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Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Wolf of Storms
Team Sherlock
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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Stevie Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:59 am

Megan- "Oooh, okay. Welllll we can go to an ice cream plaaace." I wasn't sure if I could walk... "Uhmmm, you cannn hold me up please? I don't feeeeeel so goood." Damn. I was slurring, stumbling, and making zero sense. He was so cute. I was going to ruin any chance at any kind of relationship. I hated myself for getting wasted in that instance.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:58 am

Derek slowly wrapped his arms around her, holding her up. "If you don't mind me asking, what was so bad it made you get wasted like this?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, curiosity taking over. He was truly curious why she would want to get wasted and what it was about. He just hoped that she would actually tell him. "Which way is the ice cream place, Meg?"
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Stevie Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:17 pm

Megan- "It's that way. Too the right." I pointed to the left, the wrong direction. I was just winning today, wasn't I? And you know what they say about a drunken mind, it speaks a sober heart. So I began: "My ex-boyfriend, was my best friend, and we dated a few times. And IIIIII thought I loved him. BUT HE WAS SO CONCIETED. AND THEN the last TIME I BROKE UP withhhhh hiiiim, he got soooo mad and CALLED ME UGLY AND A BITCH. ANNNND I said that I am sorry for breaking up with him. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO HE DOESN'T WANT ME! He's with some girl. VICTOORRIIAA." I said her name in a sing-song mocking way. Oh gosh how it felt good to get all that out. "And that is WHY I had to get drunk. BECAUSE HE HURT ME. NOT ME. BUT MY HEART."

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:27 pm

"Alright." He started walking in the direction she said. One of Derek's hands moved and gently rubbed her arm. "Maybe you two are better off being with other people. When friends become a couple, normally they don't work out because they don't necessarily have romantic feelings for each other. Also, maybe the two of you are to alike to be together. Maybe you should forget trying to get back together with him and just think about moving on, find a guy that seems decent that you like and go out with him." He glanced at her as they- while mostly he- walked.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Stevie Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:35 pm

Megan- In all my drunkeness, I knew for a fact, Derek was right. Not that I was a conceited bitch, I was far from it, but in ways I was so alike Andrew. And maybe I never had feelings of true love. Maybe I fell for our friendship. I started slurring again, "Thaaanks. That means a lottt." I was so glad he had found me on the beach. Who knows what could've gone wrong if I was there until I was sober and totally coherent again. "Seeeee that place over THERE. That's the ice cream palorrr."

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Momo13 Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:31 pm

Kody nodded and went behind the bar. She was used to the flirting, and was ok with it once she was in her element. "I can handle myself." Tonight was going to be interesting. She wondered who would show. A sigh excaped her lips and she started to check the stock.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:40 am

Jake shrugged. "Just saying."

((bring your charrie in Red. geez i can't remember names...))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Red Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:19 pm

Red wrote:Stasia: I got home as fast as I could and took a nice, calm, relaxing shower. I but on some tight black leggings and a bright, hot pink low-cut tank. I really, really liked Jake. And I hoped he worked out. But really-if it didn't, which when I thought long and hard, there was a decent chance it wouldn't-I still wanted to be able to have some fun. On the way back, I stopped at Scoops and got a small cone, and when I walked back into the club, I was still licking the top.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:41 pm

Derek smiled and glanced at Megan. He was happy that his advice meant something to her, but had a feeling that she wouldn't feel that way about it sober. "You're welcome, Meg. I'm glad it means a lot." He led her over to the ice cream place, Scoops. He sat her down at a table and looked at her. "What do you want, Meg? I'll go get it for you." His eyes were locked on hers.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Avery Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:38 pm

Eagle, you need to watch the one liners...

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Stevie Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:49 pm

Meg- "Well if yooooou're going to get it, HERE'S ten DOLLARS." I messed around with my bag and only handed him seven. "Can you GET me A WATER AND SOME KIND OF BREAD? Thaaaaaanks." I hated that I was wasted. He'd think I was some kind of sloppy drunk. What a bad first impression.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:58 pm

Derek handed her money back to her and went over to order. He got her a burger, fries and a water. He went back over to the table with the stuff and set it down in front of her. "There you go, Meg." He then sat across from her. He watched her and wondered what she was like normally.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:01 pm

((don't even start with me Avery. Don't. Start.))

Jake smiled when she came back in. Now she was in the perfect party attire. "Ready for the party?" He asked her, making sure the music was in the right order.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Avery Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:08 pm

Seriously? Or else what? It just a rule. After all, this is a site to better your writingwhile having fun. One liners aren't exactly bettering your wriing.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:10 pm

Don't mess with me. Actually, this a roleplaying site. Character chatting with other people. I write in real life and am very good. I don't have to write in 2 lines+ all the time.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:11 pm

Eagle, dont fight with avery. You wont win. Also one liners are a no-no.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:14 pm

((You're acting like I started this. I'll do one liners if i want to. Freedom of expression))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:16 pm

Eagle, listen to me now. Spired has made it very clear on this site that one liners are not wanted here. If you have a problem with taht take it up with Spired. I, being a mod, am just trying to get you to follow the rules. Do not get an additude with me, you dont want to get in this fight with me. MK? This is a warning. If you press the subject I WILL go to spired right away. Got that?

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:28 pm

((Freedom of Expression))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:32 pm

-sighs- Do you really want me to go to spired about this? I really shouldnt have to. You sould just have some damn respect for the mods and understand the rules and guideliens. one of the rules/guidelines is NO ONE LINERS! You can easily fix this problem by posting a few more sentenses per post. It will help improve your writing. And dont tell me you dont need to, because everyone does. Even Shakespear would practice writing because even he didnt believe he was perfect at writing. So please, dont make this more difficult then it has to be and listen to me. People have gotten suspened from the site from not listening to mods and the one liner warnings. Do you want that? I am just trying to help you here.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:36 pm

I looked through the rules and guidlines and did not see that. I've read it several times and it's not there. I am a serious writer in real life and I write better. I know I can improve my writing, but that's not what I came here to do. I came here to roleplay. That's exactly what this site is for. Roleplaying. Character chatting. If you or Spired suspend me, that's your loss. I come on here every single day and roleplay with other people. I'm active in this community and if you suspend me, that's totally your loss.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Guest Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:36 pm

Rude to other members: Strike one.
Rude to mods: Strike two.
Refusal to work on one-liners: Strike three.

You're already out of strikes, and I haven't even listed all the things you've done.
You will be suspended for a week, and if you continue this behavior when you get back I will ban you for good.



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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Stevie Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:57 pm

Listen, eagle. Just calm down okay. I bet you're all great writers in RL, but please try to avoid one liners, that goes to everyone. We need to keep the plot going. And if you guys really find it nessicery to fight, d it on your own time.

SORRY SPIRED, DIDN'T SEE YOUR POST. And thanks guys for taking control(: Too much can happen when you leave for two seconds.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Stevie Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:33 pm

smellzlyknirvana wrote:Derek handed her money back to her and went over to order. He got her a burger, fries and a water. He went back over to the table with the stuff and set it down in front of her. "There you go, Meg." He then sat across from her. He watched her and wondered what she was like normally.

Megan- "Tha-nks" I grabbed the water and gulpped it down. It felt so good. I grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them in my mouth. I looked like a pig. But anything to get sober fast. "Soooooo annnnywaaaaay. Why would you want to help someone like ME?" I know I'm a total lost cause. Anyone who wanted to be with me, had to be a total nut. He had to have had more intentions. Gosh, Andrew made me into a paranoid little bitch.

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Red Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:19 pm

Stasia: "Yes! It's gonna be awesome!" Quickly, I looked between Jake and the other girls, then walked over to the DJ stand, it still bothering me.

((So sorry!! I didn't see jake's post before when I looked... oh well... if you're still doing on the site eagle, reply when you can. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOOOP the fighting! Just let it go. ))

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Summer Vacation at it's Finest. - Page 13 Empty Re: Summer Vacation at it's Finest.

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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