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The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Rebel Wolf
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:33 am

Gabriel put an arrow in his bow and aimed at a target. He released the area and aimed at several other targets and quickly shooting the arrows and hitting all of the targets he aimed at dead on. His eyes were darker than normal and he had his jaw clenched. He wanted to leave this place badly and knew that that probably wasn't happening. He shot another arrow and then lowered the bow for a minute. Another reason he hated the place was that he was third rank and the best, but they didn't even think about raising his rank. It pissed him off.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:12 pm

Elesa: My time was almost up. About three more hours and they would let me out, giving the normal " If you ever act out again you are going right back in" speech or the "Change your attitude" lecture.
I felt like screaming, but suddenly heard the main door of the detention area open loudly. " Got another one for you" I heard a gruff voice say, while there was also the noise of something dragging across the floor. Or probably someone considering the new weird stun guns they used on us.
"Alright, cell door number five is open," said the bored guard.
I grinned in the darkness," Seems like everyone is getting into trouble these days," I thought, then heard a body get thrown into the cell across from mine. The door slammed, loudly, and I sulked back to my dark corner.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by daughteroflight Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:15 pm

The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Fantas11

Name: Ember
Age: 17
Gender: female
Behavior Problem: depression, cuts
Class: dagger
Rank(1-4): 3
Good or bad?: good for now, might go bad then turn good again

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Join date : 2011-06-21
Age : 31
Location : In my own little Narnia

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:11 pm

Jake lay there for a while, but slowly he stirred. He sighed when he remembered the darkness of the detention cell. His back hurt from being against the wall, but Jake couldn't move a muscle. Jake remembered the weird stun guns they used...and he knew that's what they used on him. Jake sighed again and went to the corner, remembering it would be 24, well more like 22, hours before he got out of this place.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:22 pm

Shaw sat in detention AGAIN. He seemed to always end up here because he never listened to the instructors and always did whatever he wanted. They couldn't stand his attitude and so he was thrown in here so the didn't have to deal with him. He smirked and relaxed on the floor, getting comfortable for the twenty four hours that he would once again spend in here.

Kaden turned a flip, kicked out on her way down, and then landed feet first on the mat, her fists out and ready for an attack. She was good at martial arts, and loved every minute that she spent here. She tended to always watch the guy named James, because he was like the best student around. She would imitate his movements, teaching herself to do them almost as well. One day she hoped to be lucky enough to spar with him.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by daughteroflight Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:31 pm

(where can i jump in on this?)

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:48 pm

(Anywhere you want.)

James felt a tremble of excitement shoot through him as they started to pair people up for sparring. James rocked back and forth on his heels, always ready. A few of the guys almost flat out refushed to sparr him, but the instructor gave them a stern look that promised punishment and one reluctantly did so.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by ShaneColton Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:30 pm

Kaden sighed. She was never chosen to spar with James. Maybe it was because she was a girl and they thought she was weak. This only meant she needed to work harder and prove herself. She would spar with James if it was the last thing she ever did.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:48 pm

James had the guys legs knocked out from under him as soon as the instructor gave the whistle. The guy stayed on the ground and curled into a fetal position. James sighed, annoyed. He knew their were rumors that he was a ruthless fighter, and would somtimes bring someone close to death, but of course he wasn't really like that. With these martial arts, he'd learned self-control and could control and harness his anger. He shook his head as the guy scrambled off.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Guest Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:38 am

Ella: I walked through the empty halls, looking for something interesting to do. Most kids would have been put in a cell, or worse, for doing half the stuff I got away with. Personally, I was pretty sure the headmaster had taken a liking to me, the old creep. Adults could suck it. If they didn't earn my respect, they didn't get it. I sighed in boredom and walked out to the courtyard, looking for someone to talk to. Most kids would be in class, but there were always a few rebels who though they'd be able to get away with skipping. Of course, they usually ended up in cells, but that wasn't the point.


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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:20 am

Phoenix sighed and the instructor said she could go for a bit. She didn't have to be told twice as she practically ran out the door. Phoenix wondered if she would see anyone. Her blazing amber eyes looked around, searching for anyone, anyone at all.


Jake sighed and became so bored. He didn't feel his hunger or thirst; that was something he taught himself. Mind over matter, as usual. He sat in the corner and started to count the time he had been in there.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by daughteroflight Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:07 pm

Ember let out a pitiful sigh as she looked at the many daggers. She sometimes hated going through her class, because everytime she just looked at a dagger, she felt drawn to bring the blade across her soft skin. She barely got through the class last time. With another sigh, she picked her daggers and began to practice throwing them at the distant target.

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:25 pm

Elesa: Time's almost up. Maybe 10 minutes, but I had pretty much lost track of time. I was in the corner again, my hair framing my face, and listened. Next to me in a cell, I heard whimpering and babbling complete with a few crying fits here and there. They wouldn't last long.
On the other side, I heard furious pacing, going back and forth. Hmmm, they sure were energetic. Then the person who had got thrown into cell five, across from me was almost dead silent. I would hear a few movements now and then but that was pretty much it.
Whoever that was probably has been in here before. I remember my first detention, I only had to stay in there for a couple of hours since it was my first time, but it was hell. I suddenly heard footsteps coming in my direction and stood up. The door opened, and the light almost blinded me.
"Finally!" I said aloud. "Ya know ,you should really start cleaning this place up." The guard said nothing, and threw me outside. I stalked off, glancing around for something to eat. The cells sure does make you appreciate food.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:10 pm

Jake finally broke when someone started to talk and was let free. He suddenly felt the hunger and thirst coming back. couldn't... He banged a fist against the wall, suddenly enraged at their means of punishment. Jake wouldn't have it, he simply wouldn't.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Red Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:12 pm

Hey, can I join this still?

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:13 pm

I'm sure the creator wouldn't have a problem with it...I hardly doubt he'd decline.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Red Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:14 pm

So is that a yes? *confuzzled*

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:17 pm

I'm not the creator...but I would guess so...he usually accepts everyone. Plus, it only has 3 pages.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Red Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:18 pm

Ok then. And go to summer right away! ASAP, eagle XD
I'm gonna make the bios now and if wolfe says no when he gets on ill just delete them

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:19 pm

Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:32 pm

Elesa: After getting something to eat, I ran out for a while enjoying the freedom.
I walked past the martial arts training grounds, awed by the sheer speed and power. One guy, a level 4 obviously, was knocking out other people like it was nothing. I was always impressed with the martial arts team, I even wished I could have been put in that class, but I guess I was better with guns and explosive stuff.
I watched them for awhile, then sat down on a convenient tree stump. There was a girl, one of the younger ones, with colored hair who was looking around for some reason. I looked up at the sky then closed my eyes.
I had better enjoy the outside noises while I had the chance.
Purple Dragon
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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:42 pm

Phoenix saw the martial arts group and narrowed her eyes. Then she saw a loner girl, sitting on a stump and just staring at the sky. Idiot. The light blinded her. She wished suddenly to go inside and as she turned around, one of her smaller daggers cut her wrist. She cussed and went back inside, holding her bleeding wrist.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:28 pm

Elesa: I had my eyes almost all the way closed, but open just enough so I could see.
I watched as the girl gave me a disgusted look then whirl around, cutting herself. I resisted the urge to laugh at her. She probably had that coming. Then I got up, hearing the call for shooting practice.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Red Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:49 pm

Name: Fawn
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Behavior problem: Kleptomaniac (self-induced, for attention)
Class: Stealth (But already is a brown belt in MA, one below black)
Rank(1-4): 3
Good or bad?: Undecided
The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Beauit11

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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

Post by Guest Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:06 pm

Ella: I walked around with a sigh, considering my options. I could easily just go talk to the guards, as most were in their twenties and pretty hot, or I could continue to wander, or I could go to class. I pouted, not really sure what to do. If only someone else was skipping class...

*Hint hint Wink


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The Rose Thorn Acadamey - Page 2 Empty Re: The Rose Thorn Acadamey

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