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Dramatic Death Scenes!

Jacky K.
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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:00 pm

I was grimacing in pain, still looking at my hand which was effectively pinned to the wall. When I tried to twitch my fingers, I realized that hand had been totally disabled. But that was my card throwing hand! What if I could never use it again?! Then I grabbed the handle of the knife with my teeth, trying not to think about what I was doing as I tore it out of the wall, and my hand. A short cry of pain passed my lips, and the arm that I had removed from the wall fell to my side.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Banshee Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:01 pm

Ezra cried out in pain. "You'll pay!" he said, turning on the next guard and pushing into his mind.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:04 pm

Artemis nodded, her breath becoming shallow as she managed to open her eyes and lock him in her gaze "T.Morbid? T.Morbid" she repeated, rolling the name around her tongue "hello" she breathed, her voice finding strength "I-I'm Artemis." Her eyes closed on their own accord and she felt her heart stutter irregularly, trying hard to fuel a lost cause. "Don't worry, I'll take it to the grave" oh the irony.
her heart gave one last thump and then... quiet


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:25 pm

Now that Bonez knows that the FRAG this chat is about, may she join?

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:45 pm

Name: Trix
Age: 17
Appearance: Shoulder length thin black hair, midnight blue eyes, pale skin. Muscled, and tall.
Species: Demon.
Personality: Murderous, ruthless, clever.
Killer/Victim: Killer. I cannot stress that enough.
Particular enemies: Humans in general.

Name: Beatle
Age: 7
Appearance: Small (size of a toddler), slightly chubby, painfully adorable
Species: Human
Personality: Oblivious, optimistic, sees everything in a good way, always happy
Killer/victim: Victim
Particular enemies: None, he loves everybody.

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Age : 94
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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:57 pm


I heard the knife clatter to the ground. Oh. I was not expecting that. "Well...That was...A first." I told gunshot victim. "I am...both impressed and...shocked." I told her with a grin.


Well...Considering that I was still standing and not dying from a bullet wound to the head right now...I'm going to say that Mr.Face did not hear my rulebreaking. Fine with me.
She was dead.
Erm. Ok.
I decided to go check in with Mr.Face and see what else he wanted me to do...Maybe kick babies or something equally hideous.
I went across the hall. "Mr.Face...She's dead...What do I do now? I sent someone to go get it cleaned up..." I said through the door.
"Go see My Hostage. The plexiglass should have arrived by now. I have a...Gunshot Victim to attend to for a moment..." He told me irritatedly.
My hostage? Who...Oh god. Peter?
"Erm...Where would he be?" I asked, scared to find out.
"In the tub room." Mr.Face supplied as though this were obvious.
"Ok...I'm guessing you'll be in?" I asked.
"YES." He dismissed me.
I walked down the hall and opened the door, finding Peter shackled into the tub. Oh crap. "Erm. Hi." I said, deeply conflicted. Two guys followed me in with a big sheet of plexiglass. I had no idea what that was for. I didn't particularly want to find out.


The Mudpie guard felt his mind be released just in time to see the other guard collapse from...apparently the same thing. He lost no time in duct taping the perpetrator's hands behind his back. "Stop that" He smacked Ezra in the back of the head while he was duct taping.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Banshee Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:59 pm

Ezra felt his hand being duck taped, man that stuff was strong. The hit had broke his concintration.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:02 pm

Anyone got some open charries? Very Happy

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:04 pm

"I'm glad.... I... entertain you" I hissed out sarcastically, trying to move my fingers. No such luck. I was definately in the mood to dish out some revenge. But how? I let my eyes wander around the cell, but there was nothing I could use with one arm shackled, and the other, dead


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:14 pm

I thought only demons could smell my fire...
Trix had the black fire alight in her finger tips, walking, no, strutting through the streets. Who needed money? Who needed food? Trix had her fire, her speed, her power. The horrible stench of her fire overpowered that of unbathed humans and rotting garbage that was everywhere in Auda. She picked up her pace, suddenly going lightning fast up sidewalks, crossing distances in seconds, but then halting suddenly, just for the fun of it. She started touching anything she could with her fingers, lighting it up with her own evil fires that swallowed the orange ones. Hers was special: The only way to put it out was if she made it. And being a demon, why would she? Trix hated this town and wanted it to burn. She didn't even live here, but was passing by to cause a wreck. Trix laughed at the alarm from starving people who were realizing their little homes were swallowed by black flames.

Beatle was curled up in a small corner. Alone, in the back of a narrow alley, with a clear view to the sidewalks. People walked by, some that smelled horrible and some that look horrible. He was shaking, crying, breathing interrupted by quiet hiccups. He missed his family. How had he gotten here? Where was Fishy? Where was home?
He didn't like it here, not at all. He wanted someone to save him. Beatle hated himself for getting lost again. They had been so upset with him the first time he wandered off.
Now he was here in this strange place. Beatle began to get goosebumps on his skin.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:22 pm

Somewhere is Auda.....
Artemis slunk through the streets, trying her best to remain inconspicuous as she searched the crowd for a wealthy coat or hat. the owner of said object would then become her next target. What? a girls gotta eat, and if she'd going to risk imprisonment for pickpocketing, there better be a big pay off involved. Hence the need for a wealthy person. She let her dark curtain of hair fall and obscure her face as she located her next victim.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:37 pm


"I'm glad you still have a coherent grasp of sarcasm. And control of your toungue. Be careful not to bite it. " I advised her. "So. Now've been all...Incapacitated...I think you have forefieted your right to choose your fate. Sorry." I grinned insincerely. What...Oh. Bonesaw. I had been wanting to use a bonesaw all night. Time to go get that I suppoused. "I'll be right back with a bonesaw..." I told her as I left.


The other guard was able to shake off the bad memories as Ezra was duct taped up. "Come on. We'll throw him in cellblock three." The first one said.

"Sounds good to me...And my shift is up in 20 minutes anyway."


A guard stumbled across a small, unusually well fed child. "Hello..." He put his white faceless masked face down on the child's level. "What is your name? How old are you? Where are your parents?" He asked all the prerequisite questions. He didn't really care as much about the parents as he did about the age thing. That was important.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:43 pm

Beatle stopped his moaning and looked up. Did this man care about him? He must have been if he was asking so much about him. Beatle smiled, showing all his teeth.
"My name is Beatle and I'm . . . "
He'd never learned how to count. He narrowed his eyebrows and looked back up. "I don't have an age or parents. But I do have a big older brother! He's awesome!"
Beatle giggle and his eyes shinned brightly at the man.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:44 pm

Bonesaw... I cursed under my breath, going back to freeing my other wrist once he left. Unfortunately, this one was quite secure. Ah... thinking...


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:44 pm

ßøn∑z wrote:Anyone got some open charries? Very Happy
I do, he's a killer though, don't know if that matches up with you


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:46 pm

Trix has now lit fire to mostly everything around her. It reeks, but with a different smell than normal. She smiles, feeling satisfied. She could leave now, but she wasn't done having fun.
This setting, a burning city, was the perfect place to add a few more kills to her record. Yes, she kept track. She didn't need a weapon, or a body suit. She had her powers. Trix slid into shadows and eyed out for a victim.

(Ella, could two killers possibly meet up?)

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:47 pm

Ah yes, I was certainly used to mazing, dark halls and acting casual. But at the same time...? This was new. Sure, I'd been on more theiving expeditions than I could count on Mr. Face's teeth, but I don't think I'd ever posed as a guard. The uniforms had made it easy. Who was the guy that decided to require all guards to wear identical white masks? I ought to thank him.

I watched the numbers next to the doors. These hallways were all the same. Damn. I needed to just learn to read, already. But at least I knew numbers. All I needed now was...well. A plan. Oi my my. I didn't like plans much. Uncle had shoved plans down my throat since I was seven, and in my opinion they got in the way of things...though I had to admit, it would have been nice to have one right about now. Get in, free a few innocent victim prisoners, get out. There. That was a plan, aye?

I saw a guard close a door and lock it. Ah, there we are. After a while of walking I picked the keys off of him and headed back to the door, slipping the same one into the lock. I smiled, though it was an un-grin with this mask on. The keys fit without any trouble. Time for adventure.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:51 pm

(sure, my victim charrie needs killer while in the city anyway . you wanna be it? ^.^ artemis is the victum, I shall bring drake in now)
Drake walked through the city, his head held eye as he eyed everyone keenly. Specially the ladies... He grabbed one particularity perty girls A$$ as he sauntered though, his hand on his dagger,for no other reason than because he favored the feel of it's hilt in his palm. he liked knifes


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:55 pm


"Well...Are you older than this many?" The guard held up ten fingers. He had been trained for this. Specifically for this. Child collecting.


I went next door and picked up my bonesaw. I heard that the girl had already been moved. This side of the hall was eerily quiet now...I was unhappy with that.
I walked back next door. "I'm Back..." I announced myself unnecessarily. "So...I'm just going to...Forcefully remove your tibia...if that's alright with you..." I announced.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:57 pm

I eyed the saw "No, that's actually not alright with me. At all." I said, noticing how sharp and rusty that thing looked...


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:59 pm


(Yesh Very Happy So Trix is the killer, Art is the victim?)

Beatle squinted at his fingers. His lips pushed out, and his eyes narrowed.
"Umm ... I dunno!" Beatle giggled and then stood up, barely as tall as the man's knees.
"Can you take me home? I don't like it here. It's smelly!" Beatle pouted, crossing his arms and looking determined.
After looking around, he added while laughing, "Maybe if you don't like it here, you can come with us! I'll called this place Smelly Town!"

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:04 pm


"How about you come with me...And I'll get you some jello. I have...Strawberry." The guard stated sweetly.


"Well...You have lost the right to further ado..." I cut carefully along the side of her leg. It made a pleasant ripping noise. The bonesaw wasn't actually intended for skin...But...I loved that sound. It was like...the sound you get from rubbing two rusty spoons together...

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:07 pm

"What is jello?" he asked blissfully as he latched onto the man's leg.
"I'll come anyways, you're nice! Maybe you can meet my older brother, he is awesome! Can we walk, because I have a boo-boo on my leg and I can't go fast!"
Beatle was so happy he was leaving this place. He smiled at the thought of returning to home and away from Smelly Town.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:08 pm

I growled out in pain then kicked at the bonesaw with my free leg "Get off of me!" I yelled, the fury in my eyes increasing


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 28 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:09 pm

I have a posting for artemis on page 46 Smile )

Last edited by Ella Rose on Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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