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Dramatic Death Scenes!

Ale J.
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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:40 pm

I snuck around behind him and put him into a choke hold, chuckling despite the burning smoke. It wasn't fire like smoke though, no, I would never use THAT kind. This kind had a weird shimmer to it


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Echo Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:43 pm


I stumbled to my knees, grunting in pain and clenching my teeth. Shit...there goes the other leg. The only thing I could do was to glare hatefully at him. Damn, I felt so useless!
Winter Dragon

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:45 pm

I struggle, trying to get out. But I can't breathe. her choking, and the smoke burning. I cough, my lungs trying to get something but it just makes my head fuzzy. My vision swims, tunnels, and finally blacks.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:37 am

I stir in the night, the dryness of my throat...crazing. Alex next to me sleeping still. My hand fists in the sheets, claws pricking the egyptian cotton as i grit my fangs. All there is is the slow beat of his heart. I take a careful breath and force myself away, the only smell apparent to me is the lulling perfume of blood beneath his skin. I get out of bed, moving away across the room, keeping my arms around my stomach and my icy blue eyes to the wall.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:54 am

I felt Wolf get off the bed, and I opened my eyes slowly. She was standing across the room, and I felt a general uneasiness in the air
"Rough night?" I asked softly, my eyes full of concern as I stood up, taking a slow step closer to her. If she was having a tough time with the blood, then I didn't want to upset her... but I just felt so useless not being able to even comfort her...


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:01 am

I hear his small step and give a tense nod. Never any good. I can't ever get close to someone. I close my eyes a moment, his scent everywhere. Intoxicating. "I'll come back. It'll go away." My voice shakes as i lie. No, this was what happened when I ignored my lust. Why I killed those people without the silver wolf to control me. it gets so strong, so overpowering. Not Alex. Not Alex...

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:46 am


I heard some dialogue and another shot, it landed in the floor. Then there was another one...and it landed in someone I think. Oh crap.
Oh crap.
Somebody save us.
I kind of had to wonder who'd been shot, as I couldn't see all that well from my position against the wall. I actually had to stop myself from asking the attacker that. That would have been a stupid thing to do...'hey who was just shot there?' Stupidest question ever. It probably would have gotten me shot. I don't want to get shot. I have never actually had the experience to know that I wouldn't like it for just doesn't sound like a good experience. It sounds terribly painful. And I mean...I kill people like that, it must be bad.
So...keeping all that in mind, I stayed in place against the wall, hoping to just blend in with my surroundings.


And...That was the end of him...Just like that. No screaming..nothing. It was quite nice.
I took aother hour to finish up the coding.

I came downstairs and opened the door to the west wing. I was expecting an envelope, full of immortality. It was going to be fantastic...And then I would chop Riddle into tiny bits and throw her into cyberspace.
It would be wonderful.
There was no envelope.
Just a note, attached to my door.
It had the courtesy to be in braille.
It told me.
I banged my head against a wall. This was quickly becoming an excersise in futility.

((The fast forward was just for the comedic effect of Mr.Face...Do not worry.))

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:22 pm

"When was the last time you fed?" I asked as I stopped walking. She obviously needed blood.... "Do you need to feed off of me again?" The thought of slashing my arm open again wasn't pleasant, to say the least, but if it helped Wolf...

Assassin Alex
As Dorian delt with another one of the escapees, I went over to the one that hadn't been shot yet
"I don't want to have to shoot you" I explained, pulling out my gun "But if you don't come quietly, I'm going to have to"


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:31 pm

I feel myself get suddenly aware of everything, listening to his words, replaying them in my mind a bazillion times over. I felt like being on the brink of a cliff, craving the fall. "Alex, I -" my voice shook, i wasn't thinking normally. "I don't know," I wanted, how i wanted. I wasn't thinking of safety though. "A - A few days, maybe. I can go in the morning. I...I can -" I keep my back to him. Not like this, not like this...but I couldn't remember why.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:36 pm


This guy was nice. I felt like I kind of knew where he was coming from.
At the same time though...My friends had been shot again...And that couldn't be taken lightly, I was learning.
But...the chances that I wouldn't be shot if I fought this guy...Were low.
I didn't really want to be shot...even if it would be a nice gesture to my friends.
"I...I don't be shot..." I said calmly to the guard. No need to be all loud or anything. "I'm going to turn around now...if that's ok..." I continued.
I was still kinda conflicted about the not protesting the shooting of my friends thing...But...Still. I didn't want to get shot too...Ugh...I hate trying to think about morality versus survival...It always makes me all...conflicted.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:52 pm

I shook my head, walking back to the nightstand and removing a tiny blade from one of the drawers. Tiny, but sharp. I ran it across the length of my arm, and made a short but deep cut.

"Actually, I need to handcuff you first" I said, before quickly binding his wrists together with the cuffs "Now you can turn around" I felt like I was being oddly polite, a strange contrast to my brother, who was getting trigger happy again.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:55 pm


I made a funny pain noise. Those wrists were all...acidy. It hurt like crap. Ouch..."Sorry...Erm...I'm just in...Pain..." I explained hastily, not wanting to incite any violence by my odd noise.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:07 pm

I breathe it slow, getting lost in the scent. "Alex..." I murmur as i turn back to him hesitantly, keeping my eyes hidden. Feeling lustful but hopeless. "I...I don't..." Why the hell not? I want it, so much. The answer eludes my fogged head. This isn't smart...why again...? I take a step towards him, taking his wrist, the red over my vision like a curtain. I lick a stray drip. Stop, stop, stop. Too much...but I want a lot. I breathe out through my parted lips, moving up. Stop me, Alex... My lips press to his skin, silly thoughts stop.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:08 pm

I watched her carefully, though I was relaxed, totally trusting her. Pain shot up my arm from the deep cut, and I could feel her draining me. But we had done this before, there was no danger... or at least I told myself that.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:24 pm

My blue eyes close, and I feel my senses spiral down. No more questions or worries. Simple instinct ruling me. Not caring, a small animalistic sound escaping me. The hunger and the blood the only two things apparent to me.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:58 pm

My head started to fog, and I realized she was taking more blood than usual. But that was okay, she probably just... probably just... it was getting hard to form coherent thoughts... she was probably just in need of extra blood, that's all. She always stopped.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:10 pm

A sound. His heart and something else. His breathing. Still alive. My eyes crack open, looking over at him narrowed. Watching me. A growl builds slowly in the back of my throat, my claws digging in. I want. Hunger's not going away. Fangs just against his skin, and such a small cut... I move to bite him, taste flesh with blood.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:34 pm

I pull my arm away when she tries to bite me, a reflex reaction. My body's way of keeping me from getting a chunk of flesh taken out of my arm. I looked at her, shocked. I knew that sometimes instinct took over, but she tried to bite part of my arm off! It was an accident though, I told myself. Just a slip up


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:47 pm

I blink, nothing now. I lick at the blood on my lips, running my tongue along my fangs. Still wanting... thirst gone but still craving. No blood, no flesh. I want it... A growl of frustration at him as i glare coolly at him. Nothing human in my eyes. I take a step at him, tilting my head a little for his reaction.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:59 pm

I take a small step back, studying her eyes. There was no humanity there, no love, no compassion. In fact, the Wolf that I fell in love with seemed... gone. Like her inner instinct and animal had taken over.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:11 pm

A light smile comes to my lips, i tilt my head the other way. The smell of his blood thick in the air. sweet. I move forward, trying to catch him and pun him to the wall.

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:24 pm

I narrowly dodge her, my eyes filled with shock and betrayal. This wasn't Wolf, it couldn't be...


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:31 pm

I stop suddenly, small smile growing to a grin. Shifting in a moment, I jump at him to knock him down to my level. It'll be easy then. But i still wanted my fun. The look in his eyes was so amusing...

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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:04 pm

can we FF to wherever Spades is bringing Robin, BW?

Once again, I searched her eyes for any humanity, any sign of compassion, any sign of the Wolf I knew. And also once again, I found none.
Actual fear, the first time I had felt it in a long while, made itself known somewhere in the back of my head. I thought about possessing her body and having her peacefully get off of me, before remembering her immunity to my power... I gritted my teeth, trying to get out from under her.
Then I remembered I was still holding the knife. But there was no way I was ever going to use a knife on her, I just couldn't bring myself to do it

"Oh... sorry?" Most of the time I don't apologize to people that I've been paid to deal with.
Mostly because they're dead almost as soon as I see them. So I wasn't exactly sure what to say in this situation.
I lead him over to the lighter part of the hall and chained him to one of the doors, before going back to help Dorian with the other two.


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Dramatic Death Scenes! - Page 6 Empty Re: Dramatic Death Scenes!

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:21 pm


"No...It's fine...I mean...I understand..." I replied as I was lead toward the light. "I mean...I used to work hard feelings.." I was FORGIVING the guy leading me to my death. WHY? WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME? Ugh...

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