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The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Rebel Wolf
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:27 am

Ethan studied her form, the way she carried herself. Then he lunged into her trying to knock her off her feet and get the upper hand. She was smaller, and more agile, but he was stronger.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:28 am

Kaden tucked and rolled away from his lunge, quickly on her feet, aiming a kick to his back, succeeding in laying him flat. She grinned. This was going well...for her.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:31 am

He layed there for a while, letting her feel proud for a moment.
Then he jumped up, did a flip in the air, landing behind her. He grabbed her in a sort of chokehold saying "Well, aren't you a feisty one?"
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:34 am

Kaden was shocked at his sudden move. Great, now he had the upper hand. She tightened her hand on his arms. "You don't know the half." Taking a deep, she dropped and rolled forward, throwing him over her. He was now on the mat, her straddling his chest and pinning him down.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:37 am

Ethan was surprised at how strong she was. Seems like she was a lot more than just another pretty face... He kicked her off, then jumped up. He was a little beaten up, but despite that was smiling at the girl. She was pretty good after all.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:38 am

Kaden actually smiled at him. "I'm Kaden, by the way." Thinking the fight was probably over, she held out a hand to shake.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:41 am

"Name'sEthan you're a good fighter!" I took her smooth hand and shook it. "It's hard to get a good fight these days when you're stuck on level 3." he said.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:43 am

"No kidding! I always spar people that I take out in like a minute. Haven't had a fight like that in far too long. And you're pretty good yourself.: His hand was strong, something she liked. The mohawk was pretty awesome, and so were the tats.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:00 am

Ethan looked her over. She was very pretty, and as she talked her smooth black hair waved. She looked skinny, but he knew better. She was really strong which had completely taken him by surprise. He kept studying her, then realized they were still holding hands. Ethan pulled his hand away, then just said "Yeah. What a bunch of newbies."
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:26 pm

Kaden kinda grinned at him. missing his hand. "Yeah.." She didn't really know what to say. She wasn't really good around guys, expecting fighting them. Awkwardness was usually what happened when she tried to talk to them.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:29 pm

Ethan saw her looking all awkward and almost bust out laughing. " Don't look so tense! You look more wound up than a yo-yo." He grinned at her, trying to make her stop looking so awkward.
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:32 pm

Kaden grinned a little and looked at her feet, her dark hair falling in her face. She knew he was trying to get her to lighten but it was hard for her. She always felt the need to fight guys, not talk. After all the bad things they had done to her, she really wasn't sure how to respond when they were nice.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:35 pm

Ethan's smile vanished. "Hey... are you okay?" He looked at her wondering what was up, but didn't want to push her too hard. "There's nothing really interesting down there." he said, looking at the ground. "Oh wait, a bug! Actually, that's not that interesting either..."
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:39 pm

Kaden looked back up and studied him for a second. "Um, I'm good." She gave him a little smile and started to shuffle away slowly. He probably had no interest in her anyway and she really wasn't sure how to make things not awkward. She pulled off her t-shirt to reveal a black tank top. She really wanted to look back at him, wondering if he would follow, but she resisted.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:44 pm

Ethan shot his gaze back up to see her walking away.He yelled "Hey! What are you doing! At least tell me before you bail!" He ran up to her, grabbed her shoulder and whirled her around, looked straight into her eyes and whispered seriously," You need to talk about it? I got time." She wasn't getting off that easily.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:46 pm

Kaden was spun around, and her fists were all ready up and waiting. She saw that he wasn't threatening her so she quickly dropped them. "Um...yeah, actually...I kinda do.." She didn't really have anything to lose, did she?

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:48 pm

Ethan silently walked over to a spot on the floor, sat criss-crossed on the floor, and put his head in his hands. "Okay. Ready for storytime." he said jokingly.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:52 pm

She sat in front of him, not really knowing how to start. She was just gonna blurt it out. "I have only ever been hurt, used, and raped by guys, so I am really awkward around them. I have never known what it's like to actually have someone like me, and touch me gently. So yeah, end of story." She stood up and started walking away again, really embarrassed now, her face turning rosy.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:58 pm

"She sure has a habit of running off doesn't she?" thought Ethan. He couldn't blame her though. Some people were so...bad to each other.
He contemplated going after her, or just letting her have her space. Of course, being the outgoing person he was, he got up to follow her. He came up behind her, wanting to do something to make her feel better. "Look. I'm not like that okay? I don't want to do those things to you. Don't want to do those things to ANYONE. Just... I'll be here. If you need me. We can practice again...or just talk." He decided to let her have her space now, and headed back over to find someone to spar with.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:01 am

A tear slipped from Kaden's eye as she listened to his words. When she heard him walk away, a few more fell. No one had ever cared about her before. It was a pretty good feeling. She wiped them away and headed outside and into her favorite hideout, a tree in the wooded area close by.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:08 am

Ethan glanced back, and saw her walk away to the woods. Then he stared forward and yelled"Okaaaaay! Anyone wanna fight?!" He wondered if she would actually come back, but pushed the thought back as someone stepped up to spar with him.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:53 am

Red wrote:Fawn: I walked through one of the many halls, and quite some time passed before I met another person. The girl was clutching her wrist, and blood was running through her fingers. Without thinking, I reached into my bag and pulled out some gauze that I kept in there to use as a quick rope if I needed it. I tore off a decent sized piece and tossed it at her.

Phoenix saw a piece of...gauze? coming at her and she caught it in one of her hands, the one covered in blood. She quickly wrapped it around. She wasn't much for words really; she didn't know what to say. Phoenix just nodded at the girl who had thrown her the piece and ducked into the restroom to clean her bloody hands.
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Red Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:09 am

Fawn: I walked past for a while longer before I sighed and turned around. I walked into the bathroom and went to the sink next to the girl and started washing my hands. "So. How's your day going?"

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:30 am

Phoenix jumped slightly when the girl came in. "Um...fine. I guess...." She cleaned the blood off her hands and wrapped the gauze around her wrist.

((could Jake meet Fawn? He's a bit...well pushy and violent...but he's charming)))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Red Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:32 pm

Fawn: I rinsed my hands off, then moved over to get a paper towel. "Really?" I said, sarcastic. "Because it looks to me like you're having one really, really crappy day." I turned and looked at her, waiting for a response.
((Sure. As soon as they leave the bathroom))

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 5 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

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