front of the teacher....

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

Post by Alice Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:53 pm

Emi smirked at the idea and let it go. She would wait to get him back. Becuase of that camrea he had and until he got rid of it she would hate him until the day she died. And she knew that. She smirked behind his back and thought about all the things she could do to embarrase him.

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Hate or Love? Empty Re: Hate or Love?

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