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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:18 pm

"You told me I wasn't allowed to carry any bloody gear. Geez. Want me to get my hand stuck in a jar again? But I can take care of Cyrus, if he's there" I growl

Idea, what if Mel turned Cyrus when they were dating?


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:20 pm

0.o Make out session gone to far?! :*P

"I'm the boss, I can contradict myself, vampire!" I say, punching her shoulder

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:24 pm

er... not what I was thinking... you have to totally drain the person, then feed them blood. That would have to be a pretty durn big make out XD

I chuckle, but my mind was somewhere else. Then we finally arrived. It wasn't your standered scary house, it had plastic wood, not pealing paint. The window's were not smashed in, and the yard, while not up kept, wasn't a total tangle of weed and fallen branch. But there was a certain feel, an aura, that kept the kids of the neighborhood off it's lawn, and girlscouts from trying to sell cookies there. It had been abandoned for years, anyway "Alright, let's do this thing, 'boss'"


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:26 pm

Hey, I said it went too far! Like, really, creepy far!

I smile and walk in beside my lackie.

Plastic wood???

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:32 pm

Oh wait, I'm an idiot. Forgot that he didn't know she was a vamp >.< and yeah, like the kind at the studio. Mayyybeee she turns him later for some reason?

I slowly open the door, a shiver running down my spine. The humans, the children that wouldn't play on the lawn, the adults who wouldn't even pass this place at night, and the girlscouts that knew by instinct not to come here all felt something intangible. But I could nail it easily. It was the feeling of lingering death. The nerd was right- there are ghosts here. A floorboard creaked overhead, and I glanced around as dust fell though the air. Then a door, slowly opening, then closing with a rusty hinge. We journeyed farther into the house, scanning for signs of something- anything "Hello, Cassandra. Melissa." A voice, more chilled then death sounded to my right. Whipping around, I saw Cyrus, his eyes glinting dangerously


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:36 pm

Sorry my replies have been so short, I've kinda sorta been doing homework to and it uses much brain power

I alays forget how scary Cyrus is. He seems to have this feel about him, like every thing he touches will die, if it isn't already dead. I couldn't believe they dated.

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:41 pm

It's okay Smile
It's ironic, I was the vampire, but he was the one with death on his shoulder. Maybe that's what happens to humans when they numb themselves to killing, start to enjoy it. "Cyrus, what are you doing here?" I ask coldly, brushing a lock of hair out of my face. Then I saw something in his hand, a small file of information. About the house, I assumed. He walked over, and with each step his eyes grew colder and colder, a wicked smile spreading across his face. "Just stopping by to see my favorite pair of Hunters... and..." He held up the file "I think I may have found something that you two needed, picked it up from a friend of yours a few minutes ago"


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:46 pm

Smile I'm stuck on this one bloody problem! Every bloody time I bloody do it I get a different bloody answer and none of them are bloody right! Bloody!

"Well, are you going to give it to us, or did you just want to brag that you found it before we did?" I ask, slightly annoyed, but still rather scared.

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:56 pm

Where'd you go?

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:56 pm

WELL THAT JUST BLOODY STINKS! maybe I can help you if you post it?

Goosebumps ran the length of my arm, but I steeled myself against the coldness of his presence as he turned his full gaze upon Cass, tilting his head slightly "Just wanted to check up on you two... making sure you weren't in over your heads." he tossed the file to Cass with a chuckle "Don't look so surprised, that file holds nothing of interest for me. But I did want to deliver a message. Mel knows the danger you two face... but if you don't fish yourself out of the dark, you might just stumble. She's hiding it from you, Cass, you can see it in her eyes, behind her smiles..." I lunge at him with a growl, and he pulls out a pencil sized pole of silver, thrusting it into my leg. I had acted too quickly, and he had caught me off guard. As I fell, he chuckled once again, leaving the old house


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:57 pm

Sorry, it took a little thinking, and it was kinda long


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:07 pm

I'm probably over complicating things, we are supposed to find x and y for graphing (x,y) If that makes sense. I forget what it's called. And don't beat yourself up trying to figure it out or anything, it's ok if I don't do it...

I run to Mel and pull out the weapon. "C'mon," I say, helping her up, "We gotta get you back to the office." I lean down and tuck the file into my jacket, and then help Mel out of the house.

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:09 pm

Smile That's ok! Mine took a while, and it wasn't long!

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:12 pm

Oops, graphing, can't really do that over the computer... mom and I could do it on paper, then send you the pic?
I hiss in pain, grabbing for the stupid pole but knowing that would just make it worse. So I left it there, feeling the silver spreading through my veins. "Stupid, stupid exes" I growl, squeezing my eyes shut. The pain was so intense... deep breaths Mel, deep breaths. With my good leg I managed to half hop with her support, but the pain was just getting worse, my head pounding


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:15 pm

No, you don't graph it. I mean, you can, but it's mainly to just fond the bloody (x,y)

When we get far enough away from the house, I let Mel take a short break. I started searching threw my pockets looking for something to help, but this was a ghost job, I didn't bring any vamp supplies... "Are you ready to start walking again," I ask, reaching out my hand

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:19 pm

Just quickly plug in numbers that make sense until you find three sets that work, then graph. That's what I do. It really goes extremely quickly

Shaking my head, I slump to the ground. "Can't...move" My leg felt the pain, then started to turn to be as immobile as pure stone. I knew from the stories once my entire body went through unimaginable pain, then immobility, it would crumble "Just... have to..." Then I pull it out of my leg with a hoarse scream


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:23 pm

Meh, I'll just skip it like the over-achiever I am B-D

"Are you better now?" I ask, arms still extanded and ready to carry my friend the next 3 miles to the office.

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:26 pm

XD is it okay that I do this, she's your charrie and all but I think it'd be cool:
Despite the pain, Cass's readiness to try to carry me the next three miles was amazing, heartwarming. I tried to give her a tiny smile that came out more of a grimace. Then I hear somebody behind me. Monica, the last person we needed right now


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:27 pm

My mom's insisting that she really wants to do that problem XD so you're getting help from my mum, little missy, weather you want it or not


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:30 pm

Yes, I'll have fun with Monica Smile

"What are you doing here, we didn't do anything!" I rool my eyes. I don't have time for this...

"Oh, you two are always up to something, and from the looks of it-" I said, eyeing the trouble-makers friend, Melissa-"You have definently done something worth mentioning to a police officer."

Joys for the help! Sorry if I forced you into a mid-night math lesson...

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:32 pm

Hehe, actually, I'm having to help mom with it a little >.>
"Nothing officer" I manage to hiss out, clutching my leg. I hadn't even noticed the blood until now, pulsing out in a torrent. "Just an accident- nothing to see here"


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:37 pm

"Hmm, did a 'vampire' stab you, little Meliisa? Should I go get a witchdoctor?" I say, and then turn to Cassandra, "It would be very helpfull to the department if you could just tell us what you were doing for once."

"We have told you, you just don't believe us" I say, and look at Cass. "Now, if you excuse me, we need to go."

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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:40 pm

It was kinda weird she didn't even try to help- that definitely attested to the fact she hated us. But wasn't it at least her job to, you know, save my life or something? "Do you have a rope, Cass?" I asked, glancing up


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Eidwyn Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:42 pm


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Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Eidwyn and Endellion only chat

Post by Guest Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:43 pm

alright, still working on math!


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