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The World of the Fay

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:32 am


Tilting my head a little, I couldn't help but listen to my stomach growl just at that. I may he a daylighter, but I'm also still one of them in that sense. I needed meat, preferably Fay, but...not this one. She'd be my ticket in, my chance at getting I.without question.

"You're fine, " I purred, stepping toward to run a hands across herwings if she'd let me. A bit of a tingle ran through my arm ad I summoned my magic, concentrating on doing an unseen job. If we wanted to get to the city in time, then she needed to fly. She may not know it, but there was the instinct knowledge in her, she just needs to access it, what my magic was for was to help with that.

"Try again."

The Stonekeeper

Finally, we were getting somewhere at last. My eyes continued to watch the sky uneasily, even though I was certain we'd make it. After all, it was Maolmin flying us, not a better beastmaster around here that I knew of. That's why I always come to her when needed.

When we got to the city, that's when the real fun would begin. The new Fay, would need to see the diviner, then perhaps the council. All I had to do though, was get them to the deviner, the rest was out of my hands.

Thank the lady for that.

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:37 am


I jerked back slightly as she went to touch my wings.
They were mine. She could punish me all she wanted, but not my wings.
"Don't!" I begged, staring up at her with wide eyes filled with fear.
She was gunna snap them.
I fluttered them in a fast motion, trying to make it so she couldn't grab them and be forced to hit me instead.


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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:52 am


The flying was... pretty... I could see really far out and... uhm...down... and around and all... and it was like... there wind... and... I wondered if... if... Flying with..with the wings... could be like the same... or... or...

I don't know... It was neat...

I caught a glance over at Mr.Face... that... was... kind of...a...sight....


I hate this.

I hate this.

I hate this.

I hate this.

Remember how I thought that plugging my ears would somehow help? That does nothing for the disruption of equilibrium brought about by being upon some thing with wing joints. Nothing.

And furthermore... I couldn't hear anything. I mean... I could hear the people in the... on the bird... but beyond that there was just a vast expanse of... Internet knows what. Ceaseless... outwardness. Space. Space... everywhere... nothing came back, nothing would come back, I was fully aware at the lack of resonance, and as such didn't even bother trying.

This was utterly nauseating. I may have actually been better off if I had decided to stay on the ground and fend for myself... because this... this... this was... not good.

I realise that I have already stated this but:

I hate this.

It truly is simply THAT horrible that I felt the need to say that more than once. If I felt the need, I would write it over and over again for three entire microsoft word pages, single spaced, size 7, times new roman. It is JUST THAT BAD.


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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:09 am

Face was freaked. all you had to do was put him somewhere outside? Suspend him in air? And he was reduced to this?
and I... had been freaked. God knows I wouldn't admit it aloud, but something about the shedevil...just.... something off... I glare daggers at the back of her head, thinking of all the ways I could unlatched myself, steal my katana back, and kill her in one blow.
I catch her looking over to Face a few times. She sensed fears, that's right. She looked concerned. Hell...I'm sure she'd look concerned even if she knew who he was and what he did. Drake, your girlfriend continues to be a freak. Utterly weird.

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:19 am


I blinked, backing up a little and watching the girl.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I assured her, letting my hands drop to Lu sides. I'm just trying to help, perhaps show you how to better get into the air. You're going to need it if you're going to make it to the city before the gates close. "

Pursing my lips a little I glanced at the sky, than back to the girl. "Speaking of which, you don't have much time.....

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:27 am


I blinked, looking around. "City, where?"
I went up on my toes, trying to see over the gras- WHOA, I was short. Even more so than usual. This was... odd. Huh.

Do you know how many dresses at home I'll fit into now?
Wait.. home... there was no home anymore... I was dead... like Ani...
I stared at her, turning quiet.
She said she wouldn't hurt me, but how was I to know that? Daddy said that all the time. Then I'd talk to much... or let out a prisoner... and...
Course, I deserved it. But still, she shouldn't say things that would become lies. It's wrong.
Unless... she meant it. Would she never hurt me?
"... Promise?" I whispered.

Last edited by };--- Ella Rose on Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:33 am


I dnt hesitate, knowing that I wouldn't have to hurt the girl, at least, not intentionally. "I promise."

Fluttering my wings I rose up a little, pointing in the direction I'd been heading. The suns had already a bit further, a since of urgency settling upon me. It wasn't as if I was in any danger, neither was the girl as ling as she was with me.

Its that way, beyond the flowers." I began, watching her again. "What's your name?"

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:43 am


I gave a small nod, satisfied with her promise. "Good."
Now, to flying, howdo?
I hesitantly fluttered my wings again, eyes widening as I rose off the ground.
Whoa, I was.... hovering. Cool.
My newly gained vantage point allowed me to see over the grass and at the flowers ahead.
"I'msosmall..." I mumbled to myself, flying in circles a few times and flapped my wings in a odd pattern.
I stopped the circles, facing her again with my eyes set forward. Now how do I move-"I'm Cooooooral!" I squealed, shooting forward.
I was flying. My Lollypops, I was flying.


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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:07 pm


I almost laughed, the sight sending an odd feeling of amusement through me. Then I glanced at the sky once again, and chewed on my lip. An annoying habit I'd picked up in the month since the changing. It wouldn't go away though, which annoyed my kin. They said it was a revealing habit, showing when I was upset, or thoughtful, or other emotions like that. Blankness, that is what a proper starlighter displayed. No emotions, no nothing, just.. a blank face.

"We should get going," I began, glancing first to her then pointing in the direction of the northern field. "If you stay out after dark, then I heard some bad things would come get you. I'm not sure about it though, I'm just as new as you seem to be."

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:18 pm

A small amount of fear crept through me at her words.
"Bad things?" I chirped, flying hazardously to her side in an instant.
I knew bad things. I knew a lot of bad things. But I wasn't scared of them, nah ah, no way. They knew better than to hurt me.
Daddy would show them! No one hurts his daughters.
Well... expect for him. But we deserved it.
"I'm not scared." I stuck up my nose and flew around her a few times, shooting toward the place she gestured.
Alright... maybe I was a little scared.


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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:24 pm


I sighed, starting calmly in the direction of the Fay City, paying careful attention to Coral. She would be useful, surely if I traveled with her, no one would ever expect me to be a daylighter. Of course, the daylighters were a closely kept secret, not even many starlighters knew they really existed. We were like the human's myths of fay, something you could hear stories about, but never really know until you meet one.

"Well, you should be." I murmured, putting a hand above my eyes as we flew. "I heard they eat fay, f- we're their favorite snack."

Flinching at the mistake, I carefully composed my face. Hopefully she'd only think that as a mistake because I was new.

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:38 pm


I frowned, flapping a bit harder as my eyes drifted nervously around.
"Lier." I accused, finding the idea preposterous. "Why would someone eat us? We're so small!"
And small we were. The flowers were bigger than me, the flowers! What was I going to wear in my hair now? Maybe Ani could make me som-
And with that thought, my mood dropped.
She disappeared a month back. I remember Daddy's foul mood as he stalked over to the prisoners.
I asked him where Ani was and he...

A fading scar hidden in my hair line twinged at the thought.
Daddy didn't like freaks. Ani knew this; she knew better...
Of course, I never told. Daddy would stick her in a cell for that. Who would brush my hair then? Somehow, she was caught. I took both our punishments that night.
I haven't seen her since, and Daddy doesn't like to talk about it.
It's been a month...

I blinked, staring at a flower as we passed by. Ani loved flowers. I bet she could make one to fit in my hair, if she was here.
But she's not. She's dead.

I fell silent, eyeing each flower curiously as we flew on.


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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:56 pm


I opened my mouth to correct her, to say that it was quite true, that I myself had eaten a few fay in my lifetime. Then I remembered that wasn't possible to speak about. My life, my entire life would be different now. Without my kin, what was I?

Most starlighters never left their home colony, except to hunt for Fay. That was n't often. Even rarer was when a fay would leave to visit the lady, but never was it expected for one to leave. Sure, there were dozens of us among the fay, but it wasn't a job you chose. It was one that was chosen for you. Most hate it, the few I've seen come back are different than when they left.

It's.. just not right to leave your colony.

.....What am I doing?

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:03 pm


O.o I was on an owl...this was just...strange. I spotted Damian, looked like my "teacher" was here...great....did he have to be in all the places I ended up?!

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:24 am

((This is a post from Ende that she sent to me through Skype because she couldn't get on CCR. She also said that we could FF without a post from Tim.


Alright, so Cricket who may or may not be actually here and may or may not be dead, is with me in this possibly-afterlife-possibly-delusion world where we would possibly be fairy/butterfly/things for the rest of our lifedeaths until we died again? ...And I thought the concept of lemonade in a packet was a lot to wrap my head around.

But if this really HAPPENED to be an afterlife, and if Cricket really HAPPENED to be here with me because he might have possibly... died... maybe... then does that mean Peter might be here, too? I felt like Cricket with finding a bright side, but to be honest, being able to hang with Cricket and Peter in a world with wings and sparkles and whatever was a lot better than the place I had just left.

So I wasn't going to rule out that this place could be for real. Because part of me wanted it to be, though I couldn't be feeling more selfish, either... I mean, it's not like I wanted Crick to be dead- not in a million years- but... yeah. You see my point.
Winter Dragon

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:34 am


I watched them for a few minutes, waiting for some kind of agreement in my suggestion, then sighed upon receiving none. Of course, perhaps they weren't as together asI'd taken them to be, it was a lot to go though, dying then awaking. I could..still remember mine. Perhaps silence was best for them right now. Silence and thought.

"We should go now..." I muttered, fluttering my wings to raise myself up. "I wouldn't force you to come, but I'd abide ifmt so to avoid being eaten. "

Thatsaid I turned, not bothering to look back as I started to fly. If they followed, they followed.

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:49 am

The Stonekeeper

The city itself doesn't look to imposing from the outside. The black gates are set into the entrance of the large cave, the brown and blacnk stone raising up farther than most Fay would dare to fly. If they did though, they'd know that at the top the cave dips inwards, the ceiling melting away to reveal a hole in just the right spot. It's enough to let in the sun during the day, and enough to be guarded in all times of darkness.

As we drew closer to the gates I took note who was on duty, and sighed as I realized it was two of the sorry excuse of a guard that tended to be stuck out here anymore. They didn't even say a word to us as we went through, only chatting amount themseleves and staring at the trees.

"When we stop," I began, wanting to spend as little time with them as possible. "You're going to want to find the diviner, Blair. She can tell you all you need to know. She'll most likely be at the council building, most of the important things go on there. Its not too far away from the stables, and easy walk if you pay attention to how to get there.

That said, I waited patiently till we landed, then began to unstrap myself as quickly as possible. Did I mention my dislike for riding birds? I don't like to..but I often have to. When I was out of them I stood, dismounting as glancing arouns.

"Its that way. " I grumbled, gesturing in the direction the building lay. "I guess I could show you if I must."

Last edited by BUBBLES <3 on Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:07 am

The Beastmaster

I dismounted from Tohl and crossed over to Jyon's passengers.

"Oh, and I should tell you," I said after Stonekeeper spoke, "this'll be the only free ride you'll be getting. I cut you some slack since you're new, but I'll require compensation next time!"

I had to feed my animals and myself, after all. Then there was also upkeep of equipment and staying clothed. Those things were definitely important. Stonekeeper was the exception; his profession called for a lot of travel through the fields, and it was an important profession enough that I never charged him. Plus, having to pay for tons of trips would really stink if there was nothing you could do about it.
Winter Dragon

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:27 pm


Hopping down off the owl, I landed shakily and stumbled a bit. I had wings but they took some getting used to, not to meantion the fact that I hadn't /had/ them before this. One minute I had been dead, the next minute, poof... wings...

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:40 pm

Chelsea jumps down, not so much as looking at me or Drake. /Someone's/ PMSing or something...
I unlatch myself, jumping off the bird and landing neatly. Wings were more of a pain for acrobatics. They weren't flexible like a cloak, and mostly of the time, I tried to keep them lax behind me. Too weird of a change.
"Airsick, Cox?" I ask Will, noticing him stumble in the corner of my eye. "That's bloody unfortunate in this life, isn't it?"

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:37 pm


"Shut the hell up Damian. I don't need your smart mouthed comments," I grumbled, glaring at him. Regaining my balance, I crossed my arms in front of my chest defiantly. "I don't get airsick."

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:33 pm

(('Nother post from Ende sent via Skype.))

That sounds like a pretty straight forward choice. Fly or die. I love options that rhyme. And since I really didn't feel like being a sidedish for whatever wanted to make me a delicious snack...

I started expermimentally fluttering my wings, assuming Cricket didn't wanna die, either. Buuut it wasn't happening... apperently this flying thing is a little tricker than I thought

"Um... how do you exactly do that...?" I asked sheepishly, not wanting to ask for help but willing to sacrefice a little bit of pride in this instance.
Winter Dragon

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:45 pm


We landed... and I spent a few minutes untangling myself from the straps I'd apparently done a good job of tying myself down with...I heard Will and Damian start arguing... which... I couldn't say... that I hadn't been... expecting... but uhm...


And I heard the lady say that this was the last free ride...but... I mean... didn't we all have...wings? Couldn't we just...?


I felt it the moment we hit the ground, and was immediately pulling the straps away, completely ignoring whatever damage had been done to my pants by the tightness of the straps.

I could have hugged the ground. Literally. Clearly I wouldn't because... that's just not terribly dignified is it?

And... and since we were back on solid land... albeit, ceilingless solid land... This meant that we were going to be arriving at indoors shortly, which quite frankly.... could not arrive soon enough. I wanted to be able to actually see properly again.

...Not to mention... then I wouldn't feel like there was a hideous gaping expanse of nothingness continuing out into infinity above our heads.

I heard both of our guides speak, and decided that I was never traveling about out here again, so compensation for any further services was not something pertinent to me.

I also overheard an argument going on between two others who apparently had been ...flying... with me. Best to just ignore them for the moment, and disembowel them brutally later if it proved to be a persisting noise pollution issue.

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:21 pm

...He's at it again... God damn.... Couldn't he just...shut up for three seconds?!
The blind one lands near me - unusually tall, weird, and pasty. Though completely bleached skin wasn't anything new to me, and usually everyone normally was taller than me. So...there wasn't much of a difference for me. "Do you need help until we get into more stable areas?" I ask hesitantly, semi understanding. I had my times of blindness, but all times inside with flat surfaces and unchanging surroundings...
Damian, I saw from the corner of my eye, was then ignoring the other one he had commented to and all eyes on me again. Despite all the times I've been supervised and watched, I didn't ever like when he studied me...

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The World of the Fay - Page 4 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:35 pm

The Stonekeeper

I sighed, studying the two who'd been arguing, then turning my attention back to the others as well. There wasn't time for this. I wanted to get home, and rest my wings for a little while. It'd been quite some time since I'd had any decent rest, so excuse me for being a bit cranky.

"If you two are done, we shall continue on our way. If not, you could always stay behind, I'm sure the guards would be happy to feed some annoying newbies to the starlighters." I grumbled, glancing at Maolmin before starting to slowly fly in the direction of the council building.

"Nice seeing you again Maolmin," I muttered, brushing hair out of my eyes and turning away. "It's been awhile, I'll try stopping by again soon."

I needed to do that, it was so easy to just isolate myself and forget about my friends, after all, my calling asked me to be away from the city where most fay lived, and strange as it sounded, I hated being away from people as much as I hated being around them.

"Should only be a few minutes to the building, there's a roof there." I added in, for the face dude's benefit.


I gave her an apologetic smile, realizing this probably was something I should have explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I murmured, quickly dropping back down and watching her. "It's simple really. Just flutter your wings fast, and try to erm.. keep yourself steady... and jump into the air."

As I spoke I realized it was a bunch easier to do than it sounded, and of course since I'd been doing it so long, I was having issues explaining exactly how to do so.

"Just imagine you're jumping off of a high object, if it helps, climb one of those flowers or something."

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