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The Underground

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:05 am

Lionel stopped breathing as much and picked up the cell phone.  He could feel some emotions on it, but nothing he could make out.  He wondered what this was all about.  Suddenly he realised what it was about.  It was something that people felt about others, including his parents.  Love.  Or something like that.  He felt empty now, since she had gone. He just noticed that Scout was gone again and he sighed.

Isabella smiled as some dancers pulled off the floor.  She assumed that they were tired or wanted to just make out.  Fine by her.  More space for them.  She was really getting into it and she liked him. Pretty soon though she'd have to get her hands on him.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:33 am

Every few steps Alexia's wing would pick up enough momentum and she'd fly a short difference. She replayed the whole thing in her head. She didn't see anyone cast any spells but then again she wasn't really paying attention either. And his wings... She'd never seen anything like them. What was he? She felt pulled back toward him as she tried to figure out what had just happened.

As they kept dancing one of the girls who had thrown herself all over him earlier squeezed her way between josh and the girl. He doesn't like being interrupted and showed his teeth, letting out a small growl.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:40 am

Isabella felt another body come between them and she turned right around, her eyes darkening.  Her nails were about to become claws.  "Go. Now."  She snarled.  She absolutely hated girls who tried to get in between her and her hook up.

Lionel decided to go see if she was okay, since she had left so abruptly.  This might hurt him, but he had to give back her phone anyway.  Lionel's wings hadn't gone back in and they flowed behind him easily.  He could feel the scared twelve year old boy inside him moving away and his angel side taking control.  He didn't have to live in fear anymore... He was safe in this place.  As Lionel walked through the forest, he heard leaves crunching and footsteps.  That had to be her.

((OOC:  Lionel's wings, but light grey and snow white tips))

The Underground - Page 2 Angel%20wing%20tattoos%2010
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:50 pm

Josh flashed his canines and the girl backed off. "How abut we go somewhere more- private?" I give her a suggestive look. "Somewhere less... crowded?" He licked his lips and looked her up and down.

Alexia paced back and forth, her wings fluttering a mile a minute. She heard someone coming and flew up into a tree. She was perched up on a limb when she saw Lionel walk to the spot she was at just two seconds ago. She debated whether to stay on the limb or give into the pull and glide back down.

(Side note**** this is what Alexia looks like minus the hair color- that's different.)

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:25 pm

Isabella gave a smile, showing her sharp teeth that were turning back to normal. "Yes." She looked at his body again and lowered her alcohol level just a little bit. She'd probably raise it later anyway. Isabella couldn't stand it much longer though.

Lionel looked around and didn't see her. He could still feel her around though. "Hmm... well I guess she's gone." Lionel just didn't want to invade her privacy. He walked out of the woods, thinking about the mysterious encounter. His angelic side returned and he had the knowledge of his age.

Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:43 pm

Alexia jumped down. “Wait!” She flew after him. “Who are you? And I don’t mean your name- I guess I mean… Why do I feel this… pull… towards you?” She wanted answers but honestly she was just surprised that she could get that much out of her mouth without stuttering or shooting herself into the sky considering how fast her heart was beating and the fact that her wings were beating as fast as her heart.

Josh took her hand and led her down a hallway and out the back door. There was a portal right outside that would take them to the café next to his house. He went through it, took her to his house and walked right into his front door.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:49 pm

Lionel heard the flutter of wings and the voice of Alexia. Nearly scared him half to death. "I'm not really...sure. I um.. I'm an angel... I guess that could be it? Well, a fallen one anyway... I don't know." His wings started to beat slowly as he talked.

Isabella was impressed but didn't care much at the moment. She took off her heels, knowing that if they weren't taken off, they'd be thrown across the room anyway. She wasn't sure how they were going to start and figured that he would start soon anyway.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:09 pm

“Maybe… but I’m Fae… I’ve never been… pulled to – uh- someone this eas- easily… sorry for… uh… scaring you… also.” Alexia’s wings beat faster. She tried to slow her heartbeat down but it wasn’t working. “sorry…”

Josh liked to make things sensual so he didn’t want to go too fast. He pulled the girl closer and ran his fingers up and down her spine.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:14 pm

Isabella breathed deeply. His fingers felt so good. She reached up to his neck and kissed it, making a slight pressure then moving her arms to stroke his face.

Lionel gave a small smile. "No harm done." He started to feel those emotions again and it made his empathy power all out of balance. "Fae... I should have known though..." He wondered what was going to be done about the pull, since they'd probably feel it all the time. Lionel wasn't exactly sure what caused the pull though. "So um... what now...?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:31 pm

Alexia shrugged. “I.. I don’t know… How are supposed to ignore… this?” She was trying so hard to fight the urge to close the space between them and just- what? She didn’t know but she felt strongly that if she stayed there much longer, things could get a little awkward.

Josh’s eyes shut from the pure ecstasy he felt from her kiss. His hands roamed all over her body and he liked what she had.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:38 pm

Lionel wasn't sure about that. "I-I don't know." His heart started to beat faster than normal and it worried him. Surely one girl wouldn't have this much effect on him? He swallowed hard, suddenly very nervous as he was when they had first met.

Isabella smiled and started to kiss along his jawline. His hands felt great and she moved more into him. She moved a hand to his waist, linking a finger in a belt loop.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:10 pm

Alexia closed her eyes thinking that maybe if she couldn't see him the pull wouldn't be a strong. Her mistake. All she saw was him and she didn't know if it scared her or intrigued her but she did know that it was weird. Her heart sped up more and suddenly her feet weren't on the ground. She opened her eyes and was almost at eye level with him.

Josh trailed his hands under her dress and up her thigh, gently carressing it. Her lips felt so good on his jaw- he didn't want it to stop.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:34 am

Isabella breathed deeply as she gently nipped his neck.  She proceeded to kiss from the top of his neck to the collarbone, nipping in various places.  She wanted to just take the dress off, so his wonderful hands could go where ever they wanted, but she only slipped a hand under his shirt and felt his body. 

Lionel had only blinked but suddenly she was at eye level with him.  For some unknown reason, his hand reached out and gently held the right side of her face.  He looked at her and wasn't really sure what to do.  Lionel didn't really know her, but yet his hand was sort of holding her face and they were in close proximity to each other.

((With Isabella and Josh, we're going to have to fast foward if they do too much))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:55 pm

Alexia couldn’t move. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t do anything but listen as her heart sped up to an incredible speed and her wings took her forward- not much, just a hair really, but enough that it was noticeable. She held her breath and wondered what this was. She had never felt this way before- ever- so why did she feel it for Lionel and what was it?

Josh slowly lifted off her dress, his fingertips brushing over almost every inch of her skin. Her hands felt so good on his chest and he pulled his shirt off before grabbing her waist and pulling her close again. He kissed up and down her collarbone then softly let out a growl of pleasure in her ear.

((yeah I know. just let me know when you want to and we can. or if it's your post just skip ahead.))

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:05 pm

Lionel closed his eyes and found himself listening to her speeding heartbeat. A chill went through him. His instincts were telling him to lean forward... but to do what? His hand was still on her face, his thumb very gently stroking her cheek. He opened his eyes again to find himself taking his hand away.

Isabella softly moaned and pressed herself closer to him, feeling his body and kissed his incredible looking chest. Closing her eyes from pleasure, she reached down and started to unbutton his jeans, making sure she circled his waist before doing so.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:38 pm

Alexia took off. She flew up and over to the woods again. She kept flying until she reached the edge of the city. When she finally stopped she reached in her back pocket for her cellphone but it wasn’t there. “Shit.” She needed her cellphone but she was still a little confused about what had just happened. She stayed hovering about the top branch of a tree at the border, contemplating whether or not to go back and get a phone.

Josh lay on his bed next to the girl. It had been great and he was pretty sure he had claw marks on his back from her. He sat up a little and looked at her. “So I’m Josh,” He figured that if you’re going to sleep with someone- or already have- you should at least know each other’s names, “and it was nice to meet you.” He smirked and lay back down putting an arm above his head. “And though I don’t usually say this- actually I never do- but feel free to hang out.” He got out of bed, put on his boxers, and headed to the kitchen.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:48 pm

She took off. Again. Lionel walked towards the edge of the woods and put the phone down near a tree. She'd find it. Lionel wasn't sure what to do, so he flew to his apartment and went in. He looked out the back to see Scout there, so he went into the kitchen. Lionel groaned as a wave of pain entered his head. He went into his bedroom, but he didn't get far. He felt as if his head was going to explode. Lionel's knees hit the carpet and he blacked out.

Isabella smiled a little bit, enough to know some of her dragon teeth. Oops. She had probably left a few bite and claw marks on him. He was just so tasty. "I'm Isabella and it was nice to meet you too." Hmm, she might just hang around. Normally she didn't, but hey she had just had done some amazing things with Josh. She got out of the bed and put on her black lace ensemble, wondering if she should walk around like this in his house, just to entice him. Isabella was proud of her body, so why not?
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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:42 pm

Alexia heard her phone ringing. Which was weird because she didn't have it. She slowly hovered down and searched for it. She noticed her phone on the ground near a tree. She picked it up but not in time to answer the call. It was her brother, she'd call him back later. She slowly flew back to her apartment and went inside. As she started to unpack, she suddenly felt very drained and decided to sit on the couch and watch tv. Not long after she drifted off into a much needed sleep.

Josh pulled some deer out of the fridge that he had cooked the day before and popped it in the microwave. When it beeped he took it out. "I've got food if you want some," he said and turned around to face the room.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:47 pm

Isabella shook her head.  "Nah, I'll wait a while."  Though to her dragon senses, the deer smelled pretty good.  "So how are you different?"  She'd thought she'd be forward about it, since she was curious.  He drank a lot, but he hadn't seemed drunk.  There was something about him.  "You see my ears obviously and you probably remember my teeth and claws.  That's how I mean."

Lionel moved about an hour later, so stiff. He moaned and sucked in his wings. At least they hadn't broken. What was that about? He wasn't sure. He also didn't know what time it was, but he needed something to eat. Lionel took out vegetables for a salad and took out a beer.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:07 am

In Alexia's dream she was fighting off Catchers. She was using every fire spell she had and they were still catching up, trying to snatch her. Finally she just let go and fire took over everything. She woke up to the smoke detector going off. "Shit my curtains!" She said a spell that would get rid of it but it didn't help. She ran outside to try to find a bucket or something.

Josh chuckled. "I turn into a big black cat." He was trying to ignore the fact that she hadn't really put much back on by means of clothing. He grabbed a fork out of the drain and dug into his deer.

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:24 am

Lionel was drinking his third beer when he smelled something strange.  He looked outside and saw smoke rising.  He filled a small bucket he had in the kitchen and went outside to see where it was coming from.  Lionel could be called...drunk at this moment.

"A shapeshifter... hmm..."  She leaned against the counter, seeing that his eyes flickered to her. Isabella smirked. "Does this bother you?"
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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:07 am

Alexia ran back with two buckets. She was almost to her room when she bumped into someone. She ignored it this time. She decided to try the spell again since her water had been knocked out of her hands. "Anania+Anassia+Emisael+libera nos+ Domine" she chanted it three times and loudly. When she was done the fire went out.

Josh smirked and faced her. "It doesn't bother me at all." His eyes grazed over her body and he licked his lips. "In fact, I quite enjoy it."

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:37 pm

Lionel looked at the bottom of his pants.  "Oops, I'm all wet."  He blinked and stared as the fire went out.  He stumbled back in the direction of his apartment and Scout flew to attach himself to his shoulder.

Isabella smirked still.  "Enough for another round? Perhaps in a week or..." She licked her lips, "Right now." She'd come back sometime. He was experienced and didn't seem to have any real attachments to her, unlike other men.
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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:49 pm

Alexia turned around. "Hey next time don't get in my w-" There was no one there anymore. "-way..." She sighed. Oh well, she still felt a pull from that Lionel guy but it was strong. Weird because that meant he was close. She started to walk back into her appartment.

Josh took a step forward. "I don't know... I mean I can handle another round. The question is..." His eyes started to glow and he put the food on the counter. "Can you?"

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:20 pm

Lionel felt the pull and didn't know what to do about it. Even in his slight alcoholic state, he wanted to follow the pull. He went into his bedroom and after changing, fell into a deep sleep.

Isabella felt her teeth sharpening and her nails growing longer. "Oh I know I can." This time, her wings might come out. She moved a step forward toward him.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Underground - Page 2 Empty Re: The Underground

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