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Late Night Bite

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:08 pm

Anastasia - "You can go ahead and eat as long as when you're done you come down to see him," I say knowing that I didn't want to be around a hungry vampire.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:12 pm

Daisy: "No, no! It's ok! We should probaby go see what he wants now before we forget." I feel my face grow redder by the minute. He didn't have to go and just say it like that...He blinks for a minute and then hops off the bed. "Alright then," he says. "Not to be too corny or anything, but take us to your leader."

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:17 pm

Anastasia - "Not corny at all," I laugh as I head down the stair and past the crowd to the stairs down to where we lived. I passed all the other slaves as I took them down and nodded to each one. "This is the sitting room, we'll wait here."

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:32 pm

Vincent: I whistle again as I look around the room. "Swanky. Very swanky." I walk over to the fireplace and start playing with an ornate figure, cursing when the arms break off. After a minute of trying to but them back on, I hang ten around the figure's neck and smile. "It's like freakin Picasso," I say as I observe my handiwork.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:33 pm

Anastasia - I scoff, "Cause he won't notice the difference." I shake my head.

Kyle - I walked into the room, "How do you like the room?" I ask Daisy.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:47 pm

Daisy: I notice Vincent jump as I lower my head. "It's very nice, sir," I say quietly.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:52 pm

Kyle - "I'm glad you like it," I say. "Anastasia, which one did you give them?"

Anastasia - "The first one on the right," I say hoping that was fine. It was the best one we had and I figured they should get it.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:56 pm

Daisy: "Its really nice, thank you. I hope you won't mind us staying here- we'll be out of here by week's end, just as soon as I can scrap together enough money to get an apartment. I'd hate to intrude."

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:59 pm

Kyle - "Oh no, it's no intrusion, Daisy is a fellow vampire, and a new one who could use a teacher," I comment looking at Daisy.

Anastasia - "Kyle, I'm sure they need to get settled better, why don't we let them go back up to their room," I say sensing Daisy's hunger.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:07 pm

Daisy: I shudder a bit and look away. Maybe it's him, maybe it's this place. But I'll never be able to shake the feeling... "Thank you, Mister..." Suddenly, my fangs pop out again. I blush and cover my mouth. I try not to look at the girl as I do so. She really does smell so good, and I've been drinking off of Vincent for two years. I shake it off as Vincent grabs my arm. "Yea, Daze is startin to get the munchies. Mind if we get settled some?"

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:10 pm

Kyle - "Of course," I wave them away. "I'm actually getting hungry as well," I eye Anastasia.

Anastasia - Once they leave the room Kyle is right in front of me and his fangs are out. I shut my eyes in anticipation as his fangs dig deep into my throat. I feel as the blood is taken from me and relax in his arms as endorphins run through my body.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:18 pm

Daisy: I blush as I feel my fangs brush against my lip. "Do we have to do it here?" I ask as I look around the stair well. Vincent shrugs as he rolls up his sleeves. "Sorry, I don't remember the way up. Bite," he says as he puts his arm in front of my face. I sigh and reach for it. "You know, you don't have to be so direct." "Yea, but if I didn't, you'd never bite." He closes his eyes as my teeth sink into his flesh.

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:20 pm

Anastasia - When he's done he tells me to leave the room so that he can talk to another vampire. I go out in the hall and freeze when I see Vincent and Daisy.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:32 pm

Vincent: "Hey, watch it. You'll snap my arm off if you keep moving like that," I say softly as I lean back into her. She freezes up for a second as though the thought bothered her, but pulls me closer. After a minute, I feel her move. I open my eyes a little to see her looking at something, blood dripping from her mouth and the tips of her ears bright red. I start to move, but the dizziness that normally accompanies these things hits me and I give up.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:33 pm

Anastasia - "I am so sorry," I murmur as I cover my puncture wounds in my neck and feel my blood on my fingers. I'm in trouble.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:47 pm

Daisy: My nose twitches as I smell her blood. It smells so nice and for a moment, I wonder what it'd be like to sink my teeth into her neck and drink until her little heart sputters to an end. Soon, I realize I'm not the only one as I see a vampire grab her by the arm. I curse and Vincent forces out a dreary "What's going on?" "Nothing, nothing's going on. Just stay here, alright?" He closses his eyes. "You're lucky I don't ave a choice."

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:49 pm

Anastasia - I curse, "KYLE!" I yell.

Kyle - I hear Anastasia and walk out fastly. I see a vampire about to drink from her and throw them across the room, "Get out of here and if you ever come back I will rip you to shreds," I snarl.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:57 pm

Daisy: I blink and wipe my mouth as I see what just happened. I bite my lip again as I realize that for all that he'd been offering, I really don't have a choice. It's either get out of here as quickly as I can, or else screw up and get killed. I jump when I feel Vincent's hand on my shoulder. He smiles but he still looks pretty weak. "Eh, did I miss something important?"

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:02 am

Anastasia - "Calm down Kyle, he didn't even bite me yet," I say trying to keep peace.

Kyle - "Why didn't you go to your room, why did you come out here while you were bleeding? Don't answer, I don't want to see you again tonight, you understand, don't come down stairs, until the morning!" I growl storming off.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:12 am

Vincent: "Damn, looks like you're grounded for the night," I say as I try not to stumble. "Akthough he technically didn't say that we weren't allowed in..." "Vincent," Daisy warns. "Hey, go see if you can calm him down some. I'd go, but I don't think he'd respond well to 'Cool your balls.' Meet you later for my meds?" She looks ready to argue and then sighs. "Fine, I'll go do it."

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:15 am

Anastasia - "Thank you," I tell her unsuccessfully holding back tears.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:23 am

Daisy: I can't let her down now! I'd feel so bad after seeing her cry! I nod and head off after Kyle. When I come to a pretty ornate looking door, I knock. "Um, excuse me? Mr. Kyle?"

Vincent: I breath out a sigh of relief when she leave. "Thank god," I sigh as I close my eyes and fall to the floor. When I open them a little, I smile at Anastasia's shocked face. "Sorry, didn't wanna do that in front of Daze, y'know? She'd damn near have a heart attack."

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:25 am

Kyle - I turn to see Daisy, "Yes, is there something you need?" I ask.

Anastasia - "Will you be ok? That never happens to me after Kyle feeds," I look at him concerned.

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by PavoLights Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:33 am

Vincent: "Yep, I'm feeling pretty damn good actually. Daisy just has a tendency of drinking a lot, that's all. Me being sick doesn't help either." I smile. "It's no big deal."

Daisy: "Um..." I feel my nerves turning in my stomach. "I know it may not be my business really, but maybe we should talk about what happened back there?"

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Late Night Bite - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Bite

Post by anonymouswriter Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:34 am

Kyle - "It happens a lot," I say. "Anastasia has special blood."

Anastasia - "If you don't mind me asking, what are you sick with?"

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