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Friend of Your Heart

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:40 pm

Welcome Traveler,

Welcome to the realm of Elbane, a lost world were creatures of myth and legends dwell.

The Elven Folk, Werewolves, Pegasi, Humans, Faeries, Dragons, and many more.

Each has their own land, each their own powers and mysteries.

But that is not the only thing.

Among each of the species there are a select special few who, because of ancient magic held deep within the land, are able to bond and communicate mentally with another creature. Creatures that reflect the traits of their Race

For the Werewolves? Humans, Wolves, Hawks, Eagles

Humans? Wolves, Werewolves, Rats, Monkey and more

Elves? Pegasi, Horses, Deer, Hawk and other creatures of elegance.

And a few, very, very, very select few, the mighty Dragon.

Who will you be?

One of the elite bonded? A servant to them? A lover?

Or are you planning to topple the rule of these people who keep the peace between the creatures and hunt down and destroy evil?

Choose Wisely, for although they are few, they are powerful....

Character Template:



Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate)




Bonded? If so, to what?:

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks:

NOTE: Elves and Humans CAN NOT bond with eachother. They can fall in love but cannot be bonded.

Name: Amazi

Gender: Male

Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) 110, looks around early 20's, late teens

Race: Elven

Appearence: see image. Stunning green eyes

Personality: He's the quietobservant type, like most elves but also is even more serious. He doesn't usually laugh and he's serious to a fault although his Bonded does her best to get him to smile. He's been accused of being boring but he just shrugs it off. He secretly loves to sing to the creatures of the forest but always does it when he's alone except for his Bonded. Basically, he's that boring-ass old teacher who follows every rule.

Bonded? If so, to what?: Bonded to a female Pegasi named Lyna

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks:Lyna is more funloving than Amazi and does manage to get him to have fun sometimes but she's also pretty reserved and serious for her species. She's big but lithe and is obsessively protective of Amazi because she knows his darkest secret and is never far from his side. Ever. in Appreance, the is solid black with a creamy mane and tail and cream tipped wings

Name: Borovan, goes by Rovan

Gender: Male

Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) 6 years

Race: Pegasi

Appearence: Steel grey with dappled hindquarters and coal dusted mane

Personality: Stoic, regal, but knows how to let his guard down and have fun. He's a lover of jokes and acting and will often go to plays or such being held by Humans or Elves

Bonded? If so, to what?: Not yet Razz

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks:

Name: Gordon


Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) 17

Race: Human

Appearence: See image

Personality: He's a complete goof, loves having fun and jokes and women. But he also can kill and defend people when it comes to it but he prefers to negotiate/talk first, unlike Amazi (Who is his mentor) who prefers to let other people do the negotiating. He's very personable and people just naturally like him. He's only recently bonded and is still gettign to know his Bondmate, Ditro

Bonded? If so, to what?: He is bonded to a giant intelligent breed of dog resembling a Great Dane

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks: Is as fun loving as Gordon but is also the one that has to get him to sit his ass down and not get figidy during meetings and such. He is a Rock Grey with a white tip on his tail and loves to chase birds (not hurting them of course)

please join Smile

P.S. really into couples and love n shiz so yeah. girls are fun. People just usually don't like my girl chars No

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Join date : 2011-12-12

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:18 pm

(Can I join?)
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:04 pm

suuure Smile

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:24 pm


Name: Lilian

Gender: female

Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) 20

Race: Human

Friend of Your Heart Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6NFwW29y9pvy5Ei32nAB3LrNcsnQrvCDbWxgEeCHsXigDCEi6

Personality: Quiet and reserved, not super outgoing and she's pretty serious. She's also pretty observant. Normally she isn't one to be real smiley or goofy.

Bonded? If so, to what?: nope, not yet

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks:

Name: May

Gender: Female

Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) 18

Race: Elven

Friend of Your Heart Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQhrw5nub67uQUnH9pl-Jf84AbCNtZLCslAazf8mpBKyh9SeNt-OQ

Personality: She likes to have fun, kind of flirty and sweet. She's outgoing and can tend to be goofy at times, but can be serious if need be.

Bonded? If so, to what?: bonded to a stallion named Hades

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks: Hades is a large, completely black horse that's powerful and serious.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 27

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:27 pm

Gordon would be good for Lilian cause if she gets landed with Amazi everything will be boring as hell XDD
unless you want her to get bonded with Dorovan first or something or it can be at the same time idk lol

May looks like a junkie lol but yeah she might be able to make Amazi smile. soooo sound good?

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 pm

Agreed. XD
Both maybe? Idk, it's your choice?

*dies of laughter about the druggie comment* Sounds good to me.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:41 pm

nah you choose for the meantime...

Amazi: I sat on a stump, whistling in an imitation of the songbirds as I sharpened my sword. Lynas tail swished against my shoulder as I reached the end of the sword and moved back to the bottom

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:53 pm

Hmmm, how about Gordon and Lilian meeting and maybe later Lilian and Dorovan can get thrown together in some way and possibly become bonded?

May walked in a random direction, humming under her breath, Hades by her side. She paused a moment and patted Hades neck, taking the moment to take in her surroundings.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:00 pm

well when you meet your bonded there's like a spark and you cant help but pay attention to them so sure.

Amazi: I smiled as one of the birds settled on my shoulder, whistking a tune. I imitated it and chuckled as the bird jumped in surprise. Lyna snorted in amusement, raising her wings to catch some of the rays of sun.

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:12 pm


May continued her walk, but paused when she heard someone laughing. She walked quietly toward the sound. She paused when the sound was clear and listened for a moment, a small smile on her lips.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Alice Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:14 pm

Is it too late to join?

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:15 pm

(So Dorovan likes plays n stuff)

Amazi: I smiled, feeling the birds l=soft feathers brush my cheek as it flew away

(and nope! come on it)

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:31 pm


Lilian cued for an actress to go on stage and did the typical stuff that she did behind the scenes for plays. She continued to do what she was supposed to and when she got a chance she paused a moment, just listening to the play unfold.

May walked closer, and leaned against a tree that was across from the person she had heard laughing, Hades following at her side. "Hello there, handsome," she said, her smile turning slightly flirty.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:38 pm

Dorovan: I twitched me ears, snorting in amusement as I stood at the edge of the crowd.

Amazi: I looked up in the direction of the voice and stopped "Hello. I am sorry, did I disturb you?"

Lyna: I flicked my ears forewards, looking at the stallion

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:50 pm

Lilian went back to work, running around backstage like crazy doing everything she had to. Eventually the play came to an end and Lilian was dragged on stage to take a bow along with everyone else.

May shook her head. "No, you didn't disturb me. I heard someone laughing and thought I come and see who it was."

Hades ears flicked forward and his gaze shifted from May to the Pegasus. He watched her curiously.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:53 pm

Dorovan: I started, my eyes locking ona female....a human. Oh sweet heavans no...

Amazi: I blinked "Well then you found him" I said, sheathing my blade slowly. I started to polish a rock i kept with me, the colors of the gem were slowly being revealed.

Lyna: I sniffed in his direction and flapped my wings a couple times, snorting. He was bigger than me but i could fly. I'd rather be able to fly than be big.

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:01 pm

Once Lilian had raised from the bow, she noticed a Pegasus in the back. More correctly, it was hard for her to not notice him. She turned walking off stage with the rest of the people from the play.

"So what are you doing out here?" May asked. She wondered what his name was, but didn't ask him for it yet.

Hades shook out his mane, letting out a snort. The Pegasus was obviously big headed and he thought it was stupid. So what, big deal, she could fly. It didn't matter to him.
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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:05 pm

Dorovan: I pranced nervously, snorting and swishing my tail agitatedly. A HUMAN? a FEMALE human. Why???

Amazi: "I was clearing my mind in preparation for mentoring my pupil" I said, scrubbing at the rock and running my finger over the smooth surface "He is quite...exasperating. I am Amazi, by the way"

Lyna: I looked him over for a few more moments and once I had determined that he wasn't an emmediate threat to Amazi, dipped my head in greeting -I am called Lyna- I said to the both of them

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:15 pm

Lilian frowned slightly as a friend started to pull her away. She glanced back toward the Pegasus, wondering why a Pegasus. Of all the things, a wimpy, winged horse.

May crossed her arms as she listened to Amazi. "I see. I'm May, pleasure to meet you Amazi," she purred, watching him closely. She found him somewhat dry and boring, not the most fun.

Hades bowed his head in greeting as well, all though he wasn't thrilled to be nice toward Lyna. -I'm called Hades- he said toward them.
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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:21 pm

Dorovan: I stomped a hoof on the ground in agitation and flew above the crowd and landed in front of the creature. I raised my wings above me -it seems we are destined to be bondmates- I said sourly

Amazi: I nodded "The fifth month of the year, named after the Roman goddess Maia" I said, looking up and tilted my head to the side, Lynas wing brushing my shoulder, to avoid a branch. I nodded at Hades and looked him over "A fine horse. Blueblood most likely, well shaped face and chest. Proud ears and eyes. He must be fun to be bonded to" I said absently, focusing again and the rock and frowning as I felt a rough spot "And you May, are without a doubt, an elf as am I"

Lyna: -the greek god of death?- i said to him, my ears twitching slightly in amusement -given because of your coat color I presume?-


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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:51 am

Lilian watched as the Pegasus flew over the crowd and landed in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at his words, about as thrilled as him about them being bondmates. "Don't sound so excited, pony, you might just bust a gasket," she said dryly. "And what seems to be the problem with me being your bondmate anyway?" she asked curiously.

May listen to Amazi go on as she watched him. He was wise and knew his stuff she realized, she also realized that he was probably old. "Hades is rather fun to be bonded to although he can be a bore and a nuisance at times. With as much as you know, you must be older. How old are you, Amazi?" she asked, her eyes glued on him.

Hades shifted slightly, proud of everything that had been said about him. His attention had shifted to Amazi when he had been working, but soon shifted back to Lyna. -Yes, the Greek god of death. You seem to know your stuff Lyna- he paused a moment to shake out his mane. -And yes, it is because of my coat color.-
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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:04 am

Dorovan: -Humans are weak, blind, clumsy,slow and stupid just to name a few things- I said, shuffling my wings

Amazi: "A century and a decade" i replied, looking up and feeling the sun beating down on my face

Lyna: I tossed my head -Lyna means dark angel. Because of my ocntrasting colors of light and dark- I said and raised a wing to shade Amazi from the sun -but you do seem to be of a good bloodline like Amazi said. What is your age?-

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Avery Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:59 am

*blink* Can I join?

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:41 pm

si, si. I have a free char and an idea for another one as well. One is a girl and the other is a guy

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:07 pm

Lilian shook her head and glared slightly at the Pegasus. "Nice to know you love humans so much. Sucks to be you since you're sort of destined to be my bondmate, flying pony," she mused.

May nodded. "I figured as much when it came to age although I must say, you do look good for a hundred and ten years old," she mused, her lips tugging up more at the corners.

Hades listened to Lyna. -That's pretty interesting. And I suppose I am from good blood. I'm a decade, what is your age, Lyna?-

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Friend of Your Heart Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

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