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The World of the Fay

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Cairo Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:37 pm


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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:21 pm

Name: Carrie
Age: 17
**General Appearance: erm I have a splitting headache so yeah uhm dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, olive skin, curvy, kinda short blahblahblahblah
Wings: The World of the Fay - Page 5 Screen10 (also what she looks like) Grey uhm....stuff between the wing bone thingers
Light color: Misty gray
How you died: Boyfriend thought she was cheating and shot her
Ability - (this is optional, I don't care if the abilities are given this chat, we'll just see how many people want them or don't) she can feel others physical pain (Can't control it too well)

Name: Nico
Age: 19
**General Appearance: Shaggy brown/black hair, pale, Grey eyes, tall, skinny but relatively muscular, slightly crooked nose
Wings: The World of the Fay - Page 5 Dark-b10
Light color: Blue-black
How you died: OD'd on uhm....something >.<
Ability - (this is optional, I don't care if the abilities are given this chat, we'll just see how many people want them or don't) Nuthin, brand spankin' new to the fairy world

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Join date : 2011-12-12

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:36 pm


I heard someone offer me assistance. I tilted my head, hopefully appearing as though I were actually looking at her. "And how do you propose that you could be of any assistance?" I asked her.

Not that it would be unwelcome if she could in some way assist. Not unwelcome in the slightest.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:46 pm

"Leading. Letting you know of any obstacles," I say, biting my lip slightly. Damian...stop...staring...little punk...
I'm never giving your stupid sword back...

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:11 pm


"Somebody want his Katana?" I smirked, looking down at Damian. "Wittle punk miss his blade?" I said, clearly none of us had our weapons anymore. The little brat had carried that thing everywhere.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:23 pm

I blink out of watching the supposed good girl talking to a man slaughterer, look over at Will a moment, blankly. I wasn't concerned about my sword, I was getting it back. No doubt about that.
"...You must seriously have a learning disability if you're just commenting about that now. What I say now isn't going to make any fucking sense to you until an hour from now, probably," I say coolly, crossing my arms.
I smirk at him then, walking on to follow the big guy. "Besides," I say over my shoulder. "I don't need my sword to cripple you for life. I can do it from right /here/." When we already had to be five yards apart.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:21 pm


I contemplated turning her down for a moment, simply because I valued my own independence... however... Not being able to actually... hear anything properly because of the lac of enclosed space kind of made that... a moderately stupid thought.

I held out a hand towards her voice. "Thank you. I will no longer require your services once we are in an enclosed space however, just so you are aware." I stated.


...Mr.Face was accepting help from some lady... weird. I hadn't known before today that he was really scared of anything.... he always seemed to be like... invincible and... scary...

But.... apparently, the sky freaked him out. ...even then though... uh. He still creeped me out...and made me think of bad things... and... yeah...

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:29 pm

I give a slight smile, even if he couldn't see it, gently taking his hand in mine. "I understand," I say with a nod and turn to lead him in the direction the Stonekeeper was going, giving little words of warning at a stray rock in the path or any noticeable variations in the semi level ground.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:46 pm


You know, it sounds idiotic, but I was a bit surprised to look over my shoulder and see wings. Sure, I'd been fretting over the fact for a long while now, but part of my mind didn't honestly believe that they were there. Like when you think you hear someone calling your name, but know that it's just your imagination. Then you look around, and--

And oi my my! I had butterfly wings. Imagination, pft! " . . . what th' 'ell!" I muttered, whirling around for the hundredth time in an hour to inspect them. A hint of blue, a hint of some orangey color, and on top of that, I was glowing gold like a little lightning bug. "This doesn't 'elp with th' whole 'looks like a girl' thing. Ah, lovely! I've got eyelashes, and wings t' flutter around all dainty like! What's next, a little fairie manpurse t' carry my pixiedust in? Oi my my . . . 'ere goes nothing." At least they weren't pink.

I looked up at the sky, testing out the flutter-- ah, movement -- of my wings. They were wide enough to catch the air pretty well, actually, like when you stand in a high place and hold out your jacket to catch the wind. Except these were attached to my back, and reached out past my fingertips. That, and I was far from a high place. I was three inches tall. And after a moment, I sprung into the air, flapping them as fast as I--

Oops. I stumbled back to the ground, shaking the failure off. Time to try again. This time I swept up into the air, a bit clumsily at first until I could steady myself. And then, I was flying, bobbing and hovering up next to the rooftop of flowers, grinning like an idiot. "Waitpardon! Oi my my, this is-- hah! WHOOOO!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:16 pm

The Stonekeeper

I glanced at the group, then back to the gates as I ran a hand threw my rust colored hair. Just then, a figure stepped out from the gates, talking to one of the guards. A bit of relief ran through me, a smile touching my lips. Now I wouldn't have to talk to the idiots. The man took his place, the other guards filing back threw the black gates, glancing nervously at the almost black sky.

"Logan." I called out, stepping forward and gesturing for the others to follow me. "I have a group here, newborns."

Logan raised a brow, glancing from me to the others with a bit of surprise, the look quickly melting into a good-natured smile. "Well, then by all means, go in. It wouldn't do for anyone to be out in this, that goes double for newborns."

His eyes traveled over the group, then flickered away from them to the skies beyond. A bit of worry reflected in the look, and frowned. He was probably looking for Rhiannon, his soulmate. His eyes went back to mine, and I gave him a short smile. "She'll be here."

He sighed, glancing past us again, still worried. "She needs to quit doing things like this, staying out till the last drop of light."

I nodded, starting through the gates as I glanced at the sky myself. The suns were now on opposite sides of the horizon, most of the area around us covered in shadows, something that was unsettling in this almost constantly sunny world.

"She'll make it, she always does." I replied, and he gave me a nod, eyes going back to the skies.

Starting into the tunnel I felt my wings flutter nervously, no matter how many times I went thought it, I couldn't help the slight bit of fear that washed over me. I hate the dark, more than most Fay, a fear that followed me from my old life. I had even more reason to hate it now, which was all the more reason to avoid it. The tunnel was rather dark, and it didn't matter what time of the day it was.

The long, stone surrounded path ran about a hundred yards, light peeking out from the end. The city itself was built inside the stone, a large hole in the top allowing light to leek in during the normal daylight hours. It was almost like a huge cave, with the city sitting in the only cavern.

"Keep together," I muttered as we got close to the exit into the city. "Don't want you getting lost."

Stepping out of the tunnel I quickly glanced around, taking in the almost empty, cobblestone streets. Some fay were walking around, most likely waiting for last minute arrivals through the gates. Once again motioning for the others to follow me, I started down the road, glancing back and forth between the houses which ranged from simple cabin like structures, all the way to extravagant mansion like things.

"Shouldn't take long to reach the council building," I called back at them. "Ten minutes at the most."


I chuckled, glancing back at the boy with amusement before starting on my way again. I was pretty sure they were following me, I mean, even newbies had to understand the fact that when I say being out at night is bad, I mean most who try it end up dead. Not all, but you have to be pretty skilled to survive it.

It didn't take us long to reach the city, I hadn't gone far from it because of the late time. Glancing regretfully at the flowers behind me, I figured escorting a couple of newborns into the city would make up for lacking an anniversary present. Outside the gates I immediately spotted Logan at the guard post, a bit of a frown finding my lips.

"I thought you didn't have to work toni-" I began, and was cut off as he stepped forwards and swung me into a hug.

Laughing I let him spin me around, then sit be back down, light kiss touching my lips as our lights flickered into existence at his touch.

"Don't worry me like that." He muttered, eyes staring intently into mine. "You're late."

"And you aren't supposed to be working." I responded curtly, glancing at the two newborns. "Have you forgotten what today is?"

"I didn't forget, I was waiting out here for you... Who are they?"

"New fay."

"Another group?" He asked surprised, taking another look at them and noting the lights.

"Wait, another? Has one already gone through?"

He nodded, gesturing at the gate, "Yeah, about a half-an-hour ago. Heading for the diviner I think. You should probably take them there as well."

I frowned, glancing from him to the other guards. "I will, but you better be home when I get home, or else."

"Or else what?" He teased. "You'll lock me out?"

"Maybe, or maybe I'll just go to bed, and forget all about out special evening."

He sighed, shaking his head and gesturing towards the gate again with an entertained look. "Go, I'll be there, I promise."

"Good." I replied, motioning for the two fay to follow me as I started into the gate. "See you then."

"Don't wander off," I instructed the newborns as we walked through the tunnel. "It would take forever to find you. The city is bigger than it looks, a lot of confusing twists and turns in the roads."

When we reached the inside I automatically started up the road towards the council building, no need for wasting time.

Last edited by Bells on Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:26 pm

The Beastmaster

"Well," I said to the new Fay group after we made it through the tunnel, "this is where we part. If you're ever in need of transportation, ask around for Maolmin's shop. See ya!"

I climbed back onto Tohl, waved at them over my shoulder, and rode away to the city stables with Jyon following behind. Now to get some rest in a nice, soft bed... Saddles did get uncomfortable after a while.
Winter Dragon

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:36 am

Ah... dead or hallucinating or whatever, I wasn't wild about the idea of flinging myself off of something to trust new wings that I could barely get to twitch, thank you very much. In fact, I trusted them even less than a cardboard set of wings I made a while back. They were pretty, too, at least to me at the time. Purple paint and a couple of haphazardly glued on feathers. I just wanted to fly, that was all... er... and wound up with a concussion instead. Good times, good times.

I didn't say any of that out loud, though, just standing in silence, trying to find a nice way to tell the lady that I was going to find a way to walk there, because there was no way I was flying.

...And then... Cricket learned to take off. I whirled to face him again when he gave his triumphant call, and saw him fluttering about like he sorta knew what he was doing. ...Oh come on, no fair... ug... well... I couldn't just let Crick learn to fly and not learn myself...

Reluctantly and almost irritatedly I begun to flap my wings, though that got me nowhere. Then I took her advice and got a little altitude- just a tiny jump, and suddenly found myself clumsily hovering. Oh my gosh, this really wasn't a ripoff?! These things work like this?! I had a near spill but kept going on, fluttering as hard as I could until I flew up to Cricket, lacing my hand in his.

Our lights instantly became almost blinding, but I figured that was just what happened when two people with the glowing stuff touched, and paid it no attention as I followed Rhiannon.

((That okay? Figured I needed to post, but body getting used to switching from getting too much sleep to this much >_> brain is a tiny bit eggs. And I'll post for Tim soon, and say he's just been in shock and whatnot.))


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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:11 pm


We continued walking and then suddenly... I could see again. Admittedly the ceiling was some... distance above me, but that wasn't important at all. The important fact to take away from that was that THERE WAS A CEILING HERE.

I immediately felt much... safer here. In this... I think it was a tunnel. Sounded like a tunnel. Made of some kind of densely packed earth or stone, the technical bits didn't really matter to me at this point, honestly, it could have been made of 100% drywall at this point for all I cared... As long as it was something with a ceiling.

And that it was.


We walked into a tunnel... which was kind of big...and dark... Mr.Face seemed happy about it though... He got all like... how he usually is... and... and... like... smiled.

It was probably the ceiling, I figured... he seemed kind of... really freaked out... when there was no ceiling.

I just went following the people in charge, and trying to get Mr.Face to not notice that I existed... now that he could hear us all or... or whatever he did...

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:38 pm

The Stonekeeper

I continued to make my way down the road, carefully making sure that the newborns were behind me. As hoped, I manged to keep from attracting too much attention, the others too concerned with the approaching darkness to care what I was doing with a bunch of lit up Fay.

"There," I called over my shoulder when we reached the tall, stone building that housed the council. "I'll leave you here, just.. walk inside and take the first hall on the left, then the first door on the right. There should be a women inside, named Blair. She'll know what to do with you."

I gestured towards the council building's front door, then turned my back to them and started walking towards my home. Finally.


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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:46 am


Well, At least he had the decency to drop us off somewhere with a ceiling. I went inside immediately relieved to hear the walls... and the ceiling... It was so nice and smooth, and stone... Stone handled vibrations well, so I could see quite clearly now. Who cared where the guide went? It didn't matter so long as I had these ceilings.

I waited more out of politeness than anything for the rest of the group prior to proceeding anywhere.


The guy... who knew stuff about things and what was going on, and all that was leaving. That... Was a little bit... scary, I mean... we were all alone, in front of some big building... and all we had were directions to go find some lady... some lady we'd never met. ...What if we got lost? Or... I don't know... Eaten or...something? What if she was a psycholady?

Mr.Face seemed pretty not concerned about it, and walked right into the building... he kind of had to duck his head at the door... but...It might have just been that there were nice ceilings inside for him or something...

Part of me felt like I should follow him inside, and part of me felt like I should wait for someone else to go in first, because... I just... didn't really want to be alone with him all that much...

I glanced at the rest of the people with me nervously, " we...?" I asked hesitantly.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:04 pm

I hang back slightly, arms crossed still, and watch Turrow hang back a moment while Face freaks out about a building. Alright then.
She fidgets slightly, a hand running up her arm and her wings fluttering nervously as she walks in afterwords, not looking back to me or to Drake. With my sword. Moody bitch...
"Don't get left in the dust, Cox," I say to him, giving a small smirk before walking up to the door too. "Come on, skipping record. Stop stuttering and walk..." Sheesh, is it so hard to follow directions...

( T.T ....*coughcough* hypocrite....)

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:43 pm

Will glared at Damian, following though. "Who are you to give others orders?" He said, he could understand him at least...not that he liked it...but T.Mor?

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:50 pm


I didn't actually know what a record was, but I figured he was talking about how I talked... sometimes... and... That was kind of... rude. I mean... I couldn't... really... control how... how I talked...

"... ...sorry..." I mumbled.

I heard Will respond to him as I... looked at the floor and went into the building... I didn't know why he was going to pick a fight like that. It wasn't going to accomplish anything except yelling... so. yeah.

We were inside the building then, where Mr.Face was waiting for us already... a creepy grin on his...uh... I guess it's still technically a face... "Everyone else. Fantastic. I'm continuing as we've been instructed now, you all can follow as you wish... or not, I don't really care. " He stated, before just walking off to where that guy had told us to.

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:02 pm


Well, this certainly was news. The last Fay, a couple of them, had been years ago, before them a few centuries of no births. This had to mean something, didn't it? After all, how could there be nothing for so long, and now a whole group at once. Yes. Something was happening, I didn't know what yet, but I had a feeling we'd know before long.

We exited the tunnel a few moments later, stepping into the now very dim city. Stone stretched above us almost as far as you could see, except for a small opening towards the top. Ten fiery torches were lit, circling the entrance. The starlighters would have a hard time fighting there way through there, even if the diviners didn't already have protection ward up to protect us.

I quickly led the newborns down the cobblestone street towards the tall council building towards the middle of town.

"Just stick by me, I'm not sure who will be in the diviners quarters, hopefully Blair, but you never know. If it isn't then most likely it would be Caycee, who can be kind of.... enthusiastic about things. She's a bit.. overwhelming at first."

That said I opened the door for then to enter the hall, a small frown tugging on my lips as I spotted several lit fay walking the hall before us. Could that be the other group of newborns? Surely they'd already seen the diviner by now....

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The World of the Fay - Page 5 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:32 pm

Two others? Short stuff and her guy-pal. Well, this would be annoying... Nothing like some hyper thrown into this drab group. We died. Who the hell cares? Would have happened some day, and getting pixie wings certainly couldn't be the worst these people had imagined for themselves...
I just wanted my damn sword.

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