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The Village

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The Village Empty The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:28 pm

I'm putting this here because this CC is rated PG-13.

I don't know if you've all seen The Village, but I think it would be fun to do something like it. This is based in 1897, I ask that your charries please try and follow that.

Here is the plot:

The small village of Davenport is seperated from all other civilization by a forest. In the forest dwell creatures. Those we do not speak of. Many years ago when the village first was built, the elders made a pact with the creatures that none of them go into the woods as long as none of the creatures come into the village. There are torches set up that line the boarder and are lit every night as well as century towers that are set up every few miles along the boarder, each equiped with a bell to sound if there has been a breach. Each house contains a cellar that is used for times like these. So far all has been peaceful, all has been quiet...but what happens when the boarder is breached? Is there such a thing as the creatures? Or is it something the elders came up with to keep the town in line?

The story will start out on a peaceable day, nothing has yet happened.

Personality: (optional)


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:52 pm

Name: Cillia
Age: 18
Apperance: The Village Hot_girl_black_hair_12171
Personality: TBD

Last edited by Taylow on Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:32 am; edited 2 times in total


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Bells Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:05 pm

Sigh, I will wait for this if you let me join when I come back from camp.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:06 pm

The Village Beautifulgiryesbeautyeyesgirl-32bcb7c5a7bf1157b4822ad8d0ab30c9_h


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:13 pm

Of course Bells!

Name: Peter
Age: 18
Apperance: The Village 141477_shiloh-fernandez-in-red-riding-hood-2011
Personality: TBD
(Cillia's brother)

Last edited by Taylow on Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:21 pm

... he's hot *drools*


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Bells Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:21 pm

Sigh again, I wonder if I can sneek my phone to camp....Hm...

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:26 pm

Is cillia's picture showing up for you guys? Because she's not showing up for me and I wonder if I need a different pic.

Yes xD he is hot ella haha

Bells...just don't get in trouble xD


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:34 pm

yea, I can see the pic
*steals hot guy*


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:38 pm

Hahaha shall we start then? I'm slightly bored and looking for a distraction that I don't need.


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:39 pm

O.o I will be a slow responder, but sure ^.^
you first


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:43 pm

Right then. Let the games begin.


The day was cold, long. Cillia hated these days the most. It was days like this that set a mist in the wods that surrounded her village, making it more eerie than it already was. The groans that echoed from inside sending chills down her spine. She prefered the days of summer, that were warm, filled with life. She clutched her basket tighter, walking to Peter to bring him his lunch.


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:58 pm

Artemis walked quickly through the village, the chilly night air sinking down to her bones. She shivered and let her hair fall and cover her face, picking up her pace.


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:04 pm

Peter was walking back to find Cillia so she wouldn't have to come to the forest edge. He was to sit in the tower that night. He was wearing a yellow cloak, the safe color. He turned to look behind him, and ran into a girl by accident. "Pardon." He said as he helped her up. "I'm sorry."


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:06 pm

Artemis shook her head and brushed herself off "it's alright, the fault is mine. you okay?"


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:12 pm

"Ah, yes. Yes I believe I am." Peter watched her carefully. "Why are you out here? You should be inside."


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:16 pm

"mother and father are having a.. disagreement. I was asked to leave the house for a while" Artemis replied, her voice soft


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:21 pm

Peter eyed her for a moment. "Come on. It's not safe to be out." He gently led her back to town. Seeing Cillia up ahead he waved to her and smiled. "Sister!"
Cillia came rushing forward. "Peter, what are you doing? You're suppose to be at the tower."
"Cristian offered to stay while I come get the food from you."
"Well, lot of good that d-" Cillia stopped and looked at Artemis.
"Ah, yes. Um, Cillia, I was wondering if you could take her with you back to the house. It's not exactly a good idea to be wandering around the fields a-" The bells sounded in the distance, cutting him off. His face went void and he grabbed them both by the hands, pulling them towards town. "Go, get inside, close all the shutters and doors." He let go of their hands and dashed off to get a little girl that was standing there shaking. Cillia took Artemis's hand and ran with her towards her house. "Come on."


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:29 pm

Artemis obeyed, knowing all too well how serious this was "what about your brother?" she huffed, tripping over her skirts "will he be okay?"


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:33 pm

"Yes, yes of course he will." Cillia said, though her voice was tight. The boarders were breached. They haven't been breeched in years. She pulled Artemis inside, along with any stray children, and rushed them to the family room, pulling up the door to the cellar. "Quickly, get under."


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:40 pm

Artemis obeyed ducking in and helping lower the children in as well. "what do you think this means? if the borders been breached then..."


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:42 pm

"Someone must have crossed into the woods." Cillia said as she made everyone get down, and followed them, closing the door tight over head. She could hear the breathing of the creature, the sound as it's feet rustled the grass, it's claws against the porch.


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:48 pm

Artemis froze, ice filling her at the sound. Her eyes opened wide in fear as she waited for what would happen next. She really hoped her parents had found shelter in time.


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:57 pm

The sound seemed to pass, time crawling by at a sluggish rate. Cillia clung to the kids and Artemis, watching the door. The sound of boots on the wood floor finally made it's way into the house, the door lifting making Cillia cring. Peter's face staring down at them. "Come on, it's alright."


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:04 pm

Artemis nodded, slowly coming out and looking around cautiously "they're gone?"


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The Village Empty Re: The Village

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