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This is Halloween

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:59 am

Shadow chuckled deeply. "Reason why is because memories are painted over your face." He said looking at her. His dark black eyes watched her.

Cassie smiled at him. "Cassie.... call me Cass." She said taking his extended hand. Her hands were freezing and she whispered. "Sorry..."

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:03 am

Amelia watched him, wondering why he had stopped as well. This stranger... She found this stranger rather curious. She took in a deep breath and wiped at any remaining tears. She hoped that when she talked her voice would be calm... "I see. Why did you stop?"

Soda shook her hand. "Nothing to apologize for Cass and everyone calls me Soda since my name is a mouthful." His smile widened slightly and he released her hand. "So if you're upset what made you decide to sit in the middle of the street?"
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:09 am

Shadow shrugged. "Might as well stop and help a girl then walking around by myself for this night." He whispered to her. He smiled to her alittle bit.

Cass shrugged. "It helps I guess." She laughed. She looked at him with a curious expression. "So tell me about you... I havent seen you around her latley."

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:13 am

Amelia watched him and her lips twitched upwards the slightest bit. "Well, that's an awfully nice thing you did. Thank you I suppose," she said, her eyes locked on his.

Soda rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't live around here, I'm just in town for the night." He offered a smile. "What about you?"
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:16 am

Shadow chuckled and shrugged. "Dont mention it." 'Really dont..' He thought with a slight tight smile. He looked at her and was taken back with her eyes. "I like your eyes."

Cass shrugged. "I live right there.." She pointed to the house across the street. The house was decorated like crazy and she felt alone. "Parents are druggies." She said with a shrug.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:21 am

Amelia watched him, staring into the blackness of his eyes. She found them rather cool and wondered if he was wearing colored contacts... She was surprised by what he said and blushed the slightest bit. "Thanks. I like yours too. I've never seen eyes so dark before... Are you wearing colored contacts?" She knew it was a rude question, but she was curious.

Soda nodded as he stared at the house. He felt sorry for her, he truly did. He knew how she felt and could relate the slightest bit. he finally looked back at her. "I know how you feel."
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:28 am

Shadow shook his head. "No...I have black eyes.." he said with a small smile. They flashed pruple and he chuckled.

Cass looked at him with surprize. "Really?" She asked looking at him. She wanted him to understand. Something inside her wanted him.... but she didnt know why. SHe put alittle more space.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:32 am

"Really? Thta's pretty cool. I've never seen someone have black eyes before." She blinked and rubbed her eyes when his eyes flashed purple. She was going to ask him about it, but figured it was either a trick of the lighting or her eyes playing tricks on her.

Soda nodded, his smile fading slightly. "Yeah they were pretty stoned all of the time. In fact, I'm surprised I wasn't born with three eyes or something." Although that would be normal in halloween... he thought.
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:35 am

Shadow watched her. He entered her mind with the shadows and watched her htoughts. All her questions made his night. "interesting.."

Cass nodded and laughed a small bit. She shivered and moved closer to him. "Its freezing..." She whispered.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:41 am

Amelia watched him, her mind racing with questions. Like where had he come from? Why was he here? Could she trust him fully? Is he really a nice guy or just some jerk? So many questions floated through her mind that were caused by him. When he voiced the word interesting she tilted her head to the side. "What's interesting?"

Soda frowned and realized he was wearing a hoodie. He slid it off and handed it to her, figuring he didn't really need it anyway. He never got cold and she was freezing. It was fr a good cause. "I don't think it's that cold out here, but maybe it's just because I'm weird.."
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sat Oct 29, 2011 3:35 am

Shadow shrugged and acted cool. "Nothing really... Just thinking." He said. The thoughts of her were shouting at him like a loud sound. He smiled ot himself and looked at her.

Cess took his jacket and put it on. Her slim waist fit inside the Jacket and she pulled the sleaves to her. "Thanks." She whispered.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:53 pm

Amelia's thoughts continued to spin around in her head as she watched Shadow. She was so curious about the stranger that it was pathetic. She honestly didn't even know why, but he kind of intrigued her. "I see. What's your name?" she asked.

Soda smiled as he watched Cass put on his jacket. He didn't know why, but he found her interesting and kind of liked being around her. "No problem, Cass. I never really get cold and you are cold so the jacket wasn't doing any good to me anyway."
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:15 am

Shadow looked at her and shrugged silently. "People call me Shadow. So call me Shadow. What about you?" He asked looking at her.

Cass laughed softly. Her eyes got huge. "You dont get cold?!?!?!" She asked surprized. Her entire body shivered in the cold and she tightened the jacket around herself.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:23 am

Amelia smiled the slightest bit. "Shadow? What an interesting name... My name is Amelia, but most people call me Mia." She watched him, trying to figure out what his real name could be... After all, he just said that people just call him Shadow.

"Yeah, I don't get cold... Like ever. Maybe I'm part polar bear," he joked and shrugged. "I don't really mind though. And you seem so surprised by this, why?"
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:28 am

"Mia? I like that name." He said chuckling slightly. Only she coudl have the name of the girl who was his bride back in the halloween town. He never loved the girl but the goverment wanted him to be in power.

Cass chuckled and looked at him. "I am surpised that you dont get cold. You arent human!" She joked with him not knowiung the truth.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:34 am

Amelia's smile widened a little more. "Nice to know." She started to think of how it was getting late and how if she was much later her mom would freak out. Even if she was eighteen, her mom still worried about her like she was a kid. "It was nice to meet you, but I should get going," she said softly and stood.

Soda forced a laugh, knowing she was joking although it was actually the truth, he wasn't human. "I guess I'm just lucky. So why are you all alone out here anyway? Like why don't you have any friends with you?"

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:54 am

Shadow nodded and smiled. "Well I hope you have a great night Mia." He said in a smooth voice. "I will see you again." He took her hand and kissed it. He got up and left without another word.

Cass looked down feeling terrible. "I dont have any friend..." She whispered. "I dont want any..." She shrugged feeling more alone now then ever.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:02 am

Amelia was surprised when Shadow kissed her hand and felt her heartbeat spike slightly. She turned, her cheeks growing pink and started to walk toward her home. She was hoping that she would see him again... He was different and she found him interesting. She became lost in her thoughts as she walked.

Soda moved closer and rested his head on her shoulder, hoping she didn't think of him as a creeper. "Why don't you have any friends? Why don't you want any?" he asked quietly. For some reason, he didn't like the idea of her not having any friends.
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:12 am

Shadow walked to the edge of the town. All of the shadows started to swril when he had his hand out. He chuckled a bit and started to get to work on diffrent things.

Cass looked at him and laid her head down on top of his. "I dont know... because I just dont. I dont like many people around me... Ifeel small." She whispered.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:18 am

Amelia was so deep in thought that she didn't see when someone jumped out of the shadows at her, causing her to let out a small scream. Arms wrapped around her and a small amount of fear entered her. She then realized it was he ex and punched him in the shoulder. "Idiot."

Soda smiled the slightest bit and slowly slid an arm around her. "I see. You aren't small, Cass. You seem pretty amazing to me and I don't see why you wouldn't have tons of friends around you for that reason alone," he said. He realized that he was starting to grow attached to this human and thta was a bad thing...
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:39 am

Cass moved closer to him and she blushed even more. She smiled at him and whispered. "Thank you... I think that it is a swee thing to say.. No one ever says that to me." She said in a small voice. Her face turned flush and she looked down.

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:44 am

Soda smiled even wider and closed his eyes. He tried to block out her smile and try to push her out of his mind slightly but it wasn't working. He knew only too well that if he didn't try to detach his emotions from her slightly he would be in trouble... "You're welcome and I'm not sure why no ones said it before because it's true." He opened his eyes and knew that he was already in trouble...
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:54 am

Cass smiled and laughed. "Thats really sweet." She whispered looking up at him. Her face felt hot and she smiled. "No one.... thank you."

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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:58 am

Soda smiled and shrugged. "You're welcome, Cass. Do you possibly know of any places for rent or anything around here?" he asked and tilted his head to the left. He had a feeling that he might just decide to stay...
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This is Halloween - Page 2 Empty Re: This is Halloween

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:03 am

Cass shrugged. "I am living in my house, We have a extra room if you want." She said looking at him. "Do you want to stay there for the night?"

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