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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Spiral Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:47 pm

Raylay ignored the gun this weird person was pointing at her, she doesn't look anything like Satan, I've been lied to! "I already said my name, and like i said Ash told me to tell you to come to Kaya's house.....or Theodore told me to tell you to come to Starbucks for a bake sale, I think he was drunk." Raylay said looking around the weird building.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Momo13 Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:08 am

Billi nodded to him and smiled. "This place is kinda hecktic isnt it? When i'm back in momo's brain i only have to worry about not getting lost in Trentas crossfire or kidnapped in survivors teritory or dealing with the Evil!s or something. Here...well it just looks a whole lot more interesting." But she didnt mind it here, it was nice enough. And she could be with Ash without him worrying about her lack of sleep.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Banshee Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:04 am


I gave her a puzzled look. "Is bob the giraffe thing? Happiness was talking about him earlier....he said it eats people...." I asked Jamie.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Ravyn Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:52 pm

Jamie nodded. "Yeah, Bob is a genetically-altered man-eating giraffe. Well, really it eats andbody of the human or humanoid variety. And, er, occasionally leprechauns, not that anyone's sad to see THEM go..... Bob guards The Stereo of Power. Get near it, and you're screwed. Bob will happily have you for a snack." she explained to Ezra.

Ash nodded in agreement. "It is rather hectic in here. But if you know where to go, its relatively safe, i suppose." he said. It could be nice in here. You just had to be careful.

Sin was almost instantly wierded out, but lowered the gun. "OoooKAY then..." she muttered. "I would say that its nice to meet you, but you annoy me. My name's Sin, by the way." she said, crossing the room to a fridge, pulling out a bag of blood, and draining it. She'd been working on her new gun for far too long and hadnt realized how hungry she'd gotten.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Spiral Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:13 pm

"Its nice to meet you Sin!" Raylay said walking around the house, looking at stuff, "So, do you know how to get to Kaya's house, or better yet Disney Land? 'Cause I feel like going to get some groceries." she reached into her cloak and brought out a cookie and started eating.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Banshee Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:50 pm


"Who altered it? And..And why people?!"

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Ravyn Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:22 pm

Okay, im introducing a little something new in here..... Lumen has recently aquired her own brainspace and id like to bring her into this chat, SO...

Lumen: If you dont know her already, Lumen is Freya's half sister (they share a father). Lumen isnt really good or bad, per se. She's still being developed and is somewhat neutral, but tends to lean more to the 'good' side, despite her rather morbid fascinations with death, decay, and blood. She's a year younger than Freya (so she's 16). Her and her sister do NOt get along. Like, at all.... Lumen's about average height, with pale skin and silver eyes like Freya, but her hair is all silver and falls to about mid-back. She loves small knives and enjoys juggling surgical scalpels. She has the same telikinetic abilities as Freya, but hers are slightly weaker than her sister's.

Lumen's Brainspace: Lumen is the mortician for my brain.... her brainspace is a rather grey, perpetually misty, sort of spooky cemetary. Anyone who dies in my brain comes through here. Lumen looks after dead bodies, helps patch them up sometimes if they're still needed, and performs other necessary tasks involving the dead. Feel free to run across her if you wish.

Anyways.... onto a real post now:

Sin was somewhat confused and annoyed at the request. "Yeah, i know how to get to Kaya's place. If you needed to get there so bad, why didnt you just go there? I take it that that's where everyone else went." she muttered. She wasnt too happy about this visitor....

When Jamie couldnt formulate an answer, Kaya spoke up. "Noone really knows who altered it, but the eating thing probably comes from the alterations. We arent really sure what thought train led to the creation of Bob. The only one who might know would be the Librarian, if he could find it in the Archives....." she said thoughtfully. "Actually, we should probably try to go find the Librarian. He could probably help us figure out what's going on and how to get you guys back where you need to be. the journey's kind of dangerous..... but its the only way i can see of getting any information on this unusual phenomenon. Is this all of you, or are there others?" she asked.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Ravyn Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:32 pm

Invisimort wrote:Mr.Face:

"I have had the...Displeasure of meeting the anthropormorphic personification of which you speak." I stated somewhat irritatedly. "And yes...I had...many issues. A veritable menagerie of issues. I am so glad you live somewhere with stable geometry and a roof." I told her.



Noodles were kind of like chips...only without the crunchy and without the potatoes. "MY NOODLY APPENDAGES THANK YOU FOR YOUR PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT!!" I told her congragulatorily.

Too bad manners cheated at videogames, or I would have talked to hiim more often.

Freya chuckled. "Yeah, well, it is more stable in here than in most other places. And there IS a roof...." i said. "Although, really, nowhere in Ravyn's brain is stable. Even in this area where all us characters live, things tend to move around, disappear, reappear in wierd places..... its incredibly irritating. and im pretty sure leprechauns stole my favourite corkscrew. You'd THINK all the threatening would turn them off, but NOOOOO....." she muttered, irritated. Leprechauns tended to hang out around Paranoia or Fear, but they ventured into almost every area of Ravyn's brain and were always plotting evil (and not the GOOD kind of evil either...) or just generally causing trouble. I kept telling ymself to set traps and then i would get distracted with a victim and forget. Oh well....

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Spiral Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:05 pm

"Well I was told that Satan lives here and I was really excited to see him. However after I saw you I was sadden to see you are not the Father of Lies. Well let us go to the bake sale. Raylay started to move to the door then quickly turned towards Sin raising her bat to Sin. "Unless you are just disguised and waiting till I lowered my guard. You will not take me so easily Angel of the bottomless pit!"

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Invisimort Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:03 pm


"Wait. There are still shifts here? And...What do you mean ...'leprechauns'? What are those?" I asked her. They sounded hideous, if they were stealing her torture implements.

I was learning a lot about this place just by listening to Freya rant about it. It was useful.



Ok. I kind of needed a reason to steal a philanthropist I think...or a Philosoraptor...I couldn't really tell the difference...except I think one was bald...and one was a dinosaur with a pretentious accent...maybe.

"I NEED TO STEAL A PHILANTHROPIST." I told the girl in the chair, completely disregarding whatever talking was happening. DIDN'T NEED HIM, HE CHEATED AT VIDEOGAMES.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Ravyn Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:54 am

Freya shrugged. "Nothing in Ravyn's brain ever stays the same. Even though this area is fairly stable, locations of places often change. Like, for example, if you were to walk from one character's brainspace to another, and then tried to retrace your steps, there is a high probablility that even if you retraced your route perfectly, you'd wind up in a different place. Landscapes shift - buildings like to move around and such. And leprechauns are these wierd short little Irish things in green suits that like to cause havoc.... and not the GOOD kind of havoc. The kind of havoc that gets in the way of my evil....." she explained, irritated. "One day, i will round them all up and feel them all to Bob....."

Kaya blinked, startled. "Er, Riddle.... i really dont understand you.... at all. Um.... i dont think you're going to find a philanthropist around here." she said kidn of awkwardly. Kaya was very logical, and liked things to make sense. Riddle.... was the opposite of that. And it kind of scared her.

Sin had a bit of a 'what the hell' moment and was beginnign to regret not shooting the girl on sight. "I am not, nor have i ever been Satan." she informed Raylay. Sin really did not want to leave the comfort of her home to go visit Kaya, but figured that it was a bad idea to have this nut job running around Ravyn's brain unattended. Although, if Bob got her..... no, Sin had better go. She went and quickly grabbed a few of her lighter, more portable guns and some extra ammo in case they were attacked by leprechauns or any of the numerous other dangerous creatures living in here and exited the house, leading the way wordlessly.

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Banshee Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:24 am


This was just...nuts. Geez, Ravyn's brain was so confusing...worse then Gh's. "Is it always this confuzing?"

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Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author - Page 5 Empty Re: Inside The Brain of A Lunatic... Er, Author

Post by Spiral Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:45 am

"I will believe you for now, however I am watching youmFather of Lies!" she put her bat down and followed sin out the door.

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