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The World of the Fay

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:28 am


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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:45 am

Name:Timothy Drake
Age: Er...Ialwaysforget. 15ish...?14? Around there
**General Appearance: Black hair and blue eyes
Wings: The World of the Fay - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnX_CkKuKPS2We-MEVUMeiyqprVrzJUByGVe1Mvx1rPsjFJI16Ig only a little less transparent
Light color: Red. But not a harsh red, more like... soft orangish red.
How you died: er... TBD
Ability - The power to annoy Endellion to no end? >_> The power to nerd out and technobabble at inconvenient times?


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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:44 am

The first thing I notice when I open my eyes is the sun, filtered through a curtain of white. Next thing is the total and complete absence of pain. It's... amazing, really. Nothing shattered, nothing broken. Just like I had woken up from a peaceful nap.
But... I haven't. Duh. So what happened, exactly? After I stopped breathing, after I stopped screaming... er... what? Had they patched me up for another round of physical and emotional torture? Surely not- I was outside, like the sun told me. I wasn't even shaking anymore... so... something's up.

I sat up, pushing the white curtain from my face and rubbing my eyes. This... this definitely wasn't any sort of Hunter academy or headquarters or whatever. It was beautiful...

I was never sure exactly where I stood on the topic of an afterlife, or religion itself for that matter. I suppose if I had to have a label it would be agnostic- unable to prove or disprove the existence of a higher power. Granted, I was probably leaning more towards the side of atheist than theist, though I had never been sure.

Now... I was simply confused. Sitting dumbly on a rock, I looked around, still trying to wrap my mind around the facts. Trying to keep my brain on the more logical side of the emotion to logic spectrum kept me from losing it over the inevitable fact that I had not survived. The shock, the dispair, the denial... I supposed it was all coming, but for the moment, I was nothing but numb. And I was grateful for that.

Now, back to the facts. If this was indeed some kind of afterlife, where was it? I thought back to the religions I had covered last year in an AP class. The Christian concept of Heaven? The Islamic Jannah? The Hindu Swarga Loka? Hm... I suppose it could be the evil counterparts of any of them, too, but the place was too breathtaking to be any variation of the firy pits of Hell... I felt a mild spasm in my back as I contemplated. Then another small back spasm finally had me glancing backwards. Really, it wasn't a spasm, per se... it felt more like a twitch. A twitch of-



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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:15 pm

The Stonekeeper

I nodded to myself, deciding that enough time had passed for the newborns. Fluttering my wings I flitted out of the trees, lightly landing on a blade of grass and studying them only a moment longer.

"Welcome." I began, meeting the eyes of each in turn, except for the eyeless one, that one was strange. "You probably have many questions, and I can answer most of them, but it isn't my job. All I can tell you is this, you are no longer what you once were, and you no longer will live as you once did. This is the World of the Fay, and that is what you have become."

Fluttering my wings for a moment longer I paused, letting that sink in. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, it is time for you to travel to the city, the council hasn't been informed of your arrival, but they will be pleased to greet you in any case."

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:34 pm

And then some prick, all coolcalmcollected, decides to show his face. And he has the nerve to /welcome/ me to this Hell hole! AGH, he's more annoying than Grayson in politeness!
God...damned... bristling... wings. I didn't have damn wings. Fucking irony really loved me apparently. BIRD was different than BUG though. I wasn't some stupid fairyboy! Drake, sure! The homo looked perfect with them! I. Will NOT. Accept. This. INSULT.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:59 pm


"Will there be ceilings there?" I asked suddenly, That was far more pressing of an issue than whatever else was going on about getting to a city or being whatever a "fay" was.

I am fully aware that he didn't claim to be the one with the answers from questions. But that was inconsequential at the moment, as I really needed to know about the ceilings. That was important.

And at an exponentially smaller degree of importance, I had to figure out what exactly was attached to my back, and how to get it off.

And then I realised that there was some imbecile yelling at the man at the same time as I was trying to ask a dignified question.


Some guy was talking to us about erm... going to some city...and being...erm...whatever it meant to be something called a "fay".

Also... if... If my life is not going to be like how it was... then... That would be good...Probably...

I mean... yeah. ...Uhm.

I heard Mr.Face ask about ceilings while some guy was yelling about getting an explanation. And then it hit me. Mr.Face was here.

...With me.

Dead. ...or...something.

How did he end up dead? Or... whatever? I didn't know, I just kind of wanted to avoid him. I stared at that guy who knew stuff, and erm... kind of waited for directions on how to get to the city he was talking about...

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:08 pm

The Stonekeeper

Oh, that child was yelling, loudly. Well, I'd seen worse, you didn't get stuck with escorting the newborns to the city without running into a few annoying ones. Still, he would quickly grow irritating. But I wasn't the type of Fay to just say, accidently lead an annoying newborn to the starlighters, oh no, I would never do that.

Of course the only other one to speak was that eyeless man, the question almost lost among the annoying child's yelling.

"Calm down." I muttered, then began a bit louder. "As I said, in order to gain any knowledge of your situation, I advise you come with me to the city to speak to the council. My job isn't to tell you of everything, just to lead you."

I paused, remembering the eyeless man's question. "The council meets in the hall, so yes, there will be a ceiling upon reaching it."

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:16 pm


...Upon reaching it.

That wasn't good enough. Not nearly good enough. That... that was outright unsettling.

"Are there any more... immediate ceilings perhaps?" I asked hopefully. The sound of not having reverbrating sounds from a defined enclosed space was slowly... Who am I kidding, there was no ceiling. There was no ceiling and nothing bounced back and it was horrible.


I kind of had to wonder what was up with Mr.Face... he was never like this at work... It was...weird...

I kept paying attention to what was happening so that I would know...erm...what was...happening.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:34 pm

Ugh, this was horrible. I just wanted to disappear into this rock from Damian's outbursts. He's got no freaking filter! Can't believe I had to be associated with him! I peak down at him over the lip of the stone I was on, his rock slightly lower than mine. Hmm...
I've glided before, being Batgirl. It wasn't so hard, when you got the knack of it. And then flying...was just a step up from that, wasn't it? The guy made it look easy enough. Just sort of...flap... Whatever. Trying and falling is worth shutting him up. And he's distracted by the guy's avoidance of his question, if you could count it that.
My knuckles turn white though as I test out the movement of my wings. It weird... And it all just reinforced the fact that /I didn't go to bed last night/. So... gliding... That thing I normally do in life in recent months. Why am I suddenly frightened to do it now?
Stupid girl. Don't be so damn weak...
I grit my teeth, frustration at myself causing me to just do it. Leaning forward to go through space, opening my wings slightly too fast which jars me slightly, but still...gliding. Didn't get easier, tha'ts for sure. Wasn't about to attempt flying yet, my nerves still lacking for that.
He's still shouting obscenities at the poor guy, so he doesn't notice me land silently. Jeez, besting the 'assassin boy'. I frown down at him, picking up the solid sheath of his katana and wielding it like a bat.
You, child, have no idea how long I've wanted to do this....
Poof. Out like a light again. Damn devil child...

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:43 pm

The Stonekeeper

And just like that, the annoying kid was out. Well, that was certainly a relief. "Thankyou." I told the girl, fluttering my wings again and glancing at the eyeless man.
"No, I'm sorry, but the only buildings for miles are the city buildings." Unless you wanted to visit the starlighter city, which was only about half an hours journey from here, but I'm sure no one would want to travel there.
"So, as I've said, we should get going. If all of you would attempt flying, this trip will go much smoother. In the air it's about a day's fly, on the ground its a bit longer."
Glancing at the boy I narrowed my eyes thoughtfully, then gave a small nod to myself. "He'd be easy enough to transport either way, assuming that you'd rather he stay unconscious."

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:05 am


... ... ...

No way on Erf was I attempting to do ANYTHING that involved the word "flying". Ever. No. No no no.

I realise that I must sound like a petulant child... but... Really. It was that much of an issue for me.

"I refuse to attempt any such thing." I stated as calmly as I possibly could.


Flying...Oh right... the... erm... wings on my back. ...huh.

Wonder how

I kind of tried to do something with them hesitantly and they moved. That was... weird. I did it again.

And a third time. ...I could fly. That... that was kind of neat. I mean... it felt REALLY weird. It sounded really weird. But... I could do it... with... with my...


My wings. Another thing that sounds really weird. Really that whole sentence sounds...crazy. 'I can fly with my wings.' ...But... uh... It was kind of yeah.

After a few minutes of flipping them back and forth for a bit, I finally lifted off the ground a little... which was... ...kind of... ...My feet. Were not on the floor. That's... that is how it was. I stared at them for a bit... not being on the floor... weird...

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:30 pm

"Perfectly alright. I wanted to do that for the longest time..." I pull out his katana from his hand and sheath it, glaring down at the bugger. Might have been more trouble than it originally was. Now we'd have to carry him a day. If I could manage to get enough nerves to fly... I sigh, glancing up at the man in the middle, looking around again.
Tim? No, it was definitely Tim. Crap, i wasn'tsupposedtobeviolentanymore... Crap. But...he's such a damn pain... And got on everyone's nerves...
But...we didn't go to bed... We were -
And he was -
...Because of me, wasn't it...
I swallow and look away troubled, down at Damian again. I guess I'd carry him. /I/ knocked him out after all...

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:08 pm

The Stonekeeper

I sighed, studying them for a moment before nodding to myself. "Well, there's always the Beastmaster."

It wasn't that far away, easy enough to get even the unconscious boy there. We would have to travel by foot, could get us into some trouble with buggers... but if it saved time arguing about flying.. then I guess it was worth it. I didn't want to have to deal with that child when he woke.

"It's not that far now, if we start walking it's possible to make it there before the kid wakes up."

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:52 pm

Name: Cricket
Age: 14
**General Appearance: black hair that hangs over his girlishly large goldish-yellow eyes, a bit short, not uber skinny but not buff. What meat is on his bones is muscle, but seriously...not a big guy. You know the drill.
Blue with orange tips, like so:
Light color: gold
How you died: You know all those racist people in Luna? Yeah, they finally got the best of good old Crick.
Ability - He can control light now, just for kicks. Not create it, but move it around. If he has the patience to get really good at it, he could figure out how to manipulate the light waves in a way that makes things invisible as long as he concentrates, or make things look like something else, yadda yadda.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Banshee Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:19 pm

Name: Grace
Age: 16
**General Appearance:
Light color: yellow
How you died: crash?
Ability - (this is optional, I don't care if the abilities are given this chat, we'll just see how many people want them or don't)

Last edited by gh3325 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:02 pm


Good. Walking. I could handle walking... even if there was no ceiling.

The fact that there was no ceiling was still terribly disturbing to me. But the fact that we would be commuting by means of foot... that was... I would take my victories where I could get them in this instance.

"Which way exactly are we going?" I asked the man who seemed to know what was going on and how we'd arrived here.


... ...How was it... that Mr.Face... always got things how he wanted them? He said: "no flying" ...and... and... it happened.

I tried to figure out how to like... ...not be flying... anymore... and kind of fell. Out of the sky. ...well. I hesitantly walked over...kind of near Mr.Face... but not so close that he'd... notice... hopefully... or... you know, uh... do anything or... or anything... and... I... it...

Having him here...wasn't... wasn't exactly... ...I mean... he... it.


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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:21 pm


And then, I had a thought. ". . . Marley, are we dead?"

It seemed a bit obsurd. I remembered being scared, most of all . . . there was rain, and voices, and I remembered the feeling of alleyway brick, but I didn't think deep enough to uncover the rest. I honestly didn't care. I'd had enough nights of alleyway brick and rain; seen one, you've seen them all. If I ever ran into trouble, I slipped off. It'd always been that way, and I'd been lucky with escapes for as long as I could remember. And now, I had wings, and was walking in a forest of flowers as tall as houses. Aye. I must have just been knocked out.

"A'right, I'm probably just unconscious, but just a thought . . . are we dead? Honestly, is that what all this is?"

Oi my my, dead . . . that was a bad word. I couldn't be dead; death and I crossed paths a lot, but I'd never been taken in all my fourteen years. We were like long lost acquaintances, death and I. Death ran off with almost everyone important to me in my life already, now including P-- ah . . . someone who I tried not to think about. But me? Nah. No. I was not dead. Yet.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:44 am

"Er..." I trailed off, my wings twitching. "Really, I... er... I think I am... ah... not sure about you..." Pretty much I had been operating under the assumption that this was some nice little hallucination that my mind had conjured up for me before I went to Hell or whatever. That little thought was keeping me from freaking out about being... you know, little fairy people. Besides, my last memories were pretty... er... straightforward about my end. There was no way I could have survived all of... that stuff that I was going to try to just vaguely reference in my brain so I wouldn't have to think about it. Yay for the patented Cricket coping method. Try it today!

Unfortunately, though, it was hard not to let my brain wander... to think about those lights before I died... all... all those lights...

I blinked out of my mini zone out moment. I was really trying not to linger too much on what had happened that day. What made me run, my slip up... that aftermath... weeks and weeks of it. To be honest, I don't think I would still want to be alive if all of that really had happened.


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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:15 am

Acrobatics I could handle, flying was still foreign to me. I didn't want to try it. Though...Damian.... how to get him down to the ground...
His sword, I tie over my back in a comfortable way - avoiding the wings. And now... him.... We'll, both of us would probably prefer not having the wings damaged within the first day. So no piggy backing, like id even /want/ to have him touch me... Ugh...
So I take one of his arms and get him in an upright position before lifting him up and over my shoulder, then making my way to the ground.
I don't really look over at Tim. I survey the group down here instread. A vervous wreck and a blind, tall man. I preceded walking, but I understood his reasons more. A few weeks of being blind really humbles you. And appearences didn't much matter to me, when you grow up around Joker and Harley.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:10 pm

The Stonekeeper

"Deeper into the north field," I began, watching them all for a moment before turning away. "The beast keeper lives towards the deeper part of it, and should be fine with us borrowing a few birds. After all, it would be best to get back inside the gates before the possibility of running into any... unfavorable creatures comes true."

As I spoke I started into the flowers, keeping careful attention to the sounds of the field. It would be perfect if we managed to make it all the way to the beastmaster's house without an incident.. but seeing as the northern fields are stock full of buggers.. and happen to be where one of the starlighter camps is rumored to lay.. it was a faint chance there wouldn't be any trouble.

"Just a warning," I muttered after a moment, making sure they'd be able to hear me. "Any bugs you see, stay away from them. This place is nothing like the world you're used to, to them, you're the disgusting creature to be killed, not the other way around. Keep that in mind, I wouldn't want to have someone die before we made it to the city."

Fluttering my wings I felt a grim smile rise to my lips, not bothering to look back at them for reactions. A bit blunt maybe, but it'd prove my point. Even here, there were dangers, it wasn't as much as a safe haven as the council would like us to believe. Everyone knew that, that's why the gates exist.


Flowers, so many flowers. Pursing my lips I studied them, tilting my head to the side a bit as well. Logan would appreciate some flower, but what to get him...

After all, it wasn't everyday that you could celebrate your four hundredth year together. The house would need to be perfect, no shabby daisies. Perhaps a few roses, the big ones, the ones that grew in the dark part of the fields. Dangerous for sure, after all, starlighters liked the dark. But.. if the roses are there.. and they are beautiful...

Frowning a little I turned, then paused as a voice reached my ears. My wings fluttered curiously, knowing that today wasn't a day anyone else had planned on coming out. After all, you normally needed a warrior to come to these parts of the fields. Curiosity won over sense and I fluttered my wings a bit faster, jumping from the petal I was perched on, into the sky.

Another voice.. there were two of them? Flying up a bit higher I glanced around, then managed to spot them. A boy and girl, both with very bright lights. That meant.. but that wasn't possible. What had it been.. eight years since the last new fay were born? It wasn't that long of a time.. and yet.. it was enough. Eyes wide I stayed well above them, watching with fascination. Everyone knew when I new fay was shown to the council, so that meant.. they must be very new indeed...

I wonder what I would get for showing them to the city, not that it mattered, after all... no fay deserved to be stuck out so close to the dark area. Not unless the council ordered them sacrificed.. that was a different story entirely.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Jacky K. Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:30 pm


I glanced at her, wondering if she died, then how . . . the last thing I remember, she'd still been alive. And how did we both end up here? And why? . . . what was here, anyhow? "One thing's certain . . . if you're dead, I must be, too."

And then I had the strangest feeling that I was being watched. I trusted that feeling after living in Luna for so long, where if you feel like you're being followed, you are. I knew there were eyes on me somewhere. It was just luck that I happened to glance up first, and see a fairie . . .

. . . a what? I stopped in my tracks and stared right back, still in shock about the whole having wings thing. I was a fairie, Marley was a fairie, stranger hovering above was a fairie, holy Hell. Next thing I knew, I'd see a Mr. Fay!ce flying around. I was crazy. Dead. Out of it.

"Oi my my, that's something else you don't see every day! What is this? What are all you pixies doing in my dream and or death delusions?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Invisimort Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:51 pm


I knew the term "bird" from a conversation that took place ages ago. Those were more things that flew.

It seemed that flight would quickly become inevitable. That... That was... Not a particularly desirable... circumstance.

However... I also did not particularly want to have to deal with whatever a bug was. "Do these... bugs possess acoustic resonance?" I asked... because otherwise, I actually wouldn't be able to... "see" them.


...I kind of wondered what bugs were. I didn't want to be... more... dead. again. or... or...Whatever. I mean... uhm.

I wondered what birds...were... because... I mean... uh... yeah. Mr.Face asked about... about acoustic resonance, which I figured was just him asking about... about... uhm, you know... hearing them or something...

I didn't say anything though... because... because... I don't know... I didn't want to draw attention to... to me... being here... I mean... I... I didn't want like... be... uhm...

Mr.Face was there. er. I... that... yeah.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:43 pm

Birds? We were going to ride /birds/? ...Ive gotten real tired of birds since this demon child stormed into the Cave... Real tired of birds... Grayson and Todd, now Tim...
...I had to half wonder if Todd came here before Ra's brought him back to life...
Wordlessly, I nod to the big guy who called himself the Stonekeeper, turning slightly and giving a slight glance up at Tim, waiting for him to come down with us.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Bells Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:37 pm

The Stonekeeper

The face guy was talking again, and once again, his language was.. interesting. Furrowing my brow I continued to walk, considering how I could answer that, of course, first I had to figure out what he was saying.

"I don't know what that meant," I grumbled after a moment. "But buggers are big, and most of them are mean. You'll know one when you run into one."

Wasn't far to Maolmin's house now, maybe.. a few minutes at most. Thank the lady it wasn't, I'm not sure I could put up with the newbies that much longer. After all, I had been excited to be able to turn them in, I hadn't done my calling for awhile, but.. still.. newborn's were annoying, most tended to be either broken, whiny, or just ... plain newbies. A genuine relieved smile came onto my lips as we reached her land.

"Maolmin!" I called out, glancing at the new fay as I did.

Hope she didn't scare them, the lady knows she tended to be a little.. interesting at times.

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The World of the Fay - Page 2 Empty Re: The World of the Fay

Post by Echo Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:54 pm

The Beastmaster

I'd just been coming up from below with my pack and my trusty bird when I heard a familiar voice. That was odd... New Fay? That was just about the only reason he ever came around this way.

"Hullo!" I greeted, shifting my pack. "Just closing up for the Dusk Time. Whatcha need?" I glanced at the group behind him. "Transportation, I'm assuming."

There really were new Fay...and a lot of them.
Winter Dragon

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