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A Dragon Rider's Heart

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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:14 pm

Thorn and Luchador raced through the air, flying as fast as they could. Their wings stroked strongly and their tails whipped out behind them.

Thelios headbutted the guy as he went to stand and he pinned him to the ground as he took out his dagger. He was unaware of the girl with the bow.

Azriel nodded and took off into the woods towards them. He ran until the air had completely left his lungs and he made it to the site where the fight was. He, though, saw the girl with the bow and his own was up and taking aim in seconds, and he let loose a arrow towards her.
Rebel Wolf
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:24 pm

Samahria focused on taking down the guy in front hoping that someone would get the girl. She finally found her opening, she did a swinging kick taking out the guys leg. She held her sword over his heart just in case h tried anything. she look over in time to see Azriel take down the girl but before he did she shot off a arrow the sailed toword Thelious.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:59 pm

Glen flew through the air as fast as he could so he could get to the others. His wings beat at the air viciously.

May ran as fast as she could through the woods, always being right by Azriel's side. Once they were at the site of the fight, she grabbed her bow and aimed toward the girl, letting an arrow loose.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:00 pm

Thelios brought the dagger across the man's throat and just looked up when he felt somthing hit him in the side, the breath whooshed out of him and pain laced up and down his side. He groaned and allowed himself to fall on his side that didn't have the arrow.
Rebel Wolf
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:16 pm

Samahria killed her guy by stabbing him throught the heart she went over towards Thelios. All the while she searched the forest for more atrackers. She reached Thelios and bent on her knees to look at it. "Can Thorn heal it?" Azula came by her side.
I think there was more but they ran off.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:32 pm

May glanced toward Thelios, noticing that he was injured pretty badly and frowned. She then glanced toward Azriel, wondering if he even knew yet. She continued to let loose an arrow that shot through the girl's heart. She then glanced back at Thelios again, concern painting her expression.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:25 pm

Azriel raced to Thelios's side and knelt down beside him. "He coud, but it'd take a while." He tensed, hearing more twigs snap and he coudl hear the footsteps and clacking of claws out in the woods. "We should go. The Partners can meet us ahead."

Thelios pushed Azriel away as he tried to pick him up. "I'll only slow you down. Run." He was gasping for breath and pain laced through his side.

Thorn roared his fury as he heard Thelios and his pain was his own as he felt shadow pains in his side. He and Luchador were still a fair distance away.

(Ok, now I'm going to have'em all kidnapped and seperated from the dragons and Glen if he hasn't gotten there yet. Azula I think will be fine, or she could be left behind. Either way is fine. Just thought I'd warn you guys. =))
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:33 pm

Samahria gave him worried looks. She wasn't going to leave him it just wasn't something she did. Azula pushed into her mind.
I can carry him.
I nodded my thanks to her. She turned to Azriel. "Help me get him on Azula. We are not leaving him." She heard the footsteps and her heart sped up. They didn't run away but instead got back up. We had to leave now.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:39 pm

Azriel slid a arm under Thelios and muttered an apology as he helped her put him on Azula. Azriel frowned and shook his head. "He won't be able to stay up by himself."

Thelios's fingers clung to her mane and he held tightly onto her. He was excellent when it came to riding horses, but he prefered dragons. "I'll be fine."
Rebel Wolf
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:49 pm

Samahria got on after him. "I'm going with him." She looked at Azriel and the girl May. "What about you guys? What will you do?" She would have given them a ride but she knew that Azula could hold only two people. She didn't want to stress out her friend but she didn't like the idea of leaving these two behind.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:58 pm

"Go. We'll run. That's a order to." He gave her a weakly humoress smile and motioned for May to follow as he started off in a fast sprint, Luchador lending him strentgh as he ran.
Rebel Wolf
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:06 am

May watched them quietly and sprinted after Azriel, matching his pace easily. Her mind was racing as she ran and she had this dark, heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach that things weren't about to get any better. She glanced at Azriel out of the corner of her eye, wondering what he was thinking.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:13 am

We're not going to make it. He could already here their footsteps surrounding them and he slid to a stop. "Get back to back. We'll stand and fight. We can't outrun them." The Griffons surrounded them, some on the backs of griffons, some standing next to small younglings. Azriel pulled his bow off his shoulders and took aim, but didn't fire, wanting to hear what they had to say.

Thelios still gripped his dagger and he hissed as the movment to move his head caused him pain, but as a unlucky Griffon man that came to close found out, he wsa still dangerous.
Rebel Wolf
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:22 am

May's feeling was right and she mentally swore. "Okay." She knew he was right and hoped that everything would end okay. She moved so she was back-to-back with Azriel and aimed her own bow. She watched the Griffons carefully and cautiously, wondering what they were going to say.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:36 am

"Surrender and we won't kill you, but if you fight, we won't hesitate to shoot." All of them pulled out bows.

Azriel became as taught as a bow string, and after some persuading from Luchador, knew the wisest choice would be to surrender. If he did he'd have a chance to fight back later. He tossed his bow down and his arrows, along with is dagger. He glared at them, as who was obviously the leader stepped forward and asked where thier Partners were. "We're unbonded. We're travlers and outcasts." Was what Azriel said. He was praying they wouldn't reconize them as royalty. "The only one bonded is the Pegasus."
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:44 am

May clenched her jaw, not wanting to surrender, but knew they had to. She tossed down her bow, arrows and sword unhappily, letting Azriel do the talking. She was hoping and praying that they wouldn't recognize them as royalty. If they did, they would be in even bigger trouble then they were already in. She kept her jaw clenched and continued to watch the Griffons.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:59 am

Samahria swore under her breathe why did she have to bring Azula with her. She wanted to fight but knew that it would be useless. When Azriel said the Pegusus was the only bonded one she stiffened. She hoped that no one reconigzed her and Azula. The rusult would end in their death.
Azula if the chance comes I want you to fly away.
You know I won't leave you.
Samahria sighed, she knew that was the truth but she wanted Azula far away.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:10 pm

Azriel knew it'd be best if Azula took off with Thelios, for he was injured, but he could never ask a Partner to leave its Rider, even if he was a prince. He stiffend as a few came near to bind their wrists and he mentally tried to calm his rage filled dragon. Luchador's rage was affecting him, making him want to fight, but he knew it wouldn't just be him dieing if he did, so he remaind still and calm.

Thelios was dragged off Azula and his dagger was taken and his wrists bound. He gave a low groan and one of their healers none to nicely took the arrow from his side, and wrapped it, ripping his shirt and tossing it elsewhere.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:27 pm

Samahria was bound and dragged off Azula. They put a muzzle around her mouth and bound her wings so she couldn't fly. I went into her mind.
Don't struggle or they will hurt you.
She snorted, I know, don't worry I will go calmly.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:22 am

Every instinct, every ounce, every part of May wanted to fight and screamed for her to do so, but she didn't. She knew they were in a bad enough situation and she knew trying to fight would not only be pointless but make everything worse. She could feel Glen getting enraged and it was starting to rub off onto her. She mentally tried to calm Glen and also tried to calm herself as they bound her wrists.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:58 pm

One of the guys roughly picked Thelios off the ground and slung him over a large dark brown griffon. "You will follow." The leader got onto his griffon and they took to the air. The same happend with Azriel and the rest and they took off into the air. Azriel mentally connected with the other Partners and told them to go back to the palace for help.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:49 pm

Samahria felt weird being bound and flying on a Griffon. She like she was going to fall off any time soon. They let Azula's wings free so she could fly but made sure she was connected to one of the Griffons. She looked miserable. Samahria wanted to comfort her tell her it was alright but she knew that it was a lie. She didn't know if they were going to survive this. She just hoped that they didn't figure out she was a princess.
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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:23 pm

Azriel felt uncomfortable being on one of the Griffons, its musky scent reaching his sensitive nose. He could feel Luchador's rage as he flew after them, then turned and went back home with Thorn to get help.

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A Dragon Rider's Heart - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon Rider's Heart

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:05 pm

Samahria couldn't believe that they been captured. She could feel Azula's unrest. She wanted to help her but she was tied up. She looked over at the others wondering if they felt just as uncomfortable. She tried to get a bearing of her surroundings but all she saw was trees. She sighed what if they died this way. Captured by the enemy? Calm down she told herself, as long as they didn't find out they were rulers of their enemy kingdoms then they would be alive. At least she hoped that was the case.
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